Official road bends

Chapter 400 Brave Comrade Qian Duo

Chapter 400 Brave Comrade Qian Duo

There are enemies hidden in the woods!

They mistook Ding Xuesong for Li Yi, and shot him as soon as they saw him get off the car!

It seems that this is a trap carefully designed by the enemy. The so-called racing car is just a cover!Their real purpose is to lure Li Yi to this mountain, and then set up an ambush on the mountain to kill Li Yi!

The heavy losses of Thai drug dealers this time exceeded any previous one. The severe crackdown by the Thai domestic government was also indirectly provoked by Li Yi. The last time Li Yi killed many of their accomplices in Thailand, this Jiangzhou sweep They killed a group of them and paid them a batch of goods, which can be described as bitter and bitter. 【^】Device: No ads, full text, more

The drug dealer leader in Thailand has a lot of influence in business and politics, and he is also a very decent person, but this time he was made miserable by Li Yi and suffered successive setbacks. In front of several loyal subordinates, he , broke an antique that is said to be from the Han Dynasty, and swore that he must kill Li Yi for revenge by any means and at all costs!

On the underworld in Thailand, someone posted a reward list, offering a reward of 5000 million baht to buy Li Yi's head!

During the economic crisis in Southeast Asia, food and clothing became a problem for many people. Now there is a sudden opportunity to earn 5000 million by killing someone, which makes many Thais take risks.

Li Yi naturally doesn't know the situation in Thailand. If he knows that his head is worth 5000 million baht, he doesn't know whether he should be happy or cry bitterly?To know his current net worth, it is calculated in hundreds of billions!To be offered a reward of 5000 million is a bit too cheap, isn't it?

However, many multi-millionaires and billionaires in the world were killed by killers, and the price for their lives is often not high, hundreds of thousands or millions, or even tens of thousands of dollars!Calculated in this way, Li Yi's head price is relatively high.

Today, the motorcyclist is a professional muay thai fighter, the one who intercepted Li Yi's car last time and challenged Li Yi.

The guy's name is Baku, he's a hard-nosed boxer, and he's an amateur race car driver!

This person loves extreme sports and does motorcycle stunts in a particularly cool way.But this guy is another drug addict.

Thailand's economy is low, and the boxer's income has dropped sharply. In order to take drugs, he sent his younger sister to a brothel in Thailand to pick up customers and make money. Later, his younger sister contracted AIDS because of selling sex, and died of illness soon. He had no money to take drugs, so he Started to degenerate to participate in underground black boxing competitions, won some money and took drugs.

Hearing that you can get 5000 million baht for killing a person, he was immediately moved and signed up to visit the assassination team.

Baku's skills and expertise made him easily appreciated by the drug dealer boss and became the protagonist of this assassination operation.

The challenge letter sent by Baku to Li Yi was indeed a smokescreen, in order to attract Li Yi to this valley.Their organization has ambushed the sky here, trying to put Li Yi to death!

Baku came out with a gun to assassinate, and it was only the first attack.

Sniping in the jungle is the second best attack!

The sniper didn't know Li Yi, but only knew that he was a tall man in his 30s.When he saw Ding Xuesong get out of the car, he thought the young man was Li Yi, and shot him with a bang.

This guy's eyesight was very accurate, he calculated the distance and Ding Xuesong's movement speed accurately, and the bullet shot directly at Ding Xuesong's head.

Everyone was taken aback, but the speed of the bullets was very fast, and they couldn't allow them to stop them!

The moment Ding Xuesong heard the gunshot, he was terrified. He had an intuition that he was close to death!

It's too late to say, then soon!

Qian Duo realized the moment the gun was fired, he was very short away from Ding Xuesong, his eyes flashed, and the stone in his right hand came out.

The stone flew towards the bullet with a speed that ordinary people could not have imagined.

The stone and the bullet collided in the air, colliding with flames, the impact of the bullet was surprisingly strong, after being hit by the stone, it continued to fly forward, but it was a little bit off, and it flew away by rubbing Ding Xuesong's forehead!

Ding Xuesong felt the heat of the bullet, which scorched his eyebrows!

As soon as his body went limp, he almost fell to the ground.

At the same time, Qin Kai reacted and rushed over, throwing Ding Xuesong to the ground to prevent the sniper's second shot.

After Qian Duo let go of the stone with his right hand, he no longer looked at the bullet.He knew that the gunfire here would definitely attract Baku's attention.So he turned his head and looked at Baku.

Baku was indeed attracted by the gunshot, and the attention of everyone in the field was attracted!

Taking advantage of the moment when Baku was distracted, Qian Duo threw the stone in his left hand towards Baku's head.

Qian Duo's strength was comparable to the speed of a bullet, and before Baku could react, the stone hit Baku's sun acupoint.

Baku felt a huge impact force hit his head, and then he felt a huge pain, his mind went blank, and he fell to the ground.

The reaction speed of the tall policeman was also very fast. After seeing Baku being attacked, he immediately grabbed his hands, pushed Maku to the ground, quickly took out the handcuffs, and Baku was handcuffed.

Everyone took cover quickly, and several public security comrades divided into several groups and searched for the woods on the mountain.

Qian Duo also climbed up the mountain, and several comrades looked around, but they didn't find any suspicious person.

Qian Duozai looked around, pointed to a tree and said, "The sniper missed a single hit and has already left. He should be hiding on top of this tree, lying in ambush on the branches of this tree."

Several police officers surrounded him, and one of them asked, "How can you tell he's hiding here?"

Qian Duodao: "Look, from the top of this tree, the angle is right at the place where the car is. This is the best shooting spot. If you look at the trunk again, there are obvious traces of someone stepping on it, and the nearby grass has also been trampled by someone. After flicking it, looking at this leaf again, it was obviously pierced by the bullets fired quickly."

Several police officers followed Qian Duo's introduction, looked up and down, and nodded, convinced by Qian Duo.One of the public security comrades said: "Brother, you are capable. Just now, the hand that hit the bullet with the stone, and the hand that hit the person with the flying stone, are so powerful. We can't find anyone with such good skills in the whole bureau! "

Another police comrade said: "Let's not talk about the bureau, even the entire armed police and the army. I'm afraid there are only a few people with such skills? Brother, what did you do before? The Navy Seals? Or Interpol? ?”

Qian Duo chuckled, shook his head, and said, "No, no!"

Suddenly, Qian Duo's smile froze, and he said softly: "Squat down, there is movement over there!" He quickly got down on the ground and hid in the grass.

Several police comrades squatted down, and one of them asked, "Didn't we tell us to squat down? Why did we get down?"

Qian Duomeng made a few downward gestures, telling them all to get down.

After several people were well hidden, there was a sound from over there.

Qian Duo looked over, and saw three people walking over with guns in their hands, while still speaking incomprehensible bird language.

The three of them walked not far from Qian Duo and the others, pointed down and spoke softly while still gesturing.

Although Qian Duo couldn't understand what they said, he understood their gestures. These people were mobilizing troops to punish the generals and wanted to massacre the people below.

After the snipers just failed to snipe, they immediately evacuated. After reuniting with their comrades, they searched slowly to see if there was any movement here. When they found that there was no one here, they wanted to snipe again.

Several police officers held their breath and did not dare to speak. <Yu, after hesitating for a while, he handed over the gun in his hand to Qian Duo. <Yu told them: "I'll take care of two of them, and the one in the blue plaid jacket will be handed over to you. Remember, try to catch the one alive!"

Qian Duo was afraid that they might not understand, so he said it four or five times in a row.

Several police officers nodded to express their understanding.

These policemen were all selected by Qin Kai. They had been on missions and participated in arresting criminals. They had relatively strong psychological qualities. They didn't panic when they saw three gunmen.

Qian Duo aimed his gun at a gangster, waved his left hand lightly, and signaled everyone to act together!

Several police officers pointed their guns at the blue plaid jacket.

The five fingers of Qian Duo's left hand snapped away!

This is the signal to shoot.Beep, beep, several guns fired in succession, like setting off a string of firecrackers.

The three gangsters screamed and fell to the ground one by one.

Several police officers jumped out and subdued the three gangsters.

Several police officers were dealing with the man in the blue plaid jacket. The four of them fired guns at the same time, hitting this guy's limbs, making him completely incapable of action and resistance.

When I looked at the other two guys, I found that each of them was shot three times, the left and right shoulders plus the tui!

The four police officers all looked at Qian Duo with expressions of disbelief.

During the time when each of them fired only one shot, Qian Duo actually fired six shots in a row!Hit the target!And it's a different part, and it's so accurate!

God man!Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorways. The admiration of these police officers for Qian Duo is like a surging river, endless!

Together, several people arrested the three gangsters.

Below, Li Yi was still sitting in the car, and Qin Kai was reporting to him: "Secretary Li, I have notified the Municipal Bureau, and the reinforcement team will arrive soon. I am afraid there is still an ambush ahead. For the sake of safety, we will Defend here!"

Li Yi nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice: "Comrade Qin Kai, I only have one request, and that is to arrest the leader of the drug dealer! Look at them, all of them have guns! How did they bring guns into the country? This You have to track down the clues! The sky in Jiangzhou will be muddied by them!"

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