Official road bends

Chapter 437 Clever Arrangement Turns Defeat into Victory

Chapter 437 Clever Arrangement Turns Defeat into Victory

Fu Qinghua is a stocky man in his 40s. He is plainly dressed and has dark skin. At first glance, he looks like a farmer uncle. ┏ _ ┓

He is very humble, and he seems a little stiff and serious in front of the leaders.

After a brief introduction, Gu Zhiwu asked: "Mayor Fu, the central and provincial leaders are here. If you have anything to say, please say it."

Fu Qinghua nodded and said, "Commanders, leaders, I am here today to explain to you about the flood relief funds in Yongtong City."

Wen Yuxi said in a deep voice: "Well, if you have anything to say, just say it, the provincial committee will make decisions for you in everything. Don't be afraid, and don't have to hide it."

Fu Qinghua said: "I have been an official all my life. I don't seek fame or profit. I just want to feel at ease. I have nothing to be afraid of. I will say what I want. Even if I say it now, I will quit my job in the afternoon. Accept your fate too!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present had different expressions.

Zeng Qingning said: "Comrade Tsinghua, what's the matter with Yongtong, let's go back and discuss it. In front of so many leaders, you can't talk nonsense!"

Fu Qinghua sneered and said, "I spend [-]-[-]% of my life in vain, and I've never said anything nonsense! It doesn't matter that Secretary Zeng is worried about me."

Director Liu said: "Comrade Tsinghua University, before you speak, you have to feel your own conscience. There are so many leading comrades here, you can't just talk about it!"

Fu Qinghua waved his hand and said, "My mother taught me since I was a child that children who lie will have their ears cut off by Father Moon. Let's see, are my ears still there? Are both ears intact? From this we can see , I have grown up so much, I have never told a lie!"

Li Yi couldn't help but chuckled, thinking that this Fu Qinghua is really interesting, he is a sweetheart!

Thinking that all of this was arranged by Gu Zhiwu, he couldn't help but cast a grateful glance at him.

Gu Zhiwu seemed to know that Li Yi was looking at him, so he blinked quietly.

Wen Yuxi waved his hands, with a livid face, and said loudly: "Everyone, be quiet and listen to Comrade Fu Qinghua. Comrade Fu Qinghua, everything you want to say is true. I, Wen Yuxi, pat my chest and guarantee that in Jiangnan Province, No one dares to touch a hair of your hair!"

Everyone immediately quieted down and looked at Fu Qinghua.

Fu Qinghua coughed lightly, and said: "The flood happened in summer, and our city was severely affected and suffered heavy economic losses. After the flood peak was over, the central government and the province issued a document saying that funds for post-disaster reconstruction had been allocated. We are all very happy and looking forward to it. After the funds come down, they can rebuild their homes for the affected people. Here, I want to make a deep review to the provincial party committee. As the mayor of Yongtong, I have not fulfilled my duties as a mayor. It can effectively prevent floods, and it can’t lead the people of Yongtong to the road of prosperity. They don’t even have the money to help them rebuild their homes, so they can only wait for the relief from the province. I’m guilty!”

Li Yi saw that Fu Qinghua's eyes were moist, it seemed that he was really emotional and heartbroken.

Compared to Zeng Qingning, Fu Qinghua seemed more sincere and real.

Li Yi was thinking, did Zeng Qingning deceive Secretary Wen and me from the beginning, or was he induced to change his mind later?

If he was acting from the very beginning, trying to lure me and Wen Shu into the club, then his vision is too bad!Can't even see through such a hypocrite?

Wen Yuxi said: "This flood is rare in a hundred years. The Southern Province has made so many preparations, but many urban areas have suffered serious losses. This is a natural disaster. Although there are many factors of officials' inaction, it is not the case now. When pursuing this responsibility, you don't have to blame yourself, just say what you want to say!"

It's not that Wen Yuxi doesn't want to settle the account, it's just that the time is not ripe. If he vigorously settles the old accounts in Jiangnan Province just now, it will definitely trigger an earthquake in the Jiangnan officialdom.

Wen Yuxi now hopes to see a stable and harmonious Jiangnan officialdom, not a turbulent Jiangnan officialdom.

Fu Qinghua said: "The documents from the province have been issued to our city long ago, but the money has not arrived! Secretary Zeng and I took turns to go to the province, more than ten times before and after. It’s a lot, but the money still hasn’t come down!”

Zeng Qingning lowered his head, let out a hey, and sighed that the situation was over.

Wu Dongfang sat quietly, his expression was always flat. Li Yi had been in for so long, but he hadn't said a few words.

Cai Yanbian really wanted to refute a few words, but with Wen Yuxi, the head of the provincial party committee, sitting next to him, he opened his mouth several times, but he still couldn't say those words.Just look at Director Liu with eyes, hoping that Director Liu can break this unfavorable situation.

Director Liu had a gloomy face and didn't make a sound.

Wen Yuxi said: "Comrade Fu Qinghua, according to what you said, you Yongtong City still haven't got the money?"

Fu Qinghua said: "Before I left for Jiangzhou, the money has not been received yet."

Wen Yuxi slammed his fist on the sofa, snorted coldly, and shouted sharply: "Comrade Zeng Qingning, what did you say just now?"

Zeng Qingning was stuttering and unable to speak, his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and his eyes kept looking at Cai Yanbian.

Cai Yanbian was like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, listless and completely lost the arrogance he had just now.

Wen Yuxi sneered and said: "Comrade Cai Yanbian, you just kept saying that you had already deposited the money? You also produced relevant evidence! Where are those evidences?"

Cai Yanbian wiped the sweat from his forehead, the corners of his mouth trembled, and he couldn't hold back a word for a while.

Wen Yuxi turned to Director Liu and said: "Director Liu, you said just now that your investigation team came to Jiangzhou two days ago and conducted a secret investigation and visit. It has been investigated clearly, and you have checked the transfer records of the Provincial Department of Finance? Then I I have to ask, how did you investigate? Did you really check it out?"

Director Liu said: "Secretary Wen, our investigation team has its own set of procedures. There is nothing wrong with our investigation process, it's just." He glanced at Cai Yanbian calmly, and said slowly: "I didn't expect that Jiangnan Someone in the province will make false appropriation evidence to fool us! We have also been deceived."

When Cai Yan saw Director Liu say these words, he was so anxious that he blurted out: "Director Liu, you have to make the decision for me!"

Director Liu said: "Comrade Cai Yanbian, you are so courageous! How dare you forge documents to deceive us! I am very puzzled, why don't you allocate funds to Yongtong City?"

Cai Yan opened his mouth, Director Liu stared at him sternly, and Cai Yan swallowed his words.

At this time, Fu Qinghua said: "Secretary Wen, as far as I know, Yongtong City is not the only one who didn't get the money."

Wen Yuxi was moved and said: "What did you say? Not only Yongtong City?"

Fu Qinghua said: "I have personal contacts with the leaders of several cities. I heard from them that the province only gave them IOUs, but they didn't see a penny of the money. There are also a few cities, only I have received part of the disaster relief funds, and more than half of them have not yet been settled.”

Wen Yuxi pointed to Cai Yanbian and said, "You are in charge of this matter. Now, can you explain to the provincial party committee?"

After all, Cai Yanbian was Lao Jiang. After the panic, he quickly calmed down and said: "It's good to let me take care of things, but the specific work is done by the comrades below. I will approve everything that should be approved. I know that the comrades below did not transfer the money! This matter is my dereliction of duty, and I will definitely investigate it thoroughly when I go back!"

Wen Yuxi sneered and said: "You cheated first, and then shirked. Do you think I can still believe what you said?"

Director Liu said: "I didn't expect the matter to be so complicated! It seems that our investigation team has to re-investigate."

Wen Yuxi said: "This time, I hope Director Liu can investigate carefully and give an explanation to the people of Jiangnan Province."

Director Liu said: "This is our job, and we will naturally do our best."

Wen Yuxi looked at Wu Dongfang and asked, "Comrade Dongfang, what do you think?"

Wu Dong said expressionlessly: "Because I trust Comrade Yanbian, I entrusted him with such an important job. I didn't expect that he would make such a big mistake. I hope he can make a contribution and find out the truth of this matter as soon as possible." The truth, find out those moths who dare to withhold disaster relief funds privately! Give justice to the people of Jiangnan."

Cai Yanbian found that once things failed, he would become the scapegoat for everything. No matter whether it was Wu Dongfang or Director Liu, they all abandoned themselves without exception and chose to protect themselves wisely.

Fortunately, Wu Dongfang gave himself a way out!

What Wu Dongfang said just now couldn't be more straightforward, that is to ask Cai Yanbian to find some scapegoats to take the blame!

"In my opinion, this matter is not so simple!" Li Yi suddenly said loudly: "Such a large sum of money is stored in the Provincial Department of Finance. As the leader, it is impossible for Vice Governor Cai to be ignorant. This matter is tricky, it is not difficult to imagine!"

Cai Yanbian opened his eyes wide and said, "Comrade Li Yi, what do you mean?"

Li Yi said: "We have every reason to suspect that this huge relief fund was embezzled by some people! If there is no surprise inspection now, in time, the corrupt officials will definitely borrow money from here and there to fill this hole. While it’s hot, I think the province should immediately set up a task force to conduct a thorough investigation of this matter!”

Before Cai Yanbian could respond, Wen Yuxi immediately expressed support: "Comrade Li Yi's words are reasonable! I suggest setting up a task force to investigate the case immediately."

Director Liu said: "Secretary Wen, our joint investigation team is investigating this matter, so you don't need to set up another special task force. Isn't this superfluous?"

Wen Yuxi said: "You check yours, we check ours, we can cooperate with each other!"

Director Liu frowned and said, "Secretary Wen, do you not believe me?"

Wen Yuxi said lightly: "I don't believe you yet!"

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