Official road bends

Chapter 8, The 729th Book

Li Yi said oh, answered the phone, gave a hello, and heard Wen Kejia's grinning voice: "I knew you must be at home! I'm also in the capital! Come out and play, I have something to see you !"

It turned out that Wen Kejia also happened to come to this year's party school training class. .

In the past year, Wen Kejia's career and love have both harvested. He was promoted to the deputy office, promoted to the deputy mayor of Xizhou City, and married his lover Zhang Xinyi.

Li Yi went to Wen Kejia's wedding.

Wen Yuxi did not agree to this wedding. Li Yi and Wen Keni tried their best to persuade them with affection and courtesy. After nearly half a month, Wen Yuxi was so annoyed that she agreed to attend the wedding.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yi said to Lin Xin, "It's Wen Kejia. He also participated in this party school training and invited me out to have fun."

Before Lin Xin could speak, Fang Fang said, "Why don't you come to the house when you meet friends? You can only be happy if you spend money outside!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Mom, there is a dance class for the elderly in the park recently, and it teaches people to dance in the square every night for free. Ask Xiaohua to accompany you to go shopping, and learn to exercise, so it won't be so boring. .”

Fang Fang said: "What's wrong? Do you think I'm annoying?"

Lin Xin smiled and said: "How is that possible! Li Yi is also filial, why not, let's go to the park behind with my mother." Then she gently pushed Li Yi and told him to go out.

Li Yi went out, drove the car by himself, and went to the meeting place.

This is a petty bourgeois teahouse, with elegant decoration and melodious piano sound, people can forget the worldly troubles once they enter.

Li Yi walked into the box and saw Wen Kejia sitting alone, chatting happily with Miss Tea Art.

"Li Yi, come here." Seeing Li Yi, Wen Kejia laughed and stood up, shaking his hand vigorously.

"You are so flirtatious, you are hiding here drinking tea alone." Li Yi smiled slightly.

Wen Kejia said: "Hey, don't mention it, I'm just too annoying, so I came out alone to relax."

"Isn't your wife pregnant?" Li Yi said, "I don't spend much time with her."

Wen Kejia said: "Her mother and her aunt are all taking care of her. Three women in one scene, I'm almost baffled to death."

After hearing this, Li Yi felt the same way, and said, "Isn't this the case in my family? The old and the young are arguing like a pot of porridge."

Miss Tea Art smiled slightly and said, "That's family happiness. Many people want it but can't get it."

Li Yi glanced at her and said, "You are so young, you have a lot of emotions!"

Miss Tea Art smiled, poured tea for Li Yi gracefully, and said, "My father is a famous expert on infertility, so I am particularly touched by this aspect."

Li Yi and Wen Kejia listened and smiled at each other.

"Li Yi, after you finish your training this time, you are afraid that you will be promoted again?" Wen Kejia said: "You are always holding the red line to get promoted! I can't catch up even if I flatter my horse."

Li Yi said: "You can be considered fast enough, you should be satisfied."

Wen Kejia said: "The old man has nagged me several times, and he wants to find someone to go to Lingnan to help him. I can't do it. Even if someone like me goes, it's just a stumbling block. I can't help you." It's his favor. I recommended you to him, aren't you just at the moment of promotion? Let the old man give you a hand, and you will go up."

Li Yi said: "Do you think the bureau level is as easy as before? I was promoted to the main hall, but after a little more than two years, I want to be promoted to the deputy department? Even if the organization is willing, I still feel that I am not qualified! "

"Are you not qualified enough? There is no one in the world who is qualified. Now Yizhou is really famous! As a prefecture-level city in the west, the gdp will surpass that of the coastal areas." Wen Kejia yelled : "You can be modest, but are you still letting us live?"

Li Yi said with a smile: "I still lack the experience of governing a city. This will be a pity for my political experience."

Wen Kejia said, "Do you still want to be the secretary of the municipal party committee?"

Li Yi said: "You don't need to be in one term, two years is enough. I am smarter than the average person. It takes others four or eight years to figure out the leadership art for a leadership position. I only need two years."

Wen Kejia pointed at him and shook her head: "I thought you were really humble, but it turns out you are so proud!"

Li Yi laughed.

Miss Tea Art said in surprise: "I really can't tell, the two gentlemen are both department-level cadres at such a young age."

Wen Kejia said: "Department-level cadres are nothing. In this capital, if you spill a cup of tea, you can spill two or three department-level cadres!"

Miss Tea Art giggled: "It's not as exaggerated as what Mr. said. Even in the capital, cadres above the department and bureau level are considered big cadres. If you go one step higher, you are the provincial and ministerial cadres, which are high-level cadres."

"Look, this is the difference in political and cultural centers. In Xizhou, not to mention teahouse ladies, even many people in the government compound can't figure out the ranks in the system. In the capital city, a teahouse lady can It’s like a treasure.” Wen Kejia said.

Li Yi said with a smile: "Perhaps there are officials in his family, and he has been fascinated by it since he was a child."

Miss Tea Art was slightly surprised, and said: "Sir, can you still judge people? My mother is a small cadre, in her fifties, and she is still at the department level! I have heard her talking about things in the unit since I was a child. What section chiefs, division chiefs, directors, ministers, and so-and-so are promoted fast, must have given gifts, or slept with the leader, my ears are calloused."

Li and Wen were both happy when they said it.

Li Yi asked: "Your parents, one is a doctor and the other is a cadre, why didn't you inherit their karma?"

Miss Tea Art said: "I like cleanliness, I can't be a doctor."

Wen Kejia said, "Then you can become a leader!"

Li Yi smiled and said: "Didn't she say that he loves cleanliness? So, she can't be a leader either."

Miss Tea Art looked at Li Yi and smiled slightly. Obviously, she regarded Li Yi as a confidant.

Wen Kejia was stunned for a while, then realized, and said: "It's terrible, this lady is too high-level! Turning a corner and calling us dirty! Li Yi, you are amazing, you should take this goblin away!"

Li Yi glared at him, and then Wen Kejia sneered and said, "You're just kidding, miss, don't mind."

Miss Tea Art directly ignored Wen Kejia's teasing just now, and said: "Because I love cleanliness, I chose the tea art profession. Tea leaves are the young shoots of tea trees, which grow on high mountains and amidst clouds and mists. The clean leaves are boiled with the cleanest water to make tea, which can be said to be the cleanest drink.”

Li Yi nodded and said: "That's a good point. I used to love drinking coffee, but recently I slowly fell in love with drinking tea. I think coffee has the qualities that tea leaves have, but tea has some qualities, but coffee does not. .”

Wen Kejia said: "Li Yi, don't just focus on chatting with pretty girls, what I told you just now is a serious matter, you should think about it carefully."

Li Yi said: "What's the matter?"

Wen Kejia yelled: "Okay, you are a guy who values ​​sex and despises friends. When the lady talked about tea with you, you listened to every word. I talked to you, but you ignored it. I will tell you Said, I want you to go to Lingnan Province."

Li Yi shook his head: "No."

Wen Kejia said: "You answered so simply? You don't give me any face, just pretend to think about it."

Li Yi smiled and said, "Do we still need this kind of hypocrisy? To tell you the truth, I don't like Lingnan Province."

"Hey, this is the first time I've heard that Lingnan Province is such a good place. It's a coastal province with a developed economy. You don't need to go out to raise funds. Investors come in every day to invest. How many people want to go but can't go!"

Li Yi said: "Kejia, let me tell you, I will never go, and neither should you."

Wen Kejia said: "Your words really confuse me. It's not that I don't want to go. It's just that my rank is too low. If I go there, I'm still at the deputy department level. If I leave it in the provincial capital, it's nothing but a fart." No. But you are different, if you go one step further, you will be a deputy minister, even in a provincial capital city, you can also be a mayor."

Li Yi said: "You said that the economy over there is developed, but what's the use of a developed economy alone? Life is not just for money. The officialdom in Lingnan is too complicated! If you just want to fight, you can Go there to practice, if you want to do something solid, don't go there."

Wen Kejia heard this, sighed, and said, "My dad is the kind of person who does things down-to-earth, that's why he bumped into walls everywhere!"

Li Yi said: "The political environment in Lingnan is complicated. This is only one aspect. On the other hand, the economy there is too developed, but people's thinking and cultivation have not kept up. Sexual desires, there are also a lot of social problems. If you really go there to become an official, unless you want to join forces, otherwise, you will be very tired!"

Wen Kejia agreed deeply, nodded and said: "My dad is like this, he is very tired now, very tired."

After a pause, he said sincerely: "If you have no other arrangements, that's fine. If you really want to go up a level, you'd better go to Lingnan Province and help my dad!"

Li Yi said: "Even if I step on the red line and go up a level, I won't be able to join the Standing Committee of Lingnan Province. It's useless to go there, and I won't be able to help you much."

Wen Kejia, who was still very excited just now, was a little disappointed at the moment, and said: "Before I entered the official position, I worked hard and wanted to work hard in this circle, to be a good official like my father. But the deeper I became an official, the more I wanted to withdraw from this circle."

Li Yi was about to say a few words to comfort him, when he suddenly heard a scream from outside the box, and someone shouted: "Killed! Killed!"

Wen Kejia and Li Yi got up at the same time, walked quickly to the door, opened the door and looked out.

I saw two masked men, each with a gleaming watermelon knife in his hand, chasing a middle-aged fat man to chop.The fat man had already been stabbed more than a dozen times, dripping with blood! (To be continued.)

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