Chapter 67 Heart of the World

This is very insidious. Although Li Yi was not explicitly accused, Li Yi's name was written on the back of the report, and anyone with a discerning eye could understand it at a glance.Many members of the Standing Committee who don't know Li Yi have a preconceived notion that Li Yi is really a corrupt official.

Of course Wen Yuxi understood why Cao Yongtai was like this. He frowned slightly with his thick eyebrows and said, "Li Yi, I know him very well. It was he who suggested to me when we established the Water Supervision Office. I thought this report was very good. , told the facts, presented the data, and made it clear at a glance! He also proposed ten rectification measures, each of which is feasible."

Members of the Standing Committee have noticed that when Wen Yuxi talked about Li Yi, he did not use the ordinary "comrade" but "child"!The implication is quite intriguing.

Cao Yongtai, an old fox, put aside the report, only grasped Li Yi's shortcomings, and said with a smile: "Young people, it's hard to be superficial. No matter how good the report is, it's just talk on paper! How does he know the actual situation in our province? He Do you think you can understand the situation by running around? One more thing, young people have a problem, that is, they can’t stand the temptation! I heard from the Disciplinary Committee that the person who bribed him was still a Young and beautiful girl! Of course, it is normal for young people to not be able to stand the temptation of beauty and money, everyone here, who has never been young? Haha!" There was a playful chuckle in his tone.

Several members of the Standing Committee laughed dryly.

Wen Yuxi straightened her body, and said in a deep voice: "I know exactly what happened in Lianshui County! I've also heard about Li Yi. As far as I know, Li Yi handed over the stolen money to the discipline inspection that day. And issued a certificate and receipt! Here, I want to criticize some of our comrades, listening to the wind is the rain, lest the world will not be "chaos", relying on an anonymous letter, also do not communicate with other leaders, do not ask indiscriminately, just run over Arrest people! This is a great insult to our down-to-earth comrades!"

Cao Yongtai obviously didn't expect that Wen Yuxi understood this matter so thoroughly, he was a little startled secretly, wondering if old Wen was holding his eyes on me?I was silent for the moment.

Wen Yuxi said: "Now that we've come to this point, let's discuss it. Everyone should read this report carefully. There is no doubt about its authenticity. Let's take a look at its feasibility!"

After listening for a long time, Lu Zhibang finally understood that Wen Yuxi supported Li Yi!He was also very curious, how could Wen Yuxi, who was so busy with his daily affairs, care so much about such a small person?No one has expressed their opinions. As the leader in charge, it is necessary for him to make a statement first.

"I think this report is generally good. However, it is a bit exaggerated, even a little exaggerated, and it is suspected of grandstanding. Take the Yangtze River embankment in the Annan area as an example. The report pointed out that the flood control embankment in the Annan area, Ten out of ten are not up to standard, how is this possible? The special funds allocated by the province the year before last, the whole line of flood control levee in Annan area has undergone overall overhaul! It is impossible that the levee that has just been repaired will become a dangerous project immediately, right? "

What Lu Zhibang said was well-founded, and several members of the Standing Committee nodded slowly.

Seeing someone agreeing, Lu Zhibang had a smile on his face: "Of course, for water conservancy projects, there is nothing wrong with investing more. The problem is that our provincial finance only has such a big piece of cake. We have cut a little more in water conservancy. What about other aspects?" ? No more agriculture? No development of industry? No business? No more infrastructure?

Tang Chunqiang remained silent all the time, and now he said: "I agree with Comrade Lu Zhibang's opinion. Every year's special funds are set to a tune, and every penny has its purpose. We can't just lose sight of the other Right? Looking at the water conservancy security situation in our province in recent years, except for occasional floods, there have been no major disasters. Agricultural production has been rising steadily. This fully shows that the water conservancy work in our province is very solid! I personally think that , there is no need to increase too much investment in this.”

Lu Zhibang's point of view was approved by Tang Chunqiang, and a sweetness welled up in his heart. He looked over to Tang Chunqiang, and Tang Chunqiang nodded slightly to him.

Lu Zhibang thought, Governor Tang is trying to win me over?As the executive vice-governor, he was already very close to Tang Chunqiang, the top leader of the provincial government, but he didn't have a political side.Could it be that Tang Chunqiang intends to recruit him into his gang?If he can get the strong support from the Tang family, the chances of becoming a regular in the future will undoubtedly be much higher.

Lu Zhibang is also a man who is good at scheming, so he nodded calmly.

Wen Yuxi didn't say anything, the one-sided situation fully explained everything!At this moment, even if he persisted, even using a democratic vote, the consequences would be even more unimaginable. Otherwise, the report would die at tonight's Standing Committee meeting!

He packed up his things and said calmly: "Let's come here today, the meeting is over!" After speaking, he got up and left first.

Although Li Yi's report was not rejected, it was not passed, so it was put on the shelf. If there is no right time, then this report may never have a chance to see the light of day again.

There are many such reports every year.Not every correct report can be taken seriously. The various research reports that are compiled to the top level of the provincial party committee every year can pile up into a hill, but among them, those that are actually implemented are probably very rare.

Even so, many research departments under the 'government' are still happily conducting various investigations and studies.Those serious or perfunctory research staff spent a lot of research funds, drank high-grade liquor, and walked among the mountains and rivers of the southern province.

It is said that the news on the campus spread very quickly, but in fact the news spread even faster in the government agencies. The next day, while Wen Yuxi was enjoying family happiness at home, the news of the standing committee meeting spread all over the provincial government agencies.

Many things happened at the Standing Committee, and the rejection of Li Yi's report was just one of the less eye-catching episodes.Officials who don't care about such trivial matters will naturally not pay too much attention to this matter.However, there was a lot of trouble in the Water Supervision Office. Although Li Yi's report was written by Li Yi, it was the crystallization of the collective efforts of all colleagues in the Water Supervision Office.Everyone has worked hard for several months, but the result is that they are not given due attention. This is undoubtedly a great blow. For several days in a row, colleagues are weak when they go to work, and they don’t work hard. In Ma Haitao’s words, it is "Anyway, it's the same thing whether you do it or not, and it's the same thing if you do more or less." There is no need to tire yourself.

Shao Guoping approached Wang Shizhao and told the reaction of his colleagues below. He hoped that Director Wang would fight for it again, and at least give him a consolation prize or something.

Wang Shizhao said: "Section Chief Shao, you are also an old supervisor. There are not one thousand but eight hundred reports that are rejected every year. Every report can be given a consolation prize? Besides, what is a consolation prize? A reward of 100 yuan? Or implement one of the ten prevention measures for water conservancy safety hazards proposed?"

Shao Guoping felt very uncomfortable hearing such sarcastic remarks, but he was helpless.

Wang Shizhao said with a stern face: "I have already said that our government officials should not just concentrate on doing things blindly. That is not a good thing! You just don't listen to me and just act recklessly. What is the result? You are busy!"

Shao Guoping returned to the office a little disappointed, and Li Yi walked in just after sitting for a while.

As soon as Li Yi came in, he sat opposite Shao Guoping with a tiger's face, without saying a word.

Shao Guoping just got angry, and now he wants to comfort Li Yi in turn: "It is not a big deal to be rejected once or twice. It proves that our work is still not in place. We will just work harder next time!"

Li Yi sighed: "Shao Ke, how can it be so difficult to do something practical!"

When Shao Guoping saw that he was willing to speak, he knew that he had figured it out. He laughed and said, "Leaders also have difficulties in leadership. In a province with such a big stall, money is needed everywhere. How can the ten measures proposed in our report be used?" Doesn’t it cost a lot of money? Leaders always have to think more about it, and add up more, right?”

Li Yi said: "Section Chief Shao, I'm fine. You should be busy."

Li Yi returned to the office, thought about it, and made a phone call to Gu Heng.

"You kid still remember my old bones?" Gu Heng's hearty voice came from the microphone.

"Director Gu, am I busy? No, I wanted to see you as soon as I finished my work. Are you free now? I'll go play chess with you." Li Yi smiled.

"Get over here!" Gu Heng said in a tone that knew what your kid was thinking.

Li Yi came to the counselor's room and greeted the acquaintances he met warmly.

Veteran Counselor Fan Yao patted Li Yi on the shoulder, and said gently, "Young man, don't be discouraged if you suffer a little setback, just treat it as training!"

Li Yi nodded receptively and asked about his physical condition.

When he came to Gu Heng's office, Li Yi smiled and said, "Director Gu, you are in good spirits. Is there any happy event?"

Gu Heng said with a smile: "Stinky boy, when the spring breeze is good, I don't see you coming back. Whenever I encounter problems, I think of me, an old man!"

Li Yi said with some shame: "I'm really busy these days, and I don't even have time to go home and see my old friends."

Gu Heng said: "I know you are busy, but no matter how busy you are, you have to come back for a walk, right? Don't forget that your engagement contract with the counselor's office is for five years. No matter what position you are in these five years, You are also the counselor of our counselor's room!"

Li Yi said: "So, I'm going home now? Hehe, since this is the case, Director Gu, my business is also your business, so please lend a helping hand and help me find a way! Director Gu please correct the supervisory report."

Gu Heng read it carefully, and said: "The safety work of water conservancy projects has always been a big problem. Your report, generally speaking, is in line with the development concept of historical materialism."

Li Yi nodded and said: "Director Gu, you have experienced the reservoir incident in Sanjiang City yourself. I believe you have your own views and opinions on water conservancy safety. This is a century-old plan, and it is a major event related to people's lives and property , can’t be sloppy, and can’t be delayed! The leaders can wait and discuss, but the dikes and dams can’t afford to wait or discuss it! This matter must be done as soon as possible, even if the bill is passed this year, next year’s funding, plus the time for renovation , it will not be completed until the year after next or even the year after the next year, after two or three years, who knows what irreversible flood will happen then?"

Gu Heng murmured, but did not speak.

Li Yi continued: "This is only the situation in our province. The safety situation of water conservancy projects in all provinces of the country should be similar. It will take a long time to carry out major repairs nationwide!"

Gu Heng Lao Huai nodded in relief, this child has the world in his heart!

Gu Heng smiled and said, "Come with me to the capital next week and have a meeting."

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