Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 636

The female lawyer spoke concisely, and Li Yi quickly understood what was going on.

Like many other inland provinces and cities, many citizens in Mianzhou work in developed coastal cities such as Lingnan.

Those who go out to work are mostly migrant workers, and there are also small groups of farmers who go out to find work.Often a few people go out first to find lucrative jobs, and then recruit friends, relatives and friends. People from a family or even a village form a small circle and work in a certain factory.

The situation that the female lawyer mentioned was a certain village under Mianzhou City.In one village, 36 people work in a company in Lingnan Province.First, a few young people from the village went to Lingnan and found a job, and then they brought along their acquaintances from the village.

This is a processing enterprise that produces asbestos textile products. The workshop environment is not good, and the work intensity is also high, but the wages offered are higher than those of ordinary electronics factories. Young girls want to be brisk, so naturally they don’t want to go to this kind of factory The men who came out of the deep mountains did not have any special skills, so it was difficult to find a suitable job. They felt that the wages in this factory were high, so they went in.

Although the work is hard, the salary is still considerable, and it can be paid on time. During the Chinese New Year and the holidays, there are also some small benefits.

In the first few years, everyone was very happy, looking forward to earning enough money and going home to build a new house.

The first few people who came out to work, earned some money, and when they planned to go home to build a new house, they suddenly felt unwell, with constant coughing and chest pain.They didn't care when they got up, they thought it was a cold, a cold, country people were not so expensive, they just took a piece of cheap cold medicine, covered their heads and slept for a while, and they didn't even think about going to the hospital for an examination.

Afterwards, the cough worsened, the old age continued to take root, and it became difficult to breathe. I was panting after walking a few steps, and I couldn't do heavy physical work at all.

Migrant workers who never knew where the hospital door opened, although their physical condition worsened, they still didn't take it to heart, thinking that they were going home to build a house anyway, so they came home early, recuperating at home while preparing to build house thing.

However, his physical condition deteriorated rapidly, and he died before the house was finished.

The deaths of these few villagers did not attract the attention of the villagers. They thought that everyone had their own fate, and it was their bad fate that they left first.The remaining villagers still work in that asbestos processing factory.

Soon, several elderly middle-aged men began to have symptoms of cough and chest pain. They also returned to their hometowns to recuperate, but the more they took care of, the worse they became.There was a family of children who paid for their father to go to the hospital for a physical examination.

After the hospital diagnosed him, he was told that he had pneumoconiosis, and it was already in the third stage.

It was the first time for the migrant worker brothers to hear that pneumoconiosis existed in the world. Only after the doctor's explanation did they realize the seriousness of the disease.

The doctor told them that most of these diseases are occupational diseases, and they can go to the manufacturer for treatment and compensation.

Dozens of people who went out together in the village started to panic when they heard the news. They all went to the hospital for physical examination and found that patients with different degrees of pneumoconiosis, the mildest one was the first stage, most of the second stage, and several third stage. indivual.

Li Yi sighed softly when he heard this.

The female lawyer said: "It's a pity that although they have worked in the asbestos processing factory for several years, they don't even have a contract, it's just a verbal agreement. It's not easy to find compensation from the manufacturer? I also heard it by accident. The news made me feel that these migrant workers are too pitiful, so I helped them out of righteousness. The lawsuit has been going on for several months, but the negotiations have not been resolved. Some of the migrant workers are in Lingnan, and some can’t stand it anymore, so they returned to their hometown. I came to Xichuan this time. , is to go to the hometowns of these migrant workers to collect more evidence.”

Li Yi said: "You are a good lawyer."

"No matter how difficult it is, I will continue to fight." The female lawyer said, "Do you also think I am a fool? My colleagues say that I have studied law for so many years. I am too stupid and naive. Knowing that I can't do anything Cases that don’t come in handy are still being guarded.”

Li Yi said: "No. I appreciate you very much. On behalf of these dozens of people in Mianzhou, thank you."

The female lawyer said: "Unfortunately, it is really difficult to win this lawsuit. All I can do now is to do my best."

Li Yi pondered: "Although there is no labor contract, it is an indisputable fact that these migrant workers have worked in their asbestos processing factories for so many years. This should be regarded as a factual labor relationship."

The female lawyer asked suspiciously: "A factual labor relationship?"

Li Yidao: "The de facto labor relationship refers to the labor-employment relationship formed without a written contract or without a valid written contract and the labor-employment relationship reached through an oral agreement. The confirmation of a factual labor relationship does not depend on the existence of a written contract, which expands labor protection. The scope is more restrictive for employers who do not sign labor contracts. You are a dignified barrister, why don’t you even know this?”

The female lawyer said: "Mayor Li, the "National Labor Law" implemented in my country since January 1995, 1 only recognizes written labor contracts! The factual labor relationship you mentioned is not recognized by the law."

Li Yi looked astonished, ah ah twice, thinking that his thoughts were ahead of schedule again.

The female lawyer said: "However, I think that the factual labor relationship should have been written into the labor law long ago. As you said just now, the scope of labor protection can be greatly expanded, and employers who do not sign labor contracts have greater benefits. constraint."

She sighed and said, "Unfortunately, it hasn't been written into the labor law yet, so we have nothing to follow."

Li Yi said: "That's unreasonable! Didn't the lives of the migrant workers be sacrificed in vain? These unscrupulous businesses must have premeditated, so they didn't sign a labor contract with the migrant workers!"

The female lawyer said: "Mayor Li, it's no wonder that the migrant workers say you are a good official. It seems that what they said is true."

Li Yi was even more guilty, feeling miserable, shaking his head and not speaking.

Seeing that it was getting late, the female lawyer stood up and said goodbye, saying that she was bothering Mayor Li.

Li Yi got up and took her to the door, saying that if you need anything during your stay in Xichuan, just come to me.

Seeing her walking away, Li Yi remembered that he didn't even ask her name, and thought that what he said just now to ask someone to come to him for something was very perfunctory.I wondered when I became so cruel. When I heard that dozens of peasant brothers were terminally ill, I just let out a sigh and let it go.

He is doing a deep self-examination.I heard a faint voice: "What are you guys talking about? After talking for so long, I'm still reluctant to say goodbye."

Li Yi wanted to laugh, but didn't think about it, turned around and entered the room.

Song Jia pouted angrily, stomped her feet and wanted to go back to the room, after thinking about it, she followed into Li Yi's room.

"What's the matter? You look dejected?" Song Jia asked with her head tilted. Seeing that he only sighed, she joked again: "Is it because he looks beautiful and can't eat it, so he sighed angrily?"

Li Yi said: "I'm not as boring as you think!"

Song Jia said: "What's the matter? She met you by chance, what's there to talk about? We talked for so long."

Li Yi then said what the female lawyer said.

Song Jia let out an ah, saying sorry repeatedly, I misunderstood you.

Li Yi shook his head lightly, and said, "I'm really annoyed, and I'm also lamenting. What annoys me is that I can't help those poor peasant brothers, and what I lament is that I seem to be becoming more and more philistine and indifferent."

Song Jia stretched out her hand, put it on the back of Li Yi's hand, squeezed it lightly, and said, "You don't put too much pressure on yourself, man, you are not the savior, nor the almighty God. There are too many tragedies in the world , you can’t save them one by one.”

Li Yi said: "But these people are all people under my rule in Mianzhou, so I can't ignore them. Song Jia, you are well-informed outside, so give me some advice. Is there any way to help them?"

Song Jia laughed and said, "It depends on how much you can help? If you just want to give them a sum of money, then you can easily do it. But, what's the point of that?"

Li Yi said: "To really help them, the asbestos factory must make corresponding compensation, and the asbestos factory must also bear the corresponding legal responsibilities. More importantly, companies like this should have been closed for rectification long ago, otherwise, It will kill more migrant workers!"

Song Jia said: "However, that company is far away in Lingnan, and you are in Mianzhou, so you can't reach it."

Li Yi said: "If we want to solve this matter satisfactorily, we have to go through legal channels." Suddenly, he thought of his college classmate Wu Zhongwei, and thought that Wu Zhongwei was also a lawyer and had handled many cases. I don't know if he has any construction. suggestion?

It is Li Yi's usual style to act when he thinks about it. He doesn't care what time it is, so he directly calls Wu Zhongwei's mobile phone.

The phone rang for a long time before it was answered.

"Zhongwei, I'm Li Yi."

"Hehe, I know. I was in a drowsy sleep. I picked up the phone and saw that it was your name, so I answered the call. Leader, you are looking for me so late, what instructions do you have?" Wu Zhongwei said in a relaxed tone, With a faint joy, it seems that he was quite happy to receive this call from Li Yi.

Li Yi said: "I have something to trouble you." Then he told about the pneumoconiosis of the migrant workers.

"Without signing a labor contract, this case will be difficult to handle." Wu Zhongwei said.

"It's not difficult to do, and I won't ask you for help. I know you are a well-known barrister now, so you can think of a way out for me!"

Wu Zhongwei pondered for a while, and said: "If this lawsuit must be fought, there is no way out! In 1995, the Ministry of Labor promulgated the "Compensation Measures for Violation of the Labor Law Relevant Labor Contract Provisions", which stipulates that the employer deliberately delays and fails to sign a labor agreement. contract, that is, if the labor contract is deliberately not concluded in accordance with the regulations after recruitment and the labor contract is not renewed in time after the labor contract expires, the laborer shall be compensated for the loss if the laborer is damaged.” (To be continued.)

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