Official road bends

Chapter 8, Volume 706

Seeing that Xu Weichang was moved, Li Yi added another firewood and said, "Minister Xu, we have to report to other relevant leaders. If other leaders think our suggestion is feasible and report to the central government first, then this credit will be given to you." It might have been taken away by him."

That He Ke didn't say much all the time, so he asked, "Then why don't you report directly to the head of the central government?"

Li Yi said: "There is a question of rank here. We are only a prefecture-level city. How can we bypass the province and the ministry and report directly to the head of the central government? No matter how good the suggestion is, it can only be reported step by step according to the procedure. approval."

He Ke said to Xu Weichang: "I think this little comrade is right. Whether it's your opportunity or not, I think you should help them and report to the central government. This is a job that benefits the people."

Li Yi is called a little comrade by He Ke, so awkward in my heart!Then he realized, isn't she dating Xu Weichang?I guess I don't want to make myself look too tender, right?

Ordinary women are afraid that others will think that they are old, but she, in order to take care of Xu Weichang's emotions, deliberately looks old. This is a thoughtful and good woman.

"Okay!" Xu Weichang said without hesitation, "Comrade Li Yi, then I will find an opportunity to report to the central government."

Li Yi said with a smile: "If you want to be recognized by the head of the central government, the best way is to build a demonstration area first, and it must be successful!"

Gao Tianzhen and the others all laughed, thinking that Mayor Li's language skills are really proficient, and he knows the benefits first, moves them with emotion, and persuades Xu Weichang to support his proposal, and stand on the same side with himself , and further persuaded him to support Yizhou's traffic construction from practical actions.

Xu Weichang also chuckled: "Comrade Li Yi, don't tell me, I understand what you mean. You mean to ask our ministry to approve more funds for you in Yizhou?"

Li Yi said: "I also ask Minister Xu to complete it."

Xu Weichang neither said good nor bad.

At this time, the dishes came.

The dishes I ordered were all home-cooked, but they were all delicious in color, flavor and taste, and I was appetizing just looking at them.

He Ke said: "It's rare for you to come to the capital and try the famous dishes here. The chefs here are all national super chefs, and they can cook all kinds of cuisines from all over the country."

Liu Yiping said: "The dishes here look high-end."

He Kedao: "It's not a question of whether it's high-end or not, but a question of taste. The most important thing about eating food is taste. If a food stall can make dishes that satisfy me, I will also patronize. The problem is , they can't do it!"

Liu Yiping didn't mind, and said with a smile: "Yes, there is a reason why everything is expensive. The consumption level of this garden is high, and the food must be delicious."

He Ke said: "That's not common. It's not a question of whether it's expensive or not, but a question of taste. There are many expensive restaurants, but not many good ones."

When she speaks, she always denies others first, and then puts forward her own opinions.

Most people who deal with her for the first time are very uncomfortable and always think that she is mocking and embarrassing themselves.

Xu Weichang said that she had an unfortunate marriage, maybe it has something to do with her surname?

Ordinary men can't stand her way of speaking, right?

Liu Yiping smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

Huang Chang and Qiu Zihan, who were originally invited to accompany the wine, are completely useless now because Xu Weichang doesn't drink.

At first, Li Yi and others thought that Xu Weichang was just being polite, so they urged him several times.

But Xu Weichang still shook his hands again and again, saying he couldn't drink it, he really couldn't drink it.

He Ke also said: "You don't need to persuade him. Minister Xu has a stomach problem and can't drink alcohol. Even the meat dishes should be paid attention to. You can't just feed him. You didn't see that most of the dishes we ordered were vegetarian dishes. Lord?"

"Vegetarian dishes are good, and those without alcohol are good." Gao Tianzhen said with a smile, "I like this kind of banquet."

This is the most relaxed banquet Li Yi has had since he entered politics. There is no staggering, no fake words, just a real meal together!

When it was time to finish the table, Liu Yiping had to pay the bill.

Seeing him get up, Xu Weichang said, "There's no need to pay the bill, it's already settled."

Everyone said how could this be possible?This is our dinner for Minister Xu, how can we make Minister Xu spend money?

Xu Weichang said: "It's all the same. You are guests from afar, and I happen to invite Xiao Ke'er to dinner, so it just happened to be a coincidence, and I didn't eat anything good."

It was the first time for everyone to see such a sincere and good leader, and they were all grateful to say a lot of compliments.

When sending Xu Weichang to the car, Xu Weichang suddenly said: "Comrade Li Yi, what I can approve is 500 million. But I will report to the minister and ask him to approve as much as possible for you."

"Thank you so much Minister Xu." Li Yi said: "We will stay in the capital for a few more days."

Xu Weichang groaned, waved his hand, and left.

"What a good leader!" Gao Tianzhen said with emotion: "We didn't spend a penny, and we had such a good meal."

Liu Yiping said: "From Minister Xu, I have seen the confidence of our country's officialdom."

Li Yi laughed and said: "Most of the officials in our country still work conscientiously. They only think about the country and the people. If they are high in the temple, they worry about the people! Otherwise, it is impossible for our country to achieve such a great achievement over the years." Great development."

"Yes." Liu Yiping said: "The speed of development of our country in recent years is still very gratifying. The living standards of the people have indeed improved."

Li Yi said: "The way to govern the country is to govern the officials. Today's chiefs are good at governing the officials, and the officials are clear, and the country will naturally prosper."

Everyone sighed and said many good things about Xu Weichang.

"I think the dishes in Guanyuan are really mediocre!" Huang Chang suddenly laughed and said, "Why do so many people like to come here to consume? It seems that their business is booming."

Li Yi said: "Everyone has different tastes. Some people like home-cooked taste, while others like chef's taste."

Huang Chang said: "For the chef's dishes, the side dishes are too complete, but the original taste of the dishes is lost."

Qiu Zihan said: "That's right, it's just like human beings, with too much make-up, although it is enchanting, it loses its true beauty."

Everyone laughed and left.

The next day, Li Yi drove to the Central Party School and found Zhang Zhenghua, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, who was studying here.

Zhang Zhenghua was quite surprised to see Li Yi coming.

"Comrade Li Yi, why are you here?" Zhang Zhenghua asked.

Li Yi said with a smile: "Go back to Beijing to do something, and come to visit Secretary Zhang. I have to report to you about some work matters."

Zhang Zhenghua let out a hey, and said after a long time: "I only came to the capital to study for two months, and that snobbish person thought I was going to be transferred, right? During this time, you are the first colleague who came to see me!"

Didn't those people from Yizhou's Beijing Office come to visit Zhang Zhenghua?

After Zhang Zhenghua came to Beijing, many comrades from the city also came to Beijing to handle business, but none of them came to see Zhang Zhenghua?

Li Yi thought to himself, the tea is already cold before people leave, and the cold world in this officialdom is too chilling.

Li Yi said: "Secretary Zhang, you use the word colleague well. Everyone working together is fate, and they are colleagues. The position is high or low, but the division of labor is different. The officialdom is the same as other workplaces. They should also trust each other. Take care of each other and make progress together. Only then can our group develop healthily and orderly."

"Comrade Li Yi, let's go down for a walk!" Zhang Zhenghua offered.

"Okay, I just wanted to chat with Secretary Zhang." Li Yi said.

The two went downstairs and took a walk on the campus of the party school.

"When I first came to the party school to study, I felt very uncomfortable. I always felt that someone was messing with me behind my back. I was very unwilling." Zhang Zhenghua handed Li Yi a cigarette, smoked one himself, smiled and said : "Even my family members don't look at me right."

Li Yi said: "Secretary Zhang, don't have any mental burdens. It's a good thing to study further! The temporary rest is for walking further."

Zhang Zhenghua said with emotion: "I want to understand now."

If he didn't go on, Li Yi didn't ask. I don't know what truth he wanted to understand?

The two smoked and walked in silence.

"I used to go too smoothly. After I graduated from university, I entered the party and government agencies. Over the past ten years, I have been promoted all the way. Almost every time I was promoted, I was promoted by pinching the red line of promotion. It went smoothly and my official career was prosperous." Under a tall sycamore tree, Zhang Zhenghua stopped and looked up at the sky, as if talking to himself.

Li Yi looked back at himself, why not?

"Comrade Li Yi, you must think that I have a weird personality, right? Is it difficult to get along with?" Zhang Zhenghua asked.

"No." Li Yi said: "Although we sometimes quarrel about work, it's just a difference of political opinion. I think you also want to do your job well. In this regard, our goal is the same."

Zhang Zhenghua said: "I can feel that I am self-willed and can't listen to different opinions. Sometimes, I know that your suggestion is better than mine, but I just don't want you to be in the limelight, and I always try to stop you."

Li Yi said: "Secretary Zhang..."

Zhang Zhenghua waved his hand and said: "I know, this is my shortcoming. I was not like this before, but my life was too smooth, and I gradually developed this habit. Not only at work, but also in life, I am also so stubborn and sexual, my wife and children say I am like a stranger."

When he said this, he smiled self-deprecatingly: "I came to the party school to study for two months, which is very good. It made me calm down and see myself clearly."

"Secretary Zhang." Li Yi said: "Everyone is looking forward to you going back to preside over the work soon!"

"Don't comfort me." Zhang Zhenghua glanced at Li Yi meaningfully, and said slowly: "To be honest, you are more suitable to be the secretary of the municipal party committee than me." (To be continued.)

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