Official road bends

Chapter 481 Lin Xin Three Difficulties Li Secretary

(⊙o⊙)... Lin Guorong had been watching from the side just now, and now he nodded secretly. He didn't know how many people had played this never-to-be-forgotten game, but someone as smart as Li Yi could think This is the first person who came up with such a wonderful idea and explained it so smoothly.

This guy is good, smart, quick-witted and unflappable in danger

It seems that it is not unreasonable for my daughter to fall in love with Li Yi. Fortunately, I have always trusted my daughter. I leave it to her to decide on her own life-long affairs. I really found a good son-in-law.

Now the sisters of the Lin family have another problem, which is called heart-to-heart bond. They need to find Lin Xin from the sixteen lip prints.

Lin Guorong glanced at the lip print on the white paper, thinking to my mother, there is still such a way to play?These young people really opened my eyes. The lip prints on them all look exactly the same. How can I tell them apart?

Zhang Yifan and others yelled: "These sixteen lip prints without such a playful person are exactly the same. Aren't you deliberately embarrassing others? Change one, change another"

"It can't be changed. These are the questions set by the lady. Li Yi must pass all the tests before he can go in and marry Lin Xin." When are the sisters of the Lin family not good at this time?

Holding the blank paper, Li Yi thought to herself, how can this Lin girl ask herself such difficult questions? It is not an easy task to choose Lin Xin from the sixteen lip prints.

"Brother Lang, time is precious to choose." The sisters of the Lin family giggled.

Lin Guorong said: "This matter, I want to say a few words, this topic is too tricky, it can't be done at all, can you change it?"

Among the sisters of the Lin family, there was one who was wearing a green padded jacket and was very beautiful. Li Yi met her once, and Lin Xin introduced her as the youngest daughter of her uncle Lin Lipeng. Her name was Lin Ling, and she was even weirder than Wen Keni

The most troublesome person this time was Lin Ling. Every time the man made any objection or request, it was Lin Ling who stood in the way.

Li Yi didn't see Wen Keni. This little girl is probably in Lin Xin's room with Lin Xin's mother, Chen Hong, and Wen Yuxi's wife, Chen Hui.

Lin Ling spoke again: "That can't be done Uncle, you can't cover Li Yi, we are checking for Lin Xin. These questions are very particular, not only to test Brother Lang's heart, but also to test his Sister Nao Lin Xin is such a smart and intelligent girl, she can't marry a heartless and brainless heart and brain, both are indispensable."

Li Yi said: "Father, I will have no difficulty in the world. I'm afraid that since a caring girl has such a problem, there will definitely be a way to solve it."

Lin Ling smiled and said: "Well, please, brother Lang, the first question, you have passed the test."

Li Yi took the piece of paper and read it sideways and upside down several times, but he had no clue at all for a while.

Zhang Yifan pushed Gu Zhiwu: "Brother Zhiwu, think quickly."

Gu Zhiwu said: "I can't imagine that this woman's lips are all the same in my eyes."

Zhang Yifan said: "It's over, I can't see any difference."

Qian Duodao: "Of course you can't tell, you haven't even seen what a woman's lips look like."

Lin Ling and other sisters giggled

In the boudoir, a festive atmosphere

Lin Xin was wearing a white wedding dress, sitting in front of the dressing table like a fairy

Chen Hong and Chen Hui were at the door, opening a gap to look outside

Wen Keni left the door and came to report to Lin Xin: "Cousin Xin, Li Yi has completed the first difficulty."

"Oh? How did he do it?" Lin Xin asked with a smile

Wen Keni said: "He first took a sip and put it in his mouth, then quickly rushed down and up again, and then spit it out of his mouth, and it was very easy to complete without missing a drop, maybe a few ml more saliva Woolen cloth"

Lin Xin nodded slightly, and said, "I knew I couldn't help him."

Wen Keni smiled and said: "That's right, Li Yi is so smart, there is no problem in this world that can stump him. He also said that this is called holding it in your mouth for fear of melting, and holding it in your hand for fear of falling too much." So mushy, so sweet"

Lin Xin smiled sweetly, "He's amazing."

Wen Keni played with her lock of hair and said, "But this second problem seems to have really stumped him."

Lin Xin pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't worry, he won't be troubled."

Wen Keni said: "How is this possible? There are so many lip prints on it, I can't tell which one is yours and which one is mine."

Lin Xin smiled and said, "Then you go out and have a look and see how he recognizes me."

Wen Keni said: "Really? I'm really curious, I'll go out and have a look"

When I walked outside, I saw that Li Yi was still thinking about the blank paper

Li Yi raised his head, glanced at the Lin family sisters, and then looked at the blank paper. He was hesitating when he saw Wen Keni walking out, he laughed and said, "I found it."

Wen Keni said: "Are you so magical? You found out as soon as I came out? Show me quickly, and see if you've got it right"

Li Yi said: "What is Meng? This is calculated by me using scientific reasoning methods."

Wen Keni walked over, pointed to the white paper and asked, "Which one is it, please point it out."

Li Yi pointed to one of the lip marks and said, "This is it"

Wen Keni stared at Li Yi, just like watching a monster

Li Yi smiled and said: "What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

Lin Ling stepped forward and said, "That's it, hey, this is so strange, how do you know?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "I observed it just now. Although there are sixteen lip prints on this piece of paper, there are only five colors of different shades. Then, I made a summary and found that there are fourteen lip prints. It was printed by three people, because these lip prints are very similar in color, and the lip shape and lip line are also very similar, five of them are from the same person, and the other five are from the same person, and the other four are from the same person Humans have only two individual lip prints, which are different”

Lin Ling covered her mouth in surprise, and said, "How did you do it? Can you guess this too?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "I can still see that the four lip prints were printed by you."

Lin Ling said: "I did print four of them, you are amazing."

Li Yi smiled and said: "There are still two lip prints left, I'm sure one of them belongs to Miss Lin, but I'm still not sure, because the lip lines of these two lip prints are very similar, that is to say, These two may belong to Miss Lin, until Xiao Nier came out, I saw that her cherry lips were similar to Lin Xin, but there were still some differences, because Xiao Nier's lipstick was lighter, so I could Ruled out another lip print"

Wen Keni said: "No wonder you recognized me as soon as I came out, so I helped you."

She took the piece of paper, turned around and walked inside, and told Lin Xin what happened.

Lin Xin smiled and said: "I heard Xiaoni, our lips are indeed very similar, that's why I only let you print one up. I'm trying to confuse Li Yi, so it's hard for him to guess."

Wen Keni said: "But he still guessed it."

Chen Hong came over and said with a smile: "This is Miss Lin helping Li Yi. She asked you to go out on purpose, just to let Li Yi take a look at your mouth, so that he can quickly tell the difference."

Wen Keni said: "Yes, yes, cousin Xin, you let the water go."

Lin Xin said: "He is my husband, if I don't help him, who will help him?"

Wen Keni said: "Don't worry, there is a third problem. I'll see how he handles it."

Outside, Li Yi smiled proudly: "Can I go in now?"

Lin Ling stretched out her hand to stop it, and said, "Wait a minute, Brother Lang, there are still questions."

Li Yi smiled and said: "This problem is one after another, but it didn't pass me. Okay, what other tricks do you have? Let's use them together. I'd like to see what ghost moves you can come up with. "

Lin Ling said: "You have to lose your eyesight for this."

Lin Ling took out a stack of photos and a pair of scissors, and said with a smile, "Brother Lang, look carefully. There are ten photos here, all of which are photos of different sisters."

Li Yi said: "Well, show me"

Lin Ling withdrew her hands and said, "You have a good idea." Picking up the big scissors, cut the ten photos into pieces one by one, and then cut the strips into small squares, put them on a large plate, and held them with both hands. Stir in it, and said while stirring: "Brother Lang, now I'm talking about the topic, you use these pieces to puzzle, if you can spell out Lin Xin's photo, then let you in. If you can't spell out Lin Xin , but someone else, we will not embarrass you, today is your day of great joy, since you have come, I will definitely not let you go back empty-handed, whoever you spell it out, you can marry whoever goes back anyway, these ten sisters, all An unmarried young woman"

"Ridiculous" Lin Guorong said: "How can you play like this? If Li Yi spells out your photo?"

Lin Ling smiled and said: "Uncle, it's not my idea, it's Lin Xin's idea. If Li Yi spells out my photo, heck, then I'll do what I can, last time in a sedan chair."

Li Yi was dumbfounded

There are such things?

Zhang Yifan said: "This difficulty is not small, Li Yi. This is even more difficult than the previous two times. You can neither speculate nor cheat, and you can't even cheat. No matter how smart you are, you have to be honest and honest." Go find it, Miss Lin Ling, can we help?"

Lin Ling smiled and asked back: "What do you think? Did you marry a wife?"

Zhang Yifan said: "Oh, it's getting late. Grandpa Li is counting the auspicious time. If it's delayed, you can't bear the responsibility."

Lin Lingdao: "Brother Lang, anyway, the problem has already been solved. If you want to delay time if you don't want to do it, it's because you are delaying. With such time-consuming skills, you have already spelled out a few pieces."

Li Yi said: "There is no need to fight, I will fight" (to be continued)

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