Official road bends

Chapter 8, Chapter 722

Just when Li Yi was feeling uneasy, the chief spoke. .

The chief said slowly: "I originally thought that Yizhou's success, there is a good model that other cities can learn from. Hearing what you said, the Yizhou model is difficult to replicate!"

It turns out that the chief is thinking about this problem!

Li Yi thought for a while, and said: "Chief, I think, there is no fixed law, and the same is true for work. The geographical factors, human environment, and historical influence of each city are different. The same model, in benefit It can be successful in a state, but it may not be applicable in another place."

The chief said: "Successful experience can be summed up. Comrade Li Yi, your Yizhou team, sum up the successful experience of Yizhou, so that brothers and cities can also learn from it."

Li Yi said: "I will definitely follow the chief's instructions. However, my level is limited, so I don't know whether the writing is good or not. After I write it, I have to ask the chief to take the time to review it and make corrections."

The chief chuckled: "I've read a lot of your works, and they're very good! ——What's on the mountain? Why are there so many people?"

Looking at the past from the commanding heights of the watchtower, you can just see the rafting track on the mountain.

In the golden autumn of October, when the autumn wind blows cool, there are many people who come to drift. From here, you can see the winding mountain road, full of colorful people, like a ribbon, flowing between the mountains and forests.

"Boss, that is the most famous and popular rafting track in Wupingzhai Scenic Area." Li Yi replied.

"Drifting?" The chief said: "How to play?"

Li Yi said: "Using the power of the water to dig a waterway on the mountain, tourists can take a leather raft and float down the current to feel the magic and steepness of nature."

"Sounds like fun!" The chief looked at the mountain with some fascination.

Li Yi and Comrade Xiaoyan glanced at each other, both a little worried.

At such an old age, if the chief wants to go rafting on a whim, it will be a big deal!

There was a little panic in Xiaoyan's eyes.

In a sense, she facilitated the chief's trip this time!Besides, not many people knew about it. Except for some specific departments of the central government and Xishu Province, many people didn't know that the chief came to Yizhou.

Therefore, the chief's safety has become the number one concern.Although there are many entourages around the chief for personal defense, but the drifting road is very long, and there are too many unknown risk factors that may occur in the middle!

As long as one of the links goes wrong, it will bring irreversible danger!

Absolutely can not put the chief in danger!

Li Yi also realized this immediately.

If it is normal, if the chief wants to have fun, he can clear the field, seal off the drifting area, and then send armed police, public security, and medical staff to guard the lanes. One guard at three steps and one sentry at five steps will definitely ensure the personal safety of the chief.

However, it is the Golden Week of the [-]th!

The rafting road is full of people!Even the tourists who lined up were discharged a mile or two away!

In this case, it is impossible to clear the field, and it is difficult to ensure the safety of the chief along the road.

Li Yi regretted it a little, and he shouldn't have introduced the drifting road to the chief at all.

The chief's eyes, however, have been wandering on the drifting road.

"Comrade Li Yi, I want to go rafting." The chief said.

Li Yi's hanging heart completely jumped out of his throat!

What came to his mind was the last time Secretary Gao Hongye was on a drifting boat!

For Li Yi, it is a nightmare!

Now, this nightmare is about to repeat itself!

The chief's age is even older than Secretary Gao!

Li Yi basically can't imagine what unforeseen situation will happen!

The chief's word is an order!

But this time, Li Yi did not dare to obey the order. He said, "Chief, although this rafting is fun, it is very dangerous."

"Dangerous?" The chief smiled and said, "Dangerous, are you still in business? There are so many people playing? Comrade Li Yi, stop coaxing me. Is it because the tickets for rafting are very expensive, and you can't bear to waive my ticket?" "

Li Yi wanted to laugh but couldn't. He just winked at Comrade Xiaoyan and begged her to help him speak.

Xiaoyan is a smart person, she immediately touched on the key points of the matter, and said with a smile: "Chief, it's for young people, so don't join in the fun."

This can only be said by Xiaoyan, people are not willing to obey the old, the more accomplished people are, the more unwilling they are to obey the old.

It is taboo for ordinary people to say that the chief elder is an elder.

When Xiaoyan was by the chief's side, she would occasionally joke around, and it was most appropriate for her to raise this objective question.

The chief was very excited and said, "What? Do you all think I am old?"

"No, the chief is in his prime." Li Yi said with a smile: "It's just that there are too many tourists today, and we can't arrange it. Another day, when there are fewer tourists, we must make a special trip to invite the chief to come and play."

The chief said: "I'm on vacation now, and I'm just an ordinary citizen. Don't think of me as the chief! If you say I'm old, I'm really not convinced. The chairman is at my age, and he still wants to swim across the Xiangjiang River! I Although I don’t dare to compare myself to the chairman, my physical fitness is excellent. I still have the physical fitness to play rafting once!”

The staff around the chief all came forward to persuade him.

They accompany the chief on tour, and they are responsible for the chief's safety, so nothing will happen!

Any possible danger must be nipped in the bud.

But the chief is the chief, how can ordinary people change his will?

The more ferociously you persuade, the calmer the chief is, and the firmer his will: "Go, go and have fun! It must be fun to play with so many people! Don't look at me as old, I'm actually young!"

Li Yi and Xiaoyan looked at each other in blank dismay.

The chief has already gone downstairs first.

Jiang Muxiang took Li Yi's hand, and asked eagerly: "Mayor Li, who is the chief executive just now? Why do you all respect him so much?"

Li Yi smiled and said: "You don't even know him? Have you watched the news broadcast? The chief who has the highest appearance rate every day is this chief."

Jiang Muxiang let out a coquettish cry, covered her small mouth with her small hands, stared at Li Yi with round eyes, and said, "He is the chief? I feel like a grandfather next door!"

"Otherwise, what do you think the chief is like? Like a Tathagata Buddha, high above and out of reach? Only Buddhas and Bodhisattvas need people's worship, not the chief. Just treat him as an old man next door." Li Yi haha He smiled and said, "Let's go. The chief is going down."

Jiang Muxiang blushed with excitement, and said, "I saw the chief, and I actually met the real chief! I'll tell Abba to go."

When I went downstairs, I saw Zhang Zhenghua and several leaders of the province had come, gathered around the ground, lined up in several rows, and saluted the chief.

Li Yi glanced at Gao Tianzhen and knew that she had said it.

Gao Tianzhen smiled helplessly.

Li Yi thought to himself that paper cannot contain fire, and the news of the chief's arrival will spread out sooner or later.

At the opening ceremony of the tourism festival, none of the senior leaders of the province came, only a few deputies, and a few officials from the Provincial Tourism Bureau.

These people were all grinning from ear to ear. They didn't want to come to participate in this opening ceremony. It's a great long vacation, and it happened to be a long trip with family and friends!

But it was really worthwhile! ——Look, even the chief came here to play in person!

From Wupingzhai to the drifting road, the cement road has been repaired, and there are several scenic buses.

When you come to the rafting track, the chief first watches the situation of the tourists on the rafting boat.

"It's not as scary as you said!" The chief laughed: "Such a slow speed, and the water is so shallow! Comrade Li Yi, you are guilty of driving!"

Li Yi felt bitter, and said: "Chief, this project is very easy to watch others play, but once you get on the boat, it feels completely different. Because the waterway is narrow, the hull always collides with the wall. Although the water is shallow, the water flow Turbulent, and in some places, it is even more dangerous."

"Isn't there a safety cable in the middle?" The chief observed very carefully: "What's the difficulty? Let's go and buy a ticket. By the way, I have a free annual pass, so don't I need to buy a ticket?"

Li Yi said: "Yes, there is no need to buy a ticket."

The chief said: "Then sit down once!"

Li Yi said: "Chief, if you must play, please allow us to make some arrangements, otherwise, we would rather offend Tianwei, and have to take you down the mountain, and dare not let you play this."

The chief stared and said: "How dare you! Let me tell you, I am just an ordinary tourist today. I will play as the tourists do. Don't get me any special beads! If you dare to get something special, I will give it to him. nice!"

This time, everyone had nothing to say.

Li Yi said: "Then please allow me to be bold and want to take a boat with you."

The chief said with a smile: "The boat is so big, if you want to come, just come!"

Xiaoyan is also eager to try: "I want to play too, I think they look very fun."

Li Yi lost a wink, thinking that one head is enough to mess up, and you still come to join in the fun, you two are on the same boat, how can I take care of it?

At this time, he suddenly thought of a famous dilemma, that is, who should you save first when the mother and wife fall into the water at the same time.

If the chief and Xiaoyan fall into the water at the same time, Comrade Li Yi, who do you save first?

Thinking of this, Li Yi couldn't help but laugh.

Xiaoyan smiled playfully.

There are a lot of people queuing up, the chief must be civilian, not special, and line up in person.

The sun was shining brightly this time, the golden wind was blowing, and the mountain was cool and comfortable.

After queuing for half an hour, it was the chief's turn.

Li Yi jumped onto the boat first, and then carefully pulled the chief and Xiaoyan onto the boat.

"Chief, Secretary Xiaoyan, sit down and hold on, and I'll control the hull." Li Yi urged.

The chief picked up an oar: "I will paddle with you. Comrade Xiaoyan is a woman, so enjoy special treatment!"

Xiao Yan said: "That's not dare, chief, Li Yi and I will row."

Finally, all three took oars and paddled around.

The small raft swung leisurely down the mountain!

The group of leaders and staff at all levels on the shore were extremely nervous, trotting all the way, following the side of the rafting road, their mood, also followed the raft, ups and downs! (To be continued.)

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