Official road bends

Chapter 30 The Deliberately Forgotten Memory

Chapter 30 Deliberately Forgotten Memories

As long as there is no professor around, the classroom will never be quiet. A row of evergreen camphor trees are planted outside the window. Even in the cold winter, they are still verdant. If you smell it carefully, you can smell a faint fragrance.

Several girls surrounded Li Yi not far away, arguing fiercely about something, and vaguely heard words such as "Xu Zhimo" and "air crash".

Li Yi suddenly thought of something, but was interrupted by the bell of "Dinglingling" in class.

An old professor walked in slowly with a glass of water.

This is Sha Huailin, the most famous literature lecturer in Nantah University. He specializes in ancient literature and has published many literary theory works. He is also very strict in class. Students who attend his class rarely miss or skip classes.

Within a minute, the classroom fell silent.

Li Yi fell into deep thought, a distant memory looming in his mind.This is a memory of a previous life, even if it is a previous life, it is also a long-standing memory that has been dusted!

The more Li Yi wanted to catch it, the more he couldn't find a clue.

It seems that when the girl said the word "air crash", this long-forgotten memory was triggered!

Air crash!

What has something to do with the air crash!

At this time, Professor Sha Huailin said: "Chu Ci, all students are familiar with it..."

"Chu!" The word popped up in Li Yi's memory.

Chu, air crash!

Some past events that I don't want to mention and deliberately forget, like eating mulberry leaves, gnaw at Li Yi's brain cells. Gradually, the whole mind is full of memories about that event!

Li Yi quickly remembered that today is that day of that year!

Today of this year in the previous life!Air crash, Chu Lianxin!The girl he cared about the most in his previous life was lost forever on this day!

It is now eight past ten in the morning, that is to say, there are still two hours before the air crash will happen again!

Will Chu Lianxin still be on that plane?Will that flight still leave on time?Will it crash 5 minutes after takeoff?

If nothing has changed, at this moment, Chu Lianxin should be in the waiting room of Haidu Airport with her parents, waiting to board the plane!The family of them was originally going to the United States, but unexpectedly, after this trip, they never came back.

It must be stopped!Li Yi suddenly got up and walked outside the classroom.

The whole class was in an uproar. Unexpectedly, Li Yi was so courageous that he dared to publicly skip Sha Huailin's class!

Sha Huailin said sharply: "Li Yi! Where are you going?"

Li Yi said anxiously: "Professor Sha, I really have something urgent, please explain later! Excuse me, where is the nearest phone number, can I make long distance calls?"

Sha Huailin was taken aback, seeing that Li Yi's eagerness was not fake, he replied: "The principal's office, you can make international calls!"

As soon as Li Yi heard the words of the principal's office, he kicked his legs and ran to the principal's office.

The door of the principal's office was tightly closed. Li Yi suppressed his excitement and knocked politely, but there was no answer.Could it be that the principal is not here?Li Yi was in a hurry and pushed the door, but the door was locked from the inside and could not be pushed open.

In a hurry, Li Yi didn't have time to think about it. He took a few steps back, kicked up, and kicked hard. The door panel was very strong, and after shaking it twice, there was no movement.

Li Yi didn't do anything, worked hard, and pushed with his shoulders.I just felt a rush of heat in my lower abdomen, and as soon as I read it, there was a click, and the door latch broke!

Inside, a man and a woman are getting dressed in a panic.The two people, Li Yi, knew each other. The man was Fu Qiang, the principal's secretary, and the woman was a new teacher.Li Yi didn't care what shit they were doing before, rushed to the desk and grabbed the phone.

The secretary thought it was the headmaster who came back, so she panicked. Seeing that it was a 'hairy' boy, she got angry and said, "Who are you? Which class are you in? This is the headmaster's office, you dare to break into it!" ! Hey! What are you doing, you can't touch this phone!"

In this day and age, having a phone is a very precious thing. Most houses use wooden boxes to lock it up. After all, the principal’s office is different, and ordinary people can’t get in, so it’s not locked.

At this time, the school leaders and teachers in the surrounding offices were all startled by the sound of Li Yi kicking the door, and they all came out to check, and they were stunned when they saw it!The principal's office was kicked open!The first reaction is to be a thief!So they all ran to the principal's office.

Li Yi grabbed the phone, but froze, where to call?

Who can stop a plane from taking off?

As far as the people he knew, no one seemed to have this ability!

Wen Yuxi?I don't know if he can do it, even if he can do it, why should he believe in Li Yi, a young student who has only met twice?And it's such an absurd thing!Why do you Li Yi say that the plane will have an accident?Oh, are you a reborn?Traveler?so you knowAre you mentally healthy?Ghosts believe you!

Li Yi felt a sense of sadness from the bottom of his heart!

What about rebirth?So what if he earned 8000 million?Still can't prevent the tragedy from happening!

Tears blurred his eyes!He didn't hear the secretary's scolding at all.

Li Yi's mind suddenly cleared, and a phone number flashed out!

This is the contact number on the business card my uncle gave him before he left.

Although the uncle's business card didn't include a job title, and he didn't know how powerful the Li family was, it was his only life-saving straw!

A dead horse should also be treated as a living horse doctor!

Li Yi only considered for three seconds before dialing the string of numbers without hesitation.

The phone beeped, and every time it rang, it cut Li Yi's heart.

At this time, the school leaders and teachers rushed to the principal's office. Seeing this scene, they were a little confused about the situation.

The vice-principal Xu Shaonong said angrily: "What's going on! Fu Qiang, what are you doing? Who is this? Can you call the principal's office number casually? Hurry up and put it down!"

Li Yi held the microphone tightly and replied: "My name is Li Yi, and I am a senior student in the Chinese Department. I have something urgent, so I must make a call right away! I will bear all the responsibilities and losses afterwards! But please, Let me finish this call!"

The audience was either moved by the sadness in Li Yi's eyes, or felt unbelievable for a while, and remained silent for a while.

The phone rang a few more times and was finally picked up. A majestic male voice came from inside: "I'm Li Zhengyu, who is it?"

Li Yi tried his best to calm himself down, and shouted: "Uncle! Hello, it's me, Li Yi."

"Hehe, Yier, oops, you are finally willing to call uncle!" Li Zhengyu said happily, and at the same time waved to several subordinates who were reporting to work, signaling them to go out first.

"Uncle, I have a very urgent matter today, and I want to ask you for help. Whether you can help me or not, I can only find you. Because, in this world, besides you, I can't think of anyone else who would believe I, will spare no effort to help me!"

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