Official road bends

Chapter 600 Violating the Li Family's Taboo

Li Yi didn't expect that after shaking his identity as Lu, these people would actually dare to do something. From this point of view, what the bird manager said is true. These people may really be from gangsters, and this restaurant is only their business one.As for whether these guys went ashore in vain, who knows?

Seeing several security guards rushing over, Li Yi didn't have time to think too much. He pulled Jin Ming to hide behind him, grabbed the red wine bottle on the table, aimed at the fastest running security guard, and slammed it hard on his neck. The guy let out a muffled grunt and fell limply to the ground.

The manager stared blankly, and said, "It turns out he's a connoisseur, no wonder he's so arrogant!"

A security guard saw that Li Yi was a stubborn stubble, so he left Li Yi and went to beat Jin Ming.

Jin Ming screamed, grabbed a plate on the table, flew towards the security guard, and hit the guy's face. The soup splashed all over his head and face. He covered his eyes and bent down in pain.

Li Yi made a quick decision, picked up the wine bottle as a weapon, and threw it on the head of a security guard. With a bang, the wine bottle shattered.

Holding half of the wine bottle, Li Yi kicked away the last security guard, ran to the manager who was about to escape in two steps, pointed the sharp wine bottle at the manager's throat, and said in a deep voice: "Boy, if you dare to act recklessly, I will Just let your blood go!"

The manager was so frightened that he was trembling all over, and repeatedly clasped his fists to beg for mercy: "Hero, please forgive me, I didn't know you were a brother on the road, but I have no eyes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Li Yi said coldly: "Do you remember what I said just now?"

The manager nodded hurriedly: "Remember, remember."

Li Yi said: "Remember to tell your boss! I'm not joking!"

The security guard who was kicked by Li Yi.He rushed over again, wanting to play a heroic scene of the savior.

Li Yi dodged his punch, took a step forward, and used the strength of his shoulders.It bumped into his chest, and with a hard push, the guy couldn't stand still, stepped back a few steps, and sat down on the ground.

Li Yi slammed the wine bottle in his hand on the ground, and said with a sneer, "With this little skill, you dare to open a black shop! Shame on you!"

The sound of cracking glass stunned several security guards.For a while no one dared to move forward.

Li Yi said lightly: "I will not call the police about today's matter! I will wait for your boss' reply first!"

He took Jin Ming's hand and walked downstairs.

Several security guards surrounded the manager and asked, "Do you want to chase?"

The manager waved his hand.Said: "He's showing mercy! Didn't you see it? What are you chasing after? You guys are no match for him, don't you think it's not embarrassing enough?"

"Manager Cui, do you want to notify Boss Mai? Someone ruined our business!"

"Yeah, we have to ask Boss Mai to express this anger for us!"

"Or we call the brothers. Fuck that man!"

The manager straightened his messy hair, and shouted: "Are you rebelling? I'm in charge here! What are you guys doing in a daze, clean up this place soon. No one is allowed to say anything about what happened today. It hasn't happened! We have such a big scandal in the land, do you still want Boss Mai to scold us? Think about it with your brain, okay?"

"Yes, yes. Manager Cui, we all listen to you."

Manager Cui went to the window, Li Yi and Jin Ming got in the car and left.He paid attention to the license plate number of that car, it wasn't a fancy number plate, nor was it a government number plate, he couldn't help thinking, who is this?Such a bold person, dare to go to Boss Mai's territory to act wildly, and dare to beat people!

Unfolding the phone number left by Li Yi, Manager Cui considered whether to report to Mai Zutian.

Mai Zutian is a newly-emerged boss in the southern province, and his rule is extremely strict.The current bosses of the rivers and lakes have also learned to be smart. They no longer do those illegal things such as murder and arson, but have learned to do business through relationships. As long as they have contacts in various fields and add a little bit of vicious means, doing business is far better than murder and robbery. Get money fast!There is no need to be afraid.

Manager Cui is just a third-rate guy under Mai Zutian's subordinates, he can't even be regarded as a hall master, and he can't even be regarded as Mai Zutian's sworn brother.

Today's incident happened in the management site, Mai Zutian pursued it, it is also a troublesome matter!At the very least, his position in Boss Mai's mind will be greatly reduced. Whether he can manage this restaurant in the future will become a big problem!

After thinking about it again and again, Manager Cui still decided not to report it.

The diners are drunk, and fights often happen, so it's nothing special!

Li Yi came in Jin Ming's car, and Jin Ming was also driving.

Jin Ming asked curiously: "Director Li, why are you so fussy about the words Chief of Staff?"

Li Yi smiled: "These four words are not simple."

Jin Ming said: "I know that the real chief of the general staff is the senior leader of the army, but when they do business, they use such a homonym just to attract business and make it louder. It won't break the law, right?"

Li Yi said: "I don't know if it's against the law or not, but these four words have violated the taboo of my Li family - Jin Ming, you don't have to worry about this matter, you can go back and ask Mr. Yuan, tell him, rest assured Work, just obey the arrangement."

Jin Ming said, "Director Li, are you busy with work?"

Li Yi said: "It's okay now, starting tomorrow, but I'm really busy!"

Jin Ming said: "Then I invite you to dance! Just tonight."

Li Yi smiled and said, "Dancing? I'm not interested, so I won't go. I still have a few friends in Dujuan City, and I want to meet them!"

Jin Ming was a little disappointed, but he didn't ask too much. He sent Li Yi to Xiangjiang Hotel, then left.

Li Yi walked into the hotel lobby, remembering that the security captain Xiao Jianfei came here, wondering if he was still working here?He waved to the security guard at the door.

The security guard came over and asked, "Sir, may I help you?"

Li Yi asked: "Is there a captain named Xiao Jianfei in your security department?"

The security guard said, "Captain Xiao? He left last year and won't work here."

Li Yi snorted and said, "Do you know where he went?"

"That's not clear." The security guard said, "There has been no news about him, and he hasn't come back to see us."

Li Yi nodded: "Thank you."

The security guard asked: "Sir, are you Captain Xiao's friend?"

Li Yi said: "Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect things to be different!"

Back in the room, Li Yi sat on the sofa and rested for a while, when he heard the phone ringing in the hotel room.

Li Yi got up to answer, and a man's voice came from inside: "Excuse me, is this Director Li?"

When Li Yi heard this, he thought that the other party was probably a member of the government, so he said, "I am Li Yi."

"Director Li, hello, I'm Yu Yindong from the Southern Provincial Enterprise Reform Office. I'm here to visit you. I'm in the hotel lobby. Is it convenient for you?"

"Hehe, it's Comrade Yu Yindong, please come up quickly." Li Yi smiled.

Yu Yindong is the director of the Southern Provincial Enterprise Reform Office, and he should have come to report to Li Yi, which is what the title should mean.

Yu Yindong did not come alone, there were also two deputy directors.

The three entered Li Yi's room, smiled and bent over Li Yi as a salute.

Li Yi smiled and said: "Everyone, don't be cautious, come in and sit down. Director Yu, who are these two comrades?" Ask them to come in and sit down on the sofa.

Yu Yindong, a short-bodied man in his 40s, had the standard image of a government official. He stood up again when he heard the words, pointed to a tall and thin man and said, "Director Li, this is the deputy director of the Provincial Enterprise Reform Office." Director Xu Zhihong." Pointing to another man with a short beard, he said, "This is Deputy Director Zheng Jianzhong."

Li Yi shook hands with them again, and it was a formal acquaintance.

The four returned to their seats, Li Yi took out a cigarette, and each of them scattered one. Yu Yindong and the others leaned forward and stretched out their hands to take the cigarette.

"Director Li, I originally wanted to treat you to dinner, but when we rushed over, we happened to see you leaving, so we had to wait here for your return." Yu Yindong said.

Li Yi thought to himself, when he and Jin Ming left, did they see it?He said: "Oh, I made an appointment with a friend to go out for dinner. I used to work in Dujuan City, and I know a lot of people here. I haven't seen each other for a few years, so it's inevitable to meet and have a meal."

Yu Yindong smiled and said, "Director Li used to work in this city? I don't know which office?"

Li Yi said: "Water supervisor."

Yu Yindong groaned, and said with a smile, "If I had been working in an enterprise a few years earlier, I would still be neighbors with Director Li!"

Li Yi said: "Oh? Are the Enterprise Reform Office and the Water Supervision Office neighbors?"

Yu Yindong smiled and said: "That's right! In the past few years, the provincial government has undergone a major overhaul, during which departmental adjustments have been made. Now we are reorganizing the enterprise, and we happen to be neighbors with the Water Supervision Office!"

Li Yi smiled slightly: "It's been a long time since I went back to take a look. I don't know if the personnel has changed a lot!"

Yu Yindong said: "The changes have been quite big. I heard that all the old comrades from a few years ago were promoted. Last year's flood, the water supervisors were responsible for everyone's contribution! They all got promoted."

Li Yi knew that the personnel in the Southern Province had changed a lot, but there were several members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee that had not changed.

Among them, Ouyang Ji, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization, remained in his post.

As far as Li Yi knew, Ouyang Ji had a chance to be promoted to the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee during the last major personnel change. When Wen Yuxi left the southern province, he strongly recommended him to the central government. Ouyang Ji's promotion was in vain, and the central government planned to appoint another important task, but there was no movement for a long time.

From Ouyang Ji, Li Yi naturally thought of his former colleague Ouyang Jinxuan.

That cute girl, that girl who chased after her and scolded herself as a wolf, is she doing well now?

Thinking of Feng Jie who met at Nantah during the day, Li Yi's heart moved, why not visit Ouyang Ji? ! .

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