Chapter 2: Crooked Ways

Li Yi felt that what happened today was unbelievable. On the way home from get off work, he received an invitation letter from a strange man. He came to this inexplicable place and talked for a long time with an unpredictable stranger!

This Xizhou gangster actually wants to talk to him about some important national affairs!

And he was actually sitting here, chatting with him!

Isn't it incredible?

Thinking about it carefully, I was really attracted by the person named Aku in front of me.

This person is like a mystery, but has all kinds of attractive factors.

In particular, he cut off Zheng Chunshan's wife, which was beyond Li Yi's surprise.Since ancient times, people have not fought against officials, especially such small gangsters, how dare they fight against officials?Also make such an extreme behavior!

Now, the boss of the Xizhou gang, who has a beautiful appearance that fascinates women, is talking eloquently: "County Li, I once went to Yuankong Temple and listened to the eminent monks there, and the abbot Puyin said, Everything has yin and yang, no matter what, if there is a yin side, there must be a yang side. Doesn’t Mayor Li agree with this?”

Li Yi thought to himself, you are a little bastard, and you also learn to practice Zen and worship Buddha?interesting.Said: "I naturally agree with the theory of yin and yang."

Aku said: "The sun is yang, the moon is yin, men are yang, and women are yin. The combination of yin and yang gives birth to everything in the world."

Li Yi said: "I don't have time to sit with you and discuss the Tao. Talk about something quickly."

Aku said: "Since everything has yin and yang, then, can I understand that you are an official is yang, and those of us who are at the bottom of society are yin? In fact, we are interdependent."

Li Yi shook his head and said: "You are wrong, officials and common people are interdependent."

Aku said: "County Li, we have just admitted that there will always be a dark side in this society, otherwise, there would be no need for the judiciary of your 'government' department. You have established a judiciary, which means you have admitted it. In this society, there are too many injustices and many dark sides, which need to be corrected and cleaned by you.”

Li Yi had to admit that what he said was very reasonable, and nodded: "It is because there are too many people like you that this society has a dark side."

Aku said: "Are there no scum among you officials? If there are no scum, then what is the use of setting up the Disciplinary Inspection Committee and the Supervision Bureau? Isn't it because you know that there are also black sheep among you?"

Li Yi frowned and said: "Human nature is very complicated. There will always be people who can't stand the temptation and embark on the road of crime."

Aku smiled and said, "So, we can still sit down and talk about business."

Li Yi said: "I don't think there is any business to discuss between us."

Aku said: "The business I do is very simple, and you must also need it."

Li Yi shook his head and said, "Impossible."

Aku said: "If you are an official, if you want to maintain social stability, you must constantly eliminate the cancerous tumors in the society, as well as your own cancerous tumors, right?"

Li Yi said: "Yes. But this has nothing to do with you. You are the target of our removal. Just because you hurt other people's bodies, it is enough to sit in prison for decades."

Aku smiled and said: "The problem is, the guy surnamed Zheng is not a good person either. He is a cancer in this society just like me. He clearly knows that I cut his dick, but he doesn't care about it at all." Dare to call the police, and dare not call the police to arrest me! Because I have a lot of evidence of his crime in my hand!"

Li Yi snorted softly and asked, "What evidence do you have?"

Aku said: "This is the business I want to do with you."

Li Yi looked at him, wanting to hear his thoughts.

Aku said: "County Li, to be honest, your 'government' departments absolutely do not know the bottom of this society as well as we do, nor do we know that those among your officials are involved in gangsters."

Li Yi nodded slowly. They themselves are people who live in the dark, and of course they know the people around them better than people in the sun.And if officials are involved in gangsters, they will definitely contact and trade with them, which will leave them with a handle.

Conversely, he, the boss of the Xizhou Gang, is actually the biggest insider of the dark side of Xizhou!

Aku said: "If you want to maintain the order of the dark side of this society, who else is more useful than us? I can help you maintain the underground order in Linyi, and even help you clean up the corrupt elements among the officials. We need you to provide us with a place to stay, a place to make a fortune!"

Li Yi sneered and said: "You are so brave, you dare to openly bargain with me! Why, do you still want me to cover up your crimes?"

Aku said: "County Li, what do you mean doing evil? We are all doing serious business."

Li Yi said: "Are you doing serious business? This can be regarded as the biggest international joke this year!"

Aku said: "Is it illegal for us to open bars and nightclubs?"

Li Yi said: "The problem is that you are not doing business in a safe and secure manner, but are involved in pornography, gambling, and even drugs! These three things are the biggest factors that undermine social stability and unity! In the territory under my jurisdiction, it is absolutely not allowed appeared."

Aku spread his hands and said, "County Li, our problem has gone back again. We talked for so long just now. It's all for nothing? Whether I come to Linyi or not, your black forces in Linyi They all exist, if I don’t come, others will come! However, I can help you manage them! And you only need to manage me. I will help you control them.

You don't like poison, and I don't like poison either!On this point, we are unanimous.As for betting on this stuff, no one is going to force anyone!yellow?Without nightclubs and bars, would you have no pornography in Linyi?Instead of letting these hidden dangers spread, it is better for me to control them and manage them in a unified way.In this way, your 'government' will be much more relaxed. "

Li Yi sneered and said, "You think beautifully!"

Aku said: "That's what I think. If you agree, I can give you the evidence of Zheng Chunshan's criminal involvement!"

Li Yi said lightly: "I have no interest. You and I will always be hostile and irreconcilable! There is no business to do between us, and no common interests to speak of!"

Aku said: "County Li, you can think about it."

Li Yi said: "I don't need to think about it!"

Aku said: "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"You should be afraid of me!" Li Yi sneered and said, "You are a thief, and I am an official."

Aku pointed to the ugly thing on the table and said, "Don't you want to think about how this thing came about?"

Li Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you threatening me?"

Aku said: "I just remind you. I am very capable! If you suddenly lose a certain part in the future, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "When you are ordered to leave here, you can be brave with me!"

Aku's eyes shrank suddenly, and he said coldly: "What do you mean? You still want to keep me?"

Li Yi smiled.

Two big men in black, standing guard at the entrance of the teahouse, ran in quickly and shouted in a panic: "Brother Cool, there are a lot of policemen outside, and they surrounded us!"

Aku's complexion changed, and he stared at Li Yi: "When did you report to the police?"

Li Yi smiled without saying a word.

Everyone in the teahouse panicked.

The voice of the police shouted from outside: "Listen inside, you are surrounded, put down your weapons, put your heads in your hands, and come out one by one! Don't try to resist!"

Aku gave Li Yi a thumbs up and said, "You have the kind! Hey, I'll take this man as a hostage. As long as you're in my hands, the police won't dare to do anything to us!"

The two big men in black immediately surrounded Li Yi, trying to catch him.

Qian Duo had been prepared, he picked up a chair and threw it at the person in front, there was a bang, the chair bloomed on that person's head, the person 'touched' his head, screamed, blood flowed down his forehead down.

Aku put his hands on the table, and he rose into the air, his legs kicked out like a whirlwind, one kick hit Li Yi's chest, and the other kicked Qian Duo's head.

Qian Duo grabbed Li Yi and pulled him back, clenched his right hand into a hollow fist, with his middle finger protruding, and hit the sole of Aku's foot.

Aku's two kicks were useless. After fighting Qian Duo, he landed on the ground, jumped on the table, and swung his two bowl-sized fists quickly and viciously towards Li Yi's face.

He knows that Qian Duo is very skilled, but Li Yi must have no skills. To attack Li Yi, Qian Duo must be rescued by himself, which will inevitably show his flaws.

Seeing Aku attacking Li Yi, Qian Duo suddenly got short, swept his legs, and kicked Aku three times in a row, trying to save him.

As expected, Aku dodged and dodged, unable to save himself from Li Yi's offensive.

Li Yi was taken aback. He didn't expect that this Aku was not only very skilled, but also not afraid of the police. He dared to fight him, the deputy county magistrate, when he was surrounded!If it weren't for Qian Duo's great martial arts skills, he would have become a hostage in Aku's hands long ago.

Aku's style of play is that kind of desperate trick. After bouncing away, he rubbed his body, and then rushed to Li Yi to grab Li Yi's throat.

Although Li Yi has never learned martial arts, he is alert enough. He expected that this Aku would attack him again. He learned a lot of money, fell down, grabbed a chair beside him, and threw it at Aku without thinking. .

Aku's hands happened to be caught, and Li Yi's chair smashed him right on the ground, and there was a crash, and Aku forcibly chopped off a chair leg!

Li Yi was horrified, thinking that this guy is really powerful!

The strange thing is that the people sitting in the teahouse didn't come forward to help, but ran out with their heads in their hands.There were only the two men in black, one of them was injured on the head and fainted, the other yelled and rushed over, was stopped by Qian Duo and entangled with each other.

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