Official road bends

Chapter 548 Make One!

Lan Chaoping, secretary of the Municipal Law Committee, felt very uncomfortable seeing Qin Kai always running to Li Yi to make reports. &&

I am the most serious record of politics and law!Li Yi is just the deputy secretary in charge of politics and law!

Although you, Qin Kai, were picked up by Li Yi, you can't be so blatant?

The relationship between Lan Chaoping and Li Yi is not bad, even if he is a little unhappy, he will not say it on the spot, let alone get into a stalemate with Li Yi.Immediately walked over, asked with a smile: "Li Ji, what good things are you talking about?"

Li Yi said solemnly: "Lan Ji, something big is not good!"

Lan Chaoping's expression froze, and he asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Yi said: "Comrade Qin Kai got the news that there are many American agents ambushing near the sewage treatment plant, and the other party's intentions are ominous!"

Lan Chaoping was shocked and said: "The American agents? Here? What are they trying to do? Li Ji, without further ado, act quickly and arrest them all!"

Li Yi said: "Don't touch them casually! Whether they are American agents is just our guess, and their faces don't say they are American agents. What if they are just ordinary American tourists or merchants? We caught them, How to explain? The relationship between China and Mimi is complex and changeable, doesn't this give them more excuses and become an excuse for them to attack and sanction our country?"

Lan Chaoping said: "It's a matter of the relationship between the two countries. This matter has to be cautious, but we can't be so passive? If we don't take any action, won't the gang of Americans look down on us?"

Qin Kai said: "Yes! A group of American agents have been wandering around our chief for a long time, but we didn't do anything. They must be watching our joke!"

Li Yi said: "Then make one!"

Qin Kai was eager to try, and said: "Li Ji, as long as you give the order, I will take my brothers and brothers to catch them all! Guaranteed to let them escape!"

Lan Chaoping laughed and said, "Li Ji, do it! We can't let these Americans see the jokes of our Jiangzhou police. They must think that we don't even know they exist!"

Li Yi nodded calmly and said: "The best solution to the problem is to eliminate the enemy! Qin Kai. Eliminate all factors that may threaten the safety of the chief!"

Qin Kai saluted and said, "I promise to complete the task!"

Li Yi said: "Pay attention to the means, they are not polite, we can't be barbaric. Just grab it."

"Yes!" Qin Kai took the order and left. !.

Lan Chaoping laughed and said, "Comrade Qin Kai is really a hero!"

Li Yi said indifferently: "Lan Ji, the news of the chief's arrival in Jiangzhou. I have known about it for a long time, but the provincial party committee requires strict confidentiality, so I must not have one-way contact with Comrade Qin Kai."

Lan Chaoping nodded and smiled: "Li Ji, you are the deputy secretary in charge of politics and law. Speaking of which, I have to report to you! Comrade Qin Kai contacted you, it is a normal work requirement!"

Li Yi said: "I hope Lan Ji can understand."

The grudge in Lan Chaoping's heart was completely relieved, and at the same time, he had a little more appreciation for Li Yi.

Li Yi not only saw that he had an opinion on him, but also resolved his suspicion and hostility with a few words, which is admirable.

And the information revealed by Li Yi made Lan Chaoping understand a truth: Li Yi is not simple!

Chief Jiang Zhaonan came to Jiangzhou. Not many people knew about it, but Li Yi got the news in advance.It can be seen that Li Yi is not only as simple as a dignitary with a background, but also shows that Li Yi has been recognized by the highest authority figure in the authority!

How many after the rich and powerful?Although these people can rely on Zu Yinde to obtain care and advantages that others cannot obtain in the military and political circles.But how many people really climbed to the top?

You have to be hard to strike iron!

No matter how green and pure the furnace fire is, good materials are needed to smelt good steel and create good utensils.

And Li Yi undoubtedly has the qualifications in this area.

Li Yi beckoned to Qian Duo and told him in a low voice that he was asked to help Qin Kai and get rid of all the American agents.

Qian Duo chuckled and said, "Young Master Yi knows me best, he knows that my hands are itchy, and I wish I could beat a few American guys to vent my anger! Even that girl Guan Jin captured two American agents alive! Seeing that I am called a My heart is itching! Young Master Yi. Just wait and see, I will capture them all alive!"

At this time, everyone came to the sewage treatment plant.

The sewage treatment plant is an important public engineering project in Jiangzhou Chemical Industrial Park.

It is not only an environmental protection project to ensure that the wastewater of enterprises entering the zone is treated safely and properly, and discharged up to the standard, but also an intensive system project to ensure the normal production and operation of enterprises in the park.

The planned processing capacity of the project is 5 tons per day, covering an area of ​​300 mu, of which the planned construction capacity of the first phase is 1 tons per day.The investment is 1.5 million yuan, and the scale will be gradually expanded in the later stage according to the industrial development needs of Jiangzhou Chemical Industrial Park.

Li Yi is the leading figure in this project. He has the most right to speak about this sewage treatment plant. He immediately explained to the head of Jiang Zhaonan: "Jiangzhou Chemical Industry Zone will adopt the concept of 'one enterprise, one management' based on the concept of ecology and intensification. In this way, the waste water from enterprises entering the park will be collected in a centralized manner, treated in different stages and discharged up to standard, and the operation of sewage treatment plants will be strictly supervised to improve service efficiency, and strive to build an ecological chemical park that is 'world-class and domestically leading'."

Jiang Zhaonan said: "It looks pretty good. Li Yi, which international company is your sewage treatment plant cooperating with?"

Li Yi said: "We didn't cooperate with others, we built our own business!"

Jiang Zhaonan was slightly moved: "Can we also build such a high-end sewage treatment plant in our country?"

Li Yidao: "When we set up the project and called for bids, many large international groups contacted us. One of them was the Suez Environment Group headquartered in Paris, France. This is an international group in the field of industry and services. It is a world leader in public affairs such as water supply, sewage and waste treatment. We initially considered cooperating with them. But the conditions they put forward were a bit harsh, and our negotiations fell through.”

Jiang Zhaonan said: "Suez Environment Group, oh, I've heard of it. We have many domestic industrial parks in sewage treatment, and we cooperate with them."

Li Yidao: "Later, I thought, what others can do, we can do too! Why should we let them earn the money? So we ordered equipment from Sanjiang Heavy Industry and built our own sewage treatment plant The civil and industrial water and solid waste treatment projects in the chemical industry park are also designed and built by ourselves. The main machinery is produced by Sanjiang Heavy Industry and Jiangzhou No. [-] Machinery Factory.”

Jiang Zhaonan said: "Hehe, you, it's true that the fat and water don't flow into the field of outsiders. Well, yes, you have an idea and a pioneering spirit! You young people dare to think and do it! Li Yi, I am looking forward to it, and our country can also be able to do it as soon as possible." Establish an environmental group that has reached the world's leading level!"

There is something in the chief's words!Li Yi chuckled, it seems that Chief Jiang really knows his details?

But since Chief Jiang didn't make a fuss, he naturally had to pretend to be deaf and dumb. Anyway, even if he really pursued it, Li Yi was not afraid. He had already dealt with everything and arranged a way out.

Jiang Zhaonan said: "Sanjiang Heavy Industry! Not bad! Heavy industry enterprises are the pillar industries of the country, and must be vigorously supported and developed."

Li Yi said: "Thank you, chief, for your affirmation!"

Comrade Jiang Zhaonan walked around the garden-like sewage treatment plant and visited the working process of the sewage treatment plant.

Comrade Jiang Zhaonan pointed out: "The model of Jiangzhou Chemical Industrial Park is very good, and it is worth learning and learning from! From another perspective, this is another way of thinking and another way out for enterprise reform! The purpose of enterprise reform is not only to save It is a dilapidated old enterprise, but it is necessary to find innovative ideas for enterprise development! Take care of the lifeline of state-owned enterprises and exert greater light and heat for the development of the national economy!"

The day's inspection work is finally over.

Li Yi and other leaders of the municipal party committee were truly relieved to see Jiang Zhaonan and the leaders of the provincial party committee away.

You Tuen smiled and said: "Comrade Li Yi, thanks to your arrangement, today's inspection work went very smoothly! Chief Jiang also gave great affirmation to our work in Jiangzhou!"

Li Yi said: "It's all thanks to everyone's hard work. You Ji's work is also in place! If we hadn't received the news that Chief Jiang is coming to Jiangzhou in advance, how could we have gone so smoothly?" As he spoke, he glanced at Zhang Zhenggui.

Li Yi pointed it out on purpose, and got the news that Chief Jiang was coming to Jiangzhou in advance, but he didn't say that he got it first.

When Zhang Zhenggui heard this, he would definitely think that You Tuen got the news first, and then notified Li Yi.

However, Zhang Zhenggui, as the second in command of the municipal party committee, was not notified by You Tuen. One can imagine the closeness and closeness among them!

Sure enough, Zhang Zhenggui's complexion changed, and his gloomy complexion added a bit of melancholy.

Li Yi sneered secretly, you two want to join forces to suppress me, Li Yi?It's not that easy, I want to make the You and Zhang alliance between you two collapse in an instant!

Li Yi coughed lightly, and asked Zhu Wendao: "Zhu Ji, how is the investigation of Comrade Pan Zhengwei going?"

Seeing Li Yi winking at him, Zhu Wen understood Li Yi's intentions, and said with a smile: "After investigation, it's all nonsense! It's clear that the woman framed Comrade Pan Zhengwei and was instructed by others to deliberately spread rumors Woolen cloth!"

You Tuen asked: "Comrade Pan Zhengwei you are talking about is the director of the Chemical Industry Park Management Committee?"

Li Yi said: "Isn't it him? At this critical moment, that guy is fine. He was reported to have an affair with a woman. It's not clear. I asked Zhu Ji to investigate! It turned out to be a farce! Sigh If Comrade Pan Zhengwei hadn't been maliciously slandered, today's work could have been perfect, but what a pity, a pot of porridge was ruined by a rat shit like Mo Bairong!" To be continued. .

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