Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 626, A Special Friend

Before Chen Yonggui could finish speaking, Li Yi said in a deep voice, "How can that be done! We in Mianzhou City can't use tricks like beauty tricks, and we don't need to use them!"

Chen Yonggui said: "Mayor Li, I also know it won't work. I'm just saying that. If it doesn't work, let's forget it. Let's find someone to make a promotional video! If this gift is too much, why not shoot it yourself You can shoot whatever you want, without looking at people's faces."

Li Yi said: "Even if it is filmed, it has to be broadcast on various stations! This is not a small fee. Now there is such a godsend, free publicity opportunity, if we don't take advantage of it, wouldn't we be too sorry for Li Bai The four words "hometown?"

Chen Yonggui said: "Then can you give me some advice? We all know that you have a lot of people in the capital. Last time I heard that you can run a host for the Spring Festival Gala! This should be a piece of cake for you. "

Li Yi thought to himself, everyone knows that I, Li Yi, have the ability to reach the sky. Whenever I encounter difficulties, they all come to me, so what do you need?

These thoughts just flashed in my mind, but I couldn't speak them out.

"Okay, Comrade Yonggui, let me try." Li Yi said, "Let's work together to get it down as soon as possible."

Seeing that Li Yi agreed, Chen Yonggui was immediately relieved.In the past few days, in order to do this, he has really been exhausted and clumsy in planning.

"Mayor Li, then please, I will wait for your good news." Chen Yonggui smiled and said, "Do you want to come here in person?"

Li Yi pondered for a moment, thinking that this was a good opportunity, and he could take the opportunity to go back to Beijing to see his mother, wife and children.For thirteen years of water control, Xia Yu never entered the house three times. Although he was self-denying and dedicated to the public, how unfortunate was it for his family?

As a human being, family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs should be concerned about everything.State affairs, public affairs, private affairs, everything takes into account.If you don't sell fame and reputation, you are called a real man.

"Well, let me see, it would be best if it can be resolved over the phone." Li Yi said.

Chen Yonggui said: "Okay, what do you want us to do, just open your mouth, we can't do big things, we can still run errands."

Li Yi chuckled, chatted for a while, and hung up the phone.

Now the effective subordinates in the capital are Yan Xi'er and Ye's sisters.

The battle in the United States allowed Li Yi to see the talents of the Ye sisters, and Yan Xi'er was even more outstanding.

Li Yi called Yan Xi'er and asked him to come forward to discuss the "Cultural Journey" program.

After hearing this, Yan Xi'er smiled and said, "Boss, you asked me to negotiate this matter. Don't you just give me money and things? You don't want to spend the money of the government, but you are willing to spend your own money?"

Li Yi said: "Hey! What do you call this? If you don't spend money, you can't get things done?"

Yan Xier said, "Boss, that's CCTV! It doesn't cost money, so what should I use to pave the way?"

Li Yi said: "Forget it, I'd better find someone else!"

Yan Xier said with a smile: "It seems that the boss is really a stingy man. Once he heard that it would cost money, he immediately felt reluctant."

Li Yi said: "It's not that I'm reluctant to spend money, I just don't want to encourage this trend of giving gifts and bribes!"

Yan Xi'er said: "It's quite difficult to make the horse run without feeding the horse grass."

Li Yi smiled. Among the people he wanted to meet, who had a good relationship with the senior leaders of CCTV?You can't use money to open the way, and you can't use power to suppress people, so you can only follow the route of favor.

I called Chen Boming again to discuss with him.

After hearing this, Chen Boming smiled and said: "This is easy, that Lu Kun, you still remember, he has hands and eyes, he is very familiar with people from every TV station in the capital, as long as he speaks, no one will not show his face .”

"Lu Kun?" Li Yi couldn't remember this person for a moment.

"Hey, it's Lu Kun from Qiyun Club!" Chen Boming said, "Didn't you still deal with him?"

Li Yi suddenly remembered: "Lu Kun! That bald and fat man! I have an impression."

Chen Boming said: "Yes, that's the man. The Qi Yun Club has been doing quite well in the capital recently. For your affairs, you can find him."

Li Yi pondered: "There was an unpleasant misunderstanding between me and him. I asked him for help? Isn't that just asking for trouble? Forget it."

Chen Boming smiled and said: "As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. They are all elders walking in the society. What kind of knot can't be solved? If you can use him once, use it once!"

Li Yi said: "It's not right. I can't get used to that kid's arrogance."

Chen Boming said: "It's not that I'm in-laws with him, so what does it matter if I don't get used to it? It's fine if you use it up. You see that I don't like you, but he has approached me several times, looking for a chance to make friends with you. I guess, as long as it's your business, he has no reason not to agree."

Li Yi said: "I'm surprised. How can he be so capable as the president of the Folk Art Federation? Even the leaders of CCTV can listen to him?"

Chen Boming laughed: "How can he have such great ability? It's just that he has a wide range of friends. No matter who he is, anyone who can have a little bit of art, he deliberately wins over. He is worth, and he can find someone to talk to when he encounters anything. This man is rich and generous, and he can always do what others like. Therefore, many retired cultural leaders have close contacts with him. "

Li Yi said: "This person is quite good at drilling!"

Chen Boming said: "As the saying goes, it is easy to travel when you have many friends. If you have three friends who are thieves, you are not afraid of stealing cattle at night! If you have three friends who are officials, you will not be involved in lawsuits! If you have three friends who are cards, life will not be boring! Li Yi, I think people like Lu Kun are worthy of friendship, the key is how you use him."

Li Yi said: "I'm not the kind of unenlightened person. Is there anyone under my command? I just really can't understand that kid's style."

Chen Boming said: "That's because he doesn't know you yet, so he behaves a bit in front of you. If he doesn't have that kind of style, he won't cling to you! If you want, I can talk to him, and you can do it too." You don’t have to come out in person, leave everything to me.”

Li Yi thought to himself, people like Lu Kun are indeed very useful if they are used well.In fact, under Li Yi's banner, there are all kinds of talents.

"Okay," Li Yi said slowly: "Then you can talk to him and see what he says. However, I really don't like this person's behavior."

Chen Boming said: "Speaking of which, this guy is actually not that annoying. He likes that Han Xu like something, and he couldn't help snatching her home to enjoy, but he still didn't do that after all, but used all kinds of method to intimidate and lure.”

Li Yi sneered and said, "Aren't the methods he used out of line? I don't have time to talk to him, otherwise, I have to teach him a lesson!"

Chen Boming said: "He is a master of the rivers and lakes. You, there is no need to be too serious with him. He is used to Hu Dahai, and the world is complicated. Otherwise, he would not be able to get along. Anyway, it would be better to make one more friend An enemy!"

Li Yi said: "Let's leave it at that. You can also help me with Toto's relationship. It's better if you don't spend money! If you spend money, I won't come to you."

Chen Boming smiled and said: "I know your weird temper! Don't worry, everything is taken care of by me."

Li Yi didn't have any hope for that Lu Kun at all. When he thought about it, people like Lu Kun usually like to brag about how powerful and omnipotent he is in his circle of friends. After hearing this, Chen Boming believed it. .Li Yi really didn't believe that Lu Kun was really capable.

In fact, it is very simple for Li Yi to do this well, but he doesn't want to use certain relationships.

Two days later, when Li Yi devoted himself to his busy work and almost forgot about it, Tian Hua came in to report that a stranger was looking for Secretary Li.

Li Yi is the mayor of a city, and there are many people who come to him every day. As long as time permits, Li Yi will kindly meet him.

Listening to the voices of the people is the foundation of governance.

"Oh? Is it a citizen? Let him in!" Li Yi didn't care.

"Mayor Li, this person is not like our local people, he only likes Beijing movies." Tian Hua said.

"From the capital? Investor?" Li Yi said: "It's okay, let him come in!

Tian Hua said: "Mayor Li, that man looks very vicious, he doesn't look like a good person at first sight."

Li Yi said: "Nonsense! If people's good and evil can be distinguished just by their appearance, the things in this world will be simple. Don't neglect the guests, please hurry up."

At this time, there was a hearty and loud laugh from outside: "As expected of Mayor Li, he is young and successful, and he has an extraordinary mind!"

Li Yi heard the voice sound familiar. Just as he was thinking about who it was, he saw Tian Hua get out of the way, and a big, bald head appeared at the door.

"Mayor Li, stay safe!"

"Lu Kun? Why are you?" Li Yi was really surprised when he saw Lu Kun appearing in his office.

"Mayor Li, I'm taking the liberty to come here, please forgive me!" Lu Kun laughed, walked over, and stretched out his hands with a pleasant smile.

Li Yi shook hands with him and ordered Tian Hua to serve tea.

As soon as Tian Hua saw that Li Yi met the vicious man, he felt relieved, turned around and made tea and served it.

Lu Kun leaned over to take the tea, saying thankfully.He laughed again: "Mayor Li, I originally planned to bring two bags of gifts to visit you, but I heard that you are a clean and honest official, and I was afraid that you would be kicked out of the house for bringing gifts, so I came here empty-handed! "

Li Yi said lightly: "Boss Lu, if you don't make a fortune in the capital, why did you come to Mianzhou?"

Lu Kun said: "Brother Bo Ming told me about Mayor Li's entrustment. I have already done it."

Li Yi said: "Have you done it?"

Lu Kun said: "If I don't get it done, I dare not come to meet Mayor Li! Please rest assured, Mayor Li, the cultural tour film crew will come to your place for filming next week."

Just as he was talking, Chen Yonggui also called to announce the good news, reported to Li Yi with a smile, said that the matter was settled, and said a whole load of words to thank Li Yi and praise Li Yi's ability.

Only then did Li Yi believe that what Lu Kun said was true, but at the same time he was suspicious. This Lu Kun came to Mianzhou in person, what's the matter?It's not just a special trip to announce the good news, is it? (To be continued.)

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