Official road bends

Chapter 198 Comrade Si Jing's Birthday

Chapter 198 Comrade Si Jing's Birthday

Li Yi didn't forget his original purpose because of Zheng Chunshan's intentional disturbance. After the venue became quieter, he repeated the old saying: "This matter is over. Next, shall we continue to discuss*** What about the opening of the bureau? I have made it very clear before that some comrades are no longer suitable for such important positions.”

Zheng Chunshan said: "Comrade Li Yi, forgive me for not agreeing with your opinion. People make mistakes and horses make mistakes. We can't ask a cadre comrade to do everything according to your wishes? As long as he is generally good , I don’t think it should be too strict.”

Li Yi wondered what concept you secretly changed!Said: "What do you mean by doing what I mean? What is the purpose of our establishment of the Economic Development Zone? Isn't it just to better manage the Economic Development Zone? The security and economic investigation work of the Economic Development Zone depends on It was maintained by the *** branch, and now there are 'disorders' again and again, and if we don't rectify it, there will be big problems in the future!"

Zheng Chunshan said coldly: "Comrades, Comrade Liao Deyang talked to me in private, saying that during this period of time, he may have offended some big leaders. Some big leaders can't understand his behavior and character. He intends to suppress him. I don’t know who the big leader he is talking about, and I asked him, but he refused to say. Comrade Li Yi, it couldn’t be you, could it?”

Li Yi frowned and said: "Comrade Chunshan, what do you mean? Adjusting the division of cadres is called suppressing comrades? Then should we continue to carry out organizational work? The adjustment of a cadre's work is just that he is no longer suitable for his current position for the time being." !"

Zheng Chunshan said: "Comrade Liao Deyang has been conscientious and hardworking since he was transferred to the Economic Development Bureau. There is no hard work, but there is also hard work. I do not agree with the adjustment of his work. I also hope that the comrades present will consider my opinion. suggestion!"

It was the first time for Si Jing and Liu Huaiyong to attend the meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee. In the past, this kind of meeting was very mysterious to them, even with a sense of sacredness. After all, this was the highest level power meeting in Linyi County.It is the dream of every Linyi cadre to sit here and occupy a place.

Si Jing fantasized more than once, what kind of situation is the Standing Committee meeting?With so many bigwig-level figures gathered together, how did they discuss and make decisions about major events in the county?

Seeing the tense atmosphere in the venue, Si Jing's beautiful eyes shone with a miraculous brilliance.

At the beginning, Comrade Li Yi was in such an environment surrounded by wolves, he tried his best to push himself to the top, right?I don't know what the specific situation of that battle was like?Today, Comrade Li Yi encountered a strong counterattack, how will he respond?

Personnel issues have always been the most sensitive. On this issue, there is only a balance of interests and power among the various Standing Committee members.Even if they are allies, sometimes there will be huge differences in the struggle for rights and interests.

Chen Kaiming said: "This problem is indeed serious. The security work in the Economic Development Zone is very important. However, Comrade Liao Deyang has just taken office, and now he is eager to adjust his position. Isn't it inappropriate?"

He did this with double-sided tape, so neither side should offend.

Because Liao Deyang's current position is not special to Chen Kaiming, and there are very few personnel adjustments, he himself has nothing to exchange with Li Yi or Zheng Chunshan, so he chose procrastination.

Sun Zhengyang's thinking is exactly the opposite of Chen Kaiming's. His current position is a bit awkward. He has lost his cover above, and there are fewer and fewer buddies loyal to him below. The right to speak.

It would be very sad if the words of a county magistrate were not seriously implemented by his subordinates.

Sun Zhengyang smiled and said: "I think that normal personnel adjustments are also necessary. You have to try out what kind of job a person is suitable for. Everyone has their own specialties. He may be suitable for this job. But he is not suitable for that position. Comrade Liao Deyang is a good comrade, but since he is no longer suitable for the position of director of the Economic Development Bureau of the Communist Party of China, I think it is necessary to adjust. This is also a responsible approach to Comrade Liao Deyang, saying Maybe in the new job position, he can show more light and heat."

From the corner of Li Yi's eyes, he glanced at Sun Zhengyang, thinking that Sun Zhengyang must have his own wishful thinking when he proposed to support me at this time.

Sure enough, I heard Sun Zhengyang continue to say: "I have a very suitable candidate. The current deputy director of the Economic Development Bureau, Lou Long, is a good candidate!"

Li Yi didn't have any special requirements on this candidate, the purpose was to pull down Liao Deyang and kill the chickens to warn the monkeys.I thought that since Sun Zhengyang had a suitable candidate, and he was the current deputy director, he might as well sell him a favor and let Lou come up to try it out.So he smiled slightly and said: "I have come into contact with Lou Long, I think I can let him try."

Sun Zhengyang didn't expect that he would get Li Yi's approval by throwing out a person casually. It was a bit unexpected, and he thought that Comrade Li Yi was not very strong, but he was relatively strong in principle.Then again, strong principles are the standard for a qualified cadre, so he is not wrong!

Zheng Chunshan said with a sullen face, "I reserve my opinion!"

Li Yi said lightly: "I stick to my suggestion!"

Organization Minister Xie Mingzhen said: "Comrade Liao Deyang is also a good comrade, but I agree with Comrade Li Yi's suggestion to change him to a position that is more suitable for him."

Xi Rusong, Minister of Propaganda, said: "Comrades from our Propaganda Department also participated in the legal publicity group initiated and organized by Comrade Li Yi. There are many potential safety hazards. Thanks to Comrade Li Yi who discovered it in time, this legal publicity month has been organized, and the effect is remarkable! It can be seen that some work in the previous *** sub-bureau was really not done properly. Therefore, I also agree with it. Change branch leadership."

Kuang Rong smiled and said: "Comrade Li Yi's proposal is very good, I think it is feasible!"

Bian Jianjun, Minister of People's Armed Forces, said: "Lou Long was also transferred from the army. I believe he can do a good job!"

Minister Lu Zhipeng said: "I have no objection."

Chen Kaiming judged the situation and said with a chuckle: "Since most comrades agree to ask Comrade Lou Long to try, let him come up and try. As for the position of Comrade Liao Deyang, let's discuss it later!"

This competition ended with the approval of Li Yi's proposal and Sun Zhengyang's profit.

After the meeting of the Standing Committee adjourned, Si Jing followed Li Yi to his office, and after entering the door, concealed the door.

Seeing her action, Li Yi frowned slightly and asked, "Siju, what's the matter?"

Si Jing smiled and said, "I'm here to report to County Magistrate Li."

Li Yi said: "I have said many times, financial work, just report to Comrade Zhengyang."

Si Jing said: "Mayor Li, you are the executive deputy magistrate, and there is a division of labor in the Standing Committee. You are also in charge of finance and taxation! I should report to you."

Li Yi thought for a while, nodded, asked her to sit down, and listened to her talk about the recent county financial work.

Li Yi listened very carefully, and after she finished speaking, she said, "Siji, since you have come to report to me, I think it is necessary to remind you of some financial issues."

"Major Li, please tell me." Si Jing held her tongue slightly, as if humbly receptive.

Li Yi said: "Comrade Si Jing, starting from the second half of the year, our county's finances will be more difficult. You must make preventive preparations."

Si Jing was slightly surprised and said, "County Li, the second half of the year will be more difficult? Didn't you say that the second half of the year will get better after the increase in taxes from the Economic and Technological Development Zone?"

Li Yi said: "I'm also giving you a vaccination in advance. Your county finance bureau must be fully prepared."

Si Jing looked puzzled, obviously not understanding why Li Yi said that.

Li Yi can't tell her that a financial crisis will break out in Southeast Asia starting in the second half of the year, right?

Li Yi pondered and said: "I would like to give you a few suggestions. One is to ensure wage expenditure; the other is to further increase the proportion of social security expenditure in the fiscal budget; the third is to strive to ensure the construction of national power, science and technology, The expenditure needs of key fields and projects such as education and culture; the fourth is to strengthen the basic position of agriculture, vigorously support the construction of agricultural infrastructure, increase poverty alleviation efforts, and effectively reduce the burden on farmers. Food risk funds must be raised in full and allocated in a timely manner; It is to strengthen the management of financial expenditures such as the purchase of cars with public funds and various official expenses, conference fees, entertainment expenses, and communication expenses, strictly implement certain regulations of the central government and Xizhou City on strict conservation and opposition to extravagance and waste, and resolutely resist extravagance and waste. "

Si Jing quickly took a pen and wrote down the five points Li Yi said in the diary, and then said with a smile: "Mayor Li, you mean to tell me to be more careful in the past few months?"

Li Yi said: "It's good if you understand it in your heart. Everything can be done if you don't predict it. As long as you make good use of the financial money in the first half of the year, no matter how difficult the second half of the year is, it won't be so difficult. In addition, after I believe that the restructuring of my township enterprises will increase a lot of tax revenue. If you save some money, it will not be too difficult to overcome this difficulty. As long as you can survive this year, your achievements and hard work will be great. Recognized by leaders."

Although Si Jing didn't understand very well, she knew that Li Yi, who seldom talked about work with her, must have deep meaning when he said these words to her so seriously today.

She nodded and said with a smile: "I've made a note, County Magistrate Li. I want to invite you to dinner tonight. You must promise me."

Li Yi 'touched' his chin and said, "Do you have any explanation?"

Si Jing smiled charmingly: "Today is my birthday. I don't know if this reason is enough to invite County Chief Li to drive?"

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