Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 621

Everyone looked at the door, and then their eyes lit up.

A group of reporters came, about seven or eight of them. The one who spoke was a tall and slender woman. Although she was wearing casual casual clothes, she was noble and beautiful, making people afraid to insult her easily.

Li Yi smiled, thinking that it was really timely!

Yes, the people who came were none other than Guo Xiaoling, Li Yi's friend Shen Xinyao, and some media colleagues they had invited over.

The purpose of Li Yi inviting them to Mianzhou is mainly to promote Mianzhou, interview and publicize the western Silicon Valley and Wupingzhai tourist area.

But after Guo Xiaoling learned of Li Yi's problem, she unexpectedly invited Shen Yaoyao to the standing committee meeting.

This point, Li Yi did not expect in advance.

He thought that even if Guo Xiaoling and the others were interested in the Wupingzhai incident, at most they would go to the field to interview and write a few reports, and Li Yi would definitely be consulted before publishing these reports.

Unexpectedly, they were so bold that they broke into the Standing Committee!

At first, Li Yi was a little surprised, but then he understood Guo Xiaoling's intentions, so let's listen to what they say!

Li Yi laughed loudly: "Comrade reporters, this is the Standing Committee meeting, why are you here?"

Guo Xiaoling said: "We are reporters invited by your Mianzhou Propaganda Department to promote your Mianzhou. I heard that the executives are holding a meeting of the Standing Committee. We don't take the liberty to disturb you. We just want to truly appreciate the officials of Mianzhou. Style, when we write reports, we can be targeted and have something to say. You just hold your meetings, and we are only the audience. If there are any secret issues that are not humane, we can retreat."

Zhang Zhenghua thought that the matter had come to this point, and it was useless to think too much, so he laughed, stood up and greeted him, and called: "Move your chair quickly, and comrade reporters are welcome to come to Mianzhou for interviews. Thank you for your hard work. Everyone has worked hard along the way." Already!"

Li Yi thought to himself, this Zhang Zhenghua turned his hands into clouds, turned his hands into rain, and didn't change his face. The **** really came home!

Guo Xiaoling and the others all sat down.

In the standing committee room, a unique scenery immediately added.

Zhang Zhenghua said: "Our Standing Committee discusses the affairs of the city and the work of serving the people. There is nothing we can't say to others! Comrade journalists like to listen, so let's listen! I only hope that you will be merciful in your writing. , do a lot of positive publicity for Mianzhou."

Guo Xiaoling smiled and said, "What are you talking about? The duty of us journalists is to truly reflect what is happening in society to the general public. Secretary Zhang, you can continue to chair the meeting and leave us alone."

Zhang Zhenghua nodded, and continued what Gao Hu said just now, saying: "Comrade Gao Hu has already reported the incident just now. The engineering material adulteration incident in Wupingzhai has extremely bad consequences! The main suspects, Gu Qing and others, have been detained according to law, waiting for their release." , will be severely punished by law.”

In front of the reporters, Zhang Zhenghua was naturally impassioned, and what he said was all scenes.

Reporters such as Guo Xiaoling and Shen Xinyao just listened quietly, neither recorded nor videotaped.

Zhang Zhenghua saw that they were quite honest, so his voice became louder: "Cases are solved and tried by the judiciary. What we are going to discuss now is what to do with the buildings left in the Wupingzhai tourist area?"

Wen Honghua, the organization director of the Municipal Party Committee, was the first to speak and said, "Secretary Zhang, what do you mean, do you want to keep those bean curd projects?"

Zhang Zhenghua was obviously very dissatisfied with the words "tofu dregs project" when others mentioned it. He said in a deep voice, "Minister Wen, you are being serious. You have not actually inspected those projects. In fact, the quality of the raw materials is slightly poor. After a while, the appearance of the building is quite good. I thought that these buildings that have been built can still be used, and the next project, the quality of the project, is almost the same!"

"That's right, I haven't seen the building on the spot." Wen Honghua said: "But, I heard you all said it, isn't that a tofu project? Could it be that Secretary Zhang's standards are similar to the tofu project? ?”

Zhang Zhenghua was angry, but his face was very calm, and he said: "Comrade Wen Honghua, don't just talk about scumbag projects. They are all built with real money. Now many rural houses are built for the sake of Save money, and use such materials. Could it be that these houses are all shabby projects?"

Li Yi said: "Secretary Zhang, you have seen the situation that day. The bricks loosened when the masonry knife was poked. This kind of building can only be demolished. The money we provided to Gu Qing and the others was enough to build an eight-level earthquake-resistant building." , Nine-degree fortification of high-standard buildings! The result? They built such a rubbish tofu dregs project. It is really distressing! No matter how much money is spent, we in Mianzhou City can only demolish these buildings and rebuild them all .”

Zhang Zhenghua said: "Gu Qing and others disregard the national law and have their own legal sanctions. But the buildings that have been built don't need to be demolished."

At this time, Guo Xiaoling suddenly raised her hand.

Zhang Zhenghua pretended not to see him.

But Li Yi saw it, and asked with a smile: "Comrade reporter, you raised your hand, do you want to speak?"

Guo Xiaoling stood up and said, "May I ask Secretary Zhang a question?"

Zhang Zhenghua frowned slightly and said, "Just ask!"

Guo Xiaoling was not polite, and asked a sharp question: "I just listened for a long time, and I heard that the building that Gu Qing and others were responsible for was of good quality, and it was not a tofu project. So, what is Gu Qing and others guilty of? Why should they be convicted of breaking the law?"

Everyone turned to look at her.

Guo Xiaoling continued to ask: "Gu Qing and others violated the law, which proves that they have adulterated and shoddy the construction of the project. This project is a tofu project! As you said earlier, they should be severely punished according to the law. In other words, If what you said, Secretary Zhang, is true, is Gu Qing guilty or not? Isn't it contradictory?"

Li Yi applauded secretly, thinking that Guo Xiaoling's rhetorical question was worth a thousand words!

Zhang Zhenghua fell into a conflict he had designed, and was unable to answer for a while, holding his breath in his heart, wanting to have an attack, but it was not easy to have an attack.

As soon as these reporters appeared, Zhang Zhenghua knew that something bad was going to happen, as expected!

Guo Xiaoling said: "I have finished asking my questions, please answer Secretary Zhang directly."

Zhang Zhenghua couldn't answer.

Instead, Li Yi came out to make a rescue: "Comrade reporter, in fact, Secretary Zhang's words are not contradictory. It is a fact that Gu Qing and others broke the law. It is also a fact that those buildings are shabby projects. It's just that Secretary Zhang changed It's just a euphemism. His purpose is to save some money for the poor city finance. Secretary Zhang, what do you think? Is that what you mean?"

Zhang Zhenghua snorted coldly, thinking of you, Li Yi. On the surface, you are trying to excuse me, but in fact, you are taking advantage of the fire and trying to force me to submit. I agree with your point of view!

However, he knew that this was Li Yi's trap, but at this moment in front of many media, he could only admit it and said, "Yes, Comrade Li Yi understands what I mean."

Li Yi chuckled: "I want to say something fair. Secretary Zhang's starting point is excellent, but such a project is really too bad and can only be demolished. Secretary Zhang, what do you think?"

Zhang Zhenghua snorted like a toothache, and said, "Tear it down!"

The main purpose of convening this Standing Committee is to discuss this matter!

And this matter is what Zhang Zhenghua is determined to achieve. He not only wants to achieve his own goals, but also wants to use this to suppress Li Yi.

However, Li Yi did not allow this issue to rise to the height of the Standing Committee's vote at all, forcing Zhang Zhenghua to change his flag and support Li Yi's views.

All the members of the Standing Committee could see it clearly, and felt that Li Yi was really crazy!

I haven't seen him for a month, but Mayor Li is still so heroic, with extraordinary moves, he subdued Zhang Zhenghua with one move!

From this point of view, the reason why Zhang Zhenghua was able to call the wind and rain in Mianzhou City before was only because Li Yi was not there.There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys are kings!Now that Li Yi, the real tiger, has returned, Zhang Zhenghua, the monkey, can only back down.

Seeing this, Huang Chang thought to himself, no wonder Mayor Li didn't need his "shady tricks". It turned out that he had already been prepared to defeat Zhang Zhenghua with force and ability.This is the real trick.

Because of the presence of media reporters, the vote was surprisingly smooth. In the history of the Mianzhou Municipal Standing Committee, this resolution was passed unanimously, which is rare in the history.

All members of the Standing Committee agreed to demolish and rebuild the existing projects.

In a sense, Li Yi completely defeated Zhang Zhenghua.

Next, there are several personnel issues, but because there are media reporters present, they will be put aside for the time being.

Zhang Zhenghua dragged the topic to the propaganda work in Mianzhou City, and talked about the construction of Western Silicon Valley and Wupingzhai Scenic Area.

The purpose of Guo Xiaoling and others' trip is to help Mianzhou carry out positive publicity.Therefore, the top and bottom unanimously turned this good enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee into a seminar.

All the people worked together to propose strategies on how to promote Mianzhou.

In the end, a set of effective and low-cost plans were determined to package and publicize Mianzhou in an all-round way.

The meeting continues.

Li Yi took the opportunity to propose that while doing a good job in economic construction, we should also carry out the work of spiritual civilization construction.and put forward his own point of view.

These are all drawn up long ago, well-founded, and extremely persuasive. The most rare thing is that they can spend the least amount of money to do the biggest things, and they can also introduce funds to build a symbolic cultural square. Naturally, the members of the Standing Committee raised their hands in favor.

Although Zhang Zhenghua didn't like Li Yi very much, after hearing Li Yi's suggestion, he still secretly admired him, thinking that Li Yi still has abilities!

Li Yi talked eloquently for more than an hour, from the reform of the library to the construction of the cultural square and pedestrian street, which attracted the attention of the audience.

This meeting turned into Li Yi's personal speech.Zhang Zhenghua was so angry that he was half dead, but there was nothing he could do. (To be continued.)

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