Chapter 20 Open house (this chapter is free)

Without hesitation, Li Yi got up and chased him out, leaving behind the astonished classmates and Mr. Jin who was in the fog.

Liu Ruosi ran downstairs, facing the cool night wind, let out a long breath of sullen air, as if letting go of a big stone in her heart.

Liu Ruosi regretted it as soon as she finished the fight.

It's just that she felt very bored in her heart and always wanted to find something to vent.

Unfortunately, Li Yi bumped into her muzzle.

She is very clear about Mr. Jin's intention, it is nothing more than to get her **, and she has been struggling, agreeing or disagreeing, this is not a decision that can be made easily, it is related to her father's survival and her life. happiness.

Walking endlessly, my thoughts follow the wind, I don't know where to blow.

Walked to the Xiangjiang River.Looking at the other side of the river, the neon lights of the city are shining, there are many high-rise buildings, the fiery nightlife, and happy people!All this seems to have nothing to do with her.This familiar yet unfamiliar city has nothing to do with her.She is just a passerby, a passerby who doesn't know where to go.

She was a little tired, so she climbed up the railing, intending to sit on it and rest her tired body and mind.

"Hey!" A pair of strong male hands hugged her from behind.

She thought of robbers. She heard from her classmates that the Xiangjiang River is very unsettled. At night, there are often bad guys haunting and committing crimes against single women, stealing money and sex.

At this moment, she really felt something more terrifying than death.

However, before he could yell for help, his feet stood firm, and a familiar face appeared in front of him: "Hey! Are you crazy? Are you going to jump into the river for a trivial matter?"

Liu Ruosi screamed, her fists raining down on Li Yi's chest.

Li Yi didn't resist, just smiled silently.

Liu Ruosi was tired, so she stopped.

"Stop fighting?" Li Yi suddenly stretched out his hands, held her shoulders, looked into her eyes, and said seriously: "Trust me!"

Liu Ruosi remained silent, but there were tears in her eyes.

Li Yi said helplessly: "How can you believe me?"

"What do you want me to believe about you?"

"Trust me that I can protect you."

"You and I just met. Do you think you have an obligation to protect me? What right do I have to accept your protection? Let's assume that you have the ability to protect me."

"...Because, I have liked you since my previous life." Li Yi said it bluntly.

Liu Ruosi turned and left without saying a word.

"I'll see you off." Li Yi walked beside her quietly, and followed her forward.

Liu Ruosi didn't know where to go, the school had already closed.Today was the first time she stayed out so late after entering school.Boss Jin originally just asked her to come out to discuss the contract. While talking, he had dinner, and after dinner, he took her to dance and then to sing.

As Li Yi said, she almost sold herself for 5 yuan.

She finally stopped, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Do you have money?"


"Lend me ten yuan, and I'll stay in a hotel overnight."

"Let me take a look." Li Yi took out his clothes and 'felt' out ten yuan: "It's all here."

"What about you?"

"It's okay. I'm a boy. No one wants me. I can find any piece of land to spend the night. If it doesn't work, I'll go back to the karaoke hall and find my classmates to sing."

Liu Ruosi suddenly smiled and said, "Didn't you say you want to protect me and help my father heal? I think you are poorer than me."

Li Yi 'touched' his head and smiled embarrassedly: "Today is poor, but tomorrow will be better."

Liu Ruosi sighed: "Tomorrow, we will all get better."

Li Yi knew that she had misunderstood, and did not explain.I found a hotel, and when I asked the price, there were only double rooms, and a bed cost five yuan.

Liu Ruosi asked nervously: "Five yuan per bed? Can anyone sleep in the other bed?"

The shop owner said: "Of course. Or you can buy two beds."

Liu Ruosi gritted her teeth lightly: "Why don't you rest for the night too." A blush flew over and dyed her entire face red.

To say such a thing?Liu Ruosi repented, and was about to take it back, when Li Yi responded lightly: "Okay, I'll do what I can, and be a flower protector."

Li Yi's heart was pounding, and he agreed without thinking about it.

He is not Liu Xiahui, nor is he a gentleman.

The two opened a room, and led by the fat proprietress, they went up to the third floor.

The room is not big, and the two beds are very close to each other. Liu Ruosi was very nervous and asked anxiously, "You won't bully me, will you?"

Seeing how frightened she looked, Li Yi didn't dare to scare her anymore, and said seriously: "As long as you don't come to bully me, I won't take the initiative to bully you."

Liu Ruosi blushed, and fell on the same bed with her clothes on, with her back to Li Yi.

At first, she kept her eyes wide open and didn't dare to fall asleep, for fear that Li Yi would really come and bully her.She felt the heat on her back, which was the heat of Li Yi's eyes!

He is peeking!He must be peeking, but she didn't have the courage to turn around to confirm it, nor did she have the courage to scold him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hit you..." She said softly, regardless of whether he could hear it or not, the upper and lower eyelids fought, and she slowly closed her eyes.

"Hitting is love, scolding is love, hehe, I am a fool with a lot of money, welcome to beauties." Li Yi laughed and joked, but didn't hear the answer for a long time.

In the quiet night, she heard her slightly heavy breathing. She was really tired. Although she had various worries, she still fell asleep quickly.

Li Yi lay on the bed, looking at the slender and beautiful body.Then he stretched out his hand and patted it a few times: "No way? Just look at it like this? Sister Sisi, your charm is really great! It's a tragedy, how are you going to spend tonight?"

Li Yi wanted to crawl over several times, and gently stroked the body that had appeared countless times in dreams. If he didn't do anything, he just hugged her to sleep, and he was also a fairy!

He thought of the famous story about a beast being worse than a beast, and he wondered in his heart, should he be a beast or be inferior to a beast?

Thinking of this, he fell asleep hazily.

The cheering calls of birds came from outside the window. Li Yi opened his eyes and saw that Liu Ruosi had woken up and was carefully checking his clothes.

Li Yi suddenly became angry, and said loudly: "You don't believe me, and you still call me up? You don't believe me, and you still sleep like a pig? If I had known, I would have been a beast!"

"What beast? I see, you are a gentleman!" After Liu Ruosi checked, she found that she still belonged to her completely. She was very happy and didn't care about Li Yi's anger at all.

"A gentleman is used to scold a man for impotence." Li Yi said bitterly.

Puchi, Liu Ruosi laughed wildly: "You, a dog can't spit out ivory!"

"A dog that can spit out ivory is still called a dog? It must be the illegitimate child of a dog and an elephant, another miracle in the biological world!" Li Yi said bitterly.

"Again? Then what's another big miracle?" Liu Ruosi asked, holding back a smile.

"A mule. A donkey cheating on a horse, the bastard born."

Liu Ruosi combed her hair charmingly, the sunlight came in through the window, and fell on her black hair, her collarbone, and her body, she was like an angel, that smile lit up Li Yi's sky.

"Li Yi, thank you. If it weren't for you last night, I still don't know how to get rid of that surnamed Jin. You are right, I can't sell my parents' most precious self in order to be filial. If Dad I understand, and I will definitely not accept treatment. I just wanted to make a fuss with you, so I just refused him."

Li Yi was a little moved.This is a girl worth cherishing.

"The song you sing is really nice, can you sing it for me again?"



Li Yi sang directly, and this time he sang with more dedication and heart than last night.

Liu Ruosi closed her eyes, quietly enjoying the caress of Li Yi's singing.Her fingers moved little by little on the edge of the bed, as if beating a rhythm.

At the end of the song, Liu Ruosi was still thinking about it, and opened his eyes after a while: "Li Yi, do people really have a past life?"

"Is there? Hehe. Don't discuss these idealistic issues, let's solve the substantive 'substantial' issues. Are you still hungry?"

Liu Ruosi smiled and said, "Do you still have money? You said that you want to support me."

Li Yi blinked, when did he say he wanted to raise her?Just say to protect her!

That's a problem.Li Yi took out his passbook and looked at it, and asked, "Where is ICBC?"

Liu Ruosi said: "I don't know, I haven't been in. Are you really rich? How much pocket money have you saved? Are you still keeping it in the bank?"

Li Yi smiled, and handed the passbook to her: "You can see for yourself."

Liu Ruosi tilted her head: "I don't want to read it. The money is not mine."

Li Yi smiled and said, "If you want, the money is yours."

Hearing these words in Liu Ruosi's ears, there was another ambiguity.Li Yi's original intention was that as long as she wanted it, he would give it to her.However, Liu Ruosi understood that if she agreed to be his girlfriend or a further partnership, the money would be hers.

Liu Ruosi's beautiful eyes swept across Li Yi's face: "I don't care about it!"

Li Yi was stunned and was hit hard: "Do you know how much it costs? Just say it's not rare?"

"At least 200 yuan!" Liu Ruosi thought about it.

Li Yi put away the passbook: "Forget it, it's a good thing if you don't read it, so as not to scare you."

After thinking about it, he said, "I know there is no business, come with me."

"Are you really going to withdraw money? I still have dozens of yuan in my dormitory, so I can just go get it." Liu Ruosi said.

"Uh, are you still willing to spend money for me?" Li Yi was really surprised.

"Didn't I borrow this from you last night? Where did you think it was? You just like to think about it!" Liu Ruosi said: "Let's go."

The two went downstairs, and didn't want a group of people to come face to face. It was Guo Xiaoling and Yao Lin who had just come out of ktv, all of them were greasy and yawning. Sun Wei had sharp eyes and saw Li Yi at a glance. Shouted: "Isn't that Li Yi? Look, he's with that woman, ah, open the room!"

Everyone's eyes are about to fall.

Li Yi smiled awkwardly and waved: "Hi everyone!"

Guo Xiaoling's face instantly turned pale, and her body shook a few times.Luckily no one noticed her.

Yao Lin said sourly: "Yo ho, our handsome Li Da is really good at picking up girls. We just met and went to bed. I must teach my brother some tricks some other day!" Looking at the expressions of Sun Wei and Guo Xiaoling, they are even more proud to see that their expressions have changed.

Zhu Feng and Bi Zhengguang came forward and punched him twice: "Good job! It's worth learning from us!"

Li Yi couldn't explain it at all. He looked at Liu Ruosi, but saw her smiling, as if the matter had nothing to do with her.

Liu Ruosi greeted everyone with a smile: "Hello everyone, I was really sorry last night. I apologize to everyone here. I will invite everyone to get together another day."

Seeing her being so generous and decent, the students felt a little embarrassed, laughed a few times, and waved goodbye.

Li Yi waved to stop a taxi and asked Liu Ruosi to get in.Liu Ruosi asked, "Where are you going?"

Li Yi pushed her into the car and said with a smile, "Go and sell you." He also got into the car and said to the driver, "Xiangjiang Hotel."

When he passed by there yesterday, he remembered that there was an Industrial and Commercial Bank of China nearby, which was quite large in size, unlike ordinary business outlets, maybe it was a provincial branch.

Guo Xiaoling turned her head, just in time to see Li Yi pushing Liu Ruosi into a taxi, her heart felt empty for a while, as if she had been hollowed out by something.

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