Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 714

After discussing several issues, Zhao Shuiquan said: "Recently, many people have reported that some law enforcement departments in our city have some bad habits."

He said it very implicitly, but everyone still smelled something strange from it.

Li Yi asked in a deep voice: "Which departments and what style?"

Zhao Shuiquan said: "I have some letters from the masses here, please have a look at them, Mayor Li." He took out more than a dozen thin letter papers, and specially emphasized: "This is only a part of them." He handed them to Wen Honghua beside him.

Wen Honghua slipped a glance, then passed it to Zhuang Chuanlin beside her.

Zhuang Chuanlin took it, and instead of passing it to Li Yi in a hurry, he looked at it carefully before passing it over.

Li Yi took it over, read it at a glance, slapped it heavily on the table, and sneered: "Okay! That's great!"

Those who didn't see the content, didn't know what happened, stretched their necks one by one, waiting anxiously for Li Yi to continue.

Li Yi tapped the second joint of the middle finger of his right hand heavily on the table, and said in a deep voice: "Now some comrades are afraid that the investment environment in our Yizhou is too good! I am afraid that there are too many people coming to invest in our Yizhou! I can't wait Think of all kinds of ways to muddle up the water that was so hard to clear in this pool!"

This is a strong statement!All the participants were stunned, wondering who made Mayor Li angry?

When Mayor Li got angry, the consequences would be serious!

"I don't know if everyone's wages are too low? Or the benefits are too low? Is there no money to buy food for living? But as far as I know, our wages are not too low! Our benefits, Among the various occupations in the whole society, it is considered to be at the upper-middle level! Compared with the lives of most people, we live in the upper-middle class!" Li Yi spoke louder and angrier, his eyes widened.

Everyone was even more nervous, not knowing what was going on.

They can only guess what was written on those pieces of paper from Li Yi's words.

"Check!" Li Yi uttered a word.

Zhao Shuiquan said: "Our Disciplinary Inspection Commission has launched relevant investigation and evidence collection work, but this matter involves a wide range. Should we consider how to deal with it?"

Li Yi said: "How to deal with it, how to deal with it. Repeated orders, civilized law enforcement, clean government law enforcement, but some people just ignore it! I want to tell them with actions that our regulations are not just as simple as words! Now our city's economy Development, just opened up a situation, the enterprise has just come in, some people dare to ask them for money! If this continues, the existing enterprises will not be able to operate, will there be new enterprises to invest in? You reach out, he I also stretch out my hand, someone asks for money today, and someone asks for money tomorrow, and a good business will be dragged down by these moths!"

Now, everyone understands.

It is common for government cadres to make various excuses to ask companies for money and sponsorship.

In order to do business smoothly, enterprises are also willing to build good relations with comrades in party and government agencies. If they have a small amount of money, they generally don't care about it, which is tantamount to bankrupting money and eliminating disasters.

But in Yizhou, Li Yi issued a strict order that all party and government departments and law enforcement agencies at all levels are not allowed to ask for money from companies, and are not allowed to ask for sponsorship from companies under various names and excuses, and enforce the law in a civilized and clean manner.

With the development of the high-tech zone, more and more companies settled in, and more people came to the government departments to handle various matters. Some office and law enforcement personnel began to commit crimes against the wind, looking for various names, and asking companies for money.

At the beginning of the company's investment, I heard from Li Yi that all procedures and certificates in Yizhou are free of charge, even the cost of the certificates is free!

Some business owners, overwhelmed by requests too frequently, wrote to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to report such incidents.

"Those involved in the case will be severely punished regardless of the amount of money, and all the stolen money must be returned to the original owner!" Li Yi said: "This evil trend must be stopped in time, and it cannot be allowed to spread!"

Zhao Shuiquan said: "Okay, then punish severely!"

Li Yidao: "Being a man for a lifetime, being an official for a while. To be an official, you must first be a man. Since ancient times, there are many words to call bad officials, such as corrupt officials, muddled officials, corrupt officials, greedy officials, lazy officials, mediocre officials, dog officials, etc. , but there are very few words to praise good officials, such as honest officials, mirror officials, and diligent officials. But it is enough to show that the conduct of being an official comes from the root of being a person. So being an official does not mean that you have high morals. Only by being a clear person can you be a clear official. These officials who ask for money, they don't know the truth of being a human being, so their officials are also confused!"

"Hehe!" Everyone laughed.

Li Yidao: "The sage once said that cultivating oneself is to calm the people. If one does not cultivate one's own body, one's body will not be upright. If one's body is not upright, how can one lead troops? How can one comfort the people? It's hard for me to imagine that the society can be stable if the officials in a place are not upright. Comrade Ladies and gentlemen, being a man depends on morality, and being an official depends on virtue. Being a man and being an official come down in one continuous line, complement each other, and come from the same source. I would like to encourage you all!"

"Mayor Li said it very well!" Liu Yiping said: "Comrade Huang Shang, you must write down the speech Mayor Li just made, and after the meeting, print it into an article and distribute it Party and government officials at all levels study."

Huang Chang nodded: "I wrote it down in shorthand. I'll tidy it up later."

Li Yi said: "It seems that the procedures of our government departments are still not transparent and open enough! In the construction of service windows, we have to intensify our efforts. The approval process for a project only takes more than five working days! Applying for a certificate can be done on the same day, and it will never be delayed until the next day! The efficiency of all departments must be improved. If I find out which department the procedure is stuck in, then I will find the person in charge of this department !"

Gao Tianzhen said: "Mayor Li, the window service construction in our city is already at the forefront of the country. Basically, all law enforcement departments have set up service windows facing the street, which greatly facilitates the people. But I found a problem. Our government agencies are often far away from each other. To do one thing, we usually have to go to several departments or even more than a dozen departments. In this way, the efficiency will naturally decrease. Well, it will take longer.”

Li Yi said: "Comrade Tianzhen's question is brought up to the point. It can be seen that she usually observes carefully. To solve this problem, we can't gather all the institutions and compounds together, that is impractical Yes. But we can find a way to link all law enforcement agencies into one!"

"Joint together?" Gao Tianzhen said, "Mayor Li, you mean a computer?"

Li Yi said with a smile: "Comrade Tianzhen is really advancing with the times, are you no stranger to computers?"

Gao Tianzhen said with a smile: "Since I recruited talents with Mayor Li last time, I have worked hard to learn computer network knowledge after returning home. Although I still have a half-knowledge, I know what it is anyway."

Li Yi said: "That's pretty good! Our cadres and comrades should all be at the forefront of the times, so as to lead the people to a new era! Between units, between departments, between subordinates and superiors , you can create one, and it will be much more convenient and faster to make work reports and approval procedures in the future.”

Li Zhanjun, head of the United Front Work Department, is an elderly man who seldom touches a computer. After listening to it for a long time, he couldn't understand it. He asked, "Mayor Li, what is this Zhang? What is it for?"

Li Yi said: "This is an Internet, which is the connection and communication between computers. For example, there is a computer in Minister Li's office, and there is also a computer in my office. Our two computers are connected. Minister Li wants to talk to you. I used to make a phone call when I had a meal, but with this one, you can type on your computer and send it to me, and I will receive it. If Minister Li has any documents to show me, you can also Send it to me directly from the computer, and I can see it immediately, make an instruction immediately, and send it back to Minister Li."

A few years later, this network knowledge has spread to people's lives like air, but at this moment Li Yi has to use his tongue to make everyone understand.

Li Zhanjun's comprehension ability is super strong, and he said with a smile: "Then this is high technology! Well, then you don't have to run errands yourself, and you can even save gasoline. Then if this is installed in the towns below, the towns and cities will Li, can I contact you directly?"

Li Yi said: "That's right! Not to mention our urban areas, even the whole world, one in Europe and one in Asia, can also communicate. More importantly, in this way, our party and government agencies can achieve paperless communication. Office. It not only greatly improves the efficiency of work, but also saves office costs.”

The integration of computer and office is an idea that Li Yi had put forward a long time ago, but because the city's finances have been stretched, it has not been realized.

Now, Li Yi has made up his mind to promote computer office in the whole city, so as to enhance the action of the entire government!

With a modern office system, all projects and application matters will be publicized on the Internet, and all procedures are also transparent and open. Enterprises can even track the progress of their own matters at any time.

In this way, it is also more effective to prevent law enforcement officers and service personnel from extorting bribes.

As soon as this suggestion was put forward, it immediately received a unanimous response from all the comrades present at the meeting. Everyone said that this is an excellent measure and should be implemented as soon as possible.

After the meeting, Li Yi just walked not far away when he heard Zhuang Chuanlin calling himself from behind.

"Mayor Li." Zhuang Chuanlin walked up to Li Yi and said with a smile, "Your speech today is really wonderful! It's amazing."

Li Yi was taken aback, thinking, is this still the old Zhuang Chuanlin?Why is he talking to me like this?

"Secretary Chuan Lin, do you have anything to tell me?" Li Yi saw the essence through the phenomenon. (To be continued.)

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