Official road bends

Chapter 452 Phobia before marriage

Wen Kejia said: "Li Yi, what stimulated you?"

Zhang Yifan smiled and said, "Isn't this guy getting married? Most likely he has premarital phobia. ╚ ?^╝"

Gu Zhiwu said: "Shouldn't everyone be happy before marriage? Why are you still afraid? This shouldn't be!"

Li Yi said: "You bachelors know how to make sarcastic remarks. If you have the ability, you will find a woman and end your bachelor career."

Zhang Yifan said: "We are responding to the party's call to delay marriage and have children, and contribute to the country's family planning work. Li Yi, don't teach us."

Li Yi said: "You will be unfilial sons and grandchildren!"

The Qiankun Palace Club is a private club that has neither a sign nor a signature. From the outside, it looks like a private residence with some luxurious decoration. People outside have no idea that it is a high-end private club.

The heavy classical door is tightly closed, and the pattern of dragon and phoenix showing auspiciousness is carved on the surface.Showing the noble status of the owner of this house also coincides with the meaning of the three-character signboard of Qiankun Palace.

The four of Li Yi walked into the door.Li Yi took out his wallet, took out a dark card, and swiped it at a credit card machine next to him.The door slid open on both sides of its own accord, revealing a long red-carpeted corridor.

Wen Kejia said in surprise: "Li Yi, why do you have a membership card for this club? I heard that it is expensive, and even if you have money, you may not be able to join the club. After paying the money, you have to go through identity verification. You must be a business elite. Or celebrities."

Li Yi said: "A gift from a friend. It seems that you know a lot about this place! It's also my first time here today, hehe, brothers. Go in and see for yourself!"

This card was given to Li Yi by Rao Ruoxi when she went to Jiangzhou for the first time. It was done with her own salary, and it was a birthday present for Li Yi.Said it was when the new clubhouse opened.The boss of the club took the initiative to contact her and asked her to do it. She was too lazy to go to this kind of place. She didn't want to do it at first, but when she thought that Li Yi was about to celebrate her birthday, she made this one as a birthday present. Li Yi.

Entering the clubhouse, two rows of welcoming ladies dressed as court ladies from the Qing Dynasty came over immediately, bowed their knees to Li Yi and others, and knelt down on one knee.Say: "Long live, welcome back to the palace."

This stance!It directly amused Wen Kejia and the others.

Zhang Yifan slapped Li Yi on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Where is this place? Come in so suddenly, I thought I was back in ancient times!"

Wen Kejia said, "Why don't they get up?"

Gu Zhiwu said with a smile: "Do you have to call yourself flat before you dare to get up? Isn't it always played like this on TV?"

Li Yi said with a smile: "Then you give it a try."

Gu Zhiwu then cleared his throat and shouted, "Pingshen!"

"Thank you, long live!" The two rows of welcoming ladies really responded.

At present, a tall and slender beauty greeted her, and she said with a sweet smile, "Long Live Lord. This way please."

Li Yi smiled and said: "There are so many Long Live Lords, if Emperor Qianlong knew about it, he would have to come out from the ground and kill people."

The beauty smiled and said, "This is your first time coming to our place? Every distinguished guest who comes here is our Long Live Lord."

Li Yidao: "So, Long Live Lord is just an honorific title? Hehe. Just like Mr."

The beauty said: "But we will give you the same enjoyment as the Long Live Lord. Here, you are the supreme master."

Zhang Yifan chuckled, deliberately embarrassing her, and said, "Are you so godlike? I asked you to sleep with me. Will you accompany me too?"

The beauty smiled sweetly: "Thank you, Lord Long Live, for the reward. It is my honor that Lord Long Live can find my card."

Zhang Yifan shuddered and said, "Li Yi, what is the name of this place you brought us here? Don't you want to take away our precious first night here?"

Li Yi stared at the night and said: "Are you still the first night? Who are you lying to?"

Zhang Yifan said: "It can't be done, I have to call Lin Xin over, otherwise this kid will definitely degenerate today."

Several people were bickering and joking, but the beauty in palace costume didn't listen, and just smiled and led the four of them inside.

In addition to the beauties, there are also men dressed as eunuchs. They are all waiters.

The room inside was also built in the style of the ancient court, and Li Yi and others were arranged in a simple and elegant box.

Li Yi said to the maid in charge: "Just bring us a few bottles of good wine. We chat with each other, and we don't need anyone to wait on us."

Wen Kejia asked: "Li Yi, did something happen to you? I think you are in a bad mood."

Li Yi said: "It's nothing, I had a few words with Lin Xin today, I feel unhappy, come out and relax."

Zhang Yifan laughed and said, "It really is premarital phobia!"

Li Yi said: "Don't say anything, let's drink!"

The maid came in with wine and knelt down to give wine to several people.

Just after picking up the cup, Chen Boming called and asked where Li Yi was.

Li Yi told him the address and asked him to come over.

Although Chen Boming is of the same generation as Li Yuanxiao, he can still play with Li Yi a little bit. They chat and fart together, talking about everything.

As soon as Chen Boming entered the door, he yelled happily, and said with a smile: "It's still fun to follow Yishao. There are such interesting places hidden in Sijiu City. It's really eye-opening! I didn't know until I entered here. Customers are the real meaning of Di.”

Li Yi said: "Of course, the service bought for hundreds of thousands! Can you tell me?"

Chen Boming and Li Yi talked about everything, glanced at the people present, and said: "Li Yi, you are about to get married, have you ever thought about letting go before the wedding?"

Li Yi said: "Indulgence before the wedding? Hehe, I really haven't thought about it."

Chen Boming said: "I heard that men will have some fears on the eve of their wedding, so they will indulge as much as possible to relieve mental pressure. Flowers! Do not leave regrets in life."

Li Yi smiled, noncommittal.

Chen Boming suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Drink less wine, I will take you to a fun place later, there will be a big surprise."

Li Yi said: "If it's that kind of place, you can avoid it, you know I don't like it."

Chen Boming said: "Who do you think I am? The place where you take Yishao to play must have enough taste, and it must be worthy of Yishao's identity and status! However, the big surprise was my Found it, if you miss it, you will regret it for ten lifetimes!"

Li Yi said: "I heard you blowing so amazingly, where exactly is it?"

Chen Boming said with a smile: "I said it was a surprise, so I can't say it in advance. Let's have fun here first. You can't drink alcohol, what else is there?"

The maid next to me replied: "Chess and cards, leisure, bathing, shiatsu, dancing, music, and parties and evening parties."

Chen Boming smiled slightly, and said: "There is nothing special about it! These projects are also available in other places! Is there anything special about it?"

The maid replied: "There are royal horse races and archery. I wonder if Long Live Lord likes it?"

Li Yi said: "This is good! This is good, let's go and play with this!"

Chen Boming was not interested in archery, but seeing that Li Yi liked it, he said, "Okay, then let's go to an archery competition. Everyone is a pure man, and no one can refuse!"

Wen Kejia laughed and said, "Horseback archery, this is fun!"

The maid led the crowd to the back, passing through many corridors and boxes with various decorations, and came out the back door to an open space.This open space is similar to a golf course, with green grass and slightly undulating hillsides.

There are costume props and stables next to it, and several grooms in servant costumes.

The costumes and props are also the emperor's military uniform of the Qing Dynasty.

No one has ridden a horse before. Fortunately, these horses have been specially trained and are very docile and obedient. After riding, they will not bump or run wildly.After a few people gradually become proficient, they will soon be able to let the groom loosen the reins and lead the horse for a walk by themselves.

After learning how to ride a horse, then archery.

With a quiver on his back and a strong bow in his hand, he set up the bow and shot an arrow. When the arrow was shot out, with a whoosh, it missed and missed!

When Li Yi was in Jiangzhou, he went to the Wufu Ecological Base to play shooting and hunting, and he also shot targets when he was in the capital, so his arrow skills are still somewhat accurate, but he was standing on flat ground. Now he is riding on a horse, and the horse is moving. This feels completely different.

Each of the five people shot a few arrows in a row, but they all missed the target by a long distance and missed.

Chen Boming said: "It's not a good job for the generals in ancient times to conquer the world on horseback!"

Li Yi said: "Yes, it is not an easy task to ride a horse and jump a sword, and go to war in the South and North."

Several people practiced in the archery range for two hours until the sun went down.

Li Yi was able to hit the target on horseback and archery, and several others have also made great progress.Everyone was sweating.

Zhang Yifan said: "Li Yi, this is a good project. It's fun and exercises your body. It would be great if you were in the capital often. We can come and play from time to time."

Li Yi smiled and said, "Okay, let's come and play as soon as we have time."

The dinner in the clubhouse is similar to the procedure in the palace, with a lot of people waiting on it.

After dinner, Chen Boming said that he would take Li Yi to the place where he could surprise Li Yi.Wen Kejia and the others had nothing to do in the evening, so they also wanted to go and have a look.

A group of people left the clubhouse and followed Chen Boming to a place by car.

At the beginning of the night, the neon lights blurred the night fog.

"Tianhua Hotel?" Li Yi looked up at the huge signboard of the building, and asked, "What are you bringing us here for? Open a room to sleep?"

Li Yi knows that all star hotels with the word Tian have a military background. This Tianhua Hotel is one of the many five-star hotels in Beijing, and its background is even more bullish.

Chen Boming smiled and said, "I told you to find a place worthy of your Yi Shao identity! Hehe, let's go, I'll take you to see 'Surprise'! Don't believe me? Then don't go." To be continued. .

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