Official road bends

Chapter 53 Undercurrent

Chapter 53 Undercurrent

Early the next morning, the standing committee members of Lianshui County received a call from the secretary's office, informing them that the standing committee meeting would be held on time at [-]:[-].

At exactly nine o'clock, the members of the Standing Committee came to the meeting room one after another. When they entered the door, they couldn't help being stunned for a second.

In the conference room, Xue Xue was already sitting upright. On one side of the recorder's seat, there was a meeting recorder. There was another person beside him. Although he was not a cadre of Lianshui County, he was no stranger to the cadres of Lianshui these days.

This person is naturally Li Yi, the deputy leader of the water conservancy inspection team sent by the provincial government.

Every member of the Standing Committee cast a glance at Xue Xue, and then lingered on Li Yi with surprised eyes for a second, then walked in with a calm face and sat in his seat.

Standing committees often exist, but unusual ones do not.

This meeting is obviously unusual.

First of all, in the 'government', there are unspoken but well-known rules for the ranking of personnel and their order. The number of people participating in the Standing Committee is also strictly limited. Representing a power peak meeting in one place.

The order of entering the arena and the arrangement of the seats are all ingenious. Usually, the last one enters the arena and sits at the bottom. Naturally, the secretary and county magistrate are the last two to enter the arena and the first to leave.

Although this rule is not expressly stipulated, if anyone messes up, the consequences will be very serious.

Therefore, everyone was a little surprised to see Xue Xue sitting in the meeting room for the first time.

It was not the first time for Xue Xue to participate in the Standing Committee. In the previous meetings, her entry was just right. She always stepped on the spot and entered the meeting room before the other Standing Committee members were seated and Wu Qingyuan had not yet arrived.

A person's political maturity can be seen from his performance in meetings and banquets.

According to previous performance, Comrade Xue Xue is obviously not a rookie in the officialdom. She made an exception and came early today, and took the initiative to greet every member of the Standing Committee with a smile, which proves that today's meeting is a bit unusual.

Although Nie Lei did not disclose the contents of the Standing Committee on the phone, it can be inferred from Li Yi's presence that today's Standing Committee is related to the reservoir fund.

Every Standing Committee member's face is full of solemn and dignified 'color'.In the past, they would exchange a few words before the meeting, but today they closed their mouths rationally.

Li Yi seemed to be inadvertent, but he was always paying attention to the expressions of each member of the Standing Committee.There are a total of nine Standing Committee members in Lianshui County, and seven of them have come. Except for Wu Qingyuan, there is still one who has not yet arrived.

Just as I was thinking about it, a loud voice yelled outside the door: "What kind of troublesome meeting is there again! There are endless meetings every day. Isn't it more efficient to call directly to notify?"

A tall and thick man walked in quickly. From his uniform, it could be seen that he was Shi Guozhu, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and director of the Public Security Bureau!

Shi Guozhu obviously didn't expect that Xue Xue was already here, he smiled, 'touched' the hair on his head, and joked: "Hey, am I late, or is someone early?"

Usually, someone would answer his voice, but today no one spoke.Xue Xue just glanced at him, then looked down at the documents on the table.

Shi Guozhu's ranking in the Standing Committee is not high, but he thinks very highly of himself and holds great power.Every time the standing committee came, the third from the bottom came, and the third from the bottom left the meeting, as if except for the secretary and the county magistrate, he didn't sell anyone's face.

After Shi Guozhu sat down, he noticed Li Yi, frowned, put the kettle on the table, and fell silent.

The minute hand of the large quartz clock hanging on the wall had already pointed to fifteen minutes, but Wu Qingyuan hadn't come yet.

Everyone is not in a hurry, the secretary has the right to be late.

After another 3 minutes, Wu Qingyuan coughed lightly at the door.

Everyone in the conference room straightened their bodies and looked at the door together.

Wu Qingyuan nodded in satisfaction, sat on the main seat, looked around everyone, and said, "I just received a call from the municipal committee, so I was a few minutes late. Here, I apologize to everyone."

No one answered, because it was hard to say anything, you said okay, he was indeed late, and being late is always a bad behavior, but he had a legitimate reason, and he received a call from his superior. As for whether there was really a call from his superior, which one Dare to check?You can't tell, but he is the leader of Lianshui County and the secretary of the county party committee. If he is easily offended, he will definitely have no good fruit.

"Comrades, before the meeting, I would like to announce something." Wu Qingyuan paused, his eyes swept over the faces of each member of the Standing Committee to confirm that everyone was listening to his important speech, and then continued. : "Just now Secretary Ma of the Municipal Party Committee called and gave important instructions on the current work situation in our Lianshui County."

Wu Qingyuan took a look at Li Yi who was sitting beside him, and said, "Secretary Ma said that our team in Lianshui County is a united team, a healthy team, and a team with combat effectiveness. He has great trust in our cadres." of."


"What do you mean?" Confusion appeared on everyone's face, and those who were familiar with each other looked at each other and communicated silently.

Li Yi's heart sank. It seems that Secretary Ma of the municipal party committee supported Wu Qingyuan!In other words, Secretary Ma doesn't want the Lianshui County team to experience major shocks, and he doesn't want to see major cases under the administration!What he wants is stability, what he wants is unity!

The members of the Standing Committee had different expressions, but none of them spoke.

Xue Xue burst into a wave of speechless anger. At this critical moment, Wu Qingyuan brought out Ma Hongqi, secretary of the municipal party committee, and pressed her on the head, invisibly winning over the standing committee members.As for what he said, whether it was true or not, who would dare to confront Ma Hongqi?

Wu Qingyuan looked at Xue Xue and Li Yi proudly, like a duel between masters, the duel has not yet begun, but his strength has already invisibly hurt the enemy's vitals.With a confident look, he picked up the water cup, lifted the lid, and blew on the steaming hot water. Smelling the fragrance of the green tea, he felt very comfortable and comfortable all over his body.

It is necessary to fight back immediately, otherwise, the Standing Committee will be able to predict the result without going on!

Li Yi raised his hand and stood up: "I have something to say!"

Wu Qingyuan was suddenly displeased, thinking that you are an outsider, making an exception to allow you to join the Standing Committee is because of the face of your position, don't be shameless, you don't know good from bad!Just as he was about to scold him, Xue Xue jumped in front of him and said, "If Section Chief Li has anything to say, please say it."

Although Wu Qingyuan was angry, but since Xue Xue opened his mouth, if he stopped him, he would offend Li Yi and Xue Xue at the same time, and he would get a reputation for being narrow-minded. Well, anyone can speak. Section Chief Li, please sit down and talk!"

Li Yi smiled slightly, looked around the crowd and said, "Thanks to Secretary Wu and County Magistrate Xue for giving me the opportunity to speak. Just now, Secretary Wu conveyed the spirit of the municipal party committee's instructions. I think it is very good and timely! We must resolutely implement and implement it. I thought that your team in Lianshui was generally united and healthy. However, what should not be underestimated is that a small amount of carrion appeared on the healthy body. If we do not unite and use revolutionary fighting spirit , Wield a scalpel and cut off this mass of rotten flesh, which will inevitably lead to even greater rot! I personally understand what Secretary Ma means, and I also want us to adhere to the purpose of learning from past mistakes and avoiding future ones, curing diseases and saving lives, and resolutely get rid of these black sheep in the revolutionary ranks!"

Li Yi's words were extremely wonderful. Through Wu Qingyuan's words, he developed his own understanding and turned unfavorable factors into self-interested factors.Make people invulnerable!

Li Yi paused at the right time, and said again: "We must not disappoint the trust of Secretary Ma and the organization, we must use our own actions to complete this major operation!"

"Cough!" Wu Qingyuan, who was drinking tea, coughed violently. He coughed twice at first, and then coughed violently, as if he would not stop until he coughed out his internal organs.

Some members of the Standing Committee's eyes lit up, and some frowned. They had different reactions to Li Yi's wonderful counterattack.

Xue Xue secretly gave Li Yi a thumbs up.

With the spear of the son, attacking the shield of the son, a perfect counterattack!

Wu Qingyuan finally stopped coughing, recovered his breath, took out a blue flower handkerchief, wiped his mouth, stopped the recorder who came to help him, and slowly folded the handkerchief, as if thinking about an important event, After a long while, he said: "Section Chief Li is right! Our cadres must have the ability to understand the intentions of their superiors! Alright, let's start now!"

Xue Xue was waiting for this sentence, and was about to speak, Wu Qingyuan coughed violently, and said first: "Next, let's discuss the personnel issue first."

Personnel problem?

What personnel problem?

Xue Xue was a little at a loss, isn't it about the reservoir payment?How did it become a personnel issue?Looking up at the members of the Standing Committee, everyone was looking at the diary on the table. No one made a sound, but there was excitement on everyone's face.

Personnel issues have always been what cadres are most interested in. Isn't it just for the promotion of personnel?

Li Yi secretly said: "Wu Qingyuan is really old and treacherous. If one plan fails, another plan will be made. At this time, when he raises the personnel issue, his intention is obvious. Hold it in my hands, who should you support, you can figure it out yourself!"

Wu Qingyuan picked up the teacup again, and drank tea slowly. On his thin face, the clean-shaven beard glowed blue, and his broad forehead made his eyes look even smaller.With a long face, broad forehead and small eyes, this kind of person is often scheming and calculating.

Successfully bringing the focus back to him, Wu Qingyuan glanced at the crowd again, and said: "Ma Xiaoli, a staff member of the General Section of the Statistics Bureau, has worked hard in her post for seven or eight years. She has no complaints or regrets and is willing to contribute. , has made an indelible contribution, the Party Committee of the Bureau of Statistics decided to transfer Comrade Ma Xiaoli to the Bureau of Statistics as the deputy director, in charge of the social and economic survey team, and the administrative establishment as a sub-section. Do you have any different opinions? "

Everyone's expressions were obviously stagnant. At this juncture, they thought Wu Qingyuan would raise some sharp personnel issues, but they didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter.The transfer of a deputy department is a great joy to me, but to these county committee members, it is really a trivial matter and not worth mentioning.

"No one objected?" Wu Qingyuan said with a smile, "That's over. Congratulations, Comrade Ma Xiaoli!"

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