Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 640

The banquet was naturally centered on Li Yi, and everyone took turns to toast to Li Yi.

Li Yi had expected this situation a long time ago, so when the banquet started, he made a rule: "No banquet without wine, I won't talk about big words, drink it, but you can only order it , can’t get drunk.”

Zou Zhijun echoed loudly: "Mayor Li's words are too good! Every day there are big banquets and small banquets, and the stomach has long been ruined by wine. If such a rule is set early, how many excellent cadres' healthy bodies will be saved!"

Hu Weimin and others also nodded and said: "It's good to click as far as it is, it's good to click as far as it can go."

Song Jia said: "Then we have to make a rule, men drink white, women drink red. Men cheer, women can do whatever they want."

Lan Shiyu smiled and said: "Boss Song is right. Let's drink red ones."

Hu Weimin picked up the wine glass and said to Li Yi: "Mayor Li, thank you for your concern and care for Nanhua Company. I respect you for this glass of wine."

Li Yi said: "You can't respect me first, Mr. Song is here! Respect Mr. Song first."

Song Jia said: "I also came to Mianzhou to seek a living, and I will have to rely on Mayor Li to take care of me in the future. I should respect Mayor Li first."

Li Yi said: "Mr. Song, don't be modest, come, I respect you." Pick up the wine glass.

When everyone saw this, she raised their wine glasses, and some even stood up.They just put the cups to their mouths, without drinking first, and looked at Li Yi.

Li Yi picked up the cup and drank it in one gulp.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly finished their work.

Hu Weimin then said that Mayor Li is massive.

Song Jia picked up the glass full of red wine and took a sip.

Li Yi just said that drinking is only done when you order it, but the first glass of wine was completely dry. This made Hu Weimin and the others feel elated, thinking that Li Yi was just verbally strict, but in fact he was also an alcohol test cadre.

There were eight waitresses standing in the small hall, two for each table.Seeing that the guests have drunk wine, they immediately come to pour wine for everyone.

Li Yi felt that these ladies were very tall, so he glanced at them from the corner of his eyes.I found that they were all wearing high buns, elegant and gorgeous red cheongsams, their thighs were splayed high, and they were wearing high heels, making them look slim and tall.

When filling the wine for the guests, they leaned slightly, and they could see the long white legs, and the thighs could almost be seen.

Li Yi smiled and said: "Mr. Lan, all the ladies here can become models!"

Lan Shiyu said: "We are just trying to find ways to serve our guests well."

Li Yi said: "Not to mention Mianzhou, but the whole of Xichuan, you Wancheng can be called this." He gave a thumbs up as he spoke.

Lan Shiyu smiled and said: "It's a pity that there are no reporters present. If there were reporters, what Mayor Li said just now would be enough to make our hotel famous. This is more effective than spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertisements!"

Hu Weimin said: "I don't know how others are, anyway, I will only recognize Boss Lan's hotel from now on."

Others also said: "As long as there is entertainment, I will naturally come to Boss Lan's hotel."

Li Yi said: "Don't worry about talking, everyone, just drink. Don't be reluctant to drink just because this is my treat, for fear that I will be poor."

Everyone was holding back their laughter, but they looked at Li Yi, seeing that Li Yi was laughing first, they coaxed out the laughter they had been holding back for a long time.

Although there were many people who came, they were not familiar with each other, and Li Yi was hindered, he was not sure about his character, and they were very restrained with each other. After the smile just now, the atmosphere at the scene immediately improved a lot.

Zou Zhijun picked up his glass and said, "Mayor Li, I've wanted to toast you a long time ago. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. If I do, you can do whatever you want."

Li Yi picked up his glass and touched Zou Zhijun's wine glass lightly in the air.

The rim of Zou Zhijun's cup was originally held a little high, so he quickly pressed his hand to lower the rim of the cup to Li Yi's.Then Grandpa started and drank it dry in one gulp.

Li Yi only drank half a cup this time, and then put it down.

Hu Weimin rushed to toast just now, but was distracted by Li Yi's words.He realized immediately afterwards that he was too impatient and took the lead from others. Even if he toasted, it would not be Hu Weimin's turn for the first time.He couldn't compete with Zou Zhijun, nor could he compete with Song Jia and Lan Shiyu.

After these people had finished toasting, Hu Weimin held up the wine glass. He wanted to be the first to toast to Li Yi before other business owners toasted.He said to Li Yi again: "Mayor Li, I would like to toast you, thank you for the long-term care and care of our Nanhua Company."

Li Yi picked up the cup this time and accepted his toast, but only took a sip and didn't drink much.

Next, other business owners took turns to toast Li Yi.

Li Yi also just took a sip symbolically.

He wants everyone to understand that each of them has a place.

Zou Zhijun has the highest official rank and is the closest to Li Yi. Li Yi has a drink.Song Jia was the God of Wealth invited by Li Yi, and he drank half a cup.Others he just took a sip, the meaning of this, needless to say, is naturally revealed.

In fact, Li Yi is not a person who likes to put on airs, but the prestige of officials is reflected through official authority and rank. How does it feel different?

In front of these business owners, Li Yi thinks it's better to put on airs.

Sure enough, the smiles on everyone's faces became more sincere and flattering, as if it was an honor to sit and have a glass of wine with Mayor Li.

The lady came to refill the wine again.

Li Yi sat still, but flicked his right hand, gently covered his wine glass with the palm of his hand, and said, "Don't add it to me, I have something to do tonight."

But the lady's hand was still a little faster, and the wine bottle tipped over, pouring out a little wine, which sprinkled on the back of Li Yi's hand.

"I'm sorry!" Miss panicked, no longer elegant.

Li Yi said, "It's okay."

Song Jia next to her instinctively wanted to take out a tissue to wipe Li Yi's hands. The moment she raised her hand, she realized that she was a distinguished guest from Mianzhou City. How could she help Li Yi do this kind of thing?He naturally held his hand on the wine glass, held it up, took a sip and put it down again.

The lady was still apologizing, Lan Shiyu calmly took out a tissue, grabbed Li Yi's hand, and carefully wiped off the alcohol on the back of his hand. The mayor changed another wine glass." He laughed and said: "Mayor Li's might is too powerful, when the little girls saw it, they couldn't stand it, and they panicked."

Everyone laughed and said yes, it was Mayor Li's charm that attracted the wine.

After toasting Li Yi, Zou Zhijun and Song Jia were also toasted, and finally the business owners toasted each other.

After a few rounds of drinking, someone suggested: "Alcohol is boring, let's tell some jokes and adjust it!"

Zou Zhijun said: "There is a lady present, so don't say too explicit jokes."

Lan Shiyu smiled and said: "I don't care. I'm messing around in this scene. What kind of jokes haven't I heard? Mr. Song is also a big shot, well-informed, so she probably won't care."

Song Jia said, "Everyone can do whatever they want."

With beauties around, men's interest can be aroused, otherwise, what's the fun of a bunch of old men sitting together and telling dirty jokes?

Everyone said: "Mayor Li please come first!"

Li Yi knew that he couldn't hide, and he also wanted to mobilize the atmosphere, so he said something casually: "The female deputy director accompanied the director to the banquet. During the banquet, the director said: 'The director usually worked as a deputy director!' Everyone Eye-popping! The female deputy director replied wittily: 'To be precise, the directors are all born (promoted) by the deputy director.'”

Everyone laughed loudly, and some people applauded desperately, saying that Mayor Li is too good, and the jokes he uttered are both elegant and vulgar, which are thought-provoking and close to life.Let me ask Secretary-General Zou to say one more thing.

Zou Zhijun waved his hand, saying that he couldn't speak, but couldn't refuse again and again, so he said with a smile: "I'll just tell a joke I heard from the wine table! A certain director was giving a report in shorts, and when he got excited, he put his feet on the stool At the meeting, he accidentally exposed his butt, and the audience was in an uproar! He thought he had done a good job in the report, and everyone was excited, so they said: "Comrades! This is the head, and there is still growth in the back!""

Everyone was slightly taken aback, and then burst into laughter, saying that Secretary-General Zou spoke really well and his level was really high.

Everyone invites Mr. Song to come again.

Song Jia refused, saying that she would just listen to what everyone said.

Li Yi knew that Song Jia was actually good at telling jokes, but she seldom said it in public, so he played the paddock for her: "Mr. If the bubble is big, there must be a lot of jokes."

Everyone immediately shifted their firepower, and asked Lan Shiyu to say something.

Lan Shiyu was not too polite, and said with a smile: "There are so many leaders present, so I will venture to say something to make fun of it. I heard it too, and I don't know if you have heard it? Talk about a bureau chief's family banquet, sister-in-law Helping to serve the dishes, a customer made a bet that if you touched my sister-in-law's milk and I drank a glass of wine, the two sides really fulfilled their promise. Unexpectedly, the sister-in-law said, brother-in-law, you keep putting your hand on it and drink him to death!"

Everyone screamed even more, saying that this is good, it's wonderful, and some people shouted for another one.

Lan Shiyu waved his hands and said, "Everyone, everyone, say it."

Li Yi looked at Hu Weimin and said, "Comrade Weimin, I think you drink the most, and you must have the most jokes in your belly. Tell me something different and listen."

Hu Weimin was honored to be named by Li Yi, his face glowed red, he wiped his oily thick lips, and said: "I dare not fight in front of the leaders, but Mayor Li named me." , then I’ll tell you one. It’s an old joke. It’s about the production team killing geese to celebrate the New Year. The team leader writes a notice and writes the goose characters too scattered, and it becomes the following: “Men kill my birds in the afternoon, Women pluck my bird feathers, and at night men, young and old, come to eat my bird meat! You can also eat my bird eggs!'”

This guy does have a way of telling jokes, and what's even better is that when he tells them, he is serious and never laughs, which makes it more comical.Before he finished speaking, the listeners had already burst into laughter. (To be continued.)

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