Chapter 390

When talking about Mrs. Yuan's illness, Li Yi asked: "Secretary Yuan, is Mrs. Yuan congenitally deaf or acquired?"

Yuan Ye said: "It was formed the day after tomorrow. 【*】"

Li Yi said: "Actually, there is a way to cure this disease."

Yuan Ye said: "I have tried many methods, but none of them worked."

Li Yi said: "The root of dumbness is deafness. Therefore, as long as Mrs. Yuan's deafness is cured, she can learn to speak when she can hear the sound of the outside world, and the dumbness can be cured."

Yuan Ye said: "I also understand this truth. But Gong Xiu's illness has dragged on for too long, and the cochlea is damaged, so it is difficult to cure."

Li Yi said: "Then implant a cochlear implant! The quality of the imported cochlear implant from Austria is very good, and the operation process is not complicated. After the operation, Mrs. Yuan will soon be able to hear the sound of the outside world again!"

Yuan Ye smiled wryly and shook his head.

At this moment, Yuan Li came out with a dish and said, "We asked about it. A cochlear implant is too expensive. It costs 30 to [-] yuan! Our current family conditions do not allow it."

Li Yi said: "Secretary Yuan, you are the top leader of the Provincial Commission for Disciplinary Inspection! After so many years as an official, you haven't even saved money for your wife's surgery?"

Yuan Ye's face turned red rarely, and he remained silent.

Yuan Li said: "My dad doesn't have a penny of income other than dead wages. What kind of money do you think he can have? Like other people's homes, even if they sell cigarettes and alcohol gifts, they can earn tens of thousands of income every year! My dad is fine, he only has that little money every month, and it’s all for my mother to see a doctor. Over the years, I have spent a lot of money, but my condition has not improved at all! If I had known, I would save the money and have a one-time operation. ah?"

Li Yi nodded slowly.To Li Yi, several hundred thousand is really a trivial matter, and he also intends to help Yuan Ye, but how to send out the 30 is a big question.Tell Yuan Ye directly that he wants to use [-] to treat Mrs. Yuan's illness. It is estimated that Yuan Ye can fork himself out, let alone report himself and check his financial sources!

Taking advantage of Yuan Li's chance to go in and serve food, Li Yi got up and said, "I'll help!"

Yuan Li smiled and said, "You're welcome, you are a guest, just sit outside!"

Li Yi still bit the bullet and followed her into the kitchen, and asked, "Your mother is like that, why did your father marry her back then?"

Yuan Li stared wide-eyed, and said, "What are you talking about? My mother is a beauty!"

Li Yi said: "It can be seen from the beauty of you. I know a charity that specializes in helping the disabled to see and treat diseases for free. Would you like me to contact your mother?"

Yuan Li said: "Is there really such a good thing in the world?"

Li Yi said: "Of course there are, there are still many good people in this world!"

Yuan Li said: "It will cost hundreds of thousands! Are they willing to pay this money? They are not fools! This is something that has no return at all! Aren't the so-called Cixi institutions treating children's diseases? It doesn't cost much, With a good reputation, we can count on these children to give back to the society in the future!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "The charity I know, their boss is very rich, and there is so much money that there is no place to spend it. Last time there was a flood across the country, their group company donated tens of billions of supplies and food Woolen cloth!"

Yuan Li said: "You mean the Four Seas Group, right? I've heard that this group is really good and has a sense of social responsibility. Do you think their group can make so much money?"

Li Yi said with a smile: "Whether they can earn so much money or not, if they are willing to donate the money, it proves that they are caring, kind, and willing to give back to the society."

Yuan Li said: "But I haven't heard of any charity organizations in the Four Seas Group!"

Li Yi thought to himself, of course it doesn't exist now, but it will be established soon!

"It was also established recently. I am more familiar with the same boss in their group, and he told me." Li Yi lied without changing his face.

Yuan Li became interested, and donated tens of billions of dollars. Wouldn't it be trivial to treat a deaf-mute with hundreds of thousands?

"Secretary Li, can you really help us contact them? Let them pay for the treatment of my mother's illness?" Yuan Li was moved, grabbed Li Yi's arm, and asked eagerly.

Li Yi said: "It's not a big problem, I'll ask him! However, this matter, only you know and I know, you have to keep it from your father. Your father is too old-fashioned. If he knows it, he probably won't accept the entrepreneur. This kind of charity, I am afraid that people will find him to solve their troubles in the future!"

Yuan Li nodded and said: "I understand. But this matter is related to my mother's happiness for the rest of her life. I can't ignore it. I will leave a phone number for you, and you can contact me alone."

Li Yi took out his mobile phone and wrote down Yuan Li's phone number.

The two discussed it properly and came out with the food. Yuan Li smiled and said, "Secretary Li, you must try my cooking today."

Li Yi smiled bitterly, thinking that he had already eaten two meals!If you still eat it, won't you become a little fat pig?Just about to reject her kindness, Yuan Li asked, "What's the matter? Have you lost your appetite after seeing the dishes I cook?"

Li Yi quickly said: "No, no, the dishes are delicious in color, fragrance, and taste, and you can tell they are delicious!"

Yuan Li said: "Then you should eat two more bowls of rice!"

Yuan Ye looked up at the two of them, and asked, "What were you talking about just now?"

Li Yi and Yuan Li looked at each other, smiled at each other, and didn't speak.

Yuan Ye said: "You young people, why did you have a secret as soon as we met? I think back when I met your mother..."

Yuan Li smiled and said, "Dad, Secretary Li told me that my cooking skills are so good, and he wants to learn from me as a teacher!"

Yuan Ye said: "A big man, what kind of cooking skills are you learning! By the way, where is Liu Zigang? Aren't you coming over for dinner today?"

Yuan Li said: "He's very busy these days! Leave him alone."

As soon as she finished speaking, the door was pushed open, and a tall man walked in and said, "Xiao Li, I'm here!"

"Zigang, didn't you say that you are very busy these days?" Yuan Li asked.

Liu Zigang waved his hand and said, "No matter how busy you are, I still want to see you and uncle!"

Yuan Li introduced to Li Yi: "This is my boyfriend, Liu Zigang, Zigang, this is Comrade Li Yi, Deputy Secretary of the Jiangzhou Municipal Party Committee."

Liu Zigang stretched out his big hand to shake hands with Li Yi, and said, "I'm a teacher at Jiangnan University, and I'm busy with my doctorate exam recently."

Li Yi said with a smile: "It's good to take a doctorate exam. If you want to mix in society, a diploma is indispensable."

It might be the first time Liu Zigang saw a high official talking like this, he laughed and said, "Interesting!"

Li Yi wanted to say goodbye and leave, but Yuan Ye said: "Secretary Li, I heard that you can drink a lot, let me test your drinking capacity."

Li Yi had no choice but to stay. When eating, try to eat as little as possible, drink a few more glasses of wine, and leave after eating.

Yuan Ye is thin, but he is really good at drinking. Li Yi thought he was good at drinking, but after drinking with Yuan Ye, he drank a lot by himself, and Yuan Ye was like a normal person. Only then did he realize that There are people outside.

Sang Yu had already given birth to a child, a boy who weighed seven pounds and three taels, a big fat boy, Qian Duo was so happy that he couldn't sleep for several nights.

Li Yi can take good care of the family for the sake of money, and when he can't use him, try not to use him as much as possible. Tonight, he drove out by himself.

After drinking a few more glasses of wine, Li Yi was a little dizzy, and reluctantly drove the car out of the Provincial Committee Standing Committee compound. He felt that driving like this was too dangerous, so he pulled over the car, called Tong Jun, and asked him to come and pick him up .

Boy Scout drove to find the place, got out of his car, transferred to Li Yi's car, got on the driver, and said with a smile: "Boss, where are you going?"

Li Yi said: "Of course I'm going home! Let me tell you something, and you will start to do it tomorrow."

Tong Jun said: "Boss, please give me instructions."

Li Yi said: "Establish a charity organization. You and Rao Ruoxi can discuss the specific matters."

Boy Scout said, "What are charities for?"

Li Yi said: "Specially help those who need help, the disabled, those who are sick and have no money for medical treatment, and children who are out of school! Everything is fine."

Boy Scout said, "Is it for show or for real?"

Li Yi stared and said, "Do you think I'm joking?"

Tong Jun said: "Boss, last time there was a flood, our group donated tens of billions! If we want to do charity, the money will be spent like running water, and the money won't be spent so fast! "

Li Yi said: "Even if you earn a penny, you can spend a penny! I started the company to make money, but the purpose of making money is to repay the society. I will do my best to reduce the misery in this world as much as possible." , more laughter."

Boy Scout said: "Boss, you are really great. It is estimated that even God is not as generous and merciful as you."

Li Yi said: "Fatty, you don't bring money with you when you are born, and you don't take it away when you die. We have a lot of money, but we only eat three meals a day; we have tens of thousands of mansions, and we sleep only three feet at night. Socrates told the world: The less we need , the more we resemble God."

Tong Jun laughed and said, "Okay, I'll listen to the boss, so you tell me to donate my underpants, and I'll do it too! At worst, I'll set up a street stall tomorrow!"

Li Yi laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

The car was driving very fast. Boy Scout had been driving for a long time and had honed his driving skills. The car drove fast and steadily.

When approaching the family compound of the Municipal Party Committee, several motorcycles suddenly sprang out from a nearby alley.

Those motorcycles were all refitted. The motorbikes whined and started at an extremely fast speed. They rushed out of the alley with a roar and drove past the front of the car.

Boy Scout yelled, "Fuck! You're dying!" He slammed on the brakes and nearly knocked one of the motorcycles into the air.

Fortunately, Li Yi has a good habit of wearing a seat belt and was not injured.

Those motorcycles did not leave, but turned on their headlights and circled around the car.

Boy Scout shouted: "Damn the next door, almost killed me, and dare to yell at me! See how I deal with them!"

Li Yi calmly observed the motorcycle boys, held down the scout who was about to get off, and said, "Don't be impulsive, these people are not kind!"

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