Official road bends

Chapter 8 Chapter 633

Li Yi saw everything in his eyes, and nodded secretly, thinking that the chief of the public security bureau surnamed Xiang, could still enforce the law impartially.

Although Xiang Biao was suspected of covering Mr. Hong and his party by doing this, Mr. Hong and the bald head did not participate in the fight just now, and it made sense to only arrest those gangsters.

Li Yi thought to himself, he did this to the director, but he didn't know if it was his own idea, or Yan Heping told him to do it?

When Mr. Hong heard Xiang Biao's words, he immediately yelled his disapproval, and said, "Director Xiang, why are you doing things like this? Have you asked your Deputy Governor Yan for instructions?"

Xiang Biao said in a deep voice, "I'm the one handling the dispute now! It's up to me to make the decision here! Whatever I say is the final decision!"

Mr. Hong sneered and said: "Xiang, you are too courageous! If you do this, I will complain to Governor Yan! No, I will ask him now. I want to see. Did you mean it, or was he instructed by Deputy Governor Yan? When he came to the capital to attract business, he spoke kindly to our Hong family, saying how to treat us preferentially. When I first arrived in your territory, I was Such bullying, hehe!"

At this point, Xiang Biao could only stiffen his neck and whisper to Mr. Hong: "Mr. Hong, you must be very clear about the nature of what you are doing. Look at the people all over the place. Knife and man, you admit it yourself, these are all yours. If I want to seriously enforce the law, you have to stay in the bureau for a while. Now I am looking at the golden side of Governor Yan, and let me make a difference Already!"

This is to use Mr. Hong's weakness to instigate people to break the law, to suppress him, and to make him calm down.

But Mr. Hong is a person who is used to being arrogant. He is arrogant in the capital, but when he comes to a western province like Xichuan, how can he have any room for others in his eyes?

"Hey!" Mr. Hong sneered and said, "I can't tell you, I'll talk to Deputy Governor Yan!"

Seeing that bald-headed little Fang was still in a daze, he kicked him: "Why are you pretending to be dead? I didn't see you in the fight just now to help! What are you doing there now? Hurry up and call Governor Yan Heping." !"

The bald-headed little Fang let out a hey, quickly took out his cell phone, searched for the phone number, and dialed it.

Seeing that they could talk directly to Vice Governor Yan, Xiang Biao was stunned for a moment, sighed in his heart, and could resign himself to fate.

He could imagine that Vice Governor Yan would definitely scold him when he heard the news.

The bald-headed Xiaofang told Vice Governor Yan about the situation here, and exaggerated the plot of Mr. Hong's beating, saying that Mr. Hong was seriously injured and was going back to the Beijing University Hospital to recuperate. As for the investment, Let's talk about it later!

Xiang Biao was in a daze, and the bald Xiaofang poked his arm, and handed over the phone with a flattering smile: "Xiang Bureau, Vice Governor Yan wants to talk to you."

Xiang Biao took the phone, put it to his ear, and just called out: "Governor Yan."

There was a furious roar from over there: "Xiang Biao, you have eaten the heart of a bear! What did I say just now? You ignored it! Do you think that I am not in charge of politics and law, and I can't control you?" , you don’t like me?”

Xiang Biaolian said: "Don't dare. Governor Yan, I am only acting in accordance with the law and dare not violate your golden life. I think that you are a senior official at the deputy ministerial level and understand the importance of the rule of law better than me. "

"Fart!" Yan Heping was furious: "Don't use this trick to scare me! This project was run down by me, and I negotiated it myself. Governor Han also attaches great importance to this project. It's good for you, You messed up this big project! What do you care about?"

Xiang Biao said: "Governor Yan is serious. I really just act according to the law..."

"Stop talking! Hmph! I'll handle it myself!" Yan Heping hung up the phone without calling.

This investment is a big project that Yan Heping personally led the investment promotion team to the capital city to attract investment after returning from his investigation in the United States.

Although the investment is large, it is only a drop in the bucket for Xichuan Province, but it is of great significance to Yan Heping!

It turns out that the central government recently revealed that it intends to make some adjustments to the Xichuan Provincial Party Committee. The current executive deputy governor is very likely to be transferred to the central ministries and commissions, and another committee will be reused.

The vacated executive vice-governor became a favorite of the crowd.

The executive vice-governor and the vice-governor, although they are both vice-governors, are very different!

The executive deputy governor, that is a high-ranking official, one of the highest-ranking giants in the province!

At this critical juncture, Yan Heping will naturally have to make full achievements in order to improve to a higher level.

And this investment project has become the best stepping stone for Yan Heping to climb up.

Therefore, Yan Heping cannot tolerate the miscarriage of this investment project!

Yan Heping's wife was asleep at first, but was woken up by his loud voice. She rubbed her eyes and asked, "It's so late, where are you going in such a hurry? If you have any work, just ask the people below to do it. You are now He is a provincial and ministerial-level official, so he doesn’t need to do everything himself.”

"What do you know!" Yan Heping was agitated, and his tone became a little more serious. After he finished speaking, he felt a little regretful, so he slowed down his tone and said, "Go to bed first, I'll go out and deal with it, and I'll be back soon, don't wait for me gone."

"Then be careful, it's so late..."

Before Yan Heping arrived, the first responders from No. 1 had already gone upstairs, carrying stretchers and preparing the best first aid equipment.

But Mr. Hong refused to go on the stretcher. He had to wait for Yan Heping to come and watch the police take Li Yi and the others with his own eyes before he could go to the hospital with peace of mind.

What he wants to fight for is not only Song Jia's beauty.More his own dignity.He wanted Li Yi and the others to see his high-spirited side, and let Xiang Biao, the little chief, see his sky-high energy!

This is his face and dignity as the young master of a rich family and the sole heir of Changtian Group!

Yan Heping came soon.

He walked quickly, with long strides.

Xiang Biao went to meet him, but he waved him away.

"Governor Yan, it's so late, I still have to work for you to come here..." Although Xiang Biao is upright, he also knows that he offended Governor Yan today. You have to be soft.

Yan Heping sneered and said, "Good job! I think you are more courageous than the old Hou of the Provincial Public Security Bureau!"

Xiang Biao understood that the old Yu Yan Heping was referring to was Hou Tianwei, the director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau.

Speaking of Hou Tianwei, I have to add a few more words.

Last year, when Hou Tianwei was still the executive deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department, there was a secret battle between Li Yi and Hou Tianwei.

It's a pity that Hou Tianwei was not completely defeated that time.

Afterwards, Hou Tianwei's official career prospered, and he was quickly promoted and promoted to become the chief of the provincial public security department.

"Don't dare, Governor Yan is too serious." Xiang Biao lowered his head.

Yan Heping sneered a few times, and strode up to Mr. Hong.

When Mr. Hong saw Yan Heping coming, he pretended to be sick, clutched his chest, and kept screaming for pain.

Yan Heping didn't know what to do, asked about the injury repeatedly, and asked the medical staff next to him to see Mr. Hong.

It was enough for Mr. Hong to pretend to be home, and he said immediately: "Governor Yan, my father agreed to invest in Xichuan because of his friendship with you, and sent me to sign the investment contract in person. You have been Tell me how safe Xichuan is, that's why I came here alone, who knows, it's a bandit who murdered and set fire!"

Yan Heping's face was ashen, and he said in a deep voice: "Where did the thief come from, and he actually bullied Mr. Hong?"

Satisfied, Mr. Hong pointed to Qian Duo's side: "It's the three of them! Governor Yan, you must make the decision for me!"

Yan Heping only cared about Mr. Hong's injuries, and didn't even look at Qian Duo and the others. He sneered and said, "Xiang Biao, arrest all those murderers who beat people! Interrogate them strictly!"

Xiang Biao did not agree.

The upright female lawyer stood up again and said, "You are the Deputy Governor Yan of the province, right? I have seen your majesty on TV."

Hearing a pleasant female voice, Yan Heping raised his eyes and saw that it was a young and good-looking woman again. His face softened and he said, "Oh, hello."

"Vice Governor Yan," the female lawyer said with a slight smile, "I and many people have seen most of the fight that happened here just now. It was this man surnamed Hong who gathered a group of big men with knives , Surrounding these three people and hacking. The victim should be those three people."

Yan Heping frowned and said, "You only saw one, but not the other. Mr. Hong and the others were just defending themselves! Those three people did the murder!"

"However, those three people are unarmed!" The female lawyer said, "Why don't the assailants carry weapons, but everyone controls knives for self-defense?"

Yan Heping couldn't answer, he became angry with embarrassment, and said, "Who are you? Are you also with the murderer?"

"Vice Governor Yan, you are too serious. I am just a lawyer staying in this hotel. Here is my lawyer's certificate." The female lawyer showed her certificate.

Yan Heping glanced at it, and saw that the other party was indeed a lawyer, and a lawyer from Lingnan Province, and his mood was even worse, thinking why he was afraid of what would happen!It just happened that a lawyer from another province saw what happened, and it was difficult to cover it up!

At this time, a calm and magnetic voice sounded: "Governor Yan, are you all right?"

Yan Heping felt that the voice was very familiar. He turned his head and saw Li Yi, the mayor of Mianzhou, standing beside him, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Comrade Li Yi, why are you here?" Yan Heping frowned, thinking that this is an enemy, how could he appear here by coincidence?

"Oh, I'm one of the parties involved." Li Yi said with a smile: "That's what Mr. Hong said just now, one of the three major murderers."

"Ah?" Yan Heping only felt his head swell a little, and lost his voice: "Are you a murderer?"

Li Yi shrugged: "This is just what Mr. Hong and you said. My real identity is the same as what this female lawyer said. I am just a victim." (To be continued.)

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