Official road bends

Chapter 56 Voting

Chapter 56 vote

Wu Qingyuan said blankly: "Then vote!"

Everyone sat back in their seats, and Shao Guoping and others also sat beside and watched.

"As for the reservoir issue, if you don't support the continuation of the investigation, please express your opinion." Wu Qingyuan played a trick, using "those who do not support, please raise your hands" instead of "those who oppose, please raise your hands" to make people slightly If you don't pay attention, you will understand and make mistakes.

Sure enough, all the members of the Standing Committee thought about it for a while and remained silent for a while.

Wu Qingyuan slowly raised his right hand: "I don't support continuing the investigation! I trust my comrades!"

After understanding the meaning of Wu Qingyuan's words, the members of the Standing Committee began to express their views.

The first person to jump out to support Wu Qingyuan was naturally Qi Dongshan, deputy party secretary. He raised his right hand high and said, "I object to continuing the investigation! Our cadres are all trustworthy cadres!"

Most of the cadres are appointed through him, the deputy secretary of the party and the masses. Of course, he will oppose the investigation.Otherwise, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

Shi Guozhu raised his hand and laughed loudly: "Our Public Security Bureau only focuses on arresting people and opposes investigation!"

Three votes!

"Cough! Let me say a few words." Jin Yuzhong, the executive deputy county magistrate who has been silent all this time, suddenly said: "I feel that something has already happened, and further investigation will not help. It is better to set up an account in the name of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. , If there are really corrupt people, tell them to hand over to this account, anonymous, and not held accountable, first, it can protect our cadres, and second, it can recover the stolen money.”

Wu Qingyuan glared at him, and said with a sneer: "Deputy County Chief Jin, do you support or oppose it? Please express your opinion! What do you mean by that? Are you insisting that our cadres are corrupt?"

Xue Xue said: "If they spit out the stolen money so easily, this matter will be easier to deal with! I'm afraid Deputy Magistrate Jin's thinking is too simple. People don't cry when they don't see the coffin."

Jin Yuzhong blushed. Unexpectedly, for the first time, he was a fence-sitter and wanted to be a fool, but his two superiors saw through it at a glance. It seemed that he couldn't hide. He gritted his teeth and said, "I oppose the investigation!" As he said, Raised his right hand.

Xue Xue was really taken aback, she didn't expect Jin Yuzhong to defect!

Four votes against!

The atmosphere in the venue suddenly became tense.

There seems to be a strong smell of gunpowder in the air.

Li Yi sighed helplessly, it seems that the general situation is over!

Wu Qingyuan really didn't expect that Jin Yuzhong, who had always played against him, would follow him to support him. Unexpectedly, he nodded slightly to Jin Yuzhong.

As if Jin Yuzhong had immediately received the divine decree, a smile blossomed on his face.Although the secretary of the county party committee has no right to transfer the promotion of department-level cadres, the opinion of the secretary has a great influence on the municipal party committee. It is a little more hopeful to get Wu Qingyuan's appreciation and climb up to the throne of county magistrate in the future.

If Xue Xue loses in this matter, her influence on the Standing Committee will be at its lowest point.If he ran on her a few times in the future, he might be able to drive her away, and with Wu Qingyuan's support, he would be able to ascend to the position smoothly.

A trace of anger flashed across Xue Xue's face, especially when she learned that Empress Jin Yuzhong was not the mastermind behind the village woman's attack last time. However, at this critical moment, he voted for Wu Qingyuan with his precious vote.

Man is not as good as God!

A deep smile flashed across Wu Qingyuan's face, looking at the remaining members of the Standing Committee, he said with a smile, "Everyone express their opinions!"

The remaining four Standing Committee members are Cao Congyang, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Xiong Ziguang, Minister of Organization, He Guodong, Minister of Propaganda, and Zhan Zaiping, Minister of United Front Work.

Among the four, Xiong Ziguang, the head of the organization, has always followed Wu Qingyuan and Qi Dongshan.As for the head of the organization, if you don't follow the secretary, what else can you do?

Wu Qingyuan cast his eyes on him, his eyes full of hope.From his point of view, Xiong Ziguang's vote is catching crabs in the bamboo sticks - it's a sure thing.

Xiong Ziguang was embarrassed by Wu Qingyuan's stare. He lowered his head and could still feel Wu Qingyuan's scorching gaze.That gaze seemed to be pulling him: "Vote quickly, I need this vote!"

Xiong Ziguang raised his head and looked out the window.

Outside the window is a bleak scene, gray old-fashioned buildings erected under the gray sky, looking so pale, this small city in the middle of the southern province has a long history, but the urban construction is extremely backward.Rows of evergreen landscape trees danced feebly under the scorching sun, trying to return with the wind, but were shackled to the ground.

Xiong Ziguang was lost in thought for a while, thinking of his past for no reason, thinking of his wife and children at home.He only had one son. After graduating from university, the school assigned him to work as a worker in an enterprise, but his son wanted to work in the county government. He also hoped that his son could work in the 'government'. So he approached Wu Qingyuan and hoped that Secretary Wu could help his son arrange a job.

Wu Qingyuan agreed very readily at the time, but after a month passed, there was no movement. Xiong Ziguang asked him, and Wu Qingyuan said that he was new here and it was difficult to arrange personnel issues. Still looking for excuses to delay, now, Wu Qingyuan has been in office for almost half a year, and there is still no movement. Go to him again, Wu Qingyuan tells him to slow down on the grounds that the establishment is difficult to solve.

My son has been working in a company in Sanjiang City, far away from his hometown. It is a small chemical factory that produces some agricultural fertilizers. The air is notoriously bad and harmful to the body. A few days ago, when my son went to work, he was accidentally 'urinated' Su splashed into the eyes, but fortunately the rescue was timely and no major problems occurred. If he lost his sight because of this, the son's life would be completely ruined.Because of this, his wife quarreled with him, saying that he is a worthless, a dignified organization minister, who can't even solve the job of his own son!After the quarrel, the wife asked for leave from the unit and moved to Sanjiang City to take care of her son.

well!Xiong Ziguang's mood at the moment is similar to the weather outside, a powerless slump!

Seeing that Xiong Ziguang was silent, Wu Qingyuan's smile gradually froze.In fact, it's not that he can't solve the problem of Xiong Ziguang's son. No matter how tight the establishment is, it's not a problem for the secretary of the county party committee to arrange someone. What's more, Xiong Ziguang, the head of the organization, can help.

However, Wu Qingyuan came to Lianshui for the first time and urgently needed the support of the Standing Committee. He needed to use this line to contain Xiong Ziguang, let him vote for himself in the Standing Committee, and not to compete with himself in work.

His goal has indeed been achieved. For the past six months, Xiong Ziguang has obeyed his advice, and the Standing Committee even supported him unconditionally.He originally planned to help Xiong Ziguang after the new year, but unexpectedly, this Xiong Ziguang has a different heart!

Xiong Ziguang still didn't speak, and the other members of the Standing Committee were also silent.

Although Xiong Ziguang lowered his head, he kept paying attention to Wu Qingyuan from the corner of his eyes. When he saw the disappointment and anger on his face, he suddenly felt a great joy in his heart!Aren't you playing me like a monkey?I'll play tricks on you too!Let you see clearly, I, Xiong Ziguang, am also number one!You should be underestimated!

Wu Qingyuan completely lost confidence in Xiong Ziguang, and turned to look at the other members of the Standing Committee. Cao Congyang met his gaze indifferently, and stared back. Wu Qingyuan had to hurriedly turn to He Guodong, Minister of Propaganda.This He Guodong, holding a pen, was scratching in his work diary, looking out of the window from time to time, as if he was drawing a sketch, turning a blind eye to Wu Qingyuan's eager eyes.

Wu Qingyuan had no choice but to look at Zhan Zaiping, the station chief, who was over 50 years old and not in a good mood. He was lying on his back on a chair with his eyes slightly closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

Wu Qingyuan's teeth itch with hatred, okay!One is pretending to be a painter, and the other is pretending to be dozing off. Let's see how long you can pretend!He stretched out his index finger and knocked bang bang on the wooden table in a very rhythmic manner. At the same time, he said loudly: "Comrades, is there anyone who does not support it? Please raise your hand!"

No one answered.

Xue Xue's pale face turned bloodshot, and said, "Secretary Wu, can we proceed to the next round of voting?"

Wu Qingyuan thought to himself, I have four votes on my side, and your side may not be able to win!Although Xiong Ziguang didn't vote for me, he might not vote for you. Zhan Zaiping is an old fox, and I'm afraid he will keep pretending to sleep.Thinking about it this way, I became somewhat confident, and my complexion became much better. I nodded and said, "Okay, the next round of voting will be held. Comrades who agree to continue the investigation, please raise your hand!"


Xue Xue was the first to raise his hand, followed by Cao Congyang, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.Propaganda Minister He Guodong put down the pen in his hand, stopped drawing, raised his right hand, and raised it.

Three votes!

When Wu Qingyuan saw He Guodong raised his hand, the boss snorted unhappily.I thought: "Damn, why don't you continue to draw your paintings?"

Xiong Ziguang still kept his head down, Zhan Zaiping continued to doze off.

Four to three!

Xue Xue closed her eyes helplessly, a feeling of unwillingness welled up in her heart, she looked at Xiong Ziguang, and said, "Minister Xiong, don't you want to express your opinion?"

Xiong Ziguang raised his head as if waking up, glanced at Xue Xue and said, "Oh! Regarding the investigation, I have no objection."

Xue Xue asked unwillingly: "Then you support it?"

Xiong Ziguang laughed and said, "Well!..."

Li Yi suddenly shouted: "Minister Zhan!" At the same time, he walked over quickly and picked up a pen from the ground.

Zhan Zaiping opened his eyes in astonishment, and saw Li Yi handing over a pen with a smile: "Minister Zhan, your pen fell off."

Zhan Zaiping is not confused, he knows very well that he never brings a pen to the meeting, because he was born in the army, his family was poor when he was young, he never went to school, he joined the army when he was a teenager, and he can’t read a lot of big characters. A pen will not record.

"This pen..." Zhan Zaiping just wanted to say that this pen is not mine.But Li Yi blinked at him.

Zhan Zaiping suppressed the doubts in his heart, took it, and felt that there was a small note under his pen, and there was a line of small words on the note: "Minister Zhan, Commander Ding Jinqin asked me to say hello to you."

Zhan Zaiping's heart shook, and he raised his eyes to look at Li Yi, who smiled at him: "Minister Zhan, you continue to sleep, I won't disturb you anymore." Then he backed away gently.

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