Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 578, Walter’s Perfect Action

Of course Li Yi had seen through it a long time ago, and it didn't matter, but Chi Xu was indignant and nagged for a while.

In the next two days, Li Yi will work as usual. As for the security, I will leave it to Li Yuanxiao to take care of his heart.

Of course, Li Yi has been waiting for a call, a good news from a distant place!

If nothing else, the action should be carried out on the third day after planning.

That night, Li Yi was sleeping soundly when he was suddenly awakened by a sharp phone ringing.

"Hello." Li Yi yawned and answered in a daze.

"Little Lizi!" Scout laughed loudly from the phone.

Li Yi moved the phone away a little and said, "What medicine did you take? Why are you so excited? What are you calling in the middle of the night?"

Boy Scout laughed and said, "What is it in the middle of the night? The sun is shining on people!"

Li Yi said: "Please, I am in the country of America now. In this world, there is still the word time difference!"

Scout snorted, "I'm sorry, I forgot. I didn't bother you, did I? I'm so happy that I can't help but want to tell you."

Li Yi said: "What's the matter?"

Boy Scout said: "Successful! Our operation was successful!"

Li Yi said: "Oh? How many people were arrested?"

Boy Scout said: "Your information is wrong. They not only have three or four hundred people, but more than 400 people! There are more than 1000 people!"

Li Yi was taken aback, fully awake, and said, "More than 1000 people? Are you also arrested?"

Boy Scout said proudly, "That's right, do you want to come over and see their cowardice?"

Li Yi said: "Dear Long Dong! Fatty, you are really capable, that is equivalent to one-fifth of the total military strength of the United States in Central Asia! And it is a soldier who has participated in a real war!"

Tong Jun said: "Hey, what kind of soldiers and young generals, in front of my fat boy's cavalry, it's not a piece of cake! Fortunately, I have brought enough troops this time, otherwise, I didn't copy them, but sent them to the door to eat gone."

Li Yi sat up and said with a smile: "Tell me what happened! Grandma, bear, I am very envious of your life now. Of course, my grandfather fought such a large-scale battle, and uncle and the others also participated. I It’s a trip that didn’t catch up! It’s a pity to this day!”

Tong Jun laughed and said, "In the future, if there is such a good thing, just leave it to me, I am very happy! It's a neat fight, it's a joy to play, it's a joyful and satisfying fight!"

Li Yi said: "Don't be silly, tell me quickly."

Boy Scout then explained the course of the operation to Li Yi.

It turned out that it was the first time for Tong Jun to fight such a tough battle, and he didn't dare to take it lightly, so he pulled all his capable generals and troops to Central Asia, to a certain mountainous area in the small country Li Yi mentioned.

Scouts first sent people to the local mountain residents to understand the situation.

Although this mountainous area is inhabited, it is very poor and isolated. The people here basically have no contact with the outside world.

Therefore, although Americans with tall noses and blond hair come and go here from time to time, they have not spread to the outside world.

But Americans also have to live in secrecy, and they go out in the middle of the night for important actions. Although there are so many people living here, they have not aroused the vigilance of others.

The people sent by the scouts did not find any useful information. First, the local language was obscure and difficult to understand, and it was basically impossible to communicate. Second, the local people knew very little and could not provide much useful information at all.

Walter took the initiative to ask the scouts to go deep into the enemy camp and listen to intelligence.

Boy Scout hesitated. Although he really wanted to win this battle and fulfill Li Yi's trust, he also knew that Walter was someone Li Yi attached great importance to, and he was also an important arm for his development in Africa.If he doesn't come back this time, the loss will be too great.

But Walter insisted that he must go to find out the situation.

His reasons are also very good and reasonable. He said that he has been favored by Li Yi for so long and has never had a chance to repay him. Now he has finally come out with an errand. Li Yi's great kindness.

He also said that this is a rare good opportunity for him to prove himself, if he can't even do this little thing, what big things can he do in the future?

Walter's words left Scout speechless, so he had to agree to let him go, saying that he would send a small team to go with him, but Walter said that he alone was enough, and that many people would easily expose the target.

Scout could only wish him luck.

Walter went alone.

After exploring for two hours, the information was brought back.

He told Boy Scout that he saw a lot of people at the base, and after a rough count, there were at least a thousand of them.

Tong Jun was dumbfounded when he heard it, because he heard from Li Yi that there were not many people in this base, at most four to five hundred people. How could there be so many people?Li Yi's work is too unsteady in this situation, right?Isn't this a scam?

Without much thought, Boy Scout retreated, because the number of people he brought was not large, if he rushed in rashly, the entire army might be wiped out, so he might as well retreat and come back with more troops.

But Walter told Boy Scout that although there are many opponents, today is an excellent opportunity.

Scout asked why?

Walter said that although there are thousands of people in the United States, fortunately, the people in this base are holding a meeting. The number of people is relatively concentrated, and only two small teams are standing guard.It is not difficult to capture those American soldiers alive by leading people to surround them.

Scouts still feel that it is not appropriate, because their own troops are exhausted from a long distance in Central Asia, and they are exhausted soldiers, while the other party is strong and strong, waiting for the enemy to come to the door. Enter the tiger's mouth?

But Walter insisted again and again, and he also said that it is not difficult to get rid of this base.Because these American soldiers may be very arrogant, no one dares to come here to attack them, maybe they think this place is very remote and no one will come here, so they didn't install a monitor at all!

When Boy Scout was still hesitating, Walter asked Boy Scout, willing to lead people to take down the base as a reward for his gratitude to Li Yi.

In the end, Scout naturally agreed to Walter's request, and he would lead his people to carry out the mission, while he himself stayed behind, ready to respond.

Before this operation, Tong Jun thought of a way because he heard about the cutest kidnapping that Li Yi suffered in the United States. He bought a batch of animal-shaped masks and distributed one to everyone involved in the operation.

Walter led people to the base, but the other party didn't realize that a danger was approaching. Those who should have a meeting still held a meeting, and those who should watch and chat continued to chat.

In recent years, the United States has played the role of a strong player in Central Asia and even the world. In fact, they have also used military operations to prove that they are indeed strong!

Therefore, they never imagined that in such a hidden mountainous base, the security is extremely high, and it is impossible for anyone to attack them. Taking a step back, even if someone dares to come, they can easily kill them!Because there are thousands of soldiers gathered here, well-equipped, it can be said that the soldiers are strong and strong!

This small country in Central Asia is an ally of the United States. It is absolutely impossible for the armed forces of this country to come to harass the base. As for the military forces of other countries, if they want to enter the territory of this country and attack this hidden base, then It's even more impossible.

When Walter came in with someone to attack, the soldiers standing guard didn't have time to make any resistance, they were laid down, tied up, and gagged at the same time.

As for the thousands of soldiers who were in the meeting, they did nothing. When the masked soldiers led by Walter descended from the sky and surrounded the meeting place, and hundreds of machine guns were aimed at the meeting place, their most immediate reaction was to be stunned!

Yes, they and their friends were shocked!

What was the first reaction?

"What the hell are you doing? This is not a joke. We and the nearby bases are holding an emergency meeting to deploy the next action plan. What are you doing?" These are the exact words of a senior general in the United States.His first reaction was that he thought that these heavenly soldiers were just his colleagues or allies, and they came here to play jokes or perform military exercises on them.Because in previous military exercises, this situation often occurred.

Walter didn't say a word to them, he just waved his hand, tied up all the people and escorted them away.

After listening to Boy Scout's narration, Li Yi laughed loudly and said, "I'll make it clear for Walter!"

Tong Jun said: "It's amazing, Xiao Li, such a talent is really inferior in our team. If this happens to a world war or something, he won't be able to become a parachutist!"

Li Yi said: "It should be rewarded heavily!"

Boy Scout said: "Yes, I rewarded him 1000 yuan, and all participating soldiers received 500 yuan each."

Li Yi said: "Is it a little less?"

Boy Scout laughed and said, "That's a lot. In Africa, you can buy a lot of things! Besides, we raised them, which cost a lot of money, and they should work hard. If you do it, reward a little, that's our kindness. But this kindness, you can't give too much at one time, if there is too much, it will be indiscriminate, and they will have no motivation for the next action."

Li Yi nodded slowly, and said, "I can't tell, Fatty, your management level has improved!"

Boy Scout smiled: "Walter taught me this. When I got excited, I planned to award him 20 million yuan, but he said, it must not be too much, and a reward and punishment system should be formed. This bonus , each time it can’t be too little, but it can’t be too much, unless it’s the kind of task that requires people to die when they know they can’t be done, then more bonuses can be given.”

Li Yi was slightly surprised, thinking that Walter is brave and resourceful, and the most rare thing is that he can manage like this!

Do not be presumptuous of the heart of cherishing talent and loving talent at the beginning! (To be continued.)

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