Official road bends

Chapter 341 Not in 1 Weight Class

It was Ji Gan's thinking that Hou Zhengying was able to behave so calmly at today's Standing Committee meeting.Let Li Yi sneer, but he didn't refute.These things have already happened to him, and it will not help to argue any more at this moment, it will only make the description darker and darker, so he just kept silent.This method of responding to all changes with the same change is indeed the best way to deal with such incidents. Everyone sees that the parties concerned are not sensitive, and soon lose interest.

Li Yi said: "Here, I would like to explain a few points. First, we party members and cadres are not allowed to engage in privileges, nor can we make exceptions! Things like full-time medical care must never happen to our cadres in Linyi County! No matter who it is, if you find one and deal with it, you will never be merciless." Li Yi's expression was very serious, his eyes widened, and he said: "Second point, anyone or anything that attempts to destroy the current economic development and social stability must be dealt with. Resolutely put an end to it! The provincial economic development zone and the restructuring of township enterprises, these two projects are not only the development plan of our Linyi County, but also the key projects of Xizhou City. The people of Linyi will not agree to any behavior that destroys these projects. The municipal party committee will not agree!" "Let me talk about these two points first. Next, let's proceed to the agenda of this standing committee meeting. The first thing is a matter reported by the county finance bureau, saying that the county's 'government' The County Finance Bureau issued an approval note to allocate 3000 million yuan to carry out technical transformation of the county textile factory! I would like to ask the comrades in charge of the 'government' here. As far as I know, the total capital of the county textile factory is only 500 million yuan. However, 3000 million yuan has to be invested in technical transformation, is this budget reasonable?" Li Yi said, turning his head to look at Hou Zhengying.

Yao Pengcheng said with a smile: "Although I don't understand economics, and I have never done economic work, but a 500 million factory needs to invest 3000 million." Is there a big problem here?It's obvious!Even if you buy a new factory, it only costs 500 million!This account, Lian Xiao

Students will count, right? "Hou Zhengying felt a toothache. This budget statement was handed over by the people below. After reading it, he thought it was okay, so he agreed. He had never done economic work before, and he was involved in asset accounting and technical transformation. Things are completely laymen. He was stunned when he heard Li Yi's question at this moment. Such a small business? Why didn't I find such a problem before.

"Comrade Hou Zhengying, you approved this report, and you signed it. Can you explain to the Standing Committee?" Li Yi asked by name.

"This..." Hou Zhengying covered her forehead with her right hand and kept beating her head, unable to explain why for a long time.

Li Yi tapped heavily on the table with his fingers: "Comrade Hou Zhengying, if you want to mess around, you can!

But, I ask you to be a little professional, okay? "Hong Weiming said: "This matter, I know a little bit of the situation, it is like this, the 3000 million funds include the purchase fee of imported equipment, the land transfer fee and construction fee of the new factory building, and also include retired old workers. Their one-time buyout fee.Adding up several expenses, there is so much money.Among them, the purchase cost of imported equipment accounts for a considerable part. "

Hou Zhengying also seemed to have just remembered, and said: "Yes, the reason why the current county textile factory is unsustainable is because the equipment is outdated, the technology is backward, and it cannot make money. Since it is necessary to carry out technological transformation, of course it must be imported. The best equipment. It is reasonable that the cost is higher!" Xie Mingzhen said: "Although I work in the organization department, I have also been in charge of economic work before.

What Comrade Weiming said just now means rebuilding a textile factory?Buying land, building factories, buying equipment, is this still a technical transformation of the county textile factory? Hong Weiming said: "This is also a transformation!" Li Yi supported Xie Mingzhen's opinion and said: "Comrades Zhengying and Comrades Weiming, relying on existing enterprises, starting from market demand, focus on improving economic efficiency, improving product quality, increasing varieties of flowers, promoting product upgrading, expanding Export, reduce costs, save energy consumption, strengthen comprehensive utilization of resources and treatment of three wastes, safe production, environmental protection, etc., adopt advanced and applicable new technologies, new equipment, new processes, and new materials at home and abroad to improve existing facilities, The transformation of production process conditions and auxiliary facilities is called technical transformation.What you have done is not a technological transformation, but a facelift!Replaced the entire textile factory! "Yao Pengcheng said: "Yes, 3000 million, wouldn't it be possible to build six textile factories like the one now?The question is, can you really make money by investing so much money in it?Besides, our county really has so much money, wouldn't it be good to spend it on other jobs?How many practical problems can be solved, worthy of being hanged from the tree of the textile factory?I heard that many large textile enterprises with assets of tens of millions in the provincial capital have closed down!

A cousin of mine works in the No. 2000 Weaving Factory in the provincial capital.This large factory has assets of nearly 2000 million and 1000 employees. In recent years, the provincial finance has successively allocated funds for technological transformation. In order to save this factory, it has invested more than [-] million and purchased advanced foreign production lines. What happened? Sample?Still haven't saved the factory!This year, when I read the book in March, I declared bankruptcy!Such a factory actually owes the bank hundreds of millions of funds!The loss is all the country's money! "

As the vanguard of Li Yi's front, Yao Pengcheng's words were loud and well-founded, and Hou Zhengying was caught off guard in an instant.

Li Yi said: "Linyi County Textile Factory, I have conducted research, this factory not only lags behind in technology and equipment, but also has major problems in the factory's business philosophy and management methods. According to my research results, I think this factory has no technical reforms. and revitalization, the best way is to take the path of policy bankruptcy.”

Hou Zhengying said: "I reserve my personal opinion. The county textile factory is a factory with a long history. It is a piece of wealth in Linyi! If it goes bankrupt, what will happen to hundreds of employees and their families? Their lives Where is the way out? So many unemployed people will add too many factors of instability to the society, if they petition or make trouble, what will our 'government' do?"

Li Yi said: "As for the arrangement of laid-off workers and retired workers, we will conduct a specific analysis and solution. Let's take this opportunity to finalize the matter of the textile factory. After the finalization, we can set up a bankruptcy liquidation team. Carry out bankruptcy liquidation of the textile factory and enter the corresponding bankruptcy procedures. In addition, a textile factory bankruptcy work leading group will be established to be specifically responsible for the resettlement of employees and related work.”

Hou Zhengying said in a deep voice: "I don't agree with bankruptcy. This is an extremely irresponsible approach to the textile workers! It will lead to the emergence of unstable factors."

Kong Rong said: "I don't agree with bankruptcy either. A company is just like a person. You can't let him be cured just because he is sick, right? Should he be eliminated? During the Long March of the Red Army, disabled comrades were not treated. Abandoned, and they have to be carried to the destination. Now, the textile factory just has some minor problems temporarily, and it is going to go bankrupt? How do the employees in it arrange? Their families still expect them to get their wages and go back to support their families. !"

Hong Weiming said: "I agree with the opinion of the county magistrate. I don't want to do such a thing that damages Yin's morals! I will be scolded by my ancestors for eighteen generations!"

Li Yi listened to the characters expressing their opinions one by one with a calm expression, thinking that this wretched trio is really of one heart and one mind!He slowly glanced at the other members of the Standing Committee, and said: "If you must compare the company with the human body, I agree. The Linyi County Textile Factory has gone through his youth, middle-aged and young age, and is now an octogenarian! Should we save a late-stage enterprise that is dying of illness? How should we save it? Should we continue to invest a lot of money and do unnecessary struggles to speed up his death, or find another way out and get rid of it as soon as possible? The market economy is cruel Ruthlessly, when an enterprise no longer adapts to the survival rules of the market, it will only go bankrupt! Our energy and financial resources are limited, and we should invest this limited energy and financial resources in more valuable enterprises and industries go!"

Yao Pengcheng chuckled: "Since it's rotten, it should be cut off! I agree with Secretary Li's bankruptcy proposal.

Propaganda Minister Bi Rusong smiled and said: "Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. I agree with Secretary Li's proposal to liquidate the textile factory as soon as possible."

Xie Mingzhen said: "I agree with Secretary Li [Secretary]'s opinion. During the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, temporary pains are inevitable. We can't be afraid of the pain, so we can't do it!"

Bian Jianjun, Minister of Human Resources and Armed Forces, said: "If it is a comrade on the battlefield, I will carry him back even if I risk my life, but this is a market economy. Although I don't understand it, I think what Secretary Li [Secret] said is reasonable. , We can only go further if we get rid of the burden.”

Kuang Rong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Chengguan Town, said: "The problem of the textile factory? Didn't Secretary Li [Shu] make it very clear last time? I have always supported Secretary Li [Shu]. On this issue, there is no There is no need to discuss it! It’s obvious, if they don’t go bankrupt, who will support them? The county finances can’t afford it, right? 3000 million invested in technological transformation? Just kidding, how much can 3000 million do?”

So far, Li Yi's victory is set.

Wu Kailin, secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Lu Zhipeng, head of the United Front Work Department, although they were short-mouthed about cannibalism, they were very clear on the issue of principle, and they also expressed their support for Li Yi one after another. Although they didn't say a word, Just the short words "I agree with Secretary Li's opinion", pierced Hou Zhengying's heart like a sharp dagger. ! .

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