Official road bends

Chapter 34 The Miscalculated Xu Shaonong

Chapter 34 Xu Shaonong who miscalculated

Li Zhengyu jumped up angrily!

Dare to hang up on me?

After being stunned for a second, he quickly dialed another phone number.

Vice-principal Xu sat leisurely on the executive chair, looking at the office. For more than ten years, Qian Ning has always been the principal, and he has always been the vice-principal.

Although there is only one word difference between the principal and the deputy, they are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.

If you are an official without a leader, you will not fart loudly. If you are an official with a deputy, what you say does not count.

Xu Shaonong's heart disease for many years is to get rid of this adverb that weighs on his head.

But no matter how hard he tried, the adverb in front just couldn't be removed.

Alas, time and fate!

Just as he was lamenting his bad luck, the phone on the desk rang again.

Xu Shaonong muttered: "The phone in the principal's office is different, it rings much more often than mine!"

"Hi, hello, Principal Qian Ning is on a business trip. I'm the vice principal, Xu Shaonong. Who is it?" Xu Shaonong said politely.

A very young voice came from the phone, with a lot of arrogance: "Is it Nantah University? Get Li Yi to answer the phone!"

When Xu Shaonong heard it, he became angry: "There is no such person! You made a mistake!"

Boom!Hang up again.

"Aren't you bothered? Call me again with a different vest? Think I won't recognize you?" Xu Shaonong smiled complacently, and hummed a classic excerpt from Tackling Tiger Mountain by Outwitting: "Today I drank the wine to celebrate my success, and I will never stop until my ambition is not paid. In the future, Fang Chang will show his skills, and write the Spring and Autumn Period with his blood—"

The sound of the word "Autumn" has not been dragged on yet, and the phone rang again.

Xu Shaonong didn't care about it, and let it ring for about ten times. After he finished the qiuzi sound, he picked up the phone and was about to speak, when a mellow baritone came from the other side: "I am Wen Yuxi, the provincial party committee member. ! Please find Li Yi!"

When he heard that he was looking for Li Yi again, Xu Shaonong was already very impatient, and suddenly came a humorous answer: "There is no such person!"

He hung up the phone with a "kuang", thinking that this kid is so brave, he dared to pretend to be a member of the provincial party committee!If you change a few more vests, you will still be ignored!

Hmm, Provincial Party Committee Wen Yuxi?The secretary of the provincial party committee seems to be named Wen, right?Is it called Wen Yuxi?Never mind!The secretary of the provincial party committee has nothing to do when he is idle, so he wants to play with Li Yi?

Wen Yuxi never dreamed that he dared to hang up the phone call he made personally!

In the past two days, the province is about to hold an industrial meeting. He was invited to attend. Thinking of Li Yi's performance at the Steel Summit, he wanted to ask him to come over and have a good talk. If he can hear something useful from him , then at the industrial meeting, there is something to say.

Wen Yuxi is an airborne cadre and has been developing in the ministries and commissions of the capital. Although he has been devolved before and presided over the work of a city, but at that time, the country's industry was not developed, and the city he was in was even more agricultural. The industrial base is weak, so he is a complete layman in industry.

Now as a provincial official, although he is in charge of party affairs and cadre work, he must also lead the overall situation.Now everything is focused on economic construction, and he doesn't want to make no achievements in his post. Recently, he has been supplementing economic and industrial knowledge, and he has a lot of experience and feelings.

Without agriculture, there is no stability, without work, there is no wealth, and without business, there is no life.This is an old saying, but it is a portrayal in this world.

Let the agriculture develop steadily, let the industry gradually prosper, let the goods circulate quickly, and thus drive the entire market, let the economy of the southern province take a qualitative leap in a few years, the economy develops, and the "government" can return money to the people , Infrastructure construction, water conservancy projects, convenience projects, vegetable basket projects, medical housing, etc., can be taken to a higher level!

When an official reaches the rank of Wen Yuxi, what he thinks about the most is how to seek development in stability, how to improve people's livelihood, and how to benefit one party. Unless necessary, he is cautious and tries not to touch those intriguing political schemes. of.After all, a person's energy is limited, fighting back and forth all day long, can they survive the ruthless years?

Wen Yuxi is actually very disgusted with political struggles. He feels that this kind of officials are similar to people who "poor midnight, don't ask Cangshan and ask ghosts and gods." The difference is that they care about ghosts and gods. Shangguan hat.

Wen Yuxi's former secretary died in a car accident, and the death was very romantic. This made Wen Yuxi, who was always strict with himself, very annoyed, and severely punished the secretary's recommender, Zheng Zhihong, the director of the Provincial Party Committee Office. After a meal, he was ordered to choose another good secretary.

Zheng Zhihong didn't expect that the secretary couldn't stand the flattery, and after only a few days in power, he would have to go to the underworld, and he would be hurt as well.This time Zheng Zhihong learned to be smart, so he picked a few more candidates and asked Wen Yuxi to pick them himself.

After careful inspection, Wen Yuxi chose the current secretary Huang Shuqi.

Huang Shuqi has a bit of a name, but he is actually a tall and thick guy from the Northeast. He is in his 30s and looks very energetic. He was promoted to the deputy director level five years ago, and he is still the deputy director level. Level, erase the previous adverb.

Generally speaking, those who serve as secretaries to the secretary of the provincial party committee are at the deputy department level and concurrently serve as the deputy director of the general office of the provincial party committee, but Huang Shuqi is not qualified enough, so he can only do so first.

Huang Shuqi is the first batch of college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination. After graduation, she directly entered the office of the provincial party committee. She was assigned to the second comprehensive department. Once, he knew in his heart that as long as he followed Secretary Wen for two or three years, he could be promoted to the deputy office, and after another two or three years, he would be the main office when he was released. At that time, he was only in his early 40s, and he became a prince. !The bleak future suddenly brightens up.

Therefore, he worked very hard. Today was his first day at work. He came very early, cleaned the windows of the office, and made a cup of good tea for Secretary Wen.

After Wen Yuxi arrived, he habitually opened the cup and saw a cup of tea that was neither hot nor cold, exuding a tangy tea fragrance, and nodded involuntarily.After finishing his official duties, he thought of the upcoming industrial conference in the province, so he called Huang Shuqi in and asked him to find Li Yi.

Huang Shuqi was confused when he heard it, who is Li Yi?Which Li Yi?As a newcomer, he didn't dare to ask 'randomly'. What if the boss got upset and kicked him on the spot?He can't afford to lose this face.

While hesitating, Wen Yuxi said: "Oh, he is from Nantah University!"

Huang Shuqi immediately agreed: "Okay! Secretary Wen, I'm going to make a call."

He couldn't help muttering in his heart: "Who is this Li Yi? The principal of Nantah University?" But he didn't dare to ask more questions. What the leader dislikes the most is the kind of subordinates who don't understand anything and have to ask questions before they can do things. .Everything needs to be explained clearly by the leader. What do you want your subordinates to do?

This is comparable to "Letter to Garcia".

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