Official road bends

Chapter 545 The CIA Teased by a Chick

When Li Yi called home, Guan Jin was lying on the sofa watching TV beautifully, and the phone line at Li Yi's home had already been cut off.As for Guan Jin beauty's mobile phone, it was lying in her bedside cabinet.

What Guan Jin watched was a blockbuster gunfight film produced in the United States. The powerful subwoofer filled the room with the sound of gunfire and bombs.

Because it was daytime, the two American agents did not climb the window or wall, but swaggered down the corridor.

They have been observing for many days and know that Li Yi lives alone and there is no one at home during the day.

Today, the head of the central government came to Jiangzhou, and the entire Jiangzhou city was under martial law.But these American agents understand that the more this is the case, the more gaps there are.

It is often the darkest under the light, which is called darkness under the light.Under the situation of martial law in the whole city, the defense of the family compound of the Municipal Party Committee is the most lax.Because all the Standing Committee members and officials are not at home, the security staff will relax their vigilance.

After the two US agents disguised themselves, they easily climbed over the wall and entered the courtyard, avoiding surveillance and armed police surveillance.

Fortunately, Li Yi had premeditated and arranged a few plainclothes downstairs, and they happened to see the US Secret Service Building.

Guan Jin got up, walked lazily to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator door, and took out a bottle of drink.

Suddenly, amidst the sound of gunshots and bombs, Guan Jin heard a crisp sound.

This is the sound of the lock cylinder turning!

Guan Jin thought to himself, at this time, both Li Yi and Lin Xin should accompany the chief to inspect the work, who will come?

She didn't think about the thieves at all, because this is the family compound of the municipal party committee!There are armed police standing guard at the gate!Where would the little thief dare to come in?

"Could it be Li Yi's little lover?" Guan Jin smiled slightly: "It must be her! I have to find a way to catch her! Hehe, Li Yi, I see how you are still sophistrying!"

Guan Jin's hearing is much higher than that of ordinary people, and when he heard the sound of the lock cylinder turning again, it seemed that someone really came!

Guan Jin quickly turned off the TV and stereo, ran to the guest room where he slept, thought for a while, and turned into Li Yi's master bedroom.Opening the door a crack, peeking out into the living room.

The door opened and two tall white men walked in.

Guan Jin was stunned.Thinking: "Male? Li Yi still has this hobby? Tsk tsk, it's so perverted! No, these two guys are very skilled, and they walk without making a sound!"

The two American agents looked at each other.Chuanxin made a few gestures and quickly searched in each room.

One of the tall agents touched the TV and said in English, "It's hot! There should be someone in the room!"

Another fatter agent said: "There was a TV sound inside just now, it seems that there must be someone in here! Quickly search!"

Guan Jin hid behind the balcony curtain in the bedroom.

Tall and Fat Agents checked outside.Holding the silencer, two people walked towards the bedroom, one left and one right.

The tall agent pushed open the door, and the two of them hid behind the wall. They took a peek inside, then rushed in quickly, checked the wardrobe, the bottom of the bed and other places where people might be hiding, but found no one. .

The fat agent pointed to the balcony, and the two smiled evilly.come over.

The tall agent drew back the curtains.I saw a girl squatting on the ground with a pure and innocent expression of fear.

The fat agent chuckled and put it away.

The tall agent also shrugged and put away the gun in his hand.

Such a little girl is really not dangerous to the two of them.

The tall agent said: "The information is wrong! Didn't it mean that there is no one in this room? Why is there a chick?"

The fat agent said in broken Chinese: "Little girl. You don't have to be afraid, we won't hurt you. We get what we need. We will leave."

The tall agent asked, "Who are you to the owner?"

Guan Jin replied timidly, "I am a part-time worker."

The fat agent said: "It turned out to be a part-time worker, no wonder it wasn't in the information!"

The tall agent said, "Then do you know where the important documents are kept?"

Guan Jin shook his head blankly.

The fat agent saw the safe in the corner.He smiled sinisterly: "I found it, Jackson, go and open it, this is your specialty."

Jackson said: "K! Evans, keep an eye on this chick. If she runs away, we will be in trouble."

Evans said: "Run? Where can she run? Jump off this balcony? Ha ha, then she will definitely fall into 'Dong Shi'."

Jackson laughed and walked to the safe, ready to unlock it.

Evans reached out to grab Guan Jin's shoulder, and said, "Little girl, get up and sit on the bed obediently, or I'll knock you out."

Guan Jin suddenly smiled slyly, grabbed Evans' wrist with one hand, twisted it hard, and turned his left hand into a hollow fist, hitting his Tanzhong acupuncture point.

Before Evans could snort, he rolled his eyes and fell limply.

Guan Jin took out the lock from his waist and aimed at Jackson who was squatting on the ground to open the lock.

Jackson was still muttering: "This kind of lock is the easiest to open in the world. I really don't know what the Chinese use this completely insecure safe for? Evans! Tie up that chick, and then use her The sock stuffed her little mouth!"

"Oh, that's a good idea!" A naughty female voice came from behind.

Jackson suddenly turned his head and saw Guan Jin making a face at himself, pointing a black muzzle between his eyebrows.

"Don't move." Guan Jin said, "Just move, and I'll plug your asshole with bullets!"

Jackson didn't dare to move, and it was definitely not an ordinary woman who could restrain Evans silently. He fully believed that as long as he moved, the other party would shoot without hesitation.

"Now tell me, what are you doing here?" Guan Jin pulled out Jackson's gun with his backhand, pointing at him with two fingers at the same time.

"Don't play tricks!" Guan Jin moved his left hand to aim at Jackson's right hand, which was about to secretly touch the dagger in his leg.

"You're not a servant!" Jackson said.

"Of course!" Guan Jin said, "That's for fooling idiots. Tell me, what are you doing here? Otherwise, I'll make a hole in you!"

Jackson said: "You dare not shoot, girl, you have never fired a gun!"

"Boom!" There was a soft sound.

A bullet made in the United States shot into Jackson's right leg.

Guan Jin still had that harmless smile on his face: "You don't need to say, I will fire every ten seconds until I run out of bullets! Don't worry, I won't kill you, but your legs and Hand, if you can withstand the shooting of so many bullets without becoming disabled, then you have to ask yourself!"

"Ah!" Jackson screamed while holding his injured leg.

"You are called burglary, and you are still a gunman! Even if I turn the two of you into a vegetable, I will not break the law!" Guan Jin said: "Now the countdown to the second shot begins. Five, four, three, two, one!"

"n! n! n!" Jackson yelled, "don't shoot!"

"Boom!" Another bullet made in the United States shot into the body of the American himself.

"How many bullets does this gun have?" Guan Jin smiled and said, "Now count down the time it takes for the third bullet to fire, seven, six, five..."

"I said! I said!" Jackson finally believed that the woman in front of him was pure only on her appearance, and behind that beautiful face smiling like a baby was a strong heart!

"Very well, who are you?" Guan Jin asked.

"We are Americans."

"What identity?"


"Spy?" Guan Jin naturally understood the translation of this word.

Xun didn't like the Chinese characters for spy very much.

Guan Jin asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Find some information."

"What information?"

Jackson didn't speak.

"Four, three, two..." Guan Jin counted down from the unfinished numbers just now.

Jackson only considered for three seconds. Between the country and his life, he resolutely chose his life: "Look for information related to the Wayag aircraft carrier."

Guan Jin snorted: "So, the first time you were in Macau, you were the ones who were against us behind the scenes? What are you doing to find information on the Vayag aircraft carrier? What does the owner of this room have to do with that aircraft carrier?" No.?"

Jackson said: "You have too many questions, I don't know which one to answer. We are only responsible for collecting information, no matter why, we don't ask why."

Guan Jin slapped Jackson on the neck, knocking him unconscious.

At this time, the plainclothes police and armed police comrades below rushed over, entered the room, and saw two American agents being knocked out to the ground, while Guan Jin was fine, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Guan Jin said: "You came just in time, tie up the two of them, take off their socks, and gag their big mouths!"

"Who are you?" the plainclothes policeman asked.

"She is Li Ji's cousin." The armed policeman knew Guan Jin.

Several plainclothes and armed police obeyed the official's words, tied Jackson and Evans tightly, then took off their socks, and stuffed their mouths tightly.

When Qian Duo hurried back, seeing this funny scene, he couldn't help laughing, and Xiang Guanjin gave a thumbs up: "That's right, you've done a great job again."

Guan Jin said: "I don't even look at who my aunt is! Hmph, who are these two American thieves?"

Qian Duo coughed lightly, stopped Guan Jin from continuing, and then said to the plainclothes police and the armed police: "Comrades have worked hard, these two criminals are very important, and we must wait until Li Ji returns to deal with them. Just let us take care of them here." , you go down and get busy!"

The plainclothes police and the armed police nodded and said, "Call us if you need something!" Then they went downstairs.

Guan Jin said: "Where's Li Yi? His house was almost stolen, and he hasn't come back to take a look?" To be continued. .

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