Official road bends

Chapter 47 Investigation

Chapter 47 Survey

Lianshui is a tributary of the Xiangjiang River and the mother river of millions of people in Lianshui County. It has been flowing silently for generations, nourishing and irrigating the people on both sides of the river.

In the territory of Lianshui, there are two high mountains, one is Fenghuang Mountain, which is in the territory of Liulin Town; the other is Xishan, which is the big mountain in front of you, towering and majestic, with a small mountain on each side, like two claws, It looks like a lion pouncing on food.The meandering Lianshui meanders away from the foot of the West Mountain.

The designers of the reservoir built a dam to surround the two lion's paws together with the lion's body, forming a bowl shape.Build another water diversion channel to intercept the Lianshui halfway, divert water into the reservoir, and add underground spring water, mountain spring and stream water, enough to store water in the reservoir.

The reservoir project was suspended due to funding problems. At the foot of the beautiful West Mountain, it is now full of loess and mud. The huge deep pit of the reservoir, like a gaping bloody mouth, laughed at the parents and officials of Lianshui County.

The reservoir dam has been built to half its height, and there is a small pool of water in the reservoir, which is composed of spring water on the mountain and groundwater. The water from the Lianshui River will not be introduced until the reservoir dam is completed.

The water conservancy engineer who came with him said worriedly: "Now that the mountains and rivers are scarce, the Banlazi earth dam can still withstand it. After the beginning of spring next year, when the plum rains come and the mountain torrents break out, the reservoir will be full of water. I'm afraid it won't be of much use. At that time, there will only be flood discharge, but the corresponding ditches have not been dug. How will the flood be released? Under the reservoir, there are thousands of fertile fields and hundreds of houses. If the rainy season is longer, the rainfall will be heavier Some, the consequences are simply unimaginable.”

The listener was moved.

Xue Xue said angrily: "If we don't solve this problem as soon as possible, we will all become sinners of millions of people in Lianshui County!"

All the way through the game, everyone bowed their heads in shame, not daring to speak.

The mountain wind was so bitter that the mountains whimpered.

A farmer carrying firewood walked by, looked at the brightly dressed leaders, opened his voice, and sang a folk song: "There are good cadres in Lianshui, and they go to the department every day to ask for projects. The money is 5000 million. Half of it was used to repair the warehouse. Manpower and land were confiscated, and a Huangquan well was dug."

Qiu Feng was very annoyed when he heard this: "Who is singing indiscriminately? I'll catch him!"

"Nonsense!" Xue Xue shouted, her face turning ashen.

The farmer carried the firewood and walked away laughing.

Li Yi said: "Listening to the meaning of the song just now, the reservoir project has indeed expropriated farmers' fields. County Magistrate Xue, I want to visit the local area."

Xue Xue said: "Let's go together."

Li Yi groaned silently, and glanced at the situation around him.

Xue Xuehui felt sorry, and said to Xie Limin and the others: "You all go back, the county can't leave so many bureau chiefs at once, if the people below can't find anyone, they will jump the wall in a hurry. I just stay!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Everything is under the arrangement of County Magistrate Xue."

Xue Xue thought to herself, why listen to my arrangement?If it suits you, just listen to my arrangement, if it doesn't suit you, I will be a bird!snort!However, this is also his job responsibility and cannot be blamed.

When everyone was gone, Xue Xue asked, "Section Chief Li, did you find anything?"

"I don't believe that Magistrate Xue can't see it?" Li Yi asked back.

Xue Xue just nodded and pointed to the farmhouse below: "Let's go visit."

The two of them got off the Tiba, stepped on the green grass, and wiped off the mud stuck on their shoes.

The old rural houses in the southern provinces all have main rooms, which are used for family sacrifices and important ceremonies.

When I came to a farmhouse, the main room door was open, a group of free-range chickens were clucking, and a big yellow dog was lazily squatting on the ground. When a stranger entered, the yellow dog got up and barked at Li Yi and Xue Xue. Screaming, the hen flopped around with her chicks, flying chicken feathers and dust.

Xue Xue was obviously taken aback, tightened Li Yi's arm, and hid behind him.

Li Yi comforted her and said, "Don't be afraid, this dog doesn't bite people."

The dog really just barked fiercely and didn't come over.

Xue Xue asked a little strangely: "How do you know?"

Li Yi laughed and said: "A dog that bites people doesn't bark. You can see that its tail is upright, which proves that it is a healthy dog. There is no disease or anything, and it won't bite people indiscriminately."

Xue Xue still hid behind him and couldn't come out, and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, you are also good at 'sex'!"

An old woman in her 70s and [-]s came out of the room and scolded twice, the dog became honest, stopped barking, wagged its tail, and looked at Li Yi.

The old man spoke local dialect. Fortunately, Li Yi had learned a little from Fang Fang, and he was able to get a general idea. After talking for a few words, he asked, "Grandma, do you know that there is a compensation fund for the Xishan Reservoir?" Pay the villagers?"

"What? Cloth shoes?" The old man was a little deaf and couldn't hear it.

Xue Xue couldn't help laughing.

Li Yi glared at her, so he had to end the conversation, and came to another family. This family had a young daughter-in-law who was holding a baby and was feeding her. When she saw two people coming in, she looked at her curiously. With two people.

Li Yi said: "Hello, I am an investigator from the provincial 'government'..."

"What do you want to do?" The woman was very vigilant, and at the same time hugged the baby tightly in her hand, and shouted: "I only gave birth to one baby, it's not illegal!"

Li Yi quickly explained: "We are not a family planning office. Regardless of these things, we are here to investigate the compensation of the Xishan Reservoir. Do you know something?"

"Is there any compensation for building the reservoir?" The woman obviously didn't know about it: "My man has been working in the reservoir for more than half a year, and he has only been paid two months' wages, and the other wages have not been paid in full!"

Li Yi glanced at Xue Xue, Xue Xue frowned.Li Yi took out a pen and paper and took notes quickly.

Li Yi asked: "Then, have you ever heard that any family in the village has received compensation, that is, the 'government' will give a certain amount of economic compensation for occupying his family's land and mountains?"

The woman thought for a while, then shook her head: "I've never heard of this."

Li Yi asked about her man's work in the reservoir, and asked his man's name.

The woman said: "You are from the provincial capital, can you take care of those who pay the wages in the reservoir? Tell them to pay the wages quickly, we are still waiting to use them."

Li Yi responded: "We will respond to it. Don't worry, the arrears of wages will definitely be let go. The difficulties are only temporary. You have to trust the 'government'."

The two stayed for a few minutes before coming out. They visited more than a dozen households, and they got similar information. No one had heard of the compensation, and almost every household had wages in arrears.Finally came to a small earthen house, the roof was covered with straw and asbestos tiles, Xue Xue wrinkled her nose and said, "Isn't this house too shabby?"

Li Yi said: "The lives of farmers are very hard now. Look, the whole village is basically adobe-brick houses. It is difficult to improve the lives of farmers only by digging in the soil. Many families are only on the food and clothing line. Even Eating meat is a luxury, let alone building a new house."

Xue Xue said sadly: "If you don't go to the countryside, you don't know how miserable the peasants are!"

There was only one old man in the room, about seventy years old, with gray hair, who was very warm to the two of them and made hot tea for them.

Li Yi said gratefully: "Thank you, Grandpa! Please sit down, Grandpa. I'm an investigator from the province, and I'm here to learn about the Xishan Reservoir."

"Oh! It turns out that you are a big cadre from the province. Hello!" The old man seemed very talkative. He may have traveled all over the world when he was young, and he could speak a decent Mandarin.

"Grandpa, are you alone at home?" Xue Xue looked around and asked.

"Well, just one person. I was a soldier when I was young, and went to war. When I came back, I was old and couldn't marry a daughter-in-law, so I lived alone!" The old man laughed, not at all unhappy.

"It turned out to be an old revolutionary! Disrespect!" Li Yi sat up straight in awe.

"I'm also a veteran party member. Don't look at my age. I'm in good health and can withstand the toss. In the past two years, I have participated in labor for the construction of the reservoir." The old man said in a loud voice, very happy.

Li Yi said: "With your conditions, you should be regarded as a household with five guarantees, right? You are an old revolution, and you have state relief, so you shouldn't have to work?"

"I can work, farm, support myself, and don't need to spend a penny from the country." The old man talked happily, and insisted on burning a pot of wine to drink, but was stopped by Li Yi: "We are working, we can't Drinking, I’m free some other day, I’ll definitely have a good drink with you, let me ask a question, does the Xishan Reservoir occupy the villagers’ fields and land?”

"Occupied, why not occupy it? The mountain, that land, and that soil were all distributed to each household by the production team, and now they are all occupied. I also have a piece of land at the foot of the West Mountain. I used to plant some Sweet potatoes, radishes." The old man has a good memory, and he can even tell the name of each piece of land.

Li Yi asked: "Has the 'government' given compensation?"

The old man waved his hand and said, "What kind of compensation will you give me! This reservoir was originally built for our benefit, so what is it to give out a little land? Besides, this land originally belonged to the country, and now it is used to build the reservoir. For the people, who would want to compensate for the good things done to the people?"

Li Yi asked: "So, did the 'government' tell you about this?"

"The village cadres said that, that's what they said!" The old man replied, as if remembering something, he got up and brought over a bowl of peanuts, and put them in front of them: "I planted them myself, you can eat some, sweet peanuts." It's on."

Li Yi said: "Grandpa, the village cadres said at the time that this land belongs to the state, and now they have to take it back to build a reservoir, take it from the people, and use it for the people, right?"

"Right!" The old man woke up and said, "What's the matter? Is there anything wrong with this?"

Li Yi said: "No, we are just doing an investigation. So, in this way, no family in the village has ever received compensation?"

"No," the old man shook his head like a rattle: "The state paid us to build the reservoir, how can we still ask for the state's money?"

"Then have all your salaries been paid?" Li Yi asked.

"After two months of posting, the latter ones have not been posted, saying that it is because of financial difficulties, we have to wait." The answer of the old man is consistent with that of most villagers.

"Thank you, Grandpa, we will come to accompany you again when we are free!" Before Li Yi left, he took out a few hundred dollars and put them under the peanut bowl while the old man was not paying attention.

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