Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 678

After preliminary planning and publicity, Wupingzhai Tourist Scenic Spot in Jixian County has attracted tourists from all over the province as soon as it opened.

In order to attract tourists, the scenic spot has launched a variety of preferential policies, [-]% off on the first day, [-]% off on the second day, [-]% off from the third day to the seventh day, and [-]% off on all for one month after the eighth day.

The content of the preferential activities includes tickets for scenic spots, rafting tracks, accommodation and all souvenirs for sale.

This crazy opening promotion has attracted a large number of tourists.

And now is the peak tourist season, people who come to Xishu Province for tourism will stop by to enjoy a different kind of Qiang customs.

Although the Wupingzhai Scenic Spot is very popular, it is just a project in the city, so when it opened, it did not invite the relevant leaders of the province, but unexpectedly, on the day of the opening, the province Gao Hongye, deputy secretary of the village, happened to come to the city to inspect the work. After talking with Li Yi and other leaders of the municipal party committee, he learned that Li Yi and others were going to attend the opening ceremony of the Wupingzhai scenic spot. He immediately said that he would also join in the fun .

Li Yi naturally wished for it.Because following Gao Hongye, there is also a filming team from the provincial TV station. If Gao Hongye goes to the opening ceremony of Wupingzhai, it will be equivalent to doing one more free publicity work for the scenic spot.

A group of people packed up and went to Wuping Village.

Gao Hongye asked Li Yi to sit in his car.

In the car, Gao Hongye and Li Yi talked about their son Gao Liang.

"I heard that he opened a home appliance company in your city?"

"It's an Internet software company." Li Yi replied, thinking that people of Gao Hongye's age probably couldn't tell the difference between a computer and the Internet, right?

Gao Hongye said: "Hey, it has something to do with computers anyway!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "This is a very promising industry, and Gao Liang's choice is correct. In the next ten years, my country's Internet industry economy will explode like a blowout, and it is the right time to make money."

Gao Hongye said: "I never ask what he is doing. What I am wondering is, where did he get such a large sum of money? He didn't tell the truth in front of me. You are his good friend, tell me, he Where did you get the money to invest in starting a company? It’s not a small sum to start a company.”

Li Yi thought to himself that he must not tell the truth. With Gao Hongye's integrity, he would not tolerate his family relying on his own resources to make money, so he said: "Now the bank loan is very convenient. He opened an industrial company and has funds as collateral. The loan amount is relatively higher. Moreover, the Internet is a new industry, and there are many venture capitals. As long as he can come up with a good plan, there are many people who are willing to invest.”

Gao Hongye said: "The last thing I know how to do in my life is to do business to make money. All my classmates and comrades-in-arms from the same hometown have made a lot of money in business. I neither envy nor envy. I think that people in this life The night sleep is only eight feet, and the solar eclipse is only one liter. What do you need so much money for? Therefore, I am extremely strict on the issue of disciplining my family and children. Collect money!"

Li Yidao: "Secretary Gao is high-minded and honest, and everyone admires him. Gao Liang is also a good boy, and he knows how to start his own business. Compared with those [***] who crave their old books, I don't know how many times better!"

While talking, the car entered Beiqiang County and drove onto the road to Wupingzhai.

"Is this the newly built road in your city?" Gao Hongye asked looking out the car window.

"Yes. The development of new scenic spots does not have a decent road, so it cannot be justified."

"To get rich, build roads first. Everyone understands the truth, but there are very few local governments that really do it!"

Li Yi said: "Secretary Gao, you can suggest to the provincial party committee to implement the policy of door-to-door access throughout the province. Whether it is a township or a village group, all roads should be built. Every village must have at least one concrete road and The outside world is connected. In this way, a huge and convenient transportation network will be formed in the province. It will be of great benefit to the development of the province's economy!"

Gao Hongye said: "A channel to the door? This is a bold idea! Do you think it is feasible?"

Li Yi said: "It is feasible. The province can suggest to the central government, and it is not difficult for the central, provincial, city, and county governments to work together to achieve this goal."

Gao Hongye said: "If it can be done like this, it will be a great thing for the benefit of the present age!"

Li Yi said: "The current traffic conditions, let alone rural areas, even in towns, there are not many decent concrete or asphalt roads, which greatly restricts the development of the local economy. I think this is a feasible strategy!"

Gao Hongye pondered again and again, and said: "I'm afraid it will be difficult to implement it in the whole province. How about letting your city take the lead first? Do you have the confidence?"

Li Yi said: "Are we taking the lead again? When we implemented the policy of reducing vices, it was our city who took the lead, and we were the ones who made the trouble!"

Gao Hongye smiled and said: "Don't delay, I know you have the ability! If this matter is done well, it will be a great political achievement!"

Li Yi said: "Of course I want to do it, but I have to ask for more support from the central government and the province. Our city alone has more than enough energy."

Gao Hongye said: "You just need to type up the report, build roads and bridges, these are good deeds for thousands of years, and the province will support you! Hey, there are quite a lot of vehicles coming! It seems that your scenic spot is It's going to be on fire!"

Li Yi said with a smile: "I still did some publicity in the early stage."

"There are so many cars coming, Gaopingzhai, is there a parking lot?" Gao Hongye suddenly thought of this important question.

Li Yi said: "Yes, a large parking lot has been built near the Tourist Service Center. There is nothing else in this place. There is plenty of open space, and it doesn't cost money!"

Gao Hongye smiled, and asked again: "Is the shuttle bus open?"

Li Yi said: "It's opened. From the city bus station to Wupingzhai, there is a tourist bus every half an hour. The whole journey is free!"

"Free!" Gao Hongye was a little surprised: "Li Yi, you are so courageous! This item will cost you a lot of money!"

Li Yi said: "It's okay that children can't catch wolves. It's free in this respect, and it will be recycled for other consumption."

Gao Hongye said: "You are a person who has ideas and dares to act! Very good!"

The loud sound of gongs and drums came from the front. It turned out that it was the comrades of the Beiqiang County Party Committee and the Wupingzhai Scenic Area Management Committee.

Song and dance performances, dragon and lion dances, welcome along the road.

Gao Hongye and others got out of the car, shook hands with the welcoming comrades, and said with a smile: "Comrades have worked hard. The scenic spot is very lively and prosperous, very good!"

"Thank you, Secretary Gao, for your concern. Secretary Gao has worked hard all the way."

The opening ceremony officially began, and it was originally planned that Li Yi would cut the ribbon himself, but now that Gao Hongye is here, he will naturally cut it.

At the ceremony, leaders at all levels spoke in turn, and the content of the speeches was drafted in advance by the secretary.

Only Gao Hongye didn't make any preparations, but he couldn't do without speaking.Fortunately, he has been an old leader for many years, and his level of impromptu speech is very high. He came to the stage immediately and delivered a wonderful speech. Guangjin.

Secretary Gao's speech won rounds of applause.

The guests who came to travel saw the presence of high-level officials of the provincial party committee and the accompanying video interviews of the TV station, so they also realized the importance of this scenic spot. A glance at the scenic spot.

This is the leadership effect, which is similar to the celebrity effect.

After Jiang Muxiang was discharged from the hospital, she returned to her hometown with Li Yi. She recovered well and now works in the management committee of the scenic spot, in charge of the tour guide.

All the tour guides are all Qiang girls, all dressed in national costumes, and have been uniformly trained in etiquette and tour guide knowledge.

This team of tour guides also became a beautiful scenery at the opening ceremony.

After the ceremony, the management committee of the scenic spot arranged for Li Yi to go rafting, which will also be the first rafting on the rafting track open to the public.

Li Yi asked Gao Hongye: "Secretary Gao, please go mountain rafting!"

Gao Hongye said: "I'm old, so I won't join in the fun."

Li Yi smiled and said: "Secretary Gao is too modest. The chairman can swim across the Xiangjiang River in his old age! Secretary Gao is in the prime of life, and it can be said that he is in the prime of his life!"

Gao Honglai was so ambitious by Li Yi's words, he laughed and said: "Okay! The old man is talking about being crazy about teenagers, and he also learns from young people, playing mountain rafting, hitting waves in mountain streams, and playing in the water!"

Li Yi said: "Secretary Gao is fond of poetry, so please ask Secretary Gao to compose a poem for our drifting, and engrave it on the monument!"

Gao Hongye's face was full of red, and he said happily: "It's a grand occasion, and it's also appropriate to compose a poem. Let me think about it."

Comrades from the management committee of the scenic spot arranged two rubber rafts for rafting.

Gao Hongye and Li Yi boarded the first rubber raft.A few ambulance personnel got on the second one as a precautionary measure, and dozens of ambulance personnel accompanied and protected them along the way.There were countless crowds of onlookers along the way.

This is not the first time Li Yi has played this game, and told Gao Hongye the basic skills.

Gao Hongye learned it as soon as he learned it, and said with a smile: "It's not too difficult! It looks like fun."

Li Yi said: "This is indeed a very beneficial and stimulating aerobic exercise. If you come to play this more in summer, your mood and body will become better, and you can cool off from the heat!"

Gao Hongye said: "Yes, this sport is worth promoting!"

While talking, the staff let go of the rope of the rubber raft, and the rubber raft swayed, wandering down along the turbulent water stream.

"Grab the rope in the middle." Li Yi told Gao Hongye: "As long as you hold on to this rope firmly, even if the boat capsizes, there will be no major accidents."

Gao Hongye responded with a very excited face.

The rubber raft quickly entered the rapids area. Only then did Li Yi realize how risky it was for him to invite Gao Hongye onto the rubber raft! (To be continued.)

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