Official road bends

Chapter 25 Chairman Lu is Angry

Chapter 25 Chairman Lu is angry

Walking out of the door of the principal's office, Li Yi was still a little dizzy. He didn't even know why he was so excited, so he proposed that idea without hesitation.

Naturally, he would not understand that this was the official luck planted in his body by the impermanence of black and white, and it took the initiative.

When Li Yi returned to the classroom, Zhou Ziqi came over: "How is it? Are you all right?"

"It's okay, I joined the party."

"Ah!" Zhou Ziqi said: "Join the party? What's the point? I'm glad you are. Hey, Li Yi, I'll treat you to a movie this afternoon."

Although Guo Xiaoling pretended to ignore her, she still listened with pointed ears. Hearing this, she glanced at Li Yi. She didn't want Li Yi to be looking at her. When she saw her looking over, she immediately winked at her and greeted her with a smile.

Guo Xiaoling hummed twice, then quickly lowered her head.

Li Yi didn't like Zhou Ziqi, and she wasn't the type he liked, so she immediately refused: "Sorry, I have an appointment."

Zhou Ziqi couldn't hide her disappointment, and wanted to say something, but when she saw Li Yi's squinting eyes, only lingering on Guo Xiaoling, she snorted coldly and walked away with her hair tossed.

Li Yi walked to Guo Xiaoling and tapped on her desk: "Hello, Xiaoling."

Guo Xiaoling hummed lightly.

"The money owed to Mr. Wang..."

"Don't worry about it, I'll figure it out myself." Before Li Yi could finish speaking, Guo Xiaoling said quickly.

"Well. I have already raised this money, and I will return it to Teacher Wang. Also, the relationship between me and Liu Ruosi is not what you imagine. I have nothing to do with her."

"You don't need to explain to me whether you have anything to do with her." Guo Xiaoling's tone was cold.

"Then, that's it." Li Yi said with some disappointment.

Li Yi is not interested in the courses of the Chinese Department. In the past few days, he has been studying the party building materials and party member examination materials given by the principal.

I don't know if I don't read it, but I am fascinated by it.By studying the party's development history and ideology, he became very interested in the party, so he ran to the library and consulted a lot of relevant materials.

He read these boring words with great relish, and in the exam a few days later, he actually got full marks in the exam!It is also the highest score in this exam, a bit higher than the 'chairman' and vice 'chairman' of the student union, which is also far beyond the principal's surprise.

At noon on the day when the results were announced, Li Yi was sitting in the classroom, studying with a thick book of party history.

A boy walked up to him and knocked on his desk: "Li Yi, right? I'm Zeng Xiaoqiang from the student union. Go to the office of the student union! Our 'chairman' is here!"

"'Chairman'?" Li Yi found it funny: "Is he disabled? Can't walk?"

Zeng Xiaoqiang was puzzled and shook his head.

"If he really needs me for something, just ask him to come over." Li Yi said lightly, then looked down at the book again.

Zeng Xiaoqiang gave a thumbs up: "Nice! You are really good! You dare to offend even 'Chairman Lu'!"

Li Yi didn't even lift his eyelids.

Zeng Xiaoqiang saw that no one liked him, and he had nowhere to play with his prestige, so he suddenly felt lost and bored, so he turned around and left.

Zhou Ziqi came over and said, "Li Yi, Lu Jun is not easy to talk to. In the school student union, he is notoriously strong. Be careful."

Li Yi smiled and said: "I didn't offend him? I don't even know him."

"He told you to go, but you didn't go!" Zhou Ziqi blinked, and decided to give this stupid goose another go.

"He is a student like me, so why should I go if he told me to go?" Li Yi's logic is very solid.

Zhou Ziqi turned her head and thought for a while: "That's right!"

After talking for a few minutes, the door of the classroom was knocked again, and a thick voice rang out: "Which one is Li Yi? The student union please!"

There were not many classmates in the classroom, and they stared at the tall and strong student in disgust, but no one said anything.

Zhou Ziqi whispered: "The person who came is Hu Gang, Lu Jun's diehard loyalist, be careful." After speaking, she retreated to her seat.

Hu Gang saw Li Yi at a glance. This guy who looked down at the book fit the image of Li Yi described by Zeng Xiaoqiang, so he strode over.

Hu Gang was about to pat Li Yi on the shoulder when a cold female voice sounded: "This classmate! What's the matter?"

When Hu Gang saw a beautiful woman standing in front of him, he became less angry, and said with a smile, "I'm looking for Li Yi from your class."

"What do you want Li Yi to do?"

"Who are you?" Hu Gang saw the beauty's indifference, and his tone became a little harder.

"I'm the monitor of this class!" Standing beside Li Yi, Guo Xiaoling looked at Hu Gang without fear: "What do you want to do when you barge in aggressively?"

Hu Gang waved his hand and said, "I'm not looking for you, I'm looking for Li Yi! Li Yi, Chairman Lu has spoken, and you are limited to report to the student union office within 5 minutes."

Li Yi raised his head, glanced at him, frowned and said, "Are you talking to me?"

"Don't talk to you, but talk to pigs? Chairman Lu can see you and call you to talk, but you push back and forth, what kind of airs are you putting on? Boy, let me tell you, you have an onion on your nose, you are also pretending Not an elephant!" Hu Gang was irritated by Li Yi's indifference and willful ignorance.

Guo Xiaoling said loudly: "Hey, please get out, don't swear in our class!"

Hu Gang waved his fist: "Go away! I just don't hit women with my fist!"

Li Yi got up abruptly, pulled Guo Xiaoling behind his back, and said with a sneer, "You are tall and big, and you don't need to erect onions, but you look like an elephant! I don't know how your family feeds you. You are better than the number one pig breeder in our village." They're all going to be great."

"Hahaha!" A kind of unscrupulous and happy laughter broke out in the classroom.

Hu Gang was so angry that his face trembled: "You call me a pig?"

"You said it yourself." Li Yi shrugged.

Hu Gang yelled, clenched his fist, and punched Li Yi on the forehead.

"Boom!" Hu Gang had just punched out his fist, and was hit in the face by a book that flew out from nowhere, his eyes went dark, fearing that he would suffer again, he retracted his fist in shock, and took three steps back.

Guo Xiaoling's pretty face turned angry, she pointed at Hu Gang and said, "You are so brave, you dare to beat someone in our class, students, go and call the principal and the security guard!"

She was the one who threw out the "History of Ancient Literature" just now.

When Hu Gang heard that he was going to call the principal and the security guard, he felt guilty, "Se" said sternly: "You wait! Chairman Lu is very angry, and he won't let it go like this!"

Li Yi didn't expect that Guo Xiaoling, who has always been gentle, virtuous, quiet and elegant, would protect her calf so desperately and with such amorous feelings!He was afraid that Hu Gang would suddenly attack Guo Xiaoling, so he hurriedly stood in front of her, and said to Hu Gang, "You are the student union, not the Baodao Legislative Council, and not the bandit council! Don't just throw your fists and kick your thighs, go back and tell Lu that you have something to come over." Find me! I'm here waiting!"

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