Official road bends

Chapter 345 You are good at what you do

In the county committee building, Comrade Tian Yuan is already one head and two big.

One woman is equivalent to five hundred ducks, and there are at least thirty women here today!Old and young, ugly and dirty, all surrounded his office.There was a lot of chatter, you and I said something, yelling endlessly in Comrade Tian Yuan's ears.

They have only one purpose, see Li Yi's [Book] secretary!

Comrade Tian Yuan has always been proud of owning such a big office, but for the first time today he felt that this office was a bit small!

Tian Yuan couldn't keep his smile anymore, he said with a wry smile: "Comrades, I'm just secretary Li [Shu], I'm not a magician, I can't change Secretary Li [Shu]."

"You are the secretary, you must know where he is?"

"That's right. The secretary is the person next to the leader. He is half of the leader. It's impossible for you not to know where he is, right? Tell me!"

"It's okay if you don't say anything, let's just follow him. The secretary can't do without the leader, right? As long as we follow him, we will definitely find Secretary Li Yi [Book]!"

"That's right, little comrade, if you don't tell the whereabouts of Secretary Li Yi [Secretary], we sisters will eat you up, even after work, we will follow you to your house, with your wife and children." Eat and sleep together!"

"Haha, why don't we just eat and sleep with this secretary brother?"

"This secretary brother is handsome, but he doesn't talk much."

"Secretaries are like this. If you lead the people around you, you will lose your words if you talk too much!"


Tian Yuan persuaded them earnestly, but these people refused to leave, and they refused to go to the lower floor to find Kong Rong and the deputy [secretary] secretary.

Tian Yuan wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Comrades, this is the No. [-] office of the county party committee, not a place where you make trouble. If you continue to make trouble like this, I will call the armed police security to come and clear the place."

"Brother Secretary, are you serious about what you said? When did we come to make trouble? We are here to talk to Secretary Li Yi [Book]!"

"That's right, we are here to report on our work! Secretary Li is not just the secretary of your civil servants, is he? He is also the secretary of all the people in Linyi. If you have something to do at work, you can report to him , we have something to do at work, of course we can also report to him!"

Tian Yuan said: "Comrade, you're just being ridiculous. Even if you want to report on your work, you can't have so many people here at the same time. Isn't this a group fight with more people than you? Is this good? You leave one or two representatives, Wait here for Secretary Li [Secret] to come back. If you have anything to say or report, you can report to Secretary Li [Secret] through this representative! Look, this will not only delay everyone's work, It also hinders the work of our 'government' department, everyone is a good comrade who understands etiquette and reason, I hope everyone understands my difficulties, if this situation is seen by the leaders, they will be in my position."

Sakura thought for a while, and said loudly: "This secretary brother is right, this is the office of the [Secretary] of the county party committee, and there are many people coming and going, maybe there are also businessmen and investors from other places. Being seen by them will affect our investment promotion work in Linyi County. If our county’s economy cannot develop, it will also have a great impact on the profitability of our factory. Listen to me, we will choose a representative to stay, Just report to Secretary Li on our behalf.

Everyone else go back to work first, okay? "

Someone said: "Sakura is right, my feet are numb and my mouth is thirsty. Let's go! This is the 'government' office, a reasonable place, and it's not a place where there are more people. People I'm afraid Secretary Li won't be happy if there are too many, and if he is unhappy, our affairs will be difficult to settle."

"Then let's choose a representative!"

"I choose Sakura!"

"That's right, Sakura, you should stay here on behalf of us. You are the only one in our factory who has a graduate degree and can speak well. There are dozens of us plus one, and you can't speak."

"Then Sakura will stay here."

"Sakura, thank you for your hard work. You must help us explain to Secretary Li [Secret] why we are here. Our textile factory must not be sold, let alone go bankrupt!"

Xiaoying got everyone's trust, she seemed very excited, she gritted her teeth lightly, and said: "Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely explain it to Secretary Li [Book] and ask for an explanation. Keep our textile mills!"

"Sakura, we believe in you.

"Yeah, Sakura, you are the best among our sisters!"

"We support that you will definitely be better than your parents!"

"Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely not disappoint everyone's expectations." Looking at the familiar and friendly faces, Sakura shouted: "Everyone go back first, it's not a problem to be stuck here, it's better to go back to the factory Let's make a few feet of cloth."

"Then let's go, Sakura, you must help us!"

"Sakura, come on! We believe in you."

The workers walked away slowly.

Tian Yuan wiped off his cold sweat, thinking that his strategy had finally succeeded, he glanced at that little Sakura, thinking how could such a beautiful little girl like Didi stay?

"Hey, how long have you been working, can you represent so many workers in the textile factory?" Tian Yuan sat down on the chair and let out a sigh of relief.

"Of course I can represent. I am the representative elected by the workers! Didn't you see it just now?" Xiao... Sakura said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hehe, you have ambition. I think you look like you just got out of school. You haven't been working for long, right?" Tian Yuan took a sip of water.

"It is true that I have just started working, but I have lived in the county textile factory for more than 20 years!" Sakura said.

"Oh? So, you are a descendant of an old worker in a textile factory! Well, are you thirsty? Would you like a glass of water?" Tian Yuan laughed.Now that there is only one person staying here, he is not afraid of Li Yi's scolding, and he feels a lot easier.

"Thank you, I'm not thirsty." Sakura fluttered her big eyes, looking at the office she was in.

"Sit down, Secretary Li didn't come back so early.

"Tian Yuan pointed to the sofa for entertaining guests.

"The office of the [Secretary] of the County Party Committee is very luxurious!" Xiao Ying said softly, but did not sit down.

"Haha, this is not the office of the [Secretary] of the county party committee." Tian Yuan laughed.

"Are you coaxing me? Aren't you the secretary of the [Secretary] of the county party committee?" Sakura said.

"I'm Secretary Li [Book], so this is the office of Secretary [Book] of the county party committee!

Secretary Li's office is in the one inside. "Tian Yuan pointed to the closed door.

"Oh?" Sakura smiled, walked over, and quickly unscrewed the round doorknob.

When Tian Yuan discovered her plan, he wanted to speak out to stop her, but it was too late, Xiao Ying had already pushed open the door and stepped in.

Tian Yuan smiled wryly, falling into this woman's trap!Shouted: "Hey, Secretary Li [Secretary] is really not inside, come out quickly!"

When he got up and came to the door, the door was suddenly closed from the inside with a bang. He stretched out his hand to push it, but it didn't move at all, even when he twisted the handle, he couldn't turn it.

The door was locked by Sakura from the inside!

Tian Yuan was startled, he patted the door, and shouted, "Hey, Comrade Xiaoying! Comrade Xiaoying, come out quickly, you can't just go in here!"

"I'm waiting for Secretary Li [Book] inside. I don't mess with the things inside, let alone flip the things inside. Don't worry! If I mess around, you can arrest me! "Sakura's voice drifted out from inside.

"Hey, there is a level of secrecy here, if you don't come out, I'll call the armed police to arrest you now!" Tian Yuan shouted sharply.

"Brother Secretary, don't worry, I really won't mess around, I just want to wait until Secretary Li."

"You come out and wait, even if the county magistrate is here, you can only wait outside when Secretary Li [Secret] is waiting! Hey, can you come out?"

Sakura originally wanted to see if Li Yi was in the room, but the moment she turned the doorknob, she suddenly changed her mind and decided to come inside and wait for Li Yi to return!

Because she was really scared, afraid that Tian Yuan would take her away or take her away.Then she will live up to the great trust of so many colleagues.

"Hey, I really called the police!" Tian Yuan picked up the phone, dialed a number at random, and shouted into the microphone: "Hello, is this the guard room? I'm Tian Yuan, you send two people over immediately !Immediately!"

While Tian Yuan was on the phone, he looked at the reaction at the door, but there was no response at all.

Tian Yuan was really annoyed. In Li Yi's office, there are a lot of confidential documents, and there are several highly confidential documents, which have not yet been sent to the County Secrecy Bureau for storage. Then for the rest of my life, let alone continue to be a secretary, I'm afraid it's hard to say whether I can spend the rest of my life outside normally!

In desperation, Tian Yuan really dialed the number of the guard room!

Xiao Ying doesn't like Tian Yuan's tricks at all, guessing based on her IQ, Tian Yuan is just bluffing and trying to lure her out!

At this moment, she is looking at Li Yi's office curiously.

When the phone was about to be connected, a magnetic male voice came from the door: "Tian Yuan, they're all gone? Hehe, you're good at it. You can handle so many people."

"Ah, Secretary Li, you are back!" Tian Yuan hung up the phone hastily, and exclaimed in surprise.

"Well, if I knew you had already done it, I wouldn't have come back so early!" Li Yi chuckled.

"Li [Book] Secretary, there is another one inside!" Tian Yuan pointed to the inside.

"What?" Li Yi asked in surprise.

"I'm sorry, Secretary Li [Book], I couldn't stop her. I didn't expect that she would rush in suddenly. I was just looking for someone from the guard room..."

"Forget it. Well, is it the representative left by the comrades of the workers?" Li Yi interrupted him and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes. I'll call her out now."

As soon as Tian Yuan walked to the door, the door opened. ! .

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