Official road bends

Chapter 564 Reconsideration!

Jiang Zhaonan was slightly surprised, and asked, "Huang Qiuyan's tomb? Who moved it? Why did you move it?"

Lin Xin said, "I'm not sure, Chief, do you want to go and have a look?"

Jiang Zhaonan said: "I came to Guangling to investigate the reform of state-owned enterprises. How can I be separated because of these trivial matters? Well, it may be her relatives."

Lin Xin said: "Chief, have you forgotten? Huang Qiuyan has no relatives. She has no husband and no children. She will be alone all her life and will not have peace after death, and will be harassed {book friend upload}"

Jiang Zhaonan's complexion changed slightly, hesitation appeared on his face

Lin Xin struck while the iron was hot, and said, "Chief, if it's not convenient for you to go, send me to see what's going on."

Jiang Zhaonan said slowly: "It's not inconvenient, an old friend, she's gone now, the deceased is the most important, even if I'm the chief, I should go to her grave to offer three sticks of incense." Called Wu Dongfang, Said: "Comrade Wu Dongfang, take everyone to rest first"

Wu Dongfang said: "The chief is also tired, take a good rest for two hours, and we will go to inspect other companies in the afternoon."

Jiang Zhaonan gave a noncommittal hum

Seeing that Jiang Zhaonan didn't have much to say, Wu Dongfang said, "Chief, regarding Yang Wentian, my opinion is to suspend all duties and hand them over to the Disciplinary Inspection Commission for review. What do you think?"

Jiang Zhaonan said indifferently: "Let's discuss again."

Wu Dong conveniently said: "Then I will retire first."

Jiang Zhaonan nodded slightly, and said, "Li Yi, you leave the rest alone."

Wu Dongfang turned around reluctantly, piercing Li Yi's sharp eyes

Li Yi stood still, ignoring his gaze

The others dispersed one after another. Jiang Zhaonan glanced at Lin Xin and smiled, "Go and rest too, and leave Li Yi to me for a while."

Lin Xin smiled slightly, nodded, and made an OK gesture to Li Yi

When everyone left, Li Yi said: "Chief, take my car"

Jiang Zhaonan was not surprised because Li Yi knew about his itinerary. In his heart, Li Yi was such a person. What did the leader think of? Li Yi had long thought of going ahead of the leader

Four people in one car, go away in the dust

When they came to the Longevity Garden, Ding Xuesong led the chief and Li Yi to Huang Qiuyan's grave, while Qian Duo was guarding behind him.

The grave is ready-made, the ashes have been moved over, the soil has not yet been covered, and the tombstone is still being made **bubble! Book*

Ding Xuesong walked over first, sent all the workers away, and then invited Jiang Zhaonan and Li Yi to go over, and he followed Qian Duo wisely to guard the two ends

Li Yi said: "Boss, Comrade Huang Qiuyan's former cemetery was very small, and it was purchased with funds from the soda factory."

Jiang Zhaonan didn't seem to hear Li Yi's words, he looked closely at the black urn in the tomb, his eyes were already wet

"Chief, are you alright?" Li Yi asked with concern

Jiang Zhaonan choked up slightly and said, "Thank you for nothing, Li Yi"

Li Yi said: "Boss, this is what Secretary Yang of Guangling and Mayor Xue mean. They found Comrade Huang Qiuyan's tomb and arranged for the relocation, but I didn't do anything."

Jiang Zhaonan nodded slightly and said, "Li Yi, do you know why I brought you here alone?"

Li Yi said respectfully: "I wish to hear about it."

Jiang Zhaonan moved his gaze to the endless space, sighed slightly, and said, "Comrade Huang Qiuyan is my first love."

Li Yi had long expected that Comrade Huang Qiuyan had an unusual relationship with the chief, but he did not expect that it was the chief's first love. He was a little surprised and flattered

Why did the chief tell himself these very private things?

Jiang Zhaonan said slowly: "She is younger than me, much younger. Don't think she is my first love, just think that we are childhood sweethearts. In fact, when I met her, I was almost 30 years old and she was only 16 years old. "

Li Yi thought to himself, the chief executive didn't find his first love until he was almost 30 years old, which is really retarded. People in that era, wouldn't they be so slow?

Jiang Zhaonan said: "Don't slander me. When I was young, I devoted myself to studying and never thought about the affair between men and women. Until I met Comrade Huang Qiuyan, the past was unbearable! At that time, she was still a yellow-haired girl who had just come out of school. A small black braid, walking, the two braids are flicked, very attractive, every day, she flicks her braids to go to work in the soda factory-his father died early, she pushed her father's job"

Li Yi knew that Jiang Zhaonan was confiding, everyone has secrets, no matter how high an official is, but the high position is extremely cold, the higher the official position, the less opportunity to confide

"At that time, I came to the soda factory for business, and I wouldn't stay here for long." Jiang Zhaonan fell into the memory: "One morning, I stood at the gate of the factory, watched her walk in the morning light, and smiled at me. , In an instant, I felt that countless flowers were blooming in front of my eyes, the sun was so bright, the air was so clear, I seemed to be able to smell the scent of soap on her body"

Li Yi smiled slightly, thinking that such a scene is really moving

"She smiled sweetly and said something to me: Hey, are you a researcher from above?——I still remember this sentence, and the expression on her face when she said this seems to be still in front of my eyes..." Jiang Zhaonan couldn't bear it any longer Hold on, tears come out of my eyes

Li Yi handed over a handkerchief, silently without saying a word

Jiang Zhaonan said: "After we get married, I want to take her back to get married, but my family doesn't agree, because she is only a worker's daughter, and I don't have a father yet. She started a family together but she suddenly became very unfeeling, saying that the lover she had found would soon be married."

Li Yi sighed softly: "She's lying to you, she just doesn't want to delay your future"

Jiang Zhaonan said: "Li Yi, you understand better than me. I was in love at the time, and I couldn't understand all of this. After I went to work in the capital, I never saw her again. My family arranged a marriage for me. After marriage, I was faithful to my wife, and I never came to find her"

Li Yi's heart was shocked, and he understood why Jiang Zhaonan called him over and told him this story

Jiang Zhaonan said: "Ten years ago, I accompanied the chief to Guangling to inspect the state-owned enterprises, and I accidentally saw her carving knife for a long time, which changed the appearance of the two of us, but could not change our familiar eyes that day. I said a word: Your departure was right. You stayed in the factory for me. Maybe you are an old worker like me today. I asked her: How is your life? How is your family? She answered me: Everything is fine, her husband treats her very well, and her son is also very filial."

Jiang Zhaonan wiped his eyes and said, "Until that day, she was still lying to me"

Li Yi turned his head and was also moved by this story

It's not difficult to understand. When Jiang Zhaonan heard that Huang Qiuyan was not married and had no children, his expression was so shocked

Huang Qiuyan, an idiot, with her most affectionate love for Jiang Zhaonan, lied to him for a whole life, and also waited for this love for a lifetime

What kind of affectionate love is this?

Jiang Zhaonan suddenly knelt down in front of Huang Qiuyan's urn, grabbed a handful of loess, sprinkled it on the urn, and called out affectionately: "Qiuyan, you lied to me so hard!"

Li Yi felt a heart-piercing pain because of Jiang Zhaonan's mood at the moment, and Li Yi felt the same pain

Li Yi helped Jiang Zhaonan up and said, "Sir, please express your condolences."

Jiang Zhaonan murmured: "She left, but I didn't even have a chance to apologize"

Li Yi said: "Do you think she will need your apology?"

Jiang Zhaonan was taken aback, and said slowly, "You still understand, Li Yi." Picking up the iron on the ground, he added soil to the tomb with a shovel.

Li Yi wanted to go up to help, Jiang Zhaonan said: "Don't come here, this is all I can do for her, let me grant this wish"

Li Yi watched the old man pouring soil into the tomb with sweat like rain, not to mention how sad he was

"Xiao Ling, how are you doing?" Li Yi looked up at the sky and called silently in his heart

The tomb where the urn is buried is not big, but Jiang Zhaonan was busy for nearly an hour before finishing it

Qian Duo and Ding Xuesong wanted to come over to help several times, but Li Yi stopped them

Let Jiang Zhaonan complete the burial of this relationship

When returning to the city, Jiang Zhaonan lay on his back on the back seat of the car, put his hands on his waist, and said: "I don't accept it, I can't do it, it looks like my waist is about to break."

Li Yi said: "Chief, I will press for you"

Jiang Zhaonan shook his head slowly, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Li Yi, we can learn from the past."

Li Yi's expression froze, and he said, "Thank you, Chief, for reminding me."

Jiang Zhaonan said: "There are countless choices in life, but there are also countless choices that we cannot choose. We live in this world. When we gain some things, we will inevitably lose other things. Faced with choices, as long as you think it is worth it, you have no regrets. can be"

Li Yi said: "Sir, I, like you, cannot choose"

Jiang Zhaonan smiled and said: "That's why I called you over because only you can understand my feelings Li Yi, this is a secret between you and me."

Li Yi nodded

Jiang Zhaonan's health was indeed failing. After half a day of tossing both physically and mentally, his body was a little exhausted. After returning to the hotel room, he lay on the sofa and did not move for a long time.

Wu Dongfang and others came to ask for instructions on the afternoon itinerary

Li Yi persuaded Jiang Zhaonan: "Chief, it's better to go back to Jiangzhou to recuperate for two days. The work here is not in a hurry."

Jiang Zhaonan said: "It's not that serious. I'll rest this afternoon and talk about it tomorrow."

Wu Dongfang once again asked for instructions on how to deal with Yang Wentian

Jiang Zhaonan thought for a while and said, "Let's discuss again" (to be continued)

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