Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 654

With Wen Yuxi's care, the pneumoconiosis case got the fastest trial.The court ultimately ruled against the asbestos processing plant.

When other workers in the factory saw that the people from Mianzhou had won the lawsuit, they all appealed, and they all won the lawsuit in the end.

All migrant workers have received due compensation, and those workers who died have also received compensation.

The workers' families in Mianzhou City sent the silk banner to the municipal axe.

Li Yi didn't show up, and Gao Tianzhen accepted the pennant.

The construction of the cultural square in the center of Mianzhou has been negotiated and signed.

At the foundation laying ceremony of the Cultural Square, Xichuan Provincial Party Committee Secretary Feng Changjian, Governor Han Tielin and other provincial leaders were invited to attend the ribbon-cutting event.

After the event, leaders of the Provincial Party Committee had a cordial and friendly meeting with Mr. Song of Sihai Group. Feng Changjian strongly praised Sihai Group for investing in Xichuan, and welcomed Sihai Group to visit Xichuan and other urban areas. There are more investment opportunities waiting for them.

Song Jia took advantage of the situation and pointed out that the Four Seas Group had long thought of Jincheng City to invest in real estate development, and took a fancy to a piece of land. I don't know if Xichuan Province has any preferential measures.

Li Yi heard it clearly from the side, wondering which piece of land Song Jia has taken a fancy to?

Feng Changjian immediately stated that as long as it is a land that the Four Seas Group is interested in, it will be given priority and enjoy various preferential policies for commercial investment.

Song Jia then told the scope of the land.

Others are okay, but Li Yi frowned after hearing this. It turned out that what Song Jia was talking about was the piece of land under Jinguan Mountain that the Blue Sky Group and Gao Liang were fighting for!

After learning that the land was really Gao Liang's favorite, Li Yi approached Lan Shiyu and Song Jia, saying that the land was just so-so, and he could find another better location.

I promised well before, why did you bring it up now?Isn't this dismantling the highlighted platform?

In front of so many faces, it's not easy for Li Yi to say anything to her, so he can only let the situation develop.

Feng Changjian just made a promise, so he will naturally not backtrack now, and immediately decides that the province will make the decision to hand over the land in Jinguan Mountain to the Sihai Group for development.

Li Yi yelled inwardly. Gao Liang approached the relevant leaders of Jincheng City to communicate, while Song Jia contacted the provincial government directly.

Jincheng agreed to Gao Liang, but the province agreed to Song Jia!

It is conceivable that the piece of land in Jinguan Mountain will be taken away by Song Jia!

Then, Gao Liang's busy days are all in vain.How could he and his partner be willing?

Song Jia's wonderful eyes, occasionally passed over, met Li Yi's eyes, gave a mischievous smile, and then ignored him.

After the meeting, Li Yi and other leaders of the municipal party committee respectfully sent the provincial leaders back.

After dealing with the matter, Li Yi found Song Jia, and asked in a deep voice: "Didn't I tell you? We don't want the land under Jinguan Mountain! Jincheng has a lot of land, why do you want that land?"

Song Jia laughed and said, "I knew you would be anxious!"

Li Yi said: "You don't know, someone already wants that land!"

Song Jia said: "I know someone wants it, Gao Liang, the son of Gao Hongye, secretary of the provincial party committee, right?"

Li Yi said: "You know everything?"

Song Jia said: "Boss Lan and I have been to Jincheng, and we understand it clearly! I also know that you are very familiar with that Deputy Secretary Gao! That's why you want to sell him a huge favor and persuade me He Lan gave up that piece of land."

Li Yi said: "It's good if you know it, so I won't waste my time talking. Neither you nor Mr. Lan can touch this land."

"Why!" Song Jia pouted, "Mr. Lan and I went to Jincheng to see it. The whole Jincheng City is just the land under Jinguan Mountain! We are determined to win it."

Li Yi said: "Hey, you have learned to resist! You don't listen to me, do you?"

Song Jia said: "If it's right, I'll listen to it. If it's not right, of course I won't listen. Could it be that if you tell me to sleep with others, I'll listen to you too? Hmph!"

Li Yi yelled: "Reverse, reverse! I have used so many people, and this is the first time I have seen you so disobedient!"

Song Jia said: "Since you have used me, you should have known my temper and personality long ago! I seldom change things that I have determined. Why let someone else develop such a good land? He is a member of the provincial government. The secretary’s son, can he grab Mr. Lan’s land? If I have the ability, I can also grab his! If he is really capable, he can take it back from me! I don’t like the kind of second-generation official group."

Li Yi said: "Do you think that if you seize that land, you can continue to develop and operate it with peace of mind? You don't even think about it, as long as Gao Hongye is still in power, Gao Liang can kill you at any time! The money you invested in , it’s just a waste of time!”

Song Jia said: "Why are you afraid of him? Doesn't he just have a father who is an official? Now those who are high officials, it is difficult to know what will happen tomorrow. Who knows if he will still be in office tomorrow? If he is really capable, he will be upright Come and grab it from us! Mr. Lan and I have to settle for that piece of land! Since you entrusted Four Seas to my management, you should listen to me!"

Li Yi was really confused, pointed at her and said: "Okay, you think you are number one in the world, don't you? Don't forget, your status today is all given to you by me! I call you If you have it, you have it, if I tell you that you have no one, you have nothing!"

Song Jia bit her lip and said with grievance: "Very well, have you finally spoken your heartfelt words? Why? You don't want to use me anymore, do you? You don't want to use me. As long as you say a word, I will leave immediately! Where is the end of the world?" Don't leave me?"

Li Yi shook his fingers and said: "Okay, very good! This is you who I am used to! You go! The Four Seas Group doesn't need you, are you afraid that I can't find someone to take care of it for me?"

Song Jia looked at Li Yi in a daze, then turned her head away suddenly, and said, "Li Yi, you hate you!"

The conversation between the two of them took place in Li Yi's office.

Tian Hua was sitting outside, vaguely hearing the quarrel inside, but he didn't dare to go in casually, seeing Song Jia running out with tears streaming down his face, he got up quickly and shouted: "Mr. Song!"

Song Jia didn't even look at him, she just went out and left.

Tian Hua walked to the door of the office and glanced into the office, only to see Li Yi standing angrily with his hips akimbo, his eyes bulging round.

"Mayor Li, do you want to go after Mr. Song?" Tian Hua asked cautiously.

Li Yi waved his hand, and Tian Hua closed the door and sat back.

"What's wrong with me?" Li Yi touched his face, sat down on the chair, and asked himself in a daze.

To be honest, there was nothing wrong with Song Jia's actions. She skillfully took advantage of the province's eagerness to attract investment, and took over the land under Jinguan Mountain in one fell swoop. The successful sniping of Gao Liang can be said to be a model of business success!

And the piece of land under Jinguan Mountain is indeed a good piece of land. In the entire Jinzhou City, I am afraid that such a good piece of land will never be found again.After a few years, the house price of this land will at least double by more than ten times!Investing here is the best choice!

Blue Sky Group took a fancy to this land, Gao Liang also took a fancy to this land, Li Yi and Song Jia also fell in love with this land!

Gao Liang snatched it from Lan Shiyu, and Song Jia snatched it from Gao Liang again!

If it was only independently developed by the Four Seas Group, the situation would be even better, because Gao Liang would not think that there was anything wrong with it, and the strength of the Four Seas Group is well known, and it was defeated by the Four Seas. Gao Liang and his partner People can only admit that they are unlucky.

However, Li Yi agreed to Lan Shiyu again, and the Blue Sky Group and the Four Seas Group will develop that land together!

In this way, the situation becomes complicated!

What would Gao Liang think when they found out?He must have thought that Lan Shiyu had joined forces with the Four Seas Group and put them together!Can he not hold a grudge?Can you not use a little trick?

In the final analysis, it was Li Yi who was wrong.

He is the one who wins over Lan Shiyu and Song Jia, and wants to sell favors to Gao Hongye!

What makes Li Yi angry the most is not all of this. To Li Yi, losing a piece of land is just a piece of cake. Even if Gao Liang is really offended, it will hardly affect the relationship between the Li family and Gao Hongye. relation.

What made Li Yi angry was that Song Jia had made her own decision, and instead of discussing it with him, she decided to take the land from the provincial party committee!After that, he refused to admit the mistakes he had made and argued with him.

After many years of being an official, especially the establishment of a huge wealth empire, Li Yi has long been turned into a domineering leader in a subtle way!

He can't allow failure, and he can't tolerate his subordinates not obeying his orders!

What he wants is a kind of absolute obedience, as if he is the master of the entire universe, and he wants the wind to be the wind, and the rain to be the rain.

The other people who followed Li Yi were indeed acting according to his ideas. When they saw him, they all nodded and bowed in flattery.

Only Song Jia is an exception.

In her eyes, Li Yi is just an ordinary person!

Even if you are the boss, you can't control my thoughts!

And Li Yi was irritated by this behavior.

"Hey!" After Li Yi calmed down, he quickly figured out these principles.

He was deeply annoyed.

What a beautiful Sonja, she has a heart of gold!

Only Song Jia made Li Yi feel that he was just a mortal, not a god.

He took out his mobile phone and called Song Jia, but the phone was turned off.

"She's going, I'm afraid she's really going to leave me." Li Yi suddenly didn't have any thoughts on work anymore. In his eyes, the reports and documents all over the table became contorted, as if they weren't real. object image.

He violently pushed away everything in front of him, stood up, and went out with his hands.

Tian Hua stood up and called Mayor Li.

Li Yi waved his hand: "You don't have to follow me."

Tian Hua responded respectfully.

Li Yi went downstairs, drove the car alone, and searched for that beautiful figure in the streets and alleys of Jinzhou City aimlessly.

After searching for more than two hours, Song Jia was still not found.

He found the office of the Four Seas Group in Mianzhou, and the people there told him that he hadn't seen Mr. Song since the foundation laying ceremony.

There is always someone who is always by your side, you never know how precious she is, and one day, when she leaves you, you realize how important she is.But you can't find her anymore. (To be continued.)

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