Official road bends

Chapter 435 Secretary Li Street

Chapter 435 Secretary Li Street

The specific work of the wine expo has long been divided into detailed parts, and each staff member is responsible for one piece. The responsibility system is implemented. Every link and every step is assigned a special person to be responsible. Where there is a problem, whoever is held accountable . └@ ┘

What Li Yi has to do is to coordinate the overall situation and stay in command, and does not need to do specific work.

The security and security area is personally managed by Qin Kai from the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Now that the wine expo has just started, there is such chaos, and there is no policeman on duty nearby, which makes Li Yi feel a little unhappy, thinking that Qin Kai is so unreliable in his work?

There were too many people there, and when Li Yi didn't know the truth of the matter, it was naturally inconvenient for Li Yi to intervene directly, so he asked Ding Xuesong to inquire about the situation first.

Ding Xuesong quickly turned around and said to Li Yi: "Secretary Li, a group of merchants from Japan were trying wine over there, and ended up arguing with the exhibitors."

Li Yi said: "Can you even quarrel when you try wine?"

Ding Xuesong said: "Those Japanese people drink a lot, because the exhibitor's billboard says welcome tasting, free tasting, but there is no limit to the number of people, so those Japanese are drinking with their stomachs open. The seven people, I heard that they all drank twenty catties of wine, looking at them, they seem to be able to drink twenty catties of wine."

Li Yi clicked his tongue twice and said, "Little Japanese devil, you can take advantage of this!"

Ding Xuesong said: "Yes, these guys are too shameless."

Li Yi said: "Go and ask the security guard to mediate, don't make noise here." Ding Xuesong responded and walked away.

Li Yi saw someone raised the middle finger to the little Japanese over there, and someone else was cursing.

After a while, the security guards and staff came over to mediate and persuade the Japanese to leave.

This incident attracted Li Yi's attention, and he also thought of the difficulties that merchants might encounter during promotion, so he immediately held a meeting of members of the organizing committee. After describing the incident, he pointed out at the meeting that all exhibitors should At the same time of advertising and promoting, take into account the feelings of customers, do not cause unnecessary misunderstandings to customers, and cause disputes. For all tastings, the amount of tasting must be indicated, and for promotions, the limit for each person must be indicated. The quantity purchased.

Members of the organizing committee raised a few more detailed questions, and everyone discussed them together. After the meeting, a document was formed and distributed to the exhibitors of the Wine Expo and the Annual Expo.

Someone mentioned the hawkers who set up stalls outside, and said that although the organizing committee had designated a fixed place to set up stalls, because of the large number of hawkers, many people crowded to the entrance of the exhibition hall.However, Li Yi issued a strict order to treat small businesses and hawkers, not to enforce the law roughly, not to drive them away arbitrarily, but to manage them properly. The staff of the organizing committee did not know how to deal with the chaos now.

Li Yi also has some thoughts. If there are too many hawkers, it will definitely affect the appearance of the city, disturb the order, and increase insecurity. However, most of these hawkers are unemployed vagrants from the countryside. Source, as an official with social conscience, Li Yi is really unwilling to deport them or confiscate their means of livelihood.

"Bring over the map!" Li Yi suddenly shouted.

Although the staff didn't know why Li Yi wanted to take the map, but Secretary Li gave the order, just follow suit, and soon someone took the map of Jiangzhou City and spread it out in front of Li Yi.

Li Yi found the location of the Jiangnan Provincial Stadium on the map, and then found the location of the Provincial Exhibition Hall, and observed it carefully for a while.

Several deputy directors of the organizing committee surrounded Li Yi and looked over.

The deputy mayor, He Zhengyu, was one of the deputy directors. He asked, "Secretary Li, what are you looking for?"

Li Yi said: "How far is the distance between the wine expo and the annual expo?"

He Zhengyu said: "It's only two roads away, so it's a few miles away!"

Li Yi pointed to the middle of the two venues and said, "Is there a direct road between here and here?"

He Zhengyu said: "There is a direct road, but it's not a big road, it's just an ordinary two-lane road."

Li Yi said: "Block this road and implement traffic control. Vehicles passing here will be diverted to other road sections."

He Zhengyu said: "This is very easy to do, because there is not much traffic on this road, and the traffic in this area is developed. As long as it is arranged reasonably, it will not cause congestion or cause trouble to the residential area."

Li Yi said: "Well, then arrange it like this. What's the name of this road?"

He Zhengyu said: "I can't remember the name."

Another staff member said, "I know, it's called Fuzhenglu."

Li Yidao: "vacate Fuzheng Road as a pedestrian passage between the wine expo and the annual BoNian, so as to facilitate the flow of tourists from the two venues. In addition, organize all the vendors and stalls here On both sides of the road, the stalls are neatly arranged like a market, and the management is standardized, forming a street of small stalls."

Li Yi's words caught everyone's eyes, this is a good idea!It can perfectly solve the problems of stall owners.

Li Yi continued: "There should be different categories. Food stalls should be arranged together, specialty products should be arranged together, clothing should be arranged together, and so on. With such a street, small vendors have a place to set up their stalls, and the appearance of the city can also be Keep it clean and orderly. The most important thing is that there is a link between the wine expo and the annual expo, and the guests of the two venues will flow to each other through this street."

He Zhengyu smiled and said, "A stroke of genius, Secretary Li, in this way, it can also drive the flow of people in the two venues and increase the income of both parties."

Li Yi said: "Vendors can charge appropriate fees for their stalls, but they can't be too high. These days, it's not easy for farmers to set up a stall to make a living! Our city is going to develop, and they don't need a few pennies."

He Zhengyu said with a smile: "Secretary Li has always been considerate of the people. The people of Jiangzhou have a deep understanding of this. Whether it is our civil servants, urban residents and workers, or farmers brothers, they are all treated equally!"

Li Yi said: "The development of the city is inseparable from our civil servants, workers, and farmers who have left their hometowns. Without them, where do the high-rise buildings in our city come from? Therefore, we are formulating policies. At this time, we should think more about these vulnerable groups. We only need to use our brains more, but we can give these peasant brothers a place to make a living, why not do it?"

The crowd couldn't help applauding.

Everyone is thinking, Li Yi, as the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, can still think about the people who set up stalls, he is really a good official!He is a good official who truly cares about the people!

Do as soon as you think of it, which is also Li Yi's consistent style. He immediately convened the heads of relevant departments and held a brief meeting, explaining the resolution of the organizing committee of the wine expo. Get up on the street.

Li Yi is in charge of the two brands and one team of the Annual Expo and the Wine Expo Organizing Committee, and the members of the organizing committee include the heads of relevant municipal departments.

After the order was issued, all departments of Jiangzhou City worked together to surround Fuzheng Road and implement traffic control.

The urban management staff used paint to mark out a grid of small stalls on both sides of Fuzheng Road, and marked each small grid with a number to form standardized management.

All the stalls outside the Provincial Stadium and the Provincial Exhibition Hall were notified and asked to move to a new location. Each stall owner drew a number of stalls by lottery and fixed the location of the stall.

This move has been warmly welcomed by small vendors. With a fixed booth, there is no need to come early every day to occupy the stall.

These small vendors are actually very concerned about certain changes in Jiangzhou City, because they are still very concerned about the relevant government policies in order to survive in this city. Since last year's wine fair, Li Yi ordered not to expel small vendors After that, Jiangzhou City became a paradise for these small vendors. At this year's wine fair, many small vendors from other places heard that Jiangzhou's stalls are safe and profitable, and they all came here admiringly.

This has also led to the serious excess of vendors this year.

Li Yi himself doesn't know these things, he only knows how to treat the people under him well, including those who run a group company, and those who push carts and sell oranges.

Because of Li Yi's move, Fuzheng Street in Jiangzhou has become a street of stalls.

What Li Yi didn't expect was that this street didn't dissipate after the wine expo. Hawkers still used to gather here to set up stalls, and they always occupied the original stall number every time they came.

The urban management and traffic police came to catch up many times, but the vendors took out the booth number they received during the wine fair, saying that the number plate issued to us by Secretary Li of the Municipal Party Committee told us to set up a stall here. Why do you disagree?

With Li Yi's golden signboard, the urban management and traffic police are helpless.

Over time, this street has developed and grown, and all kinds of special things have gathered here. Like Zouma Street in Xize District, it has become a famous shopping scenic spot in Jiangzhou City, and it has also become a must-see for foreign tourists coming to Jiangzhou. place.

In order to commemorate Comrade Li Yi's policy of benefiting the people, the hawkers raised funds to erect huge archways on both sides of Fuzheng Street, and wrote several magnificent characters: "Secretary Li's stalls are a street."

And many foreign tourists, after seeing this plaque, are very puzzled, and they will ask someone to ask. After understanding what happened, they will have a little admiration and admiration for the legendary Secretary Li.

This street has also become one of the places where the later rulers of Jiangzhou City must come to visit and inspect.

On a certain day in a certain year, when Li Yi returned to Jiangzhou and revisited this place, when he saw this plaque, he felt inexplicably moved in his heart, and his legend was still circulating in the local area.

This is a later story, so I will skip it.

Let's say that at noon that day, Li Yi was about to go to Liu Ruosi's date, when he suddenly received a call from Wen Yuxi, asking Li Yi to go to a certain room in a certain hotel in a very official tone.

[email protected]

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