Official road bends

Chapter 406 The Jumping Clown, Investigate Li Yi

Chapter 406 The Jumping Clown, Investigate Li Yi

Li Yi raised his eyelids slightly, and glanced at the door. 【&】Device: No ads, full text, more

A loud answer came from outside the door: "The disciplinary committee investigates the case! Get out of the way!"

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Li Yi's handsome eyebrows frowned suddenly, and with a sneer, he ended the call with Lan Shiyu, and reviewed the documents calmly.

Outside the door, it was the first time Ding Xuesong saw someone who broke into the secretary's office so casually. He had to guard against his duties. He hurriedly got up, rushed ahead of those people, and blocked Li Yi's office The room door asked, "Who are you? You are not free to break in at this time. Get out quickly, or I will call the security guard."

Among the three people who came, the leader was a mature-looking 27-year-old man. This man was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, with a serious expression, and an old face that didn't match his age.He stretched out his hand to push Ding Xuesong, and said in a deep voice: "The Disciplinary Committee handles the case, get out of the way!"

Ding Xuesong's heart skipped a beat, thinking to himself what kind of formation is this?Disciplinary committee handling the case?Even if the Commission for Discipline Inspection handles the case, the leader of the Commission for Discipline Inspection should come forward to discuss the work.What's more, Secretary Li doesn't care about the affairs of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. The Commission for Discipline Inspection has always been independent in handling cases. At most, it discusses with the main leaders of the municipal party committee, and rarely discusses with the deputy secretary, unless a certain case is very important and requires several deputy secretaries to express their views, or some A case involving the deputy secretary.

Ding Xuesong is naturally familiar with the chief and deputy secretaries of the Discipline Inspection Commission, but the three people in front of him are not the leaders of the Discipline Inspection Commission.

Seeing that the other party dared to be violent here, Ding Xuesong sneered, blocked the man's hand, and said, "I'm sorry, please show your valid ID and explain why you are here, otherwise, please go back and ask your leaders to come here."

Ding Xuesong has been serving the city leaders in recent years. First he served Dai Yaochen, the top leader of the municipal party committee, and now he serves Li Yi.Even the general deputy mayors are polite when they meet Ding Xuesong, but now a little guy in the Disciplinary Committee dares to behave wildly in his office, why is he not angry?The voice of speaking also became stern.

"Do you dare to stop me? Believe it or not, even you are double-checking!" the man in the Chinese tunic said proudly.

Ding Xuesong said: "You think I'm a big scare! You can't enter here without a valid reason and a valid certificate. If you make trouble for no reason, I will call the comrades from the security department to come!"

The man in the tunic suit snorted coldly, and slowly took out his work card from his chest pocket, opened it, shook it in front of Ding Xuesong, and then wanted to put it away.

Ding Xuesong said: "I didn't see clearly! Call me up!"

The man in the Chinese tunic suit was extremely displeased, but Dante Xuesong had a tough attitude. He hesitated for a while, as if he didn't dare to force his way, and then handed over his work ID.

Ding Xuesong snatched it off, opened it, looked at it slowly, then looked at the man in the Chinese tunic suit, and said, "Lu Jun? Is this you?"

Lu Jun said: "Of course it's me! Can this be faked? It's a photo of me when I graduated from college!"

Ding Xuesong said: "Comrade Lu Jun, why are you here?"

Lu Jun said: "Handle the case!"

Ding Xuesong said: "What case are you handling? If you are reporting to work, you can't get along with Secretary Li."

Lu Jun sneered and said, "This case involves Comrade Li Yi, and we will take him back for interrogation."

Ding Xuesong smiled lightly, threw his work card back to him, and said, "What kind of international joke are you making? Director Lu, what can Secretary Li do? You must have made a mistake. You should go back and find out more about it!"

Lu Jun said with a stern face: "You want to hinder us from handling the case? Then don't blame us for breaking in. This is my duty!"

Ding Xuesong said tit for tat: "I just prevent a few boring people from going to harass Secretary Li! This is also my duty!"

Lu Jun winked at the two comrades beside him, and said, "Pull him away, let's continue with the case!"

Those two guys were buddies bought by Lu Jun, so they naturally obediently listened to Lu Jun's words, and immediately stepped forward, stretching out their arms to grab Ding Xuesong's arm.

Ding Xuesong shouted in a deep voice: "What do you want to do? This is the office of the secretary of the municipal party committee, so you can't do anything foolish!"

He was cunning, saw two men coming to grab him, and Lu Jun was the mastermind of this scene, so he lowered his body, rushed forward, hugged Lu Jun by the waist, pushed back hard, and said: " Get out! This is not a place for you to run wild, if you dare to act recklessly again, I will call someone from the security department!"

Those two guys didn't expect Ding Xuesong to react so quickly. Both of them grabbed empty hands and turned around to try to grab Ding Xuesong, but when they heard Ding Xuesong's stern voice, they paused for a few seconds. To Lu Jun.

Lu Jun shyly said angrily: "Pull him away! Ding Xuesong, you obstruct the Disciplinary Committee's official duties, this crime is no small crime! If you are sensible, stop immediately!"

Ding Xuesong pushed Lu Jun back a few meters, almost pushing him out the door.

The other two guys came up and pulled Ding Xuesong away.

There was a lot of noise outside, but Li Yi had already heard it inside.

The office building of the municipal party committee is an old-fashioned building, and the sound insulation effect is not as good as that of the municipal government. Normally speaking, the voice is fine. If you don’t listen to the wall, you can hardly hear anything, but if you speak louder, you can hear the conversation immediately. sound up.

Li Yi didn't get up, nor did he go out to stop him.He believed that Ding Xuesong would find a way to deal with it.

In Jiangzhou City, Zhu Wen concurrently holds the post of Disciplinary Committee Secretary. This is also following the old system of Comrade Xia Kun. In the office of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Li Yi didn't know if Zhu Wen was in the office next door at the moment, wondering if Zhu Wen knew about this matter?The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection wants to check on me, Li Yi?This thing is inexplicably weird!

Li Yi asked himself, since he took office in Jiangzhou, he has never committed any violations of law and discipline.

Li Yi is in charge of Jiangzhou's industry and agriculture, and is also in charge of political and legal work. He has handled many large projects and large projects. Many projects have withdrawn tens of millions of investment, all of which are approved by Li Yi. There is an endless stream of people who want to treat guests and give gifts, but Li Yi has established a rule that anyone who treats guests and gives gifts will not be accepted and will be blacklisted, and there will never be a chance for the next interview!

As soon as this rule comes out, it will naturally block those who want to build relationships, but there are always some unbelievers who secretly give gifts and money to Li Yi.

There are too many such things. Once, someone was waiting on Li Yi's way home and followed Li Yi upstairs. As soon as Li Yi opened the door, he immediately followed him in with a bag, and threw the bag on the corner of the shoe. Beside the cabinet, without saying a word, turned around and was about to leave.

Li Yi picked up the bag and smashed it directly at the man's head, beating the guy dizzy and shaking for a few times before he could stand firm. After he stood still, Li Yi had already closed the door.

Another time, Li Yi calculated that his mobile phone bill should be gone, so he went to pay for it. Who knew that after checking, he was shocked, and there was actually a balance of 5 yuan in the phone bill!

Li Yi immediately understood that this must be a gift from someone!The person who gave the gift was also interesting, and he didn't even call Li Yi afterwards, so Li Yi had no way of verifying who gave the gift, so he had to truthfully respond to the relevant department, and handed over the amount to be filled by someone else phone bill.

The Mid-Autumn Festival has always been a festival for giving gifts. At this time, Li Yi can't be too unkind, and will accept gifts selectively, but traps and traps are everywhere. Li Yi was in the moon cake box several times Or if the money was found in the cigarette box, Li Yi naturally handed over all the money.

Li Yi thought about it carefully, and he didn't make any mistakes along the way, and he didn't leave any clues for people to investigate, so he felt relieved.

As for Zhu Wen, Li Yi believed him. Comrade Zhu Wen should not have known about this matter. If Zhu Wen had known, Lu Jun would not have come here.

Don't say that I didn't do anything wrong, even if I did, Comrade Zhu Wen would cover himself up, right?At least you will inform yourself in advance, right?Absolutely not so silent, just sent someone to check on him, and even said something to take back for interrogation, it was like Luan playing the piano!

There is still a dispute outside.

In Ding Xuesong's mind, Li Yi is an extremely superior existence, and he will never allow anyone to slander Li Yi.Now this staff member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection named Lu Jun actually wanted to break in and bring Li Yi back to the Commission for Discipline Inspection for review. From Ding Xuesong's point of view, it was almost like a fairy tale.

Ding Xuesong is Li Yi's secretary, and the personal person beside the leader. Ding Xuesong knows many things about Li Yi. Whether it is industrial or agricultural work, whether it is enterprise reform or anti-pornography and anti-illegal work, Ding Xuesong mostly follows Li Yi. , I have seen Li Yi refuse others' treats and gifts countless times.

A lot of inexplicable money that Li Yi received was handed over by Ding Xuesong to the relevant departments. Whenever he saw Li Yi doing this, Ding Xuesong's admiration for Li Yi increased.When he was with Dai Yaochen before, he had also seen Dai Yaochen accepting various gifts of money, but he had never seen Dai Yaochen take the initiative to make friends, and he had never seen him sternly rejecting gifts from others.

Ding Xuesong believed in Li Yi, and at the same time he was familiar with the procedures of the discipline inspection department. He knew that people at Lu Jun's level had no right to investigate and interrogate Li Yi.

What a joke!Li Yi is now a cadre at the main hall level!If you want to investigate Li Yi, at least the discipline inspection and supervision department in Jiangnan Province must come down to handle the case, right?

You, the director of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Office of a small city, dare to break in to investigate Li Yi?

Really impatient to live!

Ding Xuesong was very contemptuous of the actions of Lu Jun and the others, and it was assumed that they were ordered by others to come here to make trouble, so they were full of confidence, and they did not show any mercy in what they said or did.

The conflict between the two sides is about to escalate.

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