Zhang Yishan was very happy, dancing and dancing, he laughed and said: "Uncle, you are so kind, I will inform him and tell him to prepare to welcome you. e^look"

Li Yi said: "Are you still planning to ask him to beat gongs and drums, dance dragons and lions to welcome me?"

Zhang Yishan said: "You are the secretary of the municipal party committee, even so, it's not an exaggeration."

Li Yi said: "Yes, you'd better call all TV stations at the central, provincial and municipal levels over, and then issue an announcement to announce to the world that I, Li Yi, will go to a bar to join in the show!"

Zhang Yishan scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "This, it seems not good."

Li Yi said: "What's wrong? Isn't it more popular? Isn't it more effective for publicity?"

Zhang Yishan said: "This is not good for you, others will gossip about you if they find out."

Li Yi said: "Do you still know how to avoid suspicion? An official is an official, and a business is a business. A businessman opens a business, and an official goes to cheer. Tell me what kind of nature it is? Are you still afraid that people in the world don't know what's wrong?"

Zhang Yishan said: "Then I'll inform him, tell him to quietly arrange for you to go in, drink a glass of wine and leave?"

Li Yi said lightly: "There is no need to notify, just go directly."

"Why is it so noisy!" There was a sound of slippers hitting the ground.

Zhang Yishan widened his eyes, pointed at the person coming, and stammered, "Uncle, ghost! Ghost!"

Li Yi turned his head to look, but saw Shangguan Jin with disheveled hair, wearing a set of white pajamas, wearing a pair of flip flops, scratching his hair with his left hand, covering his mouth with his right hand, and came out yawning. At first glance, he looked like Sadako Crawling out of the TV is generally terrifying.

"Pfft!" Li Yi broke into a smile.

Shangguan Jin pushed his hair away with both hands, and glanced at Li Yi: "Is it that funny?"

Li Yi said: "Go and wash up, people treat you~~-even more like a ghost! Look, what time is it, haven't you slept enough?"

Shangguan Jin yawned and said, "I watched the video last night, it was too late, I didn't sleep until 05:30 in the morning! Oh, it's so late. Li Yi, have you eaten yet?"

Li Yi said: "I knew you couldn't wake up, so I didn't come back to trouble you to cook!"

Shangguan said: "Have you eaten? The problem is, I haven't eaten yet!"

Li Yi shrugged helplessly and said, "Do it yourself."

Shangguan would like to go to the bathroom.

Zhang Yishan patted his chest.Said: "Uncle, so you have hidden beauty in the golden house? You almost didn't scare me to death."

Li Yi said: "Nonsense! This is my sister!"

Zhang Yishan smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake. Uncle, shall we set off now?"

Li Yi said: "Well, the bar has opened?"

"Bar?" Shangguan took a toothbrush and fiddled with it in his mouth.He poked his head out and said vaguely: "Li Yi, are you going to the bar to play? Then you must take me! Wait, if you don't take me, I will tell Sister Lin!"

Li Yi said: "Gu nainai, it's a bar over there, what are you doing as a girl?"

"I'm going, you men can go. I can go too!" Shangguan Jin took out his toothbrush, his mouth was full of white bubbles, and he raised his eyebrows.said loudly.The foam stars splashed in all directions.

Li Yi said: "OK, OK, go, go, brush your teeth!"

Shangguan Jin snorted, quickly entered the bathroom, ran out 2 minutes later, and ran into the bedroom. After 5 minutes, he combed his hair, changed his clothes, and stood in front of Li Yi.

Li Yi said: "The speed is fast enough! Hehe. Well, wearing such a sportswear to the bar, isn't it a bit nondescript?"

Shangguan Jin said: "Li Yi, you are nondescript. The bar is casual, and you wear such a shirt and jacket. It looks too formal!"

Li Yi said: "Girl Pianzi, when I was in the bar, you didn't know where you were!"

Zhang Yishan said: "How can there be so much particularity, a bar is a place to relax, a place to drink and chat, just dress casually and comfortably."

Li Yi had already notified Qian Duo just now, and when the three of them came downstairs, Qian Duo was already waiting downstairs in his car.

Renmin West Road is a main street in Jiangzhou City, running through the eastern and western urban areas.

In the past, Jiangzhou had only Dongcheng District, but Li Yi's rebirth made this name disappear and became Dongxin District. This is also the butterfly effect of heavy work, right? <Rising up like bamboo shoots, it has become the most densely populated and economically developed urban area in Jiangnan Province.

When there are more people and the economy develops, this entertainment venue will grow accordingly.

This is how the bars on Renmin West Road opened up, one after another, and more than a dozen bars opened on one street, becoming Jiangzhou's bar street.Coupled with places such as KTV, Muzu Pavilion, bathing and sauna, this street has become a famous night street.

Jiangzhou people who like nightlife have a good place to go.

The bar opened by Zhang Yishan's friend is on this street. The location is not bad. It's right at the entrance of the street. It's named "Blues". There is a bronze statue of a cowboy.

When Li Yi saw this familiar decoration, a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

History always repeats itself amazingly in front of Li Yi!

A cold light flashed in Li Yi's eyes, and he asked, "Yishan, is this the bar your friend opened?"

Zhang Yishan smiled and said, "This is it. Uncle, shall we go in?"

Li Yi said in a deep voice: "Seal this bar for me immediately!"

Zhang Yishan thought he heard it wrong, and said in surprise, "Uncle, what did you say?"

Qian Duo repeated: "Secretary Li said, close this bar immediately!"

There was a loud buzzing in Zhang Yishan's head, and he said in a jerky voice, "Uncle, why is this? It's just opened for business, and they haven't done anything illegal, why should they be closed?"

Li Yi said coldly: "Because it sells fake wine, raises thugs, and the most abominable thing is that it also colludes with the police, and the store bullies customers!"

Zhang Yishan said: "Uncle, this is impossible, right? The blues bar just opened today! It is impossible to do these illegal things."

Li Yi can't tell him that he was chased and killed by thugs in this bar in his previous life, and died in the end?And the policeman colluding with this bar is none other than Zhang Yishan!

These are all things in the previous life. Except for Li Yi, no one in this world has experienced it, and no one can experience it.Even if Li Yi said it, it was unreasonable!

Li Yi said: "Can you guarantee that he won't do it in the future?"

Zhang Yishan said: "Who can say what will happen after this? The world is changing rapidly. If it weren't for Uncle, I was still working as a policeman in my hometown. How could I come to Jiangzhou to be an official? Uncle, I will take you there." Meet this friend who knows me, he is a heroic figure, you will like it when you see him."

Li Yi let out a sigh of relief slowly, thinking that what Zhang Yishan said was reasonable, the world is changing too fast, since Zhang Yishan can change from a bad policeman to a good policeman, who can guarantee that this bar will not become regular? good bar?

Qian Duo had always followed Li Yi's order, and said, "Secretary Li, do you want me to find someone to seal it?"

"Don't, don't!" Zhang Yishan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, shaking his hands again and again, and looked at Li Yi beggingly.

He knows that Li Yi has this ability, and he can seal this bar with one sentence, but this is his small bar. It opened tonight, and he was specially invited to join in the show, and he bragged, saying that he could close the bar. The secretary of the municipal party committee invited over, that friend was so happy that he stayed up all night last night!

Now that this person has been invited over, who would have expected that he would come here to spoil the scene!

How can I explain this to my friends?

"Uncle, I guarantee that he is a serious businessman and will never do anything illegal or criminal. If he really did it, I will arrest him and lock him into the prison without your order!" Zhang Yishan put his hands together He Shi bowed his hands again and again, and said, "Uncle, I will do what I say, no matter if he is my friend or Fa Xiao, as long as he commits a crime, I will pull him!"

Shangguan Jin curled his lips and said: "Li Yi, are you okay? Didn't we come out to play? Why did it become a fight and close the shop? What a disappointment!"

A few people were still talking in the car. A man standing at the door of the bar over there saw the small car, looked around, then ran over, stretched out his hand to pull the car door, and said with a smile: "Yishan, you are here!" When I saw the car, I knew it must be you. This is the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee you mentioned, right? Secretary Li, hello..."

Without waiting for him to introduce himself, Li Yi said, "Are you Mr. Lu?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I am Lu Ping, Secretary Li, hello, welcome to the Blues Bar, it is our great honor!" Lu Ping bent down, approached the car window, and talked to Li Yi who was sitting in the car.

The Lu Ping in front of him is still a little different from the Lu Ping in Li Yi's memory. This Lu Ping is thinner and not so fat, but Li Yi remembers the outline of the facial features clearly.

Zhang Yishan couldn't help feeling a little mad, thinking that he had never introduced Lu Ping to Li Yi, how did Li Yi know Lu Ping's name?Could it be that Li Yi knew Lu Ping before?It's over, has this Lu Ping offended Li Yi before?No wonder Li Yi said he would close the bar as soon as he saw it!

Lu Ping didn't have so many thoughts. He thought it was Zhang Yishan who introduced himself in front of Li Yi, and smiled courteously: "Secretary Li, please get out of the car. I have prepared the best wine, please taste it."

Li Yi thought to himself, if you come here, you will be safe, let's go first and see what this kid has done!

The decoration and layout inside the bar are somewhat different from Li Yi's memory. It seems that another decoration has been done in the middle.

The bar is newly opened, and there are few customers. Apart from the bar's own staff, there are not many customers.

Lu Ping was about to greet Li Yi and others for a drink, when there was a loud noise at the door: "Where is the boss? Get out of me! Open a bar on my site, have you visited my pier? Are you tired of work?" (To be continued continued

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