Official road bends

Chapter 530 Dilemma

Chapter 530

The standing committee meeting room suddenly became extremely quiet. "Please familiarize yourself with the domain name"

Everyone even became short of breath, and forgot to smoke the cigarettes in their hands, allowing the white ash to burn longer and longer, and then fell silently on the carpet.

You Tuen's face was dark, his majestic eyes looked ahead, and the two big bags under his eyes showed that this person's official authority should not be violated.

Behind him are the brightly colored party flag and the national flag. These two blood-red flags seem to remind everyone present that this person is the boss of Jiangzhou, and he is the number one in this standing committee meeting!

Here, he has the final say!

The legendary one-vote veto?

You Tuen actually used his veto power for a small and insignificant Huafeng Power Plant at this Standing Committee meeting!

Li Yi moaned his face, slowly opened his brows, lowered his voice and said, "Secretary You, what did you just say? This vote is void?"

As soon as You Tuen said the words, regrets sprouted in his heart, but at this moment the arrow has left the string, and it will be fired if it is not fired. There is no regret medicine to eat.

"Yes. I think the result of this vote is wrong. I suggest shelving it first and discussing it later!" You Tuen said slowly: "This is my own decision! I will bear all the consequences."

Li Yi said in a deep voice: "Secretary You, this is the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the highest decision-making body of the Jiangzhou Municipal Party Committee! The results of the standing committee members' statements have the highest administrative effectiveness! Even you, Secretary You, have no right to overturn this result !"

You Tuen said: "I am the leader and the host of the Standing Committee meeting. I have the right to overturn unreasonable conclusions!"

Li Yi frowned and said: "According to you, anything that doesn't meet your requirements is unreasonable? Then what do we need to do as members of the Standing Committee? Just implement the dictatorship of the secretary! What kind of democracy is there?"

You Tuen said: "Comrade Li Yi, you are serious. I'm just talking about the facts, don't get involved in democracy and the party system. Although the comrades have made their own decisions about the Huafeng Power Plant, this decision is very important. It does not conform to the facts, and is of no benefit to the economic development of Jiangzhou. In the attitude of being responsible for the people of Jiangzhou, I suggest that this vote be invalidated!"

The other members of the Standing Committee didn't speak, just sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight.

You Tuen's performance today was beyond everyone's expectations.

Last year, You Tuen had a very good relationship with Li Yi. Except for the first Standing Committee meeting hosted by You Tuen, You Tuen never expressed any objection in the subsequent Standing Committee meetings as long as Li Yi supported it. , The two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they jointly dealt with Zhang Zhenggui.

Who would have imagined that just after a year, everything has changed.

You Tuen used Li Yi to successfully suppress Zhang Zhenggui, but later realized that Li Yi was his greatest enemy, so he turned around and joined forces with Zhang Zhenggui to deal with Li Yi.

This situation intensified, and even forced You Tuen to issue a trick: "One veto power!"

The standing committee meeting of the municipal party committee is the highest decision-making body of a city, and this power is also sacrosanct.

However, in actual operation, because of the authority and status of the top leader, the authority of the municipal party committee meeting will often be suppressed, resulting in a situation where one word can be said, or he can have the final say.

You Tuen was beaten to death today.This is Li Yi's first meeting of the Standing Committee after he returned to Jiangzhou. In the previous meetings of the Standing Committee, he successfully passed the addiction of the top leader, and as soon as Li Yi came back, the top leader would no longer work. If Li Yi called out casually, there would be more than half of the votes!

How can I keep the face of being the leader?

According to You Tuen's original calculation, Ji Changze would vote for him, and Lan Chaoping would vote for him.Adding myself, Zhang Zhenggui, Pei Gongliang and Qiao Bulong, I got six votes. In the absence of Deng Changjiang, even if I couldn't beat Li Yi, I could at least tie with him. The votes are still there, so he still wins.

But the fact gave him a bang!

Lan Chaoping turned his back on the water, Ji Changze abstained, and You Tuen suffered a crushing defeat.

In order to maintain his authority, and in order to give Li Yi a devastating blow, it is even more necessary for those grasshoppers to realize deeply that he is the boss of Jiangzhou and their chief officer!In a rage, You Tuen used his veto power!

However, Li Yi did not buy his account, and Li Yi did not recognize this so-called one-vote veto power!

"Secretary You, which country's rule is this? I've never heard that the secretary can veto the voting results of the Standing Committee by himself! No matter how powerful an individual is, he cannot override the Standing Committee." Right? This is not in line with the party's rules and regulations." Li Yi said coldly, not saving You Tuen any face.

You Tuen can use a veto, so what else can we talk about?

Now that you have torn your face, let's do it according to the torn ones!

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhang Zhenggui's mouth.In his opinion, Li Yi is a tiger and You Tuen is a lion. The more fierce the two fight, the better for him.

Zhang Zhenggui also felt that he was useless enough. First he was suppressed by Li Yi, and then he was stepped on by You Tuen. Now he can only strike a balance between the two of them.He is naturally happy to see Li Yi and You Tuen killing each other. In the end, whether Li Yi wins or You Tuen wins, it is beneficial to him.

If Li Yi wins, You Tuen will be taken away, and he, Zhang Zhenggui, will be able to take the top position while it's hot and become the number one leader in Jiangzhou.And if You Tuen wins and suppresses Li Yi, Zhang Zhenggui will take advantage of the fisherman and take the opportunity to gather Li Yi's subordinates to fight against You Tuen.

Seeing Li Yi and You Tuen facing each other tit for tat, Zhang Zhenggui shouted in his heart: "Be more fierce, be more fierce!" Rolling his eyes, he wanted to add fuel to the fire!Then he said: "Comrade Li Yi, you can't say that! Secretary You is always the secretary of our Jiangzhou Municipal Party Committee, the number one leader, and he still has the greatest power to speak. Since he has spoken, I think I will listen to him first and put it aside. Get up, let's talk later!"

Li Yi thought to himself, after so many things were put on hold, they would never discuss them again.How could he give up so easily after finally gaining this chance of winning today?

"Secretary You, if you insist, I suggest submitting the minutes of the meeting to the Provincial Party Committee, which will make a decision! If the Provincial Party Committee also agrees with your veto, then I have nothing to say!" Li Yi said , looked at the meeting recorder on the side, and asked, "Did you record everything we said just now?"

The meeting recorder said: "Return to Secretary Li, and record every word and sentence in the record. I dare not miss the slightest mistake."

Li Yi said: "Very good, take a copy, I will submit it to the provincial party committee, and the provincial party committee will decide whether the result of this statement is valid! I want to see whether it is the standing committee member of the municipal party committee or Secretary You!"

You Tuen exhaled heavily and said, "Comrade Li Yi, what are you doing? This is an internal matter of our Jiangzhou Municipal Party Committee. Is it interesting for you to go to the Provincial Party Committee?"

Li Yi said solemnly: "Secretary You, I think the current problem is very serious. You have to veto the voting results of the Standing Committee. It is no longer possible for us in Jiangzhou to make a fair judgment. We can only ask the Provincial Party Committee to do this. Judges. If the provincial party committee supports you, then we have nothing to say."

The old fox Zhang Zhenggui smiled and said, "Secretary You, I think Comrade Li Yi's words are also reasonable. In the current situation, we can only invite the provincial party committee to judge. This paper can't contain the fire. This matter , sooner or later it will be stabbed to the top, rather than being held accountable in the future, it is better to take the initiative to find the men."

You Tuen is not stupid, as soon as he heard Zhang Zhenggui's words, he knew that this guy didn't really cooperate with him, and he was clearly trying to provoke his relationship with Li Yi.

You Tuen couldn't help hesitating. What is the relationship between Secretary Wen of the Provincial Party Committee and Li Yi?He knows better than anyone.

This matter has been brought to the provincial party committee. Who does the provincial party committee support?I have contacts on the provincial party committee, can I support myself in defeating Wen Yuxi?

If Wen Yuxi leans towards Li Yi - which is almost certain, then his ugliness will be lost!How can I continue to hunt in Jiangzhou in the future?Who else will follow me?

As it concerns his own vital interests, You Tuen really can't stand it.

It's not impossible to take back my words now, but it also loses face.

This matter must not be covered up. I am afraid that once the meeting is over, the situation in the meeting room will spread.

There will be rumors everywhere that although Secretary You used one vote of veto, he has withdrawn his life in a wimpy way!

This made him more uncomfortable than slapping him in the face!

You Tuen's palms broke out in cold sweat, only then did he realize that his impulsiveness had put him in a dilemma!

Zhang Zhenggui was still commanding his troops: "Secretary You, I believe the provincial party committee will definitely uphold your authority, report it to the provincial party committee!"

You Tuen gave Zhang Zhenggui a bitter look, this old fox, he wished he could go to the Provincial Party Committee to make a fool of himself!

Li Yi saw You Tuen's remorse. He didn't have to bring this matter to the province. Once this matter arrived in the province, it would be infinitely magnified. This is harmful to the current situation in Jiangzhou. One benefit.

In Jiangzhou now, although there is You Tuen, an unyielding opponent, and Zhang Zhenggui, an old fox who is hiding deeply for the time being but waiting for the time to move, the overall situation is still under his control.

If You Tuen left and another powerful person came, he would inevitably fall into constant struggle and adjustment, which would not be good for Jiangzhou's economic development.

Li Yi smiled lightly: "Secretary You, if you don't want to go to the provincial party committee to judge, I have a good way. Let's vote again, how about it?"

Even if there is another vote, Li Yi believes that the result will not change, but he gave You Tuen a step down.

However, You Tuen didn't accept Li Yi's affection. What Li Yi said just now hurt him. He felt that Li Yi was underestimating him, which made him make up his mind.

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