Jiang Zhaonan didn't stay too long in the southern province. After the meeting, he returned to the capital.

His visit to the Southern Province this time is more like a special visit to cheer for Li Yi.Otherwise, just give an order directly, or make a phone call, and then send Li Yi down.

But for Li Yi, the difference between Jiang Zhaonan coming and not coming is too great.If Jiang Zhaonan didn't come to Nanfang Province and Li Yi came alone, even if he had obeyed the imperial edict, the resistance he would encounter in coming to Nanfang Province would be unimaginable.

Jiang Zhaonan made this trip in person, and tried his best to sting Li Yi at the meeting, which raised Li Yi's status in the minds of officials in the southern province, which is extremely beneficial to Li Yi's next work.

Lin Xin and Jiang Zhaonan took a special plane back to the capital.

When saying goodbye, Lin Xin took Li Yi's hand and said affectionately: "Li Yi, you must miss me!"

Li Yi kissed her forehead and said with a smile: "I don't have to think about it, you have always been in my heart."

After sending Jiang Zhaonan and others away, Li Yi will temporarily stay in Southern Province and lead the completion of the establishment of Huafeng Iron and Steel Group.

Li Yi is now the director of the National Enterprise Reform Office, but he doesn't even know where the yamen's gate is open and who is under his command.

However, Li Yi's appointment has been sent to the National Enterprise Reform Office, and soon someone got in touch with Li Yi.

The Central Enterprise Reform Office has multiple divisions under its jurisdiction, including the General Office, Enterprise Management Office, Enterprise System Office, Company Group Office, Enterprise Reorganization Office, and Local Enterprise Reform Office.

In this place, Li Yi is the boss and the top leader.

The director of the Central Enterprise Reform Office has one director and three deputy directors. The director is Li Yi, and the deputy directors are Liu Yongli, Zhang Yiwen, and Yu Qiubao.

As for the various divisions and even the departments below the divisions, there are several directors and deputy directors and directors and deputy section chiefs, adding up the inside and outside.There are always hundreds of people.

These are only the directly subordinate personnel of the Central Enterprise Reform Office. Every province, city, city, and county has an enterprise reform office, and each office has several government departments.

The local enterprise reform office.Although it is under the leadership of the local government, it is also responsible to the central enterprise reform office.

The Enterprise Reform Office is in the central ministries and commissions. It is considered a good government office. It is in charge of the big topic of enterprise reform. Enterprises are money and power!

Therefore, Li Yi's rights and responsibilities are still great.

The Central Enterprise Reform Office contacted Li Yi.It is Comrade Liu Yongli, the deputy director.

Liu Yongli's voice on the other end of the phone was very kind, with three points of flattery. He first asked Li Yi how he was, and then welcomed Li Yi to take office on behalf of the entire staff of the Enterprise Reform Office.

Li Yi expressed his gratitude and asked him about the basic situation of the enterprise reform.

Liu Yongli briefly introduced to Li Yi the setup of the bureau-level leaders and organizational structure of the Enterprise Reform Office.

Li Yi asked about the main responsibilities of the Enterprise Reform Office.

Liu Yongli replied with a smile: "Director Li, our duty is to study and put forward policy recommendations for the reform of state-owned enterprises; to guide the construction of modern enterprise systems for state-owned enterprises; The establishment plan of the state-owned asset management company, providing opinions on matters that need to be decided by the state-owned shareholders; undertaking the review of the articles of association of the wholly state-owned company that it invested in. etc., are all cumbersome but very meaningful things, haha. It's delicious everywhere!"

Li Yi smiled slightly: "It seems that I am in a good department!"

Liu Yongli said: "I know that Director Li used to work in Jiangzhou, but he was a local official. Although our temple is small, it is not as good as a city official, but it is also a popular department. Now the central government attaches great importance to the reform of state-owned enterprises. We set up this office specially, and working here, the benefits are not bad compared to below. By the way, Director Li, you are on business in the southern province, are you busy with work? How many people should I bring down to help you?"

Li Yi thought to himself that although he had worked in the southern province before, he had been away for a few years, and things changed.There are not many capable people available here. Although Liu Yongli and others are strangers, they are his subordinates anyway, so they are not easy to use.You can also take this opportunity to get to know your subordinates and examine their abilities.

"Okay, Comrade Yongli, then you can bring a team down! The personnel are selected by you, and the number is controlled at five to eight." Li Yi said.

Liu Yongli smiled and said: "Okay, Director Li, then I will choose a good person today and take him down tomorrow."

When Jiang Zhaonan was there, the Southern Province arranged for them to stay at the Xiangjiang Hotel, which is also a high-end designated hotel for official receptions by the Southern Provincial Government.

After Jiang Zhaonan and others left, no one came to inform Li Yi to leave or to change to another hotel. Therefore, Li Yi was happy and comfortable, and lived in a suite at Xiangjiang Hotel by himself.

Li Yi is an official from the central government on business. In the southern province, he is a VIP-level figure, so they naturally have to entertain him well.

Next, Li Yi has one day to spare, and the work will start after Liu Yongli and his party arrive tomorrow.

Taking this opportunity to rest, Li Yi came to Southern University to visit President Qian Ning.

After graduation, when Li Yi was working in Liulin, he also received help from Qian Ning. Li Yi has always been grateful to this respectable old principal.Although I haven't seen each other for several years, I always miss Principal Qian in my heart.

Li Yi did not have an official car in the southern province, but the southern province still allocated a Toyota car to Li Yi temporarily.

This time when he came to the southern province for business, Li Yi played the banner of the director of the Central Enterprise Reform Office, so he did not bring any entourage. Ding Xuesong stayed in Jiangzhou and handled daily chores on behalf of Li Yi. If there were any major state affairs, he would Call Li Yi, please Li Yi decide to deal with it.

As for Qian Duo, Li Yi left him in Jiangzhou. Sang Yu was still breastfeeding and needed someone to love and help him.

Li Yi became a rare "bachelor" in the southern province.

Southern University is still the same, exactly the same as when Li Yi was studying, and there is not much change.

Li Yi drove slowly on the boulevard outside the school, looking at the lush and towering trees on both sides of the road, and the piles of college students, he felt a lot of emotion.

Li Yi and Guo Xiaoling walked this Lin Yin road countless times.Recalling that time, the two held hands, shoulder to shoulder, spreading the sweetness and love of first love here.

Now, a few years have passed by in a hurry, looking back, she is already married, and Guo Xiaoling has not heard from her for several months!

Alas, the past is unbearable!

Looking at the pair of lovers outside the car window, Li Yi seemed to have returned to his college days, and Guo Xiaoling was still snuggling by his side...

"Woo!" The roar of a car starting a car pulled Li Yi back from his memory.

I saw an open Ferrari sports car whizzing past my car, picking up fallen leaves and whirling in the air.

Li Yi glanced, and saw a young man sitting in the car, and a pure girl sitting in the co-pilot seat, her long black hair was blown up by the fast wind and drifted behind her head.

In just a few seconds, the Ferrari overtook Li Yi's car and drove towards the gate of Southern University.

"Driving so fast at the gate of the campus!" Li Yi said to himself: "What should I do if I bump into someone? Young people really don't know the heights of the world!"

As soon as Li Yi spoke, there was a sudden sound of braking in front of him.

Li Yi took a look and saw that the Ferrari almost ran into two boys crossing the road.

The two boys were blown to the ground and fled away. One of the boys got a bit injured in his tui, dragged his tui, pointed at the Ferrari and argued loudly, scolding them for driving without eyes, but the other boy forced his partner Hold him back and tell him not to argue with the people in the car.

The driver of the Ferrari stretched out his right hand and raised his middle finger. The car stopped for a while, then continued to drive forward, directly into the school gate.

Li Yi frowned, and followed in the car.

Ferrari didn't intend to stop on campus, but drove all the way to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory.It seemed that the man was sending the girl back.

Li Yi parked the car, walked to the side of the Ferrari, saw the man talking to the girl, and kept teasing the girl to say goodbye, but the girl bowed her head shyly and refused to give in.

The man definitely wouldn't let it go so easily, he kept teasing with words, and then reached out to mop the girl's hair, but the girl dodged it cleverly.

The man said, "Li Jing, just give me a kiss!"

"Feng Jie, I really can't. I have to go. I still have class in the afternoon. Thank you for today."

Unwilling to be reconciled, Feng Jie stretched out his hand again to pull Li Jing's hand, Li Jing flinched slightly, and tactfully avoided it.

At this time, there were several knocking sounds on the car door.

Boss Feng Jie was unhappy, turned his head abruptly, and said loudly: "Which bastard who doesn't open his eyes? What are you knocking on? Can you afford to pay for it if it breaks?"

But he saw a handsome tall man standing beside his car, looking at him with piercing eyes.Those eyes seemed to be able to shoot out icicles, just looking at it, Feng Jie felt cold all over, and couldn't help but weaken his momentum a little.

"What are you doing?" Feng Jie asked.

It was Li Yi who came.

Li Yi pointed at Feng Jie and said, "Little friend, I want to tell you that it's wrong to drive like this! It's easy to get into a car accident! You almost killed someone just now!"

Feng Jie snorted, looked Li Yi up and down, and sneered: "Little friend? I think you are younger than me, right? I, Feng Jie, need you to teach me how to drive?"

Li Yi didn't care about his sarcasm, but said: "This is a campus, there are many people, you'd better restrain yourself! There was a car accident, but two families were destroyed! Young people, don't be too arrogant! It's better to be careful , besides, your driving skills are too poor, driving fast like this is easy to cause accidents."

Feng Jieteng stood up, pointed at Li Yi and said, "Where did the bugs come out? They are chattering here, believe it or not, I will tear your stinky mouth apart?"

Li Yi sneered and said: "It's really a life-and-death thing! You dare to be arrogant here after bumping into someone!" (To be continued. .

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