Official road bends

Chapter 44 Plant Genitalia

The flight attendant couldn't help shivering after hearing this: "Kang Ping! Don't play too much!"

"You don't understand how important dignity is to a man!" Kang Ping said viciously.

"I won't accompany you to do bad things!" The stewardess said coldly.

"Go away!" Kang Ping pushed her away, got in the car, started the car, and quickly chased after her.

The fiery red BMW is driving on the road, followed by the white Toyota.Followed by Wang Yang's blue Mercedes, and finally Zhang Tianbo's black Audi.

The Toyota car approached the BMW like a ghost, and there was a sharp turn ahead. Kang Ping wanted to force Li Yi to hit the mountain wall.

BMW is on the left, Toyota is on the right, with a mountain wall on one side and a high roadbed on the other.

Guo Xiaoling shouted nervously: "Li Yi, what do they want to do?"

"It's okay! Fasten your seat belt!" Li Yi smiled evilly: "Sit still, I will make you scream in comfort!"

Li Yi accelerated suddenly, as if he wanted to overtake the Toyota.

Kang Ping spat: "I want to escape! Then ask me if I agree!"

Kang Ping slammed on the accelerator, and the Toyota was pressing hard against the BMW, and the BMW couldn't turn at all.

Seeing that there is a turning point ahead, the curvature is quite large. After the turn, there is a steep slope. In normal times, this is also an area where traffic accidents occur frequently. There are traffic police warnings to slow down and danger ahead.

Li Yi cursed secretly: "What a poisonous boy! If you hadn't met me today, you would have made a plan!"

When approaching the bend, Li Yi suddenly made a sharp drift, a 180-degree drift, abruptly reversed the front of the car and the body, went a certain way, another drift, reversed, and stopped firmly roadside.

"Boom! Boom! Crack!" There was a loud bang, and Kang Ping watched the BMW disappear in front of his eyes. Without paying attention, the Toyota drove straight up the mountain wall, collapsing a rock wall.

Guo Xiaoling had just recovered from the pleasure of drifting, and was immediately frightened by the scene in front of her and screamed.

Only then did Mercedes-Benz and Audi follow up. Seeing the scene in front of them, they all stopped their cars.

Zhang Tianbo ran over and asked, "Mr. Li, what's going on?"

Li Yi spread his hands helplessly: "I don't know what happened, he crashed the car."

The relationship between Wang Yang and Kang Ping was okay, so he ran up, pushed aside the branches blocking the car body, and shouted: "Kang Ping! Kang Ping!"

Kang Ping was already unconscious.

Wang Yang immediately reported 120 with his mobile phone.

120 came very quickly this time, it seems that Wen Yuxi's iron fist played a very good role.

When Kang Ping was carried out, he was still in a coma, his left leg and face were covered with blood, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

Wang Yang gave Li Yi a deep look: "I notified his family, and they will rush to the hospital directly. Mr. Li, you are witnesses, can you please be a witness?"

Li Yi shrugged indifferently, expressing his willingness.

Guo Xiaoling held Li Yi's hand nervously.Li Yi cracked his lips and smiled, this little girl knows to find a sense of security from me, yes, there is progress!

Kang Ping is not life-threatening, but his left leg is seriously injured and will become crippled after the injury is healed.

After Kang Ping woke up, he didn't mention the part of racing with Li Yi, and insisted that he was accidentally driving and hit him.

This was beyond Li Yi's surprise, but he didn't know that Kang Ping was a face-saving person, how could he admit that he had the intention of harming others and lost to him in the car race?If you want revenge, you have to wait for another opportunity in the future.

The traffic police questioned the car marks at the scene of the car accident, because judging from the trajectory of those car marks, it is impossible to guess who could move the car back and forth like building blocks.But none of the parties raised any objections, so the matter was left alone.

Back in the car, Guo Xiaoling patted her chest and said, "This birthday is the most memorable one for me!"

"Your birthday?" Li Yi chuckled, and seeing her nodding, he lost his voice and said, "My fault, please have a cup of coffee!" Without waiting for her consent, he drove to the city center.

On the central square, a young man in a suit and tie was arranging roses. Hundreds of roses were placed on the ground, forming a heart-shaped pattern. The young man held a bouquet of flowers in his hand and shouted to A woman's courtship: "Although I am not elegant and graceful, but I have a broad mind and strong arms. Do you love me?"

The woman nodded shyly.

Li Yi scolded: "I'm Cao."

Guo Xiaoling was being moved, and said, "Why, don't you think it's very romantic?"

Li Yi shook his head and said, "Romantic? I just feel disgusted. I just want to exchange plant genitals for animal genitals."

"Ah?" Guo Xiaoling turned pale.

"Aren't flowers the genitals of plants?" Li Yi explained with a smile.

"You! What a disappointment. Such a romantic thing has become so obscene in your mouth." Guo Xiaoling made a gesture of wanting to vomit.

"Hey, okay, let's not talk about them, get out of the car, I'll buy something for you." Li Yi smiled.

"No. We are not boyfriend and girlfriend!"

"What if I must send you something?" Li Yi said angrily.

"Then give me a rose, I've grown up so much, I haven't received it yet." Guo Xiaoling suddenly smiled sweetly.

"You said that we are not boyfriend and girlfriend? You also asked me to send roses?" Li Yi's two heads couldn't help short-circuiting.

"If you're not a boyfriend or girlfriend, you can't send roses? Who said that? I just like the genitals of those plants! Not only do I like to see them, but I also like to smell them!" Guo Xiaoling looked at him with a naughty smile.

Li Yi, who thought he knew women well, was completely dizzy.

But he quickly realized that he drove the car and ran all over the street. When he saw a flower shop, he stopped and rushed in: "Boss, are there any roses?"

"Yes, how many do you want?"


Sitting in the car, Guo Xiaoling saw Li Yi walking over with a rose, and deliberately pouted, "Why only one rose?"

"Didn't you say you only need one branch? I dare not not listen to your words."

"One branch is better than nothing." Guo Xiaoling took it from Li Yi, closed her eyes, took a deep sniff, and seemed to enjoy it.

Li Yi looked up at the surrounding terrain, drove the car under a building, and said with a smile: "Have a cup of coffee."

Guo Xiaoling smiled and said: "Okay, I did a lot today, the first time I took a car, the first time I saw a car crash, the first time I received a rose, the first time I drank coffee! And the first time I took a boy hand!"

Li Yi smiled and said, "Do you want to have a first kiss?"

Guo Xiaoling raised her small fist and hit: "It's the first time to hit someone!"

Li Yi chuckled, parked the car, and took her upstairs.

The coffee shop is on the third floor.This weekend, there are still quite a lot of young people who come out to show off.

The two found a seat at random, ordered two cups of Mandheling coffee, and sipped them slowly.

"Li Yi, I found that I am getting more and more confused about you." Guo Xiaoling leaned on the back of the chair and said softly.

Li Yi smiled and said, "It feels like a different person?"

"Well, I feel that way."

"Then do you like me before, or me now?"

"Of course it's you now! The you in the past... hate it, always take advantage of me!"

"Haha, you admitted it yourself, you like me now! Is this the first time?"

Guo Xiaoling smiled helplessly.

Suddenly, a girl sitting by the window screamed.

This scream was particularly harsh in the quiet coffee house, and many people cast contemptuous glances.

But soon, the men and women sitting by the window, as if they were infected, uttered exclamations of excitement one after another.

The so-called three people become tigers, and a few more people shouted. People naturally knew that something special must have happened over there. A few good people ran over and looked down from the window. Afterwards, they were also infected and sent out There were screams, and some little girls were even so moved that they danced and shed tears of happiness.

So, the people in the room full of coffee drinkers crowded to the window, so the people in the room shouted excitedly.

The waiter at the cafe couldn't bear the temptation, and ran over to look at it, and finally, even the cashier quickly ran over to look at it.

Guo Xiaoling smiled and said, "There must be something exciting to watch. Aren't you curious?"

"Chinese people just like to watch the excitement. I remember an old joke. It was about going off work alone. When I saw a group of people watching some excitement, I only heard something like a terrible death. Because he couldn't squeeze in, he just With an idea, he shouted: "It's my father who died inside. Get out of the way." The onlookers really got out of the way. He went in and saw that a dog had died. Therefore, I never watch the excitement. You If you want to see it, just watch it." Li Yi sat with coffee in his hands.

Guo Xiaoling said: "I don't believe you can sit still, I'll go and have a look first, if there's really something interesting, I won't tell you!"

Li Yi giggled, with such an expression on his face.

The girl really couldn't stand such a temptation, Guo Xiaoling got up and walked to the window, looked down, her eyes widened in shock, her mouth opened, and she didn't close it for a long time.

The huge central square below was covered with red roses!

A big heart-shaped pattern, an arrow of Cupid, the god of love, and six large characters with flowers in the heart shape: "Guo Xiaoling, you are the most beautiful!" The heart shape is surrounded by scattered rose petals.

There were people all around the pattern, including the man in tie who was courting with roses just now, but at this moment, he was downcast and completely lost the momentum he had just now.The woman next to him put her face in her hands and yelled, "Oh my God! How many roses are needed! I'm afraid it will take 10,000+ flowers! Who is this Guo Xiaoling?"

Everyone is discussing, who is this Guo Xiaoling?

The people in the cafe are also talking about it.

"This Guo Xiaoling is really happy!"

"10,000+ roses! Ocean of flowers!"

"Who proposes? Such a big deal! I'm so envious!"

"Wow, look quickly, the people from the TV station are here, this will definitely be the headline news tomorrow! Let's go down and see if we can make a scene!"

The heroine of the story, Guo Xiaoling, was standing there blankly. At this moment, she was moved from the heart and had the urge to cry.

No matter how pure a girl is, no matter how self-reliant she is, she is still vulnerable to the romance created by such a powerful money.

Li Yi stood quietly behind her, and asked softly, "Do you like it?"

"I like it!" Guo Xiaoling rubbed her eyes and nodded vigorously: "Fool, why didn't you write those three words?"

"Which three words?" Li Yi smiled wickedly.

"It's just that I love you!" Guo Xiaoling blurted out, and then realized that she had been fooled!

"This is the first time you said it?" Li Yi stretched out his hands and put them lightly on her shoulders.

Guo Xiaoling no longer had the slightest restraint, and slowly rested her head on Li Yi's shoulder.

At this moment, she just wants to be a small, happy woman.

She raised her head and squinted her eyes, looking forward to another first time...

[Hehe, this chapter is a big one!Ask for recommendations and favorites.Thank you all! 】

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