Official road bends

Chapter 202 The leader is very busy

Chapter 2 Leaders Are Busy

Si Jing turned around, took a towel, wiped the cake off Li Yi's face, and said with a smile: "County Li, your hair is full of cream, why don't you wash it off with me!"

"This..." Li Yi looked in the mirror, and his hair was indeed covered with white cream and yellow cake crumbs. He definitely couldn't go out like this.

"Let's wash it!" Si Jing said, "I'll help you prepare pajamas."

What she said was so natural, just as casual as her own family, and she helped Li Yi undress as she spoke.

Li Yi seemed to have no better choice, so he quickly pushed her lightly and said with a smile, "I'll do it myself."

Si Jingqiao blushed, hummed lightly, bowed her head and walked out.

Li Yi just finished rinsing, when Si Jing heard the sound of the water stopped, she knocked lightly on the bathroom door, opened it a little, and handed in the pajamas.

Li Yi changed his clothes and came outside. Si Jing prepared the hair dryer and waved to Li Yi with a smile: "Come and sit here, I'll blow your hair for you."

Li Yi 'touched' his hair and said, "No need, the hair is not long and it's easy to dry."

Si Jing smiled and insisted: "Come on!"

Li Yi's scalp felt a little numb when he heard this loud voice, he walked over and sat down in front of her.

Si Jing was holding the hair dryer, 'touching' Li Yi's head with her left hand, and blowing it slowly for him. When it was almost dry, she said, "I've already made the bed, why don't you watch TV before going to sleep?"

Li Yi looked back at her, she was looking at him with tender eyes.

"It's not good... I'll go back." Li Yi said lightly.

"What's the matter? If you're not drunk, you can't stay with me?" Si Jingyu said with resentment: "Today is my birthday, can't you give me a special gift?"

She stretched out her slender hand and gently brushed Li Yi's neck.

The slightly cool feeling is transmitted to Li Yi's brain through the nerve endings of the skin.

The whistling of the hair dryer stopped abruptly.

"Si Jing, I've actually been wanting to ask. That night, I was drunk, so I didn't do anything excessive to you, right?" Li Yi thought about it, and asked straightforwardly.

He thought to himself, everyone is an adult, there is no need to hide it, even if there is some ambiguous plot, as long as there is nothing between each other, it is no big deal.

The times are different now, it is not the kind of time when you touch a small hand and you will never marry for life.

Si Jing bit her lip lightly and said, "Don't you remember?" Her tone was full of disappointment and loneliness.

She had put down the hair dryer, but put her hands lightly on Li Yi's shoulders.

Li Yi raised his eyebrows and said softly: "When I woke up that day, I wanted to ask you, but I felt embarrassed."

Si Jing clasped Li Yi's shoulders with both hands, slid down gently, her hands hung on Li Yi's chest, bent her chest, and leaned into Li Yi's ear, and said softly: "You were drunk that day, hugged Li Yi. I'm going to take off my clothes."

Li Yi stretched out his hand to push her away, and when he heard this, his outstretched hand turned into a light rest on her body, and he smiled: "Didn't you reject me?"

Si Jing said softly, "I dare not, and I don't want to."

Li Yi heard her breathing a little fast, blowing on her ears, numb and itchy, making people feel distracted.

Si Jing suddenly laughed and said: "It's a pity, you were too drunk that day, and after you almost took me off, you snored loudly and fell asleep! Poor, you let down a good night."

Li Yi was a little relaxed, but also a little emotional, and gently stroked her jade hand with a slightly red luster.

Si Jing smiled coquettishly, stood up, and said with a smile: "Tonight, you'll sleep on the bed, and I'll sleep on the sofa."

She got up and took a 'wool' blanket and put it on the sofa, and said with a smile, "Come and watch TV!"

Li Yi got up and walked over, sat down on the sofa, just in time to see Shen Xinyao was broadcasting the news in the Xizhou news, Comrade Luo Zhenghao, the municipal party committee, led the relevant departments to inspect the agricultural spring plowing work.

On the TV, Luo Zhenghao was chatting cordially with an old farmer, asking about the progress of spring plowing and the harvest of the greenhouse.

Li Yi heard the old man reply that there are not enough rice planted now, so he planted half an acre of land to ensure his own rations. Good income.

Luo Zhenghao asked him, how much has his income increased now, and has his life improved?

It seems that the old man was temporarily caught by Luo Zhenghao to play tricks, or he didn't understand the intentions of the local leaders in advance, and he actually told the truth. He said that the harvest was good. Anyway, no matter how many crops were harvested, there were big companies in the provincial capital to buy them. Don't worry about not being able to sell it. The problem is that the agricultural tax is too serious, especially the tax on this kind of breeding is too high.

The old man may have finally met a senior cadre in the city, and he spoke a little excitedly and bluntly. He said that the national agricultural tax is 15.5 percent, but the tax set by our city is [-] percent.

He directly questioned Luo Zhenghao: Is this a bit too high?In addition to the three items of retention at the village level and the five items of township overall planning, the burden on farmers is very heavy.

Immediately, the accompanying staff jumped out to explain, saying that greenhouse planting, ecological planting, and animal husbandry are all special agriculture and forestry industries. Animal husbandry tax and agricultural special product tax are levied, and the tax rates are naturally different.He also said that our city's collection rate is very low, and some inland provinces have a higher rate for this item!

Li Yi asked: "Si Jing, you should know more about these aspects than I do. Tell me about the agricultural tax."

Si Jing took off her shoes, sat cross-legged on the sofa, covered their legs with the wool blanket, and said with a smile: "County Li, you are here to test me again."

Li Yi said: "You are an expert in this field. If I don't ask you, who should I ask?"

Si Jing said: "Then I'll play tricks. Agricultural tax originated very early. In our country, commerce and industry were not developed before, and we relied on agricultural tax to support the country's economic development. Agricultural tax was called land tax in the old society, and land rent tax or land rent tax in Western countries. Land tax is an imperial grain and state tax that farmers of all ages have to pay. For thousands of years, farmers have thought that this is their own obligation, and they have always voluntarily paid taxes, and have never contradicted them."

The people are really respectable and lovely!

Si Jingdao: "In feudal society, agriculture was the most important production sector, the most important tax in feudal countries, and the main body of fiscal revenue. But in capitalist society, with the development of industry and commerce, agriculture has become a major part of the national economy. The proportion of the economy has been declining, and the agricultural tax in most countries in the contemporary world is no longer the main tax, but an auxiliary means of fiscal revenue. In the early days of the founding of our country, agricultural tax accounted for 39% of fiscal revenue at that time, which can be said to be an important pillar of fiscal revenue. 1979 In 5.5, this proportion dropped to [-]%.

Li Yi nodded slowly. He clearly remembered that the country would have to wait at least several years for the reform of rural taxes and fees. It was not until the beginning of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" (00-05) that China began to focus on reducing the burden on farmers. , cancel the "three mentions and five unifications" and other extra-tax charges, and reform agricultural taxation as the main content of the rural tax and fee reform.

Beginning in 04, the central government decided to exempt the tax on special agricultural products other than the tobacco leaf tax, and at the same time carried out the pilot reform of agricultural tax exemption. It was not until 06 that the state completely abolished this tax that had been inherited for 2600 years.

Si Jing looked at the interview report on TV and asked in surprise: "Can this kind of news be broadcast? Are you afraid of causing negative reactions?"

Li Yi said: "This question is very normal. As long as you are a farmer, you will have this kind of thinking. Moreover, it's not that they don't pay taxes, they just think that the tax rate is a bit too high."

Si Jing said: "There are some things that everyone knows very well, and they are tacit to each other, but once it is said, if it is used by someone with a heart, the farmers can't tell the good from the bad, and they will swarm up and report to the 'government' agencies everywhere. This matter will even be petitioned to the higher-level petition department, which will bring considerable pressure to the local 'government'!"

Li Yi saw that on the TV, the old man had already had a dispute with the 'government' staff, and asked loudly why the 'government' of Xizhou didn't collect agricultural tax at the tax rate stipulated by the state.

Luo Zhenghao didn't expect this out-of-control scene to happen, so he was stunned on the spot with a straight face.

Before each leader goes to inspect, he will ask his subordinates not to engage in formalism, not to engage in welcoming and sending, and not to arrange inspection sites and interviewees in advance, so as to show how pragmatic and caring they are.

In fact, it is really difficult for lower-level departments to really achieve these three points.

When other leaders come down, the officials below will beat the gongs to clear the way, welcome them to the boundary, and send them out. When your leader comes down, if they don't welcome you or send them off, how can they feel at ease?

Furthermore, things in the world are often unexpected, and there are cases where performances go wrong, let alone random interviews?That variable is too big.

Which local 'government' doesn't have any secrets?When the leaders came down to inspect, they naturally wanted to cover up.Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the leader will be embarrassed and he will suffer.

A person with the appearance of a rural cadre jumped out and persuaded the old man to be calm and not to be impatient. If there was anything wrong, he would report to the leader in private later.The leader is very busy now and has no time to deal with the questions you raised.

This village cadre, Li Yi, is so familiar with him that he is his uncle Fang Zhen!

To be honest, Comrade Luo Zhenghao is inspecting the work in Fangjia'ao area!

The TV screen suddenly switched, and an advertisement for pig feed jumped out. Huge characters and fat pigs filled the already small screen.

"Why was it suddenly replaced? It must have been seen by a certain leader and ordered the TV station to be replaced!" Si Jing said: "I just said, how can such a sensitive thing be broadcast. The recent Xizhou News I often put some bold themes, what's going on, has the current public opinion changed the direction of the wind?"

Li Yi was in a heavy heart and locked his brows tightly.

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