Official road bends

Chapter 602 Smash the signboard, prick the head

Manager Cui was also taken aback, and let go of the foreman, and the two ran to the window to look outside. Suddenly, their eyes dimmed, and a huge object fell from downstairs, and fell out of the window with a bang.

"It's a signboard!" The foreman screamed, pointing at the huge monster outside.

Manager Cui was dumbfounded, and he also knew that it was the signboard of "Chief of the Catering Board"!

There are three signboards in the hotel, the smallest is the small signboard hanging at the door.

One is a cuboid light box erected on one side of the floor, which may be the first loud bang.

And the signboard that fell just now is a huge signboard standing on the roof. This signboard is famous in Dujuan City, and it is bigger than many outdoor billboards!

This huge billboard fell from the roof and hit the protective window, making a loud crash.

A few seconds later, amidst the screams of Manager Cui and the foreman, the signboard fell to the ground with a loud bang that shook the sky.

People from several streets heard the sound, and people didn't know what happened, so they flocked from all directions to watch.

Manager Cui and the foreman stuck their heads out of the window, watching the scene in a daze.

Fortunately, there were few people at this time, and there were not many cars parked outside the door. Both big signboards fell on the open space, causing no casualties or greater losses.

Manager Cui's first method is to blow a typhoon!The signboard couldn't stand the wind and fell down!

The foreman thought the same way, and said, "There's no wind! Isn't this sign so weak? How long did it take to make it? It cost the most expensive money and hired the best businessman in Dujuan City. It is also the best material!"

Manager Cui's face suddenly turned pale.

He remembered what the sleazy visitor had said to him.

"Manager Cui, what's wrong with you?" The foreman shook Manager Cui when he saw that Manager Cui had a bad face.

Several waiters and security guards appeared at the door one after another, beating the door loudly.

The foreman ran to open the door, and those people rushed to report the thrilling scene to Manager Cui and the foreman.

"What's going on?" asked the foreman.

Everyone couldn't tell because they were all in the store when the signboard fell.I didn't dare to go out and watch.

Pointing to the roof of the building, the foreman said, "Stupid! Go up there and see if someone is doing damage there!"

Only then did everyone agree repeatedly, and several male employees ran upstairs.After a while, he came down to report: "Manager Cui, there is nothing above, nothing abnormal. There is no one."

Manager Cui said: "There is nothing? Then how did these two signboards fall? The yellow leaves fell without wind?"

No one expected that the vulgar Manager Cui would actually know how to "poetry"!

The foreman whispered: "Manager Cui, this matter is too evil, we'd better get out of here as soon as possible! I always feel chilly on the back of my neck!"

Manager Cui gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think it's a ghost? No, it's impossible! It's people who are playing tricks!"

The foreman said: "People? Who are you? Dare to fight against our Mai Gang?"

Manager Cui snorted coldly and said, "It's that tall and handsome man at dinner! It must be him!"

The foreman said: "Does he know witchcraft? Otherwise, why did we tear down our signboard?"

This is exactly where Manager Cui was puzzled and afraid. He didn't even know what methods the other party used, and he didn't even see the figure of the other party, so his signboard was demolished!

What kind of ability is this?

Only then did Manager Cui think of what Li Yi had said to him, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

What this handsome guy said was not as simple as a joke!

Manager Cui moped his body with both hands, mopping every pocket.The phone number Li Yi left for him was not found either.

"It's over!" Manager Cui yelled, walked to the desk, and called the boss Mai Zutian.

The call was answered by Mai Zutian's younger brother.He recognized Manager Cui's voice and asked him what was the matter. Then he handed the phone to Mai Zutian and said, "Mr. Mai, Manager Cui from the Chief Catering Center Store called and said there was something urgent to report."

Mai Zutian was having a sauna massage, and two ladies with big round breasts knelt beside him, one in front and one behind, both serving him.

Mai Zutian did not respond.


"What's the noise? I'm bothered by trivial matters! What do you guys do for food?"

The little brother put the phone in Mai Zutian's hand respectfully, and then stepped back carefully.

"What's going on?" Mai Zutian yelled into the phone.

Manager Cui's ears were numb from the shock.He moved the mobile phone away from his ear, picked his ear with his index finger, then quickly moved closer to the mobile phone, and said: "Mr. Mai, at dinner today, there is a Kai who brought a horse to our restaurant for dinner. The biggest box, ordered the most expensive red wine..."

Mai Zutian scolded: "Your mother Xipi, you still plan to write a series?"

Manager Cui said: "He asked me two questions, but I couldn't answer them."

Maizu asked, "What the hell question?"

Manager Cui said: "He asked me what is the title of chief of staff and who is the current chief of staff."

Mai Zutian frowned and said, "What kind of question is this? You are an old man, you can't speak without being long-winded?"

Manager Cui said: "Mr. Mai, that's what he asked at the time. I couldn't answer, so he asked me to ask you. He also said that if you don't call him back before ten o'clock tonight, it means that this is the case. Things, he is going to smash our signboard."

"Sea Dragon King yawned—what a big tone!" Mai Zutian's face twitched.

This guy looks like a quack, and when people see him, they will feel terrified and panic!

"That's right, why should I pay attention to his crazy talk?" Manager Cui hurriedly followed Mai Zutian's words: "I started fighting with him at that time, and for this kind of guy who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, beat him first. Stop talking!"

Mai Zutian said: "It's not too much to kill! Then tear down my signboard? Humph, this person hasn't been born yet!" Then he thought that his signboard had already been taken down!

"What did you just say? The signboard over there has been taken down? Has anyone caught it?"

"Mr. Mai. This is so strange. Let alone people, I haven't even seen a ghost!"

"You idiots!" Mai Zutian burst into a thunderous rage and swung his right hand vigorously.The younger brother took another two steps back in fright.

This little brother has followed Mai Zutian for a long time, and he already knows Mai Zutian's habit. Whenever he gets angry, he will wave his arms, and he is so powerful that he often hurts the fish in the pond.Therefore, as soon as he put the phone into Mai Zutian's hand, he quickly backed away.

"Mr. Mai, I'm sure that kid did it! Only he said such cruel words!" Manager Cui said.

"Find him! Kill him!" Mai Zutian said coldly!

Suddenly, as if thinking of something again, he asked, "Did he just say he asked two questions? Did you ask me to answer them?"

"Yes, Mai Ye, one is the chief of the general staff and what is his job? The other is who is the current chief of the general staff."

"What is the position of chief of staff? Who is the current chief of staff?" Mai Zutian repeated.

Manager Cui said, "Master Mai, I don't know either."

Mai Zutian said: "He left a phone number?"

Sweat dripped from Manager Cui's forehead. He wiped it with his hand and said, "Yes. He left a phone number, but I lost the note. I thought that kid just It's just bragging, just kidding!"

Maizu said: "Look for it! Find it for me!"

"Yes. Master Mai, I will send my brother to look for him right away. Even if we dig three feet, we will definitely find that kid."

"Look for that piece of paper! Find the phone number he left! You pig!" Mai Zutian cursed a few times, then hung up the phone, rubbed Qingguang's scalp, and said to himself: "Chief of the General Staff ? Why does this person ask these two questions?"

Mai Zutian beckoned, and several younger brothers stepped forward together.

"Who is the current chief of staff?" Mai Zutian asked.

"Of course it's you, Mr. Mai!" The younger brothers answered in unison.

"Fart! I'm asking the chief of staff!" Mai Zutian roared angrily.

"Master Mai, aren't you the chief planner?" The younger brothers still answered together.

"A bunch of ignorant guys!" Mai Zutian pointed at them, and then waved his palm.Give them each a slap on the head.Those little brothers didn't even dare to dodge, and let Mai Zutian hit them on the head.

"Go away, check it out for me right away, find out! Who is the chief of staff? Also, bring me the guy who named us back then!" Mai Zutian ordered.

Years of life in the rivers and lakes gave him a sense of imminent danger.

He must be treated with care!

But he said that Manager Cui.Instruct all the men to look for the note with Li Yi's phone number written on it.

The restaurant suddenly became a mess. All the waiters, security guards, and even the chefs in the kitchen were dispatched. After tossing up and down, they found it in a trash can, between two pieces of fat meat and a pile of saliva. that piece of paper.

Manager Cui held the dirty paper, as if he had found a treasure, and said, "Fortunately, the phone number is still visible!" He hurriedly told Mai Zutian the string of numbers.

Mai Zutian called the number according to the number, but the other party was always turned off and could not be contacted.


The feng shui master is an old man in his seventies, with gray hair and a long beard, people can tell that this person has some fairy spirit at a glance, and he believes everything he says.

Facing the furious Mai Zutian, the Feng Shui master sat calmly, stroked his beard and smiled.

"Old man, I gave you a big gift at the beginning, please give me a good name! You are divination and divination, and after a long time, you gave me these four words. You know, you put me Suffering!" Mai Zutian seemed to respect the old man very much, and he didn't yell.

The old man said: "Mr. Mai, how are these four people? Is your business not good?"

"Business is good, it's amazing!" Mai Zutian couldn't make any concessions.

The old man said: "Then why did you drag me here for trial in the middle of the night?"

"Old man, someone is dissatisfied with these four words! Take down my signboard!" Mai Zutian said.

"Mr. Mai, when you told me that you were going to open a restaurant and asked me to give you a name that would attract wealth, I exhausted all my efforts, so I chose these four characters for you. What's wrong? Fortune Isn't it coming here?" The old man talked eloquently.

"But, someone took down my signboard!" Mai Zutian frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Then it's none of my business?" the old man said calmly.

"Old man, is there a way to crack it?" Mai Zutian asked.

"It was you who provoked the person, so the so-called untie the bell has to tie the bell!" The old man said in an unpredictable and profound way.

Mai Zutian waved his hand and told his younger brothers to send him back.

A younger brother asked: "Master Mai, don't you want to kill him?"

Mai Zutian slapped the younger brother to the ground, and cursed: "Idiot!"


The next day, Liu Yongli, deputy director of the Central Enterprise Reform Office, brought five comrades he selected to the Southern Province.

Li Yi only had one phone call with Liu Yongli, but he had a rough outline of this person in his heart.This is also a habit Li Yi has developed. When talking with people, whether they are acquaintances or strangers, he will imagine in his mind what the person on the other side of the phone is doing and thinking.If it is a stranger, he will outline the person's appearance based on the tone and tone of the other person's speech, and then confirm it after meeting.

This is actually a way to observe and figure out characters.Through this kind of exercise, Li Yi's ability to see and know people has risen to a new level.

Seeing this Liu Yongli, Li Yi smiled slightly, because there is not much difference between him and the person he sketched.

Liu Yongli is of medium height, with a fair face and beardless, slightly fat body, his eyes are a little swollen, and his eyes are big, which is similar to most government officials.

The five people selected by Liu Yongli are three men and two women, and they are all in their 40s and [-]s.

After listening to Liu Yongli's introduction to these five comrades, Li Yi was more affirmed of Liu Yongli's ability. From the configuration of these personnel alone, Liu Yongli selected all young and experienced key personnel.It can be seen that Liu Yongli also knows the difficulty and importance of this task.

The comrades were very enthusiastic about Li Yi, the new director. They shook hands with Li Yi one by one, and each said a few words of flattery.Only an old comrade in his 40s muttered in a low voice: "Such a young man? Just become the director? What does he know?"

As soon as Liu Yongli's face changed, he was about to explode on the spot.

Li Yi just smiled slightly, and said before Liu Yongli: "Comrade Meng Chao is right. I am a young man and a newcomer. You are all my predecessors. Please teach me and support me in my future work. I."! .

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