Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 648

The participants sat down in the conference room, and the formal meeting began.

Zhang Zhenghua went straight to the point and said, "Comrades, everyone is invited to discuss an important matter."

Li Yi had a hunch that what Zhang Zhenghua was going to discuss today must be the investment and construction of the hotel by Nanhua Company.

Sure enough, Zhang Zhenghua coughed lightly and said, "Comrade Hu Weimin of Nanhua Company submitted a report to me. Some comrades here may already know the content of this report, and some comrades have not heard of it. Let’s take a look at the report first, and we’ll discuss it later.”

The meeting recorder is still Huang Shang.

Huang Chang's current situation is a bit embarrassing.

Everyone in the municipal committee knew that she was close to mayor Li, but her job was with the municipal committee.

Zhang Zhenghua, who is fighting openly and secretly with Li Yi, can accommodate Li Yi's people beside the couch?

But Huang Chang was like a normal person, and continued to be her job, working when it was time to work, resting when it was time to rest, never paying attention to the strange eyes of other comrades, and never participating in the so-called political battles of others.

With the strengthening of Zhang Zhenghua's strength in the city, all the staff in Mianzhou City have a sense of standing in line.Are you on the side of Mayor Li, or on the side of Secretary Zhang?Many people are struggling and watching.

Many people have asked Huang Chang which side she is on.

Huang Chang replied with a smile, saying that he had a low position and didn't know why he stood in line?I only know how to work hard and not get involved with other things.

The man explained to her what it was like to stand in line.

Huang Chang said, that's all the business of senior leaders. What does fighting between gods have to do with ass people like us?

Even though she said so, in her heart, she already regarded herself as Li Yi's person.

Not only the so-called platoon issue, but also the dual belonging of spirit and body!

However, since the relationship between the two has further developed, it has suddenly entered a cooling stage. Li Yi's attitude towards her is sometimes cold and sometimes hot.

She didn't go to Li Yi either, she was as smart as she was, so she naturally understood the truth: what was rushed to the door was not for business, but because it was easy to get, she just looked at it casually.

Li Yi was sitting not far from her. When she looked up, she could see his handsome body and sharp-edged face.

But when Li Yi's eyes occasionally turned to her, Huang Chang just pretended not to see her and waited in silence.

"Has everyone finished watching?" Zhang Zhenghua finished smoking a cigarette and laughed.

Everyone said it was over.

Zhang Zhenghua said: "In the report, there is a good sentence. Since Comrade Li Yi became the mayor of Mianzhou, the situation has been very good. With the development of tourism and high-tech zones, our city will usher in a peak of economic development! Corresponding , the number of people who come to our city for tourism and business trips will also increase immediately. Although Hu Weimin is not very good at speaking, this article is really beautifully written!"

Li Yi listened and sneered in his heart.

First of all, who doesn't know how many of the so-called reports and materials were drafted by the leaders themselves?Isn't it all written by the secretary and the pen in the office?It is also impossible for this report to come from Hu Weimin.

Secondly, Hu Weimin's mouth is so brilliant, why can't he speak?

This report was handed over to Zhang Zhenghua for review, but it praised Li Yi's political achievements!This is somewhat unreasonable.

Li Yi thought to himself, Zhang Zhenghua probably asked Hu Weimin to add this passage, and the purpose was naturally to show Li Yi's favor, so that Li Yi would not make too many obstacles in the discussion of this report.

This is a subtle means of communication, and it is difficult for ordinary people to think of the profound content contained in it.

Li Yi sees it very clearly, so he is not complacent about being touted.

Even Cao Wenzhang, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, actually said good things about Li Yi: "The achievements made by Mayor Li are obvious to all. If it continues to develop at this speed, within two years, the economic momentum of Mianzhou will be close to [-]%. Surpass Jincheng and become the number one in Xichuan!"

When Cao Wenwen said this, his face was expressionless, and he couldn't tell that he was praising Li Yi from the bottom of his heart.

Everyone knows that Jincheng is the capital city of Xichuan Province, which occupies the right time, place and people, and its economic aggregate is far ahead in Xichuan Province.Although Mianzhou has made considerable progress, it is very difficult to catch up with Jincheng.To a sensible person, such words are not flattery at all, but teasing!

Zhuang Chuanlin, the deputy secretary, smiled: "Yeah, since Mayor Li came, Mianzhou City has changed every day, a small change in three days, a big change in ten days, and changes. It will definitely be better than Jincheng. !"

This sounded even more unpleasant.

Li Yi just laughed it off.

All the people in the Zhang family have sung praises for Li Yi. In the past, this was something that was unimaginable. Even if it was spread, outsiders would probably not believe it, right?

Zhang Zhenghua laughed and said, "Mianzhou's development situation is very good, and the city's infrastructure and service facilities should be upgraded accordingly. I think it is extremely necessary to build one more star hotel in Mianzhou! Hotel The future is definitely optimistic and predictable!"

Now, even Comrade Huang Shang, the cold-eyed onlooker, could hear the smell.

Zhang Zhenghua and the others sang together for the purpose of facilitating the Nanhua Company's report!They flattered Li Yi, but also to get Li Yi to agree!

Wen Honghua, the head of the organization, did not speak. She sat quietly and listened to the high-spirited talks of several elders.

Zhang Zhenghua smiled and asked, "Mayor Li, why don't you express your opinion too!"

However, Li Yi talked about him from left to right: "Secretary Zhang, there is a situation that I have always wanted to report to you. Let me take this opportunity to talk about it today!"

Zhang Zhenghua asked kindly, "What's the matter?"

Li Yi said: "We have dozens of migrant workers in Guting County, who work in an asbestos processing factory in Lingnan Province. Recently, it was found that each of them was suffering from pneumoconiosis to varying degrees. Several of them died of severe illness. "

"Oh?" Zhang Zhenghua said: "Pneumoconiosis? This is the first time I've heard of it. Is it an occupational disease?"

Wen Honghua was very moved and said: "Pneumoconiosis? That's terrible! Pneumoconiosis is caused by long-term inhalation of production dust and dust in professional activities, which stays in the lungs and cannot be excreted from the body, resulting in fibrosis and scarring of lung tissue. Well, this is a systemic disease, once a patient gets this disease, it will be extremely painful and difficult to treat."

Li Yi said: "Minister Wen is very knowledgeable!"

Wen Honghua said: "My mother is a doctor. She has been in contact with pneumoconiosis patients, told us about this disease, and told us to avoid excessive exposure to dust and dust in our work and life."

Zhang Zhenghua said: "Since it is an occupational disease, it should seek compensation from the manufacturer!"

Li Yi repeated what Lawyer Ding Xiang said to him, specifically mentioning the difficulties of migrant workers in defending their rights, and finally said: "Can our government provide them with appropriate help?"

Zhang Zhenghua pondered: "Social problems should be left to them to solve by themselves. Our government is not omnipotent. Migrant workers should go to the factory to claim compensation. What our government can do is very limited, and the government cannot pay for compensation." Give it to them? We don't have this spare money, and Lingnan Province can't compensate the company."

Li Yi frowned and said, "Material help is not necessarily necessary. I think, should we send a few people to Lingnan Province to negotiate with the local government and help Lawyer Ding to implement migrant workers as soon as possible?" Compensation matters. Money is still a trivial matter, what matters is that these pneumoconiosis patients cannot afford to delay, and the longer they delay, the less chance they will survive.”

Zhang Zhenghua said: "This is a trivial matter! Comrade Li Yi, you can send two comrades to visit Lingnan Province. Let's continue discussing the major issue of building a hotel!"

Dozens of human lives, in Zhang Zhenghua's eyes, are nothing more than trivial matters.He also thinks it is right to spend tens of millions to build a hotel, but he is crying poor if he has to spend money on medical treatment for the people.

Li Yi lit a cigarette, took a puff, and slowly exhaled a smoke ring.

He rarely smokes in meetings because he is strict with himself. Although he cannot ban everyone from smoking in public places, he still tries to lead by example.But today, he couldn't help but suck it up.

What he was thinking about was not the major event of building a hotel, but just those migrant workers who were desperately waiting for rescue!

Suddenly, Li Yi felt how boring and useless it was to sit here and have this kind of meeting!

Officials are not discussing for the national economy and the people's livelihood, but racking their brains for calculations and schemes for their own interests.

"I think it is absolutely possible to build a hotel!" Zhuang Chuanlin squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "It is also necessary to adapt to the reform and development by pushing the original old guest house and building a four-star hotel."

Cao Wenwen said: "There is no four-star hotel in Mianzhou, and it is the right time for Nanhua Company to fill this gap. I agree with Comrade Hu Weimin's idea!"

Seeing that Li Yi didn't speak, Wen Honghua expected that he disagreed in his heart, and knew that it was inconvenient for Li Yi to refuse, so she mused and said: "I have always talked about the separation of government and enterprises, but now the report of Nanhua Company is Submit it to the city for discussion. Are we taking too much control? Whether Nanhua Company wants to tear down the old guest house or build a four-star hotel, these are all internal affairs of their company, and there is no need for the government to intervene."

Zhang Zhenghua immediately retorted: "Minister Wen, you are wrong to say that. Nanhua Company is still our municipal enterprise. How can the government ignore it? Nanhua Company does not have enough funds. If they don't find Zhengfu, who will they turn to?"

Wen Honghua said: "They can find a way to solve it by themselves, they can go to the bank for a loan."

Zhang Zhenghua said: "What's the difference between looking for a bank and looking for a government axe?"

Li Yi, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: "Building a star hotel, yes! Is it too small for a four-star hotel? Just, once the surname is in place, come to a five-star hotel!" (To be continued.)

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