Official road bends

Chapter 504 Chance to Rewrite History

Chapter [-]: The Chance to Rewrite History

Li Yi winked at Lin Xin and told her not to speak. └@ ┘

Jiang Zhaonan said with a smile on the phone: "Li Yi, it's not that serious. This mission is very confidential, but it's not very dangerous. It just delays you two a lot of time."

Li Yi said: "Working tirelessly for the country. Chief, just say what you want, my heart is so itchy."

Jiang Zhaonan said: "Li Yi, the information you intercepted contains very important aircraft carrier technical documents. You already know this, right?"

Li Yi said: "I heard the comrades in the security department mention it, but I don't know exactly what it is."

Jiang Zhaonan said: "In our country, there have always been two different opinions on the issue of aircraft carriers. But most people still agree to form a national aircraft carrier formation."

Li Yi thought to himself, this is a major military event of the country, what does it have to do with him?Why did Comrade Jiang Zhaonan tell himself this?

Jiang Zhaonan said: "Li Yi, Western countries have always been wary of our country. It is impossible to export or sell advanced technologies like aircraft carriers to us. Everything has to be explored and developed by ourselves."

Li Yi nodded and said: "Yes, this is the truth. In the future battlefield, whoever controls the combat power at sea will control the initiative in the war. Western powers are afraid of the prosperity of our Chinese nation, so naturally they are unwilling to invest in advanced technology. Help us."

Jiang Zhaonan said: "But if we rely on ourselves to develop everything from scratch, the difficulty and technical bottlenecks are too many."

Li Yi thought about it, and said: "I have an idea. I can buy a scrapped aircraft carrier from other countries and come back for reconstruction. I can learn a lot of basic things, and I can also avoid a lot of detours in the research and development of aircraft carriers."

In Li Yi's impression, the national government in the previous life did this, and this plan should have been implemented!

Could it be that in this parallel space, the heads of state of the country have not come to this decision?Delayed?Or give up?

When I live again, many historical events have undergone major or minor changes!

Like the flood last year, its losses were much smaller than what happened in the historical space before the heavy work, and the financial crisis in Southeast Asia, because of its own prediction, also more or less reduced the losses!

There are many other things that are changing. People and things in this world are changing like a butterfly effect because of the appearance of Li Yi!

At least, in the previous life, there was no such giant as Sihai Group in China, nor was there such an industrial giant as Sanjiang Heavy Industry, and there was no such mysterious fund operation team. Naturally, there was no invisible super rich man like Li Yi!

The leaders of the country have also changed compared to before, so some corresponding national policies and military strategies will also change!Some early, some delayed, and some canceled!

Are these changes a blessing or a curse for the country?What kind of impact will it have on the future?

Li Yi had no way of predicting it. He only knew that maybe, after a few years, his foresight would be useless. Because of his participation, the world had undergone a new reorganization and entered a new track. Seriously Deviated from the original track!Everything in the future will become even more unpredictable!

Jiang Zhaonan didn't know that Li Yi would think about these issues at the moment, he laughed and said, "Your thinking coincides with the decision of the central government! We have reliable information. There is an aircraft carrier in Uga, which was built after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union. It was obtained when the family property was divided."

Li Yi smiled and said: "I know about this. As early as 85, the Soviet military decided to build the Vayag aircraft carrier, which was undertaken by the Uga Republic's shipyard in the Black Sea at that time. According to the original design, the Vayag and The Kuznetzo-class aircraft carrier in the Soviet fleet is the same type and is the latest improved aircraft carrier.It has a displacement of 6.7 tons and a total length of 310 meters, which is only 22 meters shorter than the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier.The height of the bow flight deck is 7 stories above the water surface, and the stern flight deck is 75 meters wide, which can accommodate about 60 fighter jets.Missile launchers are also added on both sides of the bow, which can strike the enemy's strategic targets at sea and on land.The Vayag was once known as the jewel of the Soviet fleet. . "

Jiang Zhaonan smiled and said, "Okay, boy, you know the military affairs of the world like the back of your hand, and you remember these data better than I do!"

Li Yi said: "The aircraft carrier battle group is the most terrifying strike force at sea today, and it is also the most effective weapon for long-distance combat. If our country wants to become truly strong and defend its territorial waters, the aircraft carrier battle group cannot be ignored. I am usually fine. I like to read the news about it.”

At the same time, I felt relieved and thought to myself, fortunately, although there has been a deviation in history, the deviation is not too big. The country still decided to buy this aircraft carrier and come back for scientific research and training.

"Boss, when the former Soviet Union disintegrated and separated, the construction of this large aircraft carrier was only about 70% complete. The flight deck, bridge and other hull parts were fully formed, but it lacked most ship-mounted equipment such as circuits, radars, and antennas. The main thing is that the sailing power unit has not been installed. Due to the poor economic situation of Uga, it is unable to continue construction, so it stopped working and was abandoned halfway. So this aircraft carrier is just like a floating platform on the sea. Our country can buy it with money This thing is a waste in Uga, but it is a treasure for our country. We can study the structure of this aircraft carrier and use it as a scientific research reference for our self-developed aircraft carrier. After the transformation, it can also be used Make a training ship or a combat ship." Li Yi grasped the decision of the central government, and he spoke clearly and logically, and every sentence went to Jiang Zhaonan's heart.

Jiang Zhaonan was very surprised, and said: "Comrade Li Yi, if I didn't know that you are the grandson of Mr. Li, I would really doubt the source of your situation! These are our country's secrets, how did you know?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "This is my own guess! It is also my suggestion for the country's military development. What's wrong? Chief, did I guess the deployment of the central government?"

Jiang Zhaonan said: "If all this is really guessed by you, then I can only say that your political sensitivity is too strong! Your idea coincides with that of the central government! The Uzbekistan side has communicated several times, and the Uzbekistan side also has intentions in this regard."

Li Yi said: "Of course they are willing to sell it. Even if such a huge monster is broken down, the money from selling scrap iron is not enough to pay for the cost of dismantling it. However, I'm afraid they also have concerns? They dare not directly trade with our country."

Jiang Zhaonan said: "You are right to worry. Uzbekistan is indeed unwilling to do direct transactions with us, and direct transactions are not beneficial to our country's purchase of the Wayag. Therefore, we have to take a roundabout curve."

Li Yi said: "Then the folks will come forward to buy it. As long as it enters our country's waters, then it is up to us to decide!"

Jiang Zhaonan smiled and said, "Then who do you think is the best person to come forward?"

Li Yidao: "The mainland and Hong Kong are not very easy to come forward. I think it is best for patriots from Macau to come forward. Isn't there so many casinos in Macau? Let a certain casino owner come forward to buy the hull of the ship and tow it back to berth. In the waters of Macau, it has been transformed into a super maritime hotel, casino and military museum to attract tourists and drive the development of Macau's tourism industry. With this excuse and reason, we can negotiate with the Uzbekistan side in a legitimate way. As long as the ship enters our country Territorial sea, the next thing is up to us to decide!"

Jiang Zhaonan said with a smile: "Li Yi, since that's the case, then I will leave this task to you to complete!"

Li Yi said: "I will complete it? This is wrong! I can't." I thought that someone else would complete this task in history!

Jiang Zhaonan said: "I recommended you to the central government. I think you are the best candidate. Just now you were talking about serving the country and never giving up. You haven't been told to die yet, so you're just pushing back and forth? "

Li Yi said: "I'm not from Macau. If I come forward, if others check my details, won't I reveal all my secrets? If Western countries find out, they will definitely create various obstacles artificially, which will bring great harm to the country. Unnecessary loss is not worth the gain.”

Jiang Zhaonan said: "Li Yi, the Party Central Committee has decided to entrust you to complete this task. As for how you complete it, that is your task. I am only responsible for giving orders."

Li Yi said: "Chief, this task is too difficult! I'm afraid I can't afford it."

Jiang Zhaonan said: "I believe in you, you will definitely be able to complete it! The central government will send a working group to assist you in completing this task. From now on, your focus of work is to be responsible for this matter until the task is successfully completed."

Li Yi said: "Chief, I..."

Jiang Zhaonan said: "Accept the order! Don't bargain!"

Li Yi said helplessly: "Okay, I accept the tasks entrusted to me by the Party Central Committee and the country, and I promise to successfully complete the tasks!"

Jiang Zhaonan said in a serious tone: "Li Yi, I don't need to say more about the importance of this task, right? You must be very clear about it yourself. I only have one order, and that is to drag the Vayag safely and smoothly. Back to our seaports!"

Li Yi put down the phone, feeling extremely heavy, who told him to show off?Did you wrap yourself in it?

It's not that Li Yi doesn't want to accept this task, but he feels that this task is too important and will affect the future military and political direction of the country. If he is not careful, it will bring huge losses to the country!

However, since you have accepted this task, you must complete it perfectly!I can no longer leave too many regrets like in my previous life!

In the previous life, when the aircraft carrier was towed back to the country's territorial waters, it was full of dangers, and it took four years to come back.

This time, Li Yi wants to rewrite history again!

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