Chapter 4 Xinglin Chunhan(This chapter is free)

Li Yi was thinking wildly, and fell asleep again after a while.

When I woke up again, the pain in my leg was much relieved.

The ward was kept clean.Through the window, I saw a round of dark red sunset hanging between two high mountains in the west, like a half-fried egg yolk, and it was unclear.

Outside is a courtyard, which used to be two gray and black three-story buildings, probably the staff dormitory of the hospital.

At this moment, it was time to get off work, and there were people coming and going in the yard, and many people were walking around with vegetable baskets. After a while, the dormitory area wafted out the aroma of various flavors of vegetables, Li Yi's aroma of fried meat with chili Choking and coughing again and again, my stomach growled.

"You're awake." Guo Xiaoling sat quietly by the hospital bed, holding up a Nanfang Daily to read, pointing to the boxed lunch on the table: "The meal was called early, and the nurse said you need to rest more, so she didn't call wake you up."

Li Yi sat up, thanked him, picked up the lunch box, and asked, "Where are the chopsticks?"

Guo Xiaoling yelled: "I forgot to take it! Just wait, I'll get it right away."

Li Yi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Is it the first time to help someone pack lunch?"

"Well. I'm looking at it for the sake of saving my life. Don't think too much about it."

Li Yi shook his head and smiled wryly, secretly said: "I never thought much about it. The seeds of passion have already gone to Hades."

"How do you eat?"

Li Yi replaced answers with actions, grabbed the food with his hands, and devoured it hungrily.

"Ugh!" Guo Xiaoling covered her cherry lips.

When she recovered from her surprise and shock, a boxed meal had already entered Li Yi's stomach, and she was holding a water glass as if drinking from a cow, and she stunned this gentle and virtuous little beauty again.

"That fat friend of yours, why hasn't he come?"

"Go back if you have something to do, I don't need anyone to take care of me here."

"Actually, it's nothing... I'd better stay here."

Accompanied by beauty, Li Yi naturally would not refuse, looked up to see the newspaper, reached out and snatched it, ignored the beauty's helpless rolling of the eyes, and looked down seriously.

The door of the ward opened, and a doctor in a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses came in, followed by two nurses, one of whom Li Yi knew was Xia Fei.

Xia Fei spoke quickly and reminded: "Li Yi, Dr. Wu is here."

Li Yi put down the newspaper: "Hello, Dr. Wu."

Dr. Wu raised his proud head and nodded his chin slightly, which was his answer to Li Yi's greeting.

Li Yi is not angry at all. Most doctors in this era have a natural sense of superiority.Guo Xiaoling on one side wrinkled her beautiful nose lightly.

Dr. Wu checked Li Yi's wound, and asked stiffly, "Are you a student of Southern University?"

Li Yi replied: "Yes."

"At the beginning, the security office of your school sent you here. We took you in because of the face of your school, but after three days, no one came to pay a penny for the treatment. Our hospital is not a charity. "

Dr. Wu's words are very direct, two words: asking for money.

Li Yi asked: "How much?"

Dr. Wu raised his chin to another nurse. The nurse immediately took a stack of receipts, handed them to Li Yi, and explained, "This is the hospitalization fee, this is the treatment fee, this is the medical fee..."

Li Yi interrupted her and said, "Just tell me how much it is!"

The nurse said: "All the expenses add up to 870 and 3000 cents, which does not include the follow-up treatment costs. In your case, you have to stay in the hospital for at least a week, and you have to pay at least [-] more." dollars."

As soon as this amount was reported, Guo Xiaoling couldn't help being moved, and asked, "Isn't he not seriously injured? Why did you spend so much money?"

She knew very well that Li Yi was a student just like her, and the pocket money in his pocket would not exceed 33 yuan.Five or six thousand yuan, in this era when ten thousand yuan households are still relatively powerful, it is definitely not a small amount to put on anyone, not to mention that they are still students with no financial means.

Li Yi sneered and said, "Isn't it only 6000 yuan?" Thinking of what Xia Fei said, all his things were put under the pillow, and he reached out to 'feel' and took out his own things from under the pillow.After taking it out, Li Yi was completely dumbfounded.

He forgot his own situation. He was no longer the Mr. Li who was not afraid to travel around the world with a card when he went out, nor was he the flirtatious young man who spent thousands of dollars in the bar just to make a girl smile.

Now, he is just a poor student.The only thing he had was a crumpled wallet. After searching through it, he found only two yuan and forty cents in it, except for an ID card, and nothing else.

At this moment, not only Doctor Wu's face was livid, but even the nurse's eyes were full of contempt and disdain.This poor boy doesn't have much money, but he still speaks stubbornly.Thanks to Xia Fei, who always said how good and handsome he was, she wouldn't have taken a liking to such a poor scholar, would she?

Li Yi took out the money given by the scouts again, sorted out one by one, stacked them up, and counted them three times, 65 yuan.

Guo Xiaoling took out all the money from her jeans, took the money from Li Yi, turned her head to Dr. Wu and said, "We only have so much now, please allow three days, I will ask my family to borrow it."

Dr. Wu didn't accept the money, and said calmly: "I'm sorry, if I don't have money, I can only ask you to go out, and the medical expenses that have already occurred must be paid off."

Li Yi suddenly laughed, laughing until tears came out.

Guo Xiaoling glanced at him and was about to be kicked out of the hospital, how could she still laugh so heartlessly?

"I'm sorry, I just thought of a funny thing. We have a doctor there, who has never had any medical ethics, and only recognizes money but not people. Once, a farmer was injured and had more than a dozen stitches because he had no money to pay. The high medical expenses, the doctor removed the sutures. Do you think it’s funny? Well, Dr. Wu, follow the example, how about it, if you cured me, return me to my original shape Come on! Then we'll be clear."

It was a funny remark, but no one laughed.

Xia Fei was in great pain, gritted her teeth and asked, "Doctor Wu, you wouldn't really do that, would you? Then we study medicine just to earn this salary? If we don't save lives and heal the wounded, don't we care about our parents? That's what you taught me."

Dr. Wu's face seemed to be able to scrape off the icicles, and ** threw down a sentence: "Suspend the 'medicine', when will you pay the money, and when will you resume. This is the order of the hospital, not my personal wish." .”

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Guo Xiaoling was still waiting to win, Li Yi took her hand: "No need. The world is hot and cold, that's all."

Guo Xiaoling said anxiously: "Then what can I do? Your leg is so badly injured. If you don't use 'medicine', it will cause infection and pus! I'm going to borrow money now."

Li Yi asked, "Where are you going to borrow so much money in the middle of the night?"

Guo Xiaoling said: "I will borrow it from my roommate, from the school leader, from my parents, anyway, I must cure you."

Xiao Nizi's words were full of tenacity, and it seemed that she had made great determination.

A warm current gushed out of Li Yi's heart, and he patted her arm lightly: "Thank you, no need. Such a large sum of money is not a small sum, and there is no need to bother so many people." In fact, Li Yi wanted to say: " Even if it makes chickens fly and dogs jump, it may not be useful."

Guo Xiaoling is a smart person, so she immediately understood Li Yi's implication. She squeezed her fists fiercely, and said bitterly: "What kind of doctors are these! They don't care about medical ethics at all! It's not that we don't want to pay, it's just that we don't have money for the time being. .”

"Li Yi! Hehe, I didn't come at the right time, did I?" Boy Scout yelled loudly, walked in, looked at Li Yi and Guo Xiaoling holding hands, and smiled narrowly. squeezed together.

Only then did Guo Xiaoling break free from her jade hand, and said embarrassingly: "Your brother is here, I'll go back first, don't worry, I will take care of the money." As she spoke, she patted her pretty chest.Li Yi swallowed his saliva, this little girl, you won't lose your life if you're fascinated!

Guo Xiaoling walked to the door, turned around, was about to say something, saw Li Yi reluctantly put his right hand to his nose and smelled it, his face was full of enjoyment, his pretty face blushed, his heart beat faster, and he walked away quickly .

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