Official road bends

Chapter 8, Volume 688

Li Yi patted her on the back and said, "Let's go back."

Liu Ruosi bit her nipple lightly, her pretty eyes were full of resentment.

The two picked up the car and drove home slowly.

"Ruo Si, don't care about what the world thinks, live your life well and live in the present, that's the most important thing. Celebrities will step down from the altar one day, after leaving the public's attention, they are no different from ordinary people Just treat yourself as an ordinary person, acting is just your job, don't care too much about worldly rumors." Li Yi said slowly while driving the car.

Liu Ruosi smiled sweetly: "What's the matter? Do you think I'm disillusioned and want to become a monk?"

Li Yi said: "Hehe, I think you seem to be very enlightened."

Liu Ruosi said: "Actually, I just wanted to create a piece of music. After reading the Heart Sutra, I suddenly felt that the Buddhist classics are profound and profound. I suddenly felt something, so I wanted to create a piece of music with a little bit of Buddhist philosophy, combining Buddhist principles and popular music. The characteristics of the song. Because of this idea, I thought of looking for it in the Guanyin Temple as inspiration."

Li Yi said: "This is a good idea. Spreading the Buddha's teachings and teachings is a supreme merit. Leaving aside the cause and effect of karma, Buddhism's advice to persuade people to be good and abstain from killing living beings is an excellent kindness. If it is widely spread, there is nothing good about it." .”

Liu Ruosi said: "Well, I think so too, but, will there be a market for such a song? Will it be considered nondescript?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "I just said, do what you want to do, don't ask about cause and effect, and don't care about the eyes of the world."

"Really?" Liu Ruosi turned around and turned to Li Yi: "Then I'll do it!"

"Do it!" Li Yi said with a smile: "It's finished, and I will be the first to sing it to me. I think it must be very good."

Liu Ruosi suddenly came over and pressed her red lips to Li Yi's cheek.

"From now on, I will think about what I want to do, without asking about cause and effect, let alone the eyes of ordinary people." Liu Ruosi said seriously.

"You!" Li Yi looked back in amazement, and said, "You can really draw inferences from one instance!"

Liu Ruosi said with a playful smile, "You taught me this."

Li Yi held the steering wheel with his left hand and lowered his right hand, trying to pinch her nose.

Liu Ruosi grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

Li Yi took three deep breaths in a row to stabilize his mind.

Liu Ruosi asked: "Do I look good?"

"It looks good." Li Yi glanced at her, then turned to the front, looking at the road.

"Is my skin smooth?"

"Young and smooth." Li Yi took a deep breath again, but still felt that he couldn't support it, and a certain place had become firm.

"If you don't come to love me again, I will be old." Liu Ruosi stroked Li Yi's palm.

Itchy and numb, sultry.

Li Yi didn't speak, he was afraid that if he said it, he would be wrong.

The debt of love is too deep to repay, so why bother to create new sorrows?

The car stopped at the door of the house.

Qian Duo sat in the car, parked in the yard, and when he saw Li Yi's car coming back, he stepped forward to open the door.

Hao Meili also came out to welcome her.

Liu Ruosi held Li Yi's hand and said, "Go sit down."

Li Yi hummed, he thought of a hundred reasons for rejection, but none of them could be said.

After getting out of the car, Liu Ruosi still held Li Yi's hand boldly, and walked in with a smile.

This move frightened Li Yi, and he looked back instinctively. Fortunately, the night was quiet and no one was peeping.

But Liu Ruosi didn't care about it, and clinging to him persistently and warmly, like coming home with her arms around her.

Both Qian Duo and Hao Meili consciously ignored this scene.

Hao Meili said: "I was at a party with my friends, and they haven't left yet, so I have to find them. Ruosi, I'll come back to you tomorrow." After speaking, she said to Qian Duo: "Master Qian, Will you send me off?"

Qian Duo smiled and said, "Okay, I'm happy to help. Miss Liu, I'll borrow your car."

The two of them answered each other, and then left on their own.

Liu Ruosi closed the courtyard door and dragged Li Yi into the house.

The two leaned shoulder to shoulder and sat down on the sofa.

"You are too bold." Li Yi said.

"You taught me." Liu Ruosi said: "From now on, I will no longer be afraid of the rumors in the world. You are the beauty I am most looking forward to in this life. Just use this sentence as the name of the Buddhist song, okay?"

Li Yi said, "OK."

Liu Ruosi said: "The content of the song starts from the plum blossom tree in the previous life, how about it?"

"Okay!" Li Yi said, paused, raised his wrist to look at his watch, and said, "I promised her, I will go home later."

Liu Ruosi said: "Stay here tonight, okay?"

Li Yi said: "Not good. I promised her. I can't break my promise to her. I promised you, and I never broke my promise to you. This is my principle."

Liu Ruosi said: "Then you promise me, come and accompany me tomorrow!"

Li Yi hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay. But I have to work first and come to you later."

Only then did Liu Ruosi spread her teeth and said, "Kiss me."

Li Yi got up, broke free from her hand and walked to the door.

"Li Yi!" Liu Ruosi shouted from behind: "From today on, let's love each other! We don't ask for cause and effect, we don't ask for the next life, we just want to stay together in this life."

Li Yi took two steps and put his hand on the doorknob.

She sighed faintly.

This sigh completely melted his heart, he suddenly turned around and strode towards her.

She stood up and faced him.

He spread his arms, hugged her tightly, and gave her a deep kiss.

"Ruosi." He called her name, said nothing but expressed everything.

"I understand." Yes, she understood, and she shed tears again, this time, tears of joy and joy.

On the way home, Li Yi's thoughts were restless. He wished he could slap himself, but he was glad that he finally lived up to that beauty.

He was so contradictory and returned to his door.

Before he got out of the car, he took out a tissue, poured a little mineral water on it, and carefully wiped off the marks on his lips and face.

When I opened the door, I suddenly saw the door of the inner room open, and my wife came out with a big belly.

"It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" Li Yi asked in surprise.

"I fell asleep, but was kicked awake by the child. I looked out the window and saw your car coming back." Lin Xin smiled slightly, rubbing her bulging stomach.

She is really a beauty, especially when she was pregnant, except for her protruding belly, she didn't gain weight in other parts of her body. Since she was pregnant, her complexion on her face has become more crystal clear and white.

I don't know where she heard it. It is said that if a woman is pregnant with a boy, she will become beautiful, and if she is pregnant with a girl, she will become ugly. Therefore, she sometimes told Li Yi that she should be pregnant with a boy. Woolen cloth!

"It's hard to be pregnant, girl, thank you for your hard work." Li Yi put his arms around his wife and kissed her affectionately.

"Okay, go in and wash up and sleep. You don't even look at the time when you talk about work. How can you talk about work so late? Are you afraid that you won't have time to discuss tomorrow?" Lin Xin complained slightly: "You finally came back Let's go to Beijing!"

Li Yi is glad that he is back, otherwise, Lin Xin would have to guard the lonely lamp and wait for him all night!

The deep guilt made him feel ashamed, so he had no choice but to add tenderness and rape his wife.

After Lin Xin was pregnant, the two seldom hugged and slept face to face. It was Lin Xin who turned her back to Li Yi and pressed her body close to Li Yi's arms, allowing Li Yi to hug her and fall asleep.

The two fucked and hugged each other.

"Do you want to?" Lin Xin looked at him and asked.

"I think so, but I don't want you to work too hard. It's okay, go to sleep!" Li Yi hugged her considerately, preventing her from getting under the bed.

Lin Xin said: "If you really want to, go to Sister Guo. I really don't mind."

Li Yi kissed her: "Sleep! You have so much heart!"

Lin Xin still opened her eyes and said, "Sister Guo is really not easy. For you, she is really single all the time!"

Li Yi was speechless.

Lin Xin continued: "Tell me, does she hate me? After all, I snatched you from her."

Li Yi pretended to sleep.

Lin Xin yawned as she spoke, and fell asleep in Li Yi's arms.The full term is coming soon, the baby is moving more and more in the stomach, and she is a very vigilant person, the baby often wakes her up in the middle of the night, and her sleep is very bad.

At the beginning, although Lin Xin felt sorry for Hua Xiaorui, she didn't understand why a single woman would bring a child by her side. Later, when she became pregnant, she knew what a child meant to a mother.

Yes, that's everything.

As a result, Lin Xin understood Hua Xiaorui better, and loved her more.

The next morning, when everyone was having dinner together, Lin Xin suddenly smiled and said, "Xiaohua, do you want to find another man? There are many single men in my unit, and some don't mind raising children. How about I help you?" Match?"

Fang Fang and Hua Xiaorui said almost at the same time: "No!"

Lin Xin looked at Fang Fang strangely, and asked, "Mom, why didn't you say no? This is related to Xiaohua's happiness for the rest of her life!"

Fang Fang knew that she was about to slip the tongue, so she could only cover up: "I'm afraid that other men will treat Ranran badly."

Hua Xiaorui said: "I'll take Haoran with me, I don't want to find another man."

Lin Xin persuaded her earnestly: "You and I are both women, and we all know the difficulties of the world. Mom, you have a deep understanding. If there is no man in the family, life in the future will be very miserable."

Hua Xiaorui said: "No!"

Lin Xin asked the reason, but Hua Xiaorui couldn't make any sense, so she just shook her head and said no.Lin Xin smiled and said, "You can meet with them first, if you don't like it, then you don't agree!"

Li Yi said: "Girl, it's not that Xiaohua doesn't have a man, she does have a man, but they are separated temporarily."

Hua Xiaorui immediately said: "Yes, I believe, he will definitely come back to us."

After hearing this, Lin Xin couldn't bring up the matter of introducing men.

"Dad—Dad!" Li Haoran, who was eating deep-fried dough sticks, suddenly said this.

"Hehe!" Lin Xin said with a smile: "Listen quickly, Xiao Haoran actually called Dad, this is the first time I've heard him call Dad!" (To be continued.)

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