Official road bends

Chapter 386 Comparing with Jiangbei Province 1

Chapter 386 Competing with Jiangbei Province

But Wen Yuxi has long cultivated to the point where his emotions and anger are invisible. When others pretend to be arrogant in front of him, he only thinks that others are playing tricks. He smiled slightly and said lightly: "Comrade Luo Changhong, hello, I am Wen y, Secretary of the Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee, was uploaded by a friend ==”

Only then did Luo Changhong laugh loudly and said, "So it's Comrade Wen Yuxi, hello. [ ] What can you do?"

Wen Yuxi said: "Comrade Luo Changhong, I want to have a good talk with you about the wine fair?"

Luo Changhong said: "Wine fair? What kind of wine fair? Oh, you are going to hold the second wine fair in Jiangzhou? Want to invite me to attend?"

Wen Yuxi sneered secretly, thinking that you are really pretending to be confused with your understanding!He directly exposed his false face: "Secretary Luo, I heard that your Jiangbei Province is also preparing for a wine fair?"

Luo Changhong said: "Is Jiangbei Province also planning a wine expo? Why didn't I know about it? Are you sure? Oh, it must be the comrades below. I want to go to your Jiangnan Province to study hard! I heard that you not only have advanced agricultural technology, but also have many commercial and economic models, which are worthy of our comrades in Jiangbei Province to study hard! This wine fair is probably also learned by them Come back! Comrade Wen Yuxi, do you want to come to Jiangbei Province to attend the opening ceremony?"

Now that Wen Yuxi had figured out the mystery, Luo Changhong was also a bachelor, so he found an excuse and admitted it.

Wen Yuxi said: "Secretary Luo, this wine expo is a pioneering work of our Jiangnan Province. It's unkind for you to do this! Isn't this clearly robbing exhibitors from our Jiangnan Province?"

Luo Changhong said: "Secretary Wen, you are serious. It is true that the wine fair started from your side, but this is not your patent? You do yours, we do ours, and who will be more successful , then it depends on the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers. This is like the auto show, the capital has an auto show, and Haidu can also hold an auto show!"

As soon as Wen Yuxi heard the other party's tone, he knew that the other party's attitude was very tough. Today's matter is not so easy to solve, so he followed his words and said: "Even if every city can have a car show, it will not be crowded together. Open it? Customers and merchants are certain after all, this is not good for everyone!"

Luo Changhong said: "Since this is the case, please change the time in Jiangzhou City! We have already set the time here, and it is impossible to change it. Besides, we dare not collide with your Jiangzhou City. Hehe, we have Our characteristic is that we are not afraid of competition!"

Wen Yuxi suppressed his displeasure, and said, "Secretary Luo, I made this call today to discuss it with you. If you Jiangbei Province insists on holding a wine expo, I have a good suggestion. Our two provinces are united as one, and we will work together to hold a wine expo. With the strength of the two provinces, we can hold an unprecedented scale and wonderful exhibition, and we will definitely win a win-win situation!"

Luo Changhong said: "This idea is not bad! Since you Jiangnan Province is so unconfident, then our Jiangbei Province is reluctant to accept you to come to Jiangbei Province and cooperate with us to hold this wine expo! Tolerance is great! The hearts of our Jiangbei people are broad!"

If it were Wu Dongfang or Li Yi, they would probably have dropped the phone a long time ago, but Wen Yuxi just sneered lightly and said, "Comrade Luo Changhong, you misunderstood me. It is natural that the two provinces will co-organize it." With our Jiangnan Province as the mainstay, the host city must also be Jiangzhou City. Your Jiangbei Province can participate in our preparatory and organizational work as a co-organizer, and the booth can also be inclined to you."

Luo Changhong laughed for a while, and then said in a cold voice: "Comrade Wen Yuxi, your stuff is too cold, it's not funny at all. I'm sorry, I'm busy with work, and I'll chat with you again when I have a chance."

Listening to the beeping noise coming from the receiver, Wen Yuxi sneered secretly, with your attitude and heart, can you be a good family of a province?You don't accept the win-win proposal, but you insist on going your own way!Do you think our Jiangnan Provincial Committee is eating dry food?

You Tuen was sitting opposite Wen Yuxi, and even guessing the dream, he probably could guess what Luo Changhong said. Seeing Wen Yuxi slowly put down the receiver, he said, "Secretary Wen, is the other party not gay?"

Wen Yuxi said: "You are more stubborn than I imagined! Comrade Tuen, I have made a note of this matter, and I will find time to negotiate with the other party. Who is in charge of our wine fair?"

You Tuen said: "It's Comrade Li Yi, deputy secretary of the Jiangzhou Municipal Party Committee. Last year's Wine Expo was his idea, which was so impressive that it attracted drinkers from all over the world!"

Wen Yuxi nodded and said: "You can ask Comrade Li Yi to come to me later, I have something to say to him."

The reason why Wen Yuxi didn't call Li Yi directly, but asked You Tuen to pass it on, was that he didn't want these people to know that he was too close to Li Yi.

You Tuen nodded in agreement, and when Wen Yuxi picked up the teacup, he got up and said goodbye.

Wen Yuxi didn't drink tea. When he saw him get up, he put down his teacup, got up, shook hands with You Tuen, and said, "Comrade Tuen, go slowly."

Li Yi was notified by You Tuen and came to Wen Yuxi's office.

Wen Yuxi was smoking a cigarette, and when she saw Li Yi coming in, she raised her chin slightly, signaling Li Yi to sit down.

"Secretary Wen, I heard from Secretary You that Jiangbei Province has a tough attitude." Li Yi smiled.

Wen Yuxi snorted coldly, smoked a cigarette slowly, put out the cigarette butt, and then said: "Li Yi, I give you an order, no matter what method you use, you must suppress the wine fair in Jiangbei Province Go on! I want to show them the strength of our Jiangnan province!"

Li Yi said: "Please rest assured, Secretary Wen, I already have a comprehensive plan."

Wen Yuxi said: "I've seen your plan, isn't it just to open three days in advance? Although it's ahead of others, it doesn't have enough new ideas. Are you sure you can beat Jiangbei Province? Can you attract exhibitors? come?"

Li Yi said with a smile: "Exhibitors are just one aspect, but not the most important aspect. This is like an auto show. The most important thing is not how many auto companies come to participate in the exhibition. For exhibitors, one more wine For the expo, they will have one more choice. They can send one more exhibitor team to Jiangbei Province to participate in the exhibition. For them, this is a good thing. On the one hand, they can get in touch with more businesses, and on the other hand, they can suppress us The participation fee here."

Wen Yuxi said: "You are right, so you mean that Jiangbei Province's wine expo has little influence on us?"

Li Yi said: "This is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, it will be beneficial to us!"

Wen Yuxi said, "What do you think?"

Li Yi said: "I'm sure, even if we open in Jiangbei Province, our exhibitors this year will not be less than last year, but more. Just like auto shows, there are so many exhibitors in all auto shows, big and small, because they You can catch the market! As long as there is a market, they will flock to it."

Wen Yuxi said: "You just said that exhibitors are not important, so what is the most important thing?"

Li Yi said: "Customers are the most important! That is, the market is the most important. Where there is a market for customers, there will be business opportunities. Exhibitors will naturally come here after hearing the news."

Wen Yuxi smiled and said: "I understand this truth, but what do you use to attract businessmen? Based on your plan, isn't it a little behind? Or what you did last year!"

Li Yi smiled inscrutablely, and said with a smile: "I forgot to bring a cigarette, please ask for a cigarette."

Wu Xianqi, Wen Yuxi's temporary secretary, came in to make tea for Li Yi. He happened to see Wen Yuxi handing cigarettes to Li Yi.Li Xian Corporal?When Governor Wu came before, Wen Yuxi didn't see Wen Yuxi handing over a cigarette!Even if the senior officials at the deputy ministerial level below came to report on their work, Wen Yuxi was serious and earnest. Today, Secretary Wen is like this, with a smiley smile and scattered smoke for Li Yichou. This is the sun coming out from the west up?

Although Wu Xianqi was very curious about the content of the chat between Li Yi and Wen Yuxi, he didn't dare to stay for a long time, and retreated after finishing his work.

Wen Yuxi threw a lighter over and said, "Light it yourself!"

Li Yi picked up the lighter and said, "This lighter is good. It's a famous brand. Secretary Wen, you've been extravagant!"

Wen Yuxi said: "It was given to me by Kejia, and he spent all his savings! Isn't it just a lighting thing! It's too worthless to spend so much money."

Li Yi smiled and said: "If you don't like it, you can give it to me. I'm just short of a decent lighter!"

"Nonsense! You still need a lighter? Don't try to steal my things!" Wen Yuxi stared.

Li Yi smiled and said: "It seems that you are still a baby! The gift my son bought is still different!"

Wen Yuxi said: "Don't play tricks on me, tell me about your overall plan! You don't want to keep it a secret from me, do you?"

Li Yi said: "Of course I can trust you, but I just want to keep a little mystery, so that it will be more surprising."

Wen Yuxi grabbed the cigarette case and punched it: "Stop talking to me, if you don't talk to me, get out!"

Li Yi said: "I said yes, but you have to promise me one thing."

Wen Yuxi glared fiercely, and said, "Are you still haggling with me?"

Li Yi said: "Don't dare, I just want to treat you to a meal, so please do me a favor!"

Wen Yuxi smiled and said: "Since ancient times, there have been no good banquets, and no good meetings. What are you holding back and wanting to murder me?"

Li Yi said: "How is it possible! Am I that kind of person? Besides, are you still afraid of me?"

Wen Yuxi said: "You kid! Okay, I promise you to eat your meal!"

Li Yi said: "Then it's a deal, tonight, the building is full of fragrance, I will pick you up."

Wen Yuxi said: "No need to pick it up, I know the place. Can we talk about your overall plan now?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Since you have promised me to go out for dinner, then wait until the table, and I will report to you in detail!"

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