Chapter 186

"Comrade Li Yi, no matter what, you sign first and get over the difficulties in front of you." Chen Kaiming was almost stunned by Li Yi, and almost forgot his purpose of coming here.

Li Yi pondered and said: "Chen, even if I take out all the 600 million yuan, how long can I keep it? Two months, or three months? After three months, where are we going to ask for money?" To maintain?"

Chen Kaiming said: "However, if the salary is not paid, the comrades below will scold the eighteen generations of ancestors of our county committee! Let's talk about the future!"

Li Yi said: "Mr. Chen, with all due respect, it is precisely because we have no distinction between primary and secondary, and money is used in the wrong place, which has led to the current embarrassing situation. We can no longer do the matter of killing chickens and taking eggs. If this continues, We can never change the current predicament."

Chen Kaiming said, "Then what do you mean?"

Li Yi said with a smile: "Use this money to raise chickens and lay eggs! Township enterprises are the chickens we want to raise, and finances and taxes are the eggs we want. Only when there are more chickens and bigger chickens, can we have more eggs to eat."

Chen Kaiming frowned and said, "Isn't this time too long? The fire is imminent!"

Li Yi thought to himself that although he has won the support and trust of the municipal party committee, the specific work still needs to be carried out in the county. The attitudes of Chen Kaiming and Sun Zhengyang also play a crucial role in the success or failure of the matter. People tied to a front, so that work can get twice the result with half the effort.So he said calmly: "Mrs. Chen, the eyebrows are burning. After all, they will only burn the eyebrows. If we don't work hard, we will burn ourselves!"

"Mr. Chen, listen to me." Seeing that Chen Kaiming was about to retort, Li Yi continued, "I have an idea. As long as my idea is successful, all problems will be solved."

Chen Kaiming said: "I know you have ideas, but you still have to overcome the difficulties in front of you!"

Li Yi said: "In fact, the first half of this year was a little bit difficult. From the second half of the year, the economic development zone is on the right track, and all enterprises have been put into operation, and our county's finances will gradually improve. No matter how difficult it is, it will only take two quarters! Everyone gritted their teeth and made it through."

Chen Kaiming said: "If you want to restructure township enterprises, you won't be able to use so much money for a while, right? Borrowing it for a few months will not affect your affairs."

Li Yi said: "Mr. Chen, let me tell you my thoughts first. Although I have also sent you a copy of the report, it may be more emotional for me to say it myself. My thoughts are like this. Specifically, In other words, there are two patterns of development, one is linear and the other is surface.”

Chen Kaiming said: "Aren't the noodles also linear? What's the difference?"

Li Yi frowned slightly, wondering if Chen Kaiming was making trouble on purpose, or if he really didn't understand?So he explained: "The surface I am talking about here refers to a plane in geometric figures."

Chen Kaiming gave a slight oh, it seemed that he really didn't understand, looked at Li Yi, and listened to him.

Li Yi said: "Linear development is to integrate the small enterprises and small workshops that operate the same business in our county, join hands with the weak and weak to form one or several large and medium-sized enterprises, establish joint-stock companies, operate joint ventures, and jointly Responsible for profit and loss. When I was doing research in the townships below, many small business owners talked to me about this idea, saying that it would be great if more people partnered to do business. However, they themselves are limited by the prejudices between the villages, plus They are not familiar with each other, and there is no one who takes the lead. This kind of thinking is just a thought, and we dare not put it into action. Now, our "government" is playing the role of an old man who leads the red line, bringing together all the same industries in the county. Business owners from all over the world gathered together to hold an exchange meeting to discuss the feasibility of this method. Of course, to be on the safe side, we will first select an industry to conduct an experiment, observe its effect, and then carry out follow-up measures.”

Chen Kaiming listened, touched his chin, nodded and said: "It's interesting, Comrade Li Yi, I heard you say that, and it really is much more clear than the report."

Li Yi knows that Chen Kaiming's education is not high, and his knowledge base is not good. For some written things, he has read it but can't understand it. joke.I didn't mean to look down on him. How many grassroots cadres from that era had a high level of cultural accomplishment?As long as he serves the people wholeheartedly, he is a good official.

With a slight smile, Li Yi said: "Mr. Chen, let me tell you about the development of facial shape."

Chen Kaiming chuckled: "I guess, your so-called face-to-face development means taking a village or a township as a unit, and everyone raises funds to start a business!"

Li Yi was slightly surprised, he gave a thumbs up and said: "Mr. Chen, Gao Ming! I've been thinking about this thing for a few months, and it took me a lot of brains to figure it out, but you figured it out all of a sudden." If I had known earlier, I would have discussed it with you earlier, maybe I wouldn’t have to take so many detours.”

Chen Kaiming waved his hands and smiled, "It's different, I'm just guessing. You have visited various villages and towns, and the first-hand information you have obtained from actual research can stand up to scrutiny. Of course, you should do things in a down-to-earth manner. Tell me your thoughts Well, I'm really interested in this."

Li Yi said with a smile: "My idea coincides with Mrs. Chen's. It is based on the township. If the villagers are relatively rich, we should use several villages as the target. Everyone raises funds to start joint-stock small township enterprises. Of course, This should be based on the principle of villagers' voluntariness and collective decision-making. Moreover, doing so will cause new problems soon. Our "government" departments must act as firefighters and rush to wherever there is fire. The relationship between the villages and towns, as well as assisting the villagers in the management of small and medium-sized enterprises, the most important thing is to open the door for them in terms of policies, and don't impose a lot of miscellaneous taxes on them in the early stages of their business, oppressing them Can't breathe."

Chen Kaiming thought about it and said: "This idea is good, but the problem is that no one in the past can learn from it, and it will cause many problems. Some problems will be more difficult than we imagined."

Li Yi said: "It's not all experience. Collective farms and collective forest farms are the best examples of success. In addition, when I was working in Liulin, I thought about this issue. I wanted to practice in Liulin. It's a pity that time doesn't wait for me. After I came to Linyi, especially when I saw the villagers in Donggouzi Township risking their lives to mine coal in the mountains for their livelihood, my desire became even stronger. The ancient agricultural method for thousands of years, Is it time to change? How to change? This is a problem that our rulers should think about and solve.”

Chen Kaiming's thinking was obviously driven by Li Yi. He 'felt' out the cigarette, gave one to Li Yi, smoked one himself, and said, "Why do people in the countryside run outside now? It's because now Doesn’t the land support people? I don’t think so, the land is still the same land, the rice is better than before, the yield is higher, and the fertilizers are more advanced than before, but why, people just can’t get rich? This is indeed a problem. !"

Li Yi said: "If you want to be stable, you must rely on agriculture. If you want to be rich, you must rely on industry. If agriculture is to develop greatly and farmers want to be rich, we must lead them on a road of agricultural industrialization and agricultural industrialization! Agriculture, only industrialization, Specialization and scale can free farmers' hands from the farmland and use their own labor to create more value."

Chen Kaiming said: "Agricultural industrialization, I've heard of this term before!"

Li Yi said with a smile: "Last year, when the No. 6 head of the Central Committee sent a letter to the National Representative Conference of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, he proposed for the first time to 'guide farmers into the market and promote agricultural industrialization'. In June last year, the No. [-] head of the Central Committee inspected agriculture and rural areas. Work, put forward the important idea of ​​"agricultural development also depends on two transformations", which provided a theoretical basis for agricultural industrialization. In his speech, he fully affirmed industrialization and pointed out the direction for the smooth and healthy development of agricultural industrialization. And , Shandong Province has made corresponding restructuring two years ago! Our side has already lagged behind others."

Chen Kaiming patted his thigh and said, "I just said, why is this term so familiar! Hehe, since the head of the Central Committee No. [-] has given instructions, I think it is feasible! Comrade Li Yi, please tell me about this thing in detail, I will When I read the materials by myself, I always don’t understand them thoroughly, but after listening to you, I understand.”

Li Yi smiled and said: "To sum it up in one sentence, agricultural industrialization is market-oriented, centered on improving comparative efficiency, driven by leading agricultural enterprises, organically combining production, processing, and sales, and realizing integrated management of agriculture.

We must be market-oriented, benefit-centered, supported by science and technology, and focus on leading industries, optimize the combination of various production factors, and implement regional layout, specialized production, integrated management, and socialization of our county's agriculture and rural economy. Service and enterprise management, forming an agricultural economic management system and operating mechanism that leads the market, leads the base, and connects farmers with the base, integrating planting, breeding, production, supply and marketing, domestic and foreign trade, and agricultural science and education.The basic idea is: establish the leading industry, implement regional layout, rely on the leader to drive, and develop scale operation.

We in Linyi can rely on the market to drive the development of the rural economy, learn from the practice and experience of one township, one industry, one village, one product, and Liulin Town's implementation of regional planting and breeding, and take the lead in setting off a wave of agricultural industrialization in the southern province! "

Half of what Li Yi said came from other people's experience, and some of it was his own political experience in recent years.Most of the township enterprises in the countryside are related to agriculture. How to effectively combine agriculture and industry organically to realize the management and development of agricultural enterprises is a question that Li Yi has been thinking about.

Chen Kaiming talked with Li Yi for a long time, and finally he decided to support Li Yi and carry out the reform of rural township enterprises in Linyi County.

According to Li Yi's thinking, the most important thing is to create a leading enterprise first, and how to build this leading enterprise has become a top priority.

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