Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 650 Resolutely Oppose!

After Li Yi finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Zhenghua with a smile and asked, "Secretary Zhang, what do you think of my suggestion?"

Zhang Zhenghua groaned and said, "Comrade Li Yi's suggestion is very useful. However, I'm afraid it doesn't fit the actual situation of Nanhua Company."

Li Yi said: "I think it is very suitable for Nanhua Company, Secretary Chuan Lin, what do you think?"

Zhuang Chuanlin shouted twice, and said, "I'm actually not very good at economics, so let Secretary Zhang make up his mind on this!"

Zhang Zhenghua glanced at Zhuang Chuanlin angrily, then waved his hand vigorously, and said, "Let's put this matter on hold for now! There is nothing else to do in today's secretary meeting, so let's go here!"

Li Yi smiled slightly and said, "Wait, Secretary Zhang, since everyone is sitting together, I have a few more things to discuss together!"

Although Zhang Zhenghua was unhappy, he could only wait for Li Yi to finish speaking.

Li Yi said: "Let's discuss the case of migrant workers suffering from pneumoconiosis. Is there a better solution? I was thinking just now that there are not a few migrant workers in Mianzhou City, and we need help." I'm afraid it's not just these pneumoconiosis patients. If I hadn't met Lawyer Ding by accident, I wouldn't have known about this matter. It is conceivable that there must be many injustices among the people, but they can't be passed on to us. It’s just that our ears can’t get into our eyes.”

Zhang Zhenghua sneered: "Comrade Li Yi, everyone knows that you love the people like a son, but you don't have to act like this? You mean that our government should take the initiative to go out and seek justice for the people under our rule?"

Li Yi said: "Secretary Zhang understands what I mean. There is a very good word in your words just now, that is, to rule the people. The people in Mianzhou are the objects of our service. Those who have left Mianzhou to wander outside , is also the object of our service.”

Zhang Zhenghua said: "We are in charge of the area of ​​Mianzhou. We have a duty to intervene in what happened on this land. Of course, those migrant workers have left Mianzhou. They should be under the jurisdiction of the local government. If you have any doubts and difficulties, you should also go to the local government. We are beyond our reach."

Li Yi said: "Small things, of course, are resolved by the local government. But there are some problems that the people have nowhere to ask for, so we should take care of them."

Zhang Zhenghua said: "If the people really have any difficult problems, they will naturally think of asking the government for help. Now that no one has come to the door, why should we bother and ask for trouble?"

Wen Honghua said: "I think what Mayor Li said just now is quite like an ancient benevolent official. It is difficult for the common people to find a government axe, but the door of the government axe is too deep. Ordinary people, even if they have a big difficulty , I’m afraid I wouldn’t even think of asking Zheng Fu for help.”

Zhang Zhenghua frowned and said, "Minister Wen, are you criticizing our government for being divorced from the masses?"

Wen Honghua said: "Whether the government is divorced from the masses is not up to me. It should be judged by the masses themselves. But I think Mayor Li's suggestion is very reasonable. The fact now is that the young and middle-aged people in the countryside Most of the laborers have gone to other places to work. This is a huge group! Since the government serves the people, the people working in other places should also be the objects of our service. It is also necessary to give some care and help appropriately. It should be. If Secretary Zhang thinks that I am wrong to think so, then I really don’t know how to express it.”

Zhang Zhenghua said: "Then let's talk about how to give some care and help to these Mianzhou people who are in other places?"

Li Yi said: "This time, our municipal party committee and municipal axe should do our best to help those pneumoconiosis patients so that they can get the compensation they deserve and the most effective treatment as soon as possible! Moreover, the whole incident process must be made public, and the people of Mianzhou must understand that no matter what Wherever they are, as long as they encounter difficulties that are difficult to solve, they can turn to the government for help!"

Zhang Zhenghua said: "This is fine! I have agreed just now, and you will be responsible for this matter."

Li Yidao: "In addition, I suggest that an office for migrant workers be added, which will be located under the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to serve migrant workers in our city."

Zhang Zhenghua said: "Isn't there already an Employment Bureau and a Labor Service Development Office under the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau? To set up another office for migrant workers, wouldn't it be a duplicate setup?"

Li Yidao: "Governmental institutions serve the society, and should be changed accordingly with changes in society. Some institutions no longer adapt to the development of the times, so they should be reduced or merged. With the emergence of new social problems , we should also add new government agencies. The Employment Bureau and the Labor Service Development Office, to put it bluntly, are just organizations that introduce jobs and export labor, but after the labor goes out, they don’t care about it. Whether they live or die, how much money they make a month, whether they are doing well or not, all of them have nothing to do with them anymore."

Zhang Zhenghua said: "Then the marriage agency only cares about introductions and blind dates, but they can't arrange to have children, they have to make children, right?"

Everyone let out a chuckle.

Cao Wenwen and Zhuang Chuanlin laughed wantonly, as if they had heard the funniest joke of the year.

Li Yi still had a serious expression on his face, and said: "The government is not a marriage agency. We are not old men and matchmakers! We not only manage the lives of the people, but also their deaths, and their marriages! Otherwise, the family planning Why should the government take care of people’s childbirth? Why does the law enact late marriage and childbearing? Why does the Civil Affairs Bureau take care of people’s cremation after death?”

As soon as these words came out, those laughter froze in the air, and they wanted to stop it but couldn't take it back in embarrassment.

Huang Chang cheered secretly when he heard it, and really wanted to applaud Li Yi!With a few words, Zhang Zhenghua's criticism was pushed back, and Zhang Zhenghua's family was slapped with a shadowless palm!

Zhang Zhenghua had no choice but to agree with Li Yi's suggestion, and said: "Then set up an office for migrant workers! This is your government organization, and the settings below the department level, you can decide!"

Li Yidao: "The establishment of an organization must involve the deployment of personnel. This requires the participation of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee. The establishment of a new organization must deal with the broad masses of the people. This is also inseparable from the cooperation of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee. This is our municipal Party committee. Axes work together."

Zhang Zhenghua said with a smile: "I have thought about it carefully, and I think Comrade Li Yi's suggestion is very solid and meets the development needs of the current situation. I completely agree with it!"

Li Yi said: "There is another organization that should be added."

Zhang Zhenghua laughed and said: "It seems that Comrade Li Yi came prepared! What else is there to say?"

Li Yi said: "The development and influence of the high-tech zone is expanding day by day. Computers and the Internet, as a new science and brand-new application, will soon enter thousands of households, but our city has not yet communicated with it. Corresponding management agencies and departments. This is not conducive to our establishment of Western Silicon Valley."

Zhang Zhenghua said: "Isn't there a special management department in the high-tech zone? Will there be any additional institutions?"

Li Yidao: "I think we should also set up a special Internet management office. This is what we should have in developing high-tech in the west."

Zhang Zhenghua said: "The cadres in our Mianzhou have been almost reduced by you. Basically, there is one carrot and one pit. Now you want to set up this organization and that department. Where do you deploy the manpower?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "When it is time to reduce, of course it will be reduced, and the number of people who should be increased must be increased. If there is not enough manpower, we can openly recruit!"

Zhang Zhenghua's eyes lit up, good job recruiting!This is a human matter!It's up to my old Zhang to take care of it!

"Okay!" Zhang Zhenghua replied straightforwardly: "You have always been in charge of the work of the high-tech zone. Since you think it should be increased, then you can increase it! I fully support it!"

Li Yi originally thought that Zhang Zhenghua would be in a difficult situation with him in these matters, but he never expected that he was so easy to talk, and he agreed to everything in a few words, which was a bit unexpected.

"There is one more thing, I think, it's time to put it on the agenda." Li Yi said slowly.

Zhang Zhenghua packed up the documents on the table, and was about to say a few words of concluding remarks before leaving. Hearing that Li Yi had something to say, he asked, "Comrade Li Yi, do you have anything else to do?"

Li Yi said: "What I said earlier are all small things, but what I will talk about later is the big things."

Zhang Zhenghua snorted, thinking that such a big thing is a small thing?I really don't know what big things you're going to say!

Li Yi paused, then said in a deep voice: "I suggest that all schools in the city, from districts, counties, towns and villages, have to conduct a building quality inspection."

Zhang Zhenghua blinked and said, "What?"

Li Yidao: "The quality of housing construction will degrade with time and environmental changes. For the sake of the majority of minors, we should discover and report the changes in the quality of school buildings in a timely manner, and maintain and strengthen them."

Zhang Zhenghua said: "Comrade Li Yi, this is a good school, why are you checking them?"

Li Yi said: "I have been to many schools and found that most of the school buildings are very old, and some have become dangerous buildings! This is very detrimental to the safety of teachers and students in the school."

Zhang Zhenghua shook his head and said, "Even if it is found out, so what?"

Li Yi said heavily: "Renovation, even reconstruction!"

Zhang Zhenghua widened his eyes and said, "What? Comrade Li Yi, do you know what you are talking about?"

Li Yi said: "I didn't speak a foreign language!"

Cao Wenwen sneered and said, "Mayor Li, if there are so many schools in the city, how much money will it cost to renovate or rebuild them all? Do we have so much spare money in our city?"

Li Yi said: "This is not a question of whether you have spare money or not. This is something that must be done! No matter how difficult our city's finances are, we must borrow money to carry out this work!"

Zhang Zhenghua said with a stern face, "I disagree! I firmly oppose it!" (To be continued.)

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