Official road bends

Chapter 329 The Prime Minister Says: Li Yi is a Talent

Hearing the bold words of the magistrate Hou Da, the secretary twitched the corners of his mouth in pain, but the person who said this big talk was his boss, and he had to support him. At the same time, he did not forget to remind Hou Zhengying: "Major Hou, such a big personnel matter As for the question, it must be voted on by the Standing Committee, which is a bit difficult.”

Hou Zhengying glared at the secretary, and said with a sneer, "What are you afraid of? Li Yi is just a young man in his twenties. I'm still afraid that he won't make it? In the past, Linyi County let him rule the country because I waited Zhengying didn't come!"

The secretary kept saying yes, he was originally a small secretary of the county government office, but was fortunate to be selected by Hou Zhengying to become the secretary of the county magistrate. Of course, he must try his best to join the boss.

Hou Zhengying asked: "Xiaoqiu, as far as you know, in Linyi County, apart from Zhu Feng who has been eliminated by me, Xia Fei who is being bewitched by me, and Si Jing from the Finance Bureau, Li Yi also What kind of confidant do you have?"

The secretary's name was Qiu Yang, and he replied after hearing the words: "Major Hou, Li's biggest confidant is not these little guys, but the county political and legal committee Yao Pengcheng. That is Li's biggest pawn, who was picked up by Li Yiyi. In the entire Linyi County, except for Li, no one will sell their accounts. Li Zhidong, he dare not fight west!"

Hou Zhengying hummed slightly, twisted his body a little uneasily, and said: "Only relying on the Political and Legal Committee, he only has one vote in the Standing Committee!"

Qiu Yang said: "I can't say anything about other things. The members of the Standing Committee seldom communicate with each other. Before the critical moment, they don't know who will support whom."

Hou Zhengying had always worked in the ministries and commissions of the capital city before, and his position was not high. As a collateral branch of the Hou family, it was thanks to Hou Changgui that he was able to get this opportunity to be released this time. The parents strongly recommended Hou Zhengying in the past, just to let him come to Linyi County to help him vent his anger.

Before participating in the first meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, he must make precise arrangements and strive to fire the first shot in governing Linyi.

Li Yi didn't take Hou Zhengying seriously at all. With the approaching financial crisis in Southeast Asia, Li Yi needed to do a lot of things. Li Yi, a wise man, came to make arrangements.After get off work every day, he was basically talking to Li Yuanxiao and Rao Ruoxi on the phone, telling them what to do during a certain period.

Li Yuanxiao and Rao Ruoxi had long been accustomed to Li Yi's ghostly genius, and followed all the instructions he sent out.Li Yuanxiao wanted to ask why, but Rao Ruoxi never asked why. She believed that the boss would tell her what he should tell her, and what he shouldn't tell her. No matter how much she asked, it would be useless.

With the great help of these two generals, Li Yi can save his energy and complete his first battle since he took office in Linyi County Party Committee!

Originally, he thought that Linyi would be quiet after getting rid of Zheng Chunshan, and he could push the chariot of Linyi onto the track he had set, and drive to a rich and beautiful place in the distance.

Things are unpredictable. Zheng Chunshan left and Hou Zhengying came. Hou Zhengying came with Hou Changgui's resentment. We must completely beat Hou Zhengying to the ground, and let him understand that in Linyi County, it is not his turn for Hou Zhengying to point fingers!

Lin Xin supported Li Yi in the capital, and wrote several articles in a row to ting Li Yi's views, which were published on "Xinghuo" and Central Daily under the pseudonym "Xingyi", which triggered a new round of economic views nationwide. big discussion.

After reading Li Yi's analysis paper, the editor of the internal reference felt that it was necessary to present it to the top leaders of the country, so he reposted Li Yi's signed article in full.

The Prime Minister read these articles in his busy schedule. When he saw the author's name, he thought for a while and asked the staff around him: "This person's name is very familiar. Is he the grandson of Li Yuanxun?"

The staff around him were not sure, so they immediately checked and reported to the Prime Minister: "The Prime Minister is so memorable, it is Li Yuanxun's grandson."

"I remember that he used to be a counselor, but has he changed his career to become an economic observer now? These economic analysis articles are well written!" The Prime Minister said while flipping through Li Yi's articles.

The staff around them have been prepared for a long time. They know that once the prime minister is interested in someone or something, it is generally not a whim, but a comprehensive and specific understanding. Therefore, when they were checking the author of the article just now, by the way, Hold Li Yi's relevant information in your hands.

"Prime Minister, Comrade Li Yi is currently serving as a county party committee member in Linyi County, Xizhou City, Southern Province." The staff member replied respectfully.

"County Party Committee?" The Prime Minister was surprised: "Hehe, I thought he was a commentator or observer in the economic and financial department! Oh, the County Party Committee, this guy from the Li family, is a bit interesting. Last time, he used a report on water conservancy to convince me. , Today I used a few economic papers, which impressed me. Such a talent, placed in a small county, is a bit overqualified!"

The staff wrote down a sentence in the notebook: "The Prime Minister has something to say, Comrade Li Yi is a talented person, and being a small county party committee is considered overkill!"

There are many think tanks around the prime minister. In addition to the special economic advisers, professionals from the three major institutes of the Academy of Social Sciences, the Institute of Economics, the Institute of Industrial Economics, and the Institute of Finance, work every day to provide high-level A reference to the general direction of economic development.

The views of these economic advisers can basically influence the prime minister's economic outlook.

Now that the country is in charge of the economy, the prime minister has the most contact with and reads the most every day, which are related to the economy and people's livelihood. It can be said that the prime minister can tell the quality of economic papers.

Most of the papers that can be presented to the Prime Minister are written after a lot of investigations and demonstrations, and after several people or even dozens of people have discussed together. papers.This kind of paper cannot be written by ordinary people, it depends on the cooperation of a team.

Suddenly, the Prime Minister saw that a grassroots party member and cadre could write high-level economic papers. How could he not be surprised?

This paper made the Prime Minister think of the young man who talked eloquently at the counselor meeting, and thought of the water conservancy inspection work that has always been valued by the country.The progress and results of the recent water conservancy inspection work are not optimistic.

As soon as the tight spell on the top is loosened, the people below relax. The flood is too remote and abstract for the officials. There have been no problems for so many years. Is it possible that one day there will be a once-in-a-century flood?Since it's a rare encounter in a hundred years, then I definitely won't be so unlucky, I just ran into it in my job, right?Everyone took chances, and didn't pay much attention to the corresponding inspection and repair work. Most of the special water conservancy funds allocated by the state were embezzled by "governments" in various places.

The Prime Minister put away the internal reference, pondered for a moment, and ordered the staff: "Put Li Yuanxun on the phone, I want to talk to him."


In Linyi County, Hou Zhengying began to substantially adjust the personnel and projects of the township enterprise restructuring.He is the county magistrate, and within a certain scope of personnel, he has the power to appoint and dismiss.Didn't Li Yi start this township enterprise restructuring?He's going to grab this project!I have been thinking about how to replace the people in the reform team all day long. The group of elites that Li Yi finally gathered were replaced by him. Fortunately, the road construction project and brick factory project in Donggouzi Township Both have come to an end, and even if they change hands, it won't have much impact on these two projects.

Li Yi already has a plan for the second step. As soon as the coal gangue brick factory is put into operation, the integration and restructuring of other township enterprises will be carried out immediately.It will take two years to fully complete the restructuring of township enterprises in Linyi County. In three to five years, the industrial economy of Linyi County will achieve a rapid development and take off!Li Yi's goal is to build Linyi County into one of the top [-] counties in the country!

Gong Wu and Fu Pingshun, the mayors of Donggouzi Township, came to Li Yi more than once to report the problem, saying that after the new county magistrate took office, he was dictating the restructuring project of township enterprises, and laymen commanded experts. We knew how to do it, but were rejected As soon as he said it, he didn't know what to do. If this goes on for a long time, how will our work be carried out?

Li Yi comforted them with a smile: "Mayor Hou is also thinking about his work. You should listen to his opinions more. Of course, Comrade Zhengying has never been in charge of economic construction work before. If he has something wrong, you can take it as appropriate." Let’s remind you! Just pay attention to the method and method. I believe that Comrade Zhengying will also listen carefully to the correct suggestions of your comrades below.”

Gong Wudao: "Li, you don't know, the county magistrate Hou has a big temper, and we don't allow us to refute any decisions he makes! Once the township chief Fu spoke a few words against him, and in his rage, he accused The mayor Fu said that he would take his post!"

"Is there such a thing?" Li Yi frowned slightly.

"That's right," Fu Pingshun said, "Li, if this goes on like this, our pilot work in Donggouzi Township will be ruined by him! Besides, he not only picked his nose and eyes, but also sent People came down to check the quality of the road and the construction quality of the brick factory. Fortunately, we are strong and there is no problem with the quality, otherwise he would be dismissed on the spot."

Li Yi sneered and said: "If he wants to make trouble, let him do it first. I want to see what kind of moth he is going to do! Comrade Gong Wu, Comrade Ping Shun, you can continue to preside over the township enterprises in Donggouzi Township with confidence and boldness." Don’t be afraid of the reform pilot work, don’t be afraid of losing your official title! If someone gets their official title because of this, I, Li Yi, promise you here, I will definitely give you a bigger hat!” ro! .

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