Official road bends

Chapter 317 The Heavenly Dragon Gang Invites

Li Yi recognized him as the senior manager of the property company, and asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

Manager Gao smiled carefully, nodded and bowed and said, "Mr. Li, hello, Boss Wu wants to see you."

Li Yi frowned and thought about it, realizing that it was the boss of the fourth master who was arrested, he sneered and said, "No see!"

Manager Gao smiled wryly and said, "You'd better meet me. Boss Wu is very powerful here - of course you are not afraid, but it's easy to hide from the open, but hard to guard against the dark! Many friends have many paths, many enemies... ..."

Li Yi didn't wait for him to finish speaking, stretched out his hand and pushed him away.From the character of that fourth master, one can imagine a thing or two about their boss Wu's behavior.This kind of person, let alone meeting and negotiating, even if he meets on the road, Li Yi will spit out in disgust.

Qian Duo was waiting at the door in his car, and walked over quickly when he saw this.Manager Gao didn't dare to stop him, he just smiled wryly.

Li Yi ordered Qian Duo to send Guo Xiaoling and He Jingshu to work.

Guo Xiaoling was a little worried about Li Yi, and asked, "I'd better stay with you if you have a lot of money. I'll be with Jingshu, and nothing will happen."

Li Yi laughed and said, "What can happen? Let's go!"

Fang Fang went to the provincial capital and played with her second and third uncles at the Sihai Agricultural and Sideline Products Wholesale Market.

Li Yi is planning to go there to meet his mother, and talk to his second uncle and third uncle about his work in the future.

Li Yi was about to pick up the car, when suddenly a taxi drove over and stopped at his feet. The driver opened the window and asked, "Handsome guy, where are you going? Take my car."

Li Yi just wanted to say no, but on second thought, he remembered what Fan Siyu said yesterday, that Ouyang Jinxuan was taken away by a taxi!

And this taxi appeared very abruptly. In the past, there were very few taxis here to solicit customers.

And this taxi appeared at a very accurate time, as soon as the money with a lot of money left, it rushed over, as if it came here specifically to target him.

Thinking of this, Li Yi also wanted to verify whether his thoughts were correct, so he opened the passenger door and sat on it.

After getting into the taxi and talking about the location, Li Yi closed his eyes, pretended to be tired, and secretly watched the driver's reaction.

The driver is a native of the provincial capital, chewing a betel nut, looking very slippery.He didn't take the initiative to strike up a conversation with Li Yi. As soon as Li Yi got in the car, he quickly started the car and drove into the driveway.

After a few minutes, Li Yi opened his eyes, glanced outside, and felt that something was wrong with the outside line, and pretended not to know, without saying a word to remind him.

A few minutes later, Li Yi said: "Brother, did you take the wrong route? I often take this line. If the taxi fare is too much, I won't give it to you!"

The taxi driver didn't speak, just shook his head.

Li Yi said: "Brother, you are not dumb, are you? Why don't you speak?"

Then the taxi driver said: "Don't worry! I won't kill you for a penny!"

The car drove for a few more minutes, turned into Xiangjiang Avenue, and came to the front of Xiangjiang Hotel. The doorman quickly ran over to open the door and asked Li Yi to get off. Li Yi looked up and shouted: "Driver, you drove in the wrong place. Yes! I was going to the Four Seas Wholesale Agricultural and Sideline Products Market, why did you bring me here?"

The driver didn't speak, and didn't take Li Yi's money. After putting Li Yi down, he stepped on the accelerator and ran away.

For a moment, Li Yi couldn't allow this person to come, and shook his head and sighed softly: "What is this called? This kind of madness, come to drive a taxi? Isn't it too bad?"

"He won't lose money, and he didn't make a mistake. I paid the money and asked him to pick you up here!"

A gentle and sweet voice sounded.Li Yi turned his head in surprise, and saw a graceful and beautiful girl standing behind him, looking at him and smiling.

Qin Simi!

Li Yi mopped his nose, thinking it was interesting!

Qin Simi is not a simple woman. Based on Li Yi's previous knowledge, this woman is the woman of Wu Zhiqiu, the boss of the Tianlong Gang in the provincial capital.

Could it be that the boss Wu mentioned by the senior manager refers to Wu Zhiqiu?And that glasses, fourth master, is Wu Zhiqiu's subordinate?

Li Yi said indifferently: "Boss Qin?"

Qin Simi walked over twisting her waist, and stretched out her hand: "Mr. Li, are you here all right?"

Li Yi stood still, and didn't mean to reach out to shake hands with him. He smiled slightly and said, "Although I was invited by a beautiful woman, I won't go to the meeting without a reason.

Let me tell you why you are here. "

Qin Simi stopped and smiled, "Mr. Li, Boss Wu wants to see you."

Li Yi's eyes sharpened, he turned and left.

Qin Simi hurried forward, put her hand in front of Li Yi, and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, please stay!"

Li Yi's footsteps faltered, and he glared at Qin Simai: "Why, does Boss Qin want to forcefully keep the guest?" Rubbing Li Yi's arm, he said with a smile: "Mr. Li, we really sincerely invite you, there is a very important I want to discuss things with Mr. Li."

Li Yi glanced at her chest, thinking that if he couldn't get into the tiger's blood, how could he get a tiger?It is very likely that Ouyang Jinxuan was arrested by them, and Ouyang Jinxuan was arrested because of herself. No matter what, she should find out.If Ouyang Jinxuan is really in their hands, they will definitely hide in a remote place. The police may find it difficult to find them in a short time. What's more frightening is that these people are all gangsters. If they are too anxious, they will inevitably not make things like jumping over the wall in a hurry, or even tearing up tickets.

This matter is best resolved through underground channels!Rescue Ouyang Jinxuan safely!

Thinking of this, Li Yi snorted coldly and said, "I want to see what you guys want to do!"

Qin Simei said: "In front of Mr. Li, we small businessmen, how dare we do anything famous! Mr. Li's majesty is so majestic, we have learned a lot. If I have a few courages, I dare not go against Mr. Li .”

Li Yi sneered and said, "Oh? Isn't that fourth master wearing glasses one of yours?"

Qin Simi smiled even more attentively: "Mr. Li really understands people. Xiaosi is ignorant and walks without eyes. If he offends Mr. Li, it is his own fault."

Qin Simi held Li Yi's arm and walked towards the hotel like a couple.

"Mr. Li!" Xiao Jianfei walked over and greeted Li Yi.

Li Yi smiled and said: "Captain Xiao!" Xiao Jianfei glanced at Qin Simi who was holding Li Yi's arm, and said to Li Yi with deep meaning: "Mr. Li, I have already done what you asked me to do last time. Talk one step at a time?"

Li Yi knew what he wanted to say to himself, so he glanced at Qin Simai and said, "Boss Qin, please go ahead first, okay?"

Qin Simei smiled sweetly, like a little lover, walked forward very docilely, but kept her eyes on Li Yi, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

"Mr. Li." Xiao Jianfei whispered, "Why did you get mixed up with this woman?"

Li Yi rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "What's the matter? This woman is also beautiful! That figure is especially hot and sexy."

Xiao Jianfei seriously persuaded: "Mr. Li, she is not an ordinary woman, but a stinging scorpion! A poisonous wasp. An ordinary man, don't talk about playing with her, I'm afraid she won't know how to play with her to death! If You haven't gotten into it yet, so I advise you to change your sex-hunting partner. Hehe, I've been working here for a long time, and I know a lot of beauties, and many of them are female college students who come out to play occasionally. Mr. Li is interested, I can introduce a few to you."

Li Yi can't laugh or cry, is it possible that the impression he left on him is that he is a huahua son?The flirtatious brother?

Li Yi knew that he had good intentions, so why didn't he know that Qin Simai was a glass of poisoned wine?It's just that I didn't think about doing anything to her at all. The reason why she hugged her tightly just now was to pull herself upstairs!

"Hey!" Li Yi said with a chuckle: "Captain Xiao, do you think I look like an ordinary man?"

Xiao Jianfei's eyes lit up, he laughed and said, "No."

Li Yi patted him on the shoulder and said, "So, I won't be played by her!"

Xiao Jianfei nodded, thinking of the bits and pieces of his relationship with Li Yi in the past, when did he not turn defeat into victory?Even in the most extreme adversity, Li Yi can fight back and win in one fell swoop!

But he still said: "Mr. Li, if you encounter any emergency, you can call me."

Li Yi said: "Thank you brother Xiao!"

Qin Simi didn't go far, she just waited for Li Yi in front.

When Li Yi came up, she reached out to hold Li Yi's arm again, and said with a smile, "Does Mr. Li often come here?"

Li Yi pressed her arm lightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't run away. You don't have to hug me like this."

Qin Simai smiled coquettishly: "I hate it, Mr. Li, I just want to get close to you. You can't even agree to my little wish?"

Li Yi didn't answer, pointed to the road ahead, and said, "Let's go!"

Qin Simi twisted her waist, led Li Yi into the elevator, and went straight up to the top floor.

The top floor is a revolving restaurant with a full glass curtain wall. At a glance, it looks empty and dangdang, like a sky restaurant.

There was only a lean middle-aged man sitting in the dining room. He was wearing a suit and leather shoes, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, elegant and free and easy.Those who don't know will definitely think that this is a high-level golden collar of some company.

Although he had done a deliberate and invisible dress, Li Yi still recognized him at a glance.

This person is Lou Da of the Tianlong Gang, oh, it can also be said to be the head of the Sanchu Chamber of Commerce, or the largest shareholder of Xiangjiang Industrial, Wu Zhiqiu!

The first time Li Yi met him, Wang Yang took Li Yi to a party, which was in Xiangjiang Industrial.Afterwards, we fought against each other several times, either explicitly or secretly.

In the huge revolving restaurant, Wu Zhiqiu was the only one sitting in the middle, which seemed unusually empty and lonely.It even creates a sense of fear because it is too empty.

Qin Simi asked Li Yi to sit down opposite Wu Zhiqiu, and introduced: "Mr. Li, this is our boss, Wu Zhiqiu. You two should have met each other?"! .

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